Lin Yi is frightened. He thinks it's hard to beat the flowers in his hometown. What do you know? So he immediately put a ingot of gold into the old beggar's bowl. Then he asked, "who offended?"

The old beggar didn't answer Lin Yi's question, but threw the gold in the bowl to Lin Yi. It seemed that he didn't want to say it, but just like this, Lin Yi felt that this man knew something.

"Old man..." Lin Yi wanted to say something, but the old beggar twisted his body.

Lin Yi frowned and didn't embarrass him. Then he stood up and walked into the Lin family's residence with big steps, but no one noticed the light in Lao Jiaohua's eyes when Lin Yi walked in.

After Lin Yi entered the Lin family's residence, he found that it was full of dilapidated scenes, and there were weapons everywhere. It can be imagined how dangerous the disaster was.

Lin Yi's heart is very heavy. He doesn't know if this is the place he's looking for. He hopes not, because he doesn't want this tragedy to happen to him. On the other hand, Lin Yi hopes that it is, because this is the clue he found after looking for a long time.

Lin Yi tried to find some clues in his mind from the buildings here, but what disappointed him was that he couldn't remember these when he was young.

"Who did the Lin family offend?" Lin Yi wants to find out. After all, Dan Chengzi once told him that his parents seemed to be avoiding someone. If so, they can be connected.

"The old man must know something, but why doesn't he want to say it? What's the reason?" Lin Yi was puzzled. When he went out to look for the old man, he found that the old man didn't know when he had disappeared, which made Lin Yi very disappointed.

After returning to Xuanfeng hall, it was already daytime. At this time, there were a group of people waiting outside Xuanfeng hall. They were Lin Yi's patients today. They were holding iron cards in their hands and looking forward to the gate of Xuanfeng hall.

For ten people every day, Lin Yi doesn't feel pressure at all. For him, even if ten people work together, he can completely cure it in a moment. Previously, he just wanted to make others feel the value of the money, but today, because Lin Yi is upset and irritable, he can cure it in the blink of an eye.

After the treatment, the group looked at Lin Yi with a confused face. It seemed that they were still waiting, but Lin Yi didn't move for a long time, so one of them came forward and asked, "Sir, when shall we have treatment?"

"Ah? You have no problem. You can go back." Lin Yi suddenly recovered, and then slowly said that these people are not too big problems.

"What... What? Don't be kidding, sir. Haven't you started yet? We had already inquired about it when we came here. Sir will treat us with a silver needle." The man's face is very ugly. He thinks Lin Yi is cheating their money. He has heard about Lin Yi's treatment methods before, but now Lin Yi tells them that they are cured, and no one will believe it.

"I didn't lie to you. You're really good." Lin Yi was speechless.

"Sir, I respect you because you have excellent medical skills, but you don't fool me like this." The man finally couldn't help yelling.

Seeing that the man still didn't give up, Lin Yi went forward and put his hand on the man and pressed it gently. Then the man saw a bright silver needle drilled into his body, which startled the man.

Then Lin Yi took out the silver needles one by one in the same way on another person. When they saw the silver needles, they couldn't speak one by one.

"Gollum!" All ten people couldn't help swallowing their saliva. They didn't know when they had been pierced with silver needles in their bodies, and they didn't have any precautions.

"That gentleman, are we really well?" One of them asked somewhat puzzled.

"Naturally, Lin won't cheat for your golden ticket." Lin Yi said slowly after putting the silver needle away.

Although they were confused, they still hugged Lin Yi and thanked him. When they walked out of the door of Xuanfeng hall, they still didn't think of when they were stabbed into the silver needle.

After several people left, Lin Yi's head was still thinking about who had harmed the Lin family, but for a man who was in Xudu, there was no object of doubt at all.

"The urgent task is to find the old beggar. He must know something and must ask him." Lin Yi's eyebrows were gloomy and his tone was a little cold.

At night, Lin Yi went out quietly. When he came to the former site of the Lin family, he found no trace of the old beggar. "Why is it missing? Won't he appear here today?"

"Forget it. Now that you've come, go in and see if you can find any clues." Lin Yi murmured, then turned and entered the former site of the Lin family.

It's still the same as when Lin Yi came here yesterday, but then Lin Yi found something wrong, because the candle originally on the Lin family ancestral hall had burned traces. You know, no one has come in here for 30 years, and the candle has been lit.

"Is it the Lin family? The Lin family didn't all die?" Lin Yi frowned at the candlestick.

"Huh? Who?" At this time, Lin Yi suddenly found that there was a figure behind him. Lin Yi's senses were many times more sensitive than others. Naturally, he could feel it. The dark figure behind Lin Yi was also obviously stunned. Unexpectedly, he was found and ran towards the door.

Lin Yi immediately chased out, but when he chased out, he found that there was no one left.

"Who is it? It must be this man who lit the candlestick. Is he the remnant of the Lin family? And the old man in the moon night city asked me to put away the pendant that day. Is he afraid that the person who mutilated the Lin family will attack me? If so, who is the old man? Why did he help me?"

One by one, it seemed that Lin Yi was going to be out of breath, but then Lin Yi's eyes lit up and the corners of his mouth also aroused a trace of evil smile.

"Since this pendant can help me find clues and enemies, what are you hiding? Those who hurt the Lin family will come back to me when they see it, and if the shadow just now is really from the Lin family, they will recognize it." Lin Yi then hung the pendant on Jin's neck.

But when Lin Yi just hung the pendant around his neck, suddenly the disappeared shadow appeared again. This time, he saw that Lin Yi didn't run, but stared at the pendant around Lin Yi's neck.

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