What Lin Yi doesn't know is that his every move is quietly watched at this time. Even Lin Yi doesn't pay attention. He always thought that there were only those ambush people, but he didn't find several figures not far away from him. These people look like women, all of them half human and half ghost.

Lin Yi took out silver needles one by one and shot them into the woman's body one by one. Then the woman found that her internal organs were moving slowly to the original place. Although it was very small, there was still a trace of smile on the woman's face.

However, this situation did not last long. Lin Yi suddenly fell to the ground. The whole person was very pale and looked like a serious illness. This was obviously a manifestation of excessive energy consumption.

The woman didn't expect that Lin Yi fainted so soon. At this time, he had felt this change. He was like taking drugs. He was a little unable to extricate himself, so she immediately grabbed Lin Yi's wrist and transported the breath of life in his body to Lin Yi's body.

"How much breath of life can this boy's body hold? I delivered almost one tenth of my breath of life to him. Since he hasn't been filled up yet." The woman murmured.

But Lin Yi woke up before he fainted for a long time, but before he could catch his breath, the woman ordered Lin Yi to help him treat again.

"Shit, the dead old woman wants to kill me. I can't last long in this way, but she's conveying the breath of life to me. Maybe she can take this opportunity to improve the breath of life in her body." Lin Yi had already figured out what to do next.

In the next few days, Lin Yi seemed to help the woman treat recklessly until she fainted every time, but after each fainting, Lin Yi was the happiest, because at this time, her body would be filled with the woman's majestic breath of life.

This situation seemed to fall into a cycle, repeating day by day, until seven days later, the internal organs of the woman's body finally returned to the original state, and then Lin Yi was ready to help her fuse the two gases.

During this period of time, Lin Yi finally knew that the woman was called the half ghost mother-in-law, which was quite in line with her appearance, and Lin Yi often said in the mouth of the half ghost mother-in-law that there were several people like her, which shocked Lin Yi.

Lin Yi also learned that the reason why half ghost mother-in-law's internal organs are like this is that the two substances will be extremely painful every time they meet together. Even if they separate the two gases, they will hurt once every month. Lin Yi can't help being afraid that the pain can change the position of people's internal organs.

But what makes Lin Yi strange is that he hasn't done anything at all until now. On the contrary, he still enjoys the advantages brought by these two gases and has a very strong recovery ability, that is, an extremely strong destructive ability.

A month later, Lin Yi's breath of life was magnificent, but he quietly sealed them up to prevent his mother-in-law from discovering them, because if the half ghost mother-in-law knew, I'm afraid he would die when he was cured.

"The dead old woman doesn't know if she will be angry if she knows that there isn't much life breath in her body. She must still think she has a lot of life breath in her body now?" Lin Yi sneered.

During this period of time, although Lin Yi ostensibly treated the half ghost mother-in-law, she secretly sealed some acupoints of the half ghost mother-in-law with a silver needle, which made her always feel that there was still a lot of life breath. It was only a superficial phenomenon.

Lin Yi wants to fuse the two gases in the body of half ghost mother-in-law, but at every critical moment, half ghost mother-in-law will be torn to the heart and lungs, as if she had been tortured, which is very sad. Lin Yi is afraid that the old woman will kill herself unintentionally in pain, so she will run away every time.

Lin Yi also wants to run away, but the pain of half ghost mother-in-law can't last long. If she really runs away, I'm afraid she will be caught before she runs away.

The figures in the dark saw that the half ghost mother-in-law was really getting better under Lin Yi's treatment. One by one, they left secretly. They just wanted to confirm whether Lin Yi's means could be enough to treat everyone.

"Shit, I'm going crazy. It's been a month. It's even made me face a monster old woman every day." Lin Yi keeps repeating, repeating and repeating every day. Half ghost mother-in-law doesn't seem to be in a hurry. On the contrary, Lin Yi is eager.

Finally, one day, Lin Yi felt that the breath of life in her body had reached a certain saturation, and the half ghost mother-in-law also found that she couldn't input even a trace of breath of life into Lin Yi's body, which immediately made her feel a little wrong. You know, at the beginning, Lin Yi was like a wolf who couldn't feed enough.

"What did you do to me?" The half ghost mother-in-law's face was blue at this time, because he found that although the life breath in his body looked a lot, it was just an illusion. In the inside, the half ghost mother-in-law couldn't be mobilized, and the half ghost mother-in-law immediately panicked.

When Lin Yi saw the half ghost mother-in-law, he immediately smiled and said, "dead old woman, you have imprisoned me here for a whole month. Of course, you have to pay a price, and the price is the breath of life all over you."

"No! Lin Yi, how dare you treat me like this!" Half ghost mother-in-law is a little attracted by her name, because she doesn't know at all. If she hadn't found it by chance today, I'm afraid she would have been kept in the drum all the time.

Lin Yi is very clever. Every time, he only seals a little. This seal will not be noticed by the half ghost mother-in-law unless he deliberately investigates. However, Lin Yi is very good at acting. Every time he faints, the half ghost mother-in-law will give him life. Every time, Lin Yi will pretend that he is well. In fact, it is creating an illusion for the half ghost mother-in-law.

"I will hold you even if I die." Half ghost mother-in-law, at this time, the whole person looked very crazy and rushed towards Lin Yi. The speed was like a ghost without a trace.


Lin Yi suddenly found that he didn't know when a blood stain appeared on his back. It looked terrible, but it was shocking that the wound scabbed in a short time. The half ghost mother-in-law also saw this scene and knew that it was his own vitality, so she became more crazy.

Half ghost mother-in-law's speed is very fast. Rao is Lin Yi's famous for speed. At this time, he has to admire half ghost mother-in-law's speed. At this time, Lin Yi has no good place on his body. It's all bloody. Lin Yi knows he doesn't hide. He can only bet that half ghost mother-in-law will fall first.

Because half ghost mother-in-law doesn't have much vitality, at this time she is at the end of a powerful crossbow. As long as she runs out of the remaining vitality, she can only wait to die.

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