Ji Yaoer felt a sudden dizziness in his head, but before long, the dizziness was gone, but he didn't even have the strength to stand up.

"What have you done to me? You have no right to do so. Give me back my things!!"

Remember Yao er's hysterical roar, but Lin Yi ignored him.

Only Ji Yao'er knows how difficult it is to get to this day, but all this is ruined by Lin Yi's wave.

Jiyao knows that if he doesn't have these poisonous gases, he is just like ordinary people. If people here know that they don't have poisonous gases, no matter how many lives they have, they won't be enough.

Lin Yi turns around and leaves with ran Lin and Jin Dabiao. Although Yao Er is not dead at this time, his road becomes more and more difficult in the future.

When Lin Yi left the refugee area, ran Lin turned around and took a complicated look. This is where he grew up, and the prosperous places in Xudu only exist in his memory.

Ran Lin saw everything in Xu Du and his eyes were filled with tears. Everything here was so irresistible that it seemed like a rebirth to ran Lin.

"Xuanfeng hall doesn't know who it offended. Unexpectedly, it was burned. It's really miserable."

"No, Mr. Lin is the best doctor in Xudu. Who would do that?"

"Who knows, but the people who heard it said that only one person destroyed Xuanfeng hall."

On his way back, Lin Yi heard someone talking about Xuanfeng hall, but the news made Lin Yi anxious. Lin Yi could not help but quicken his pace.

When Xuanfeng hall appeared in front of Lin Yi, Lin Yi couldn't believe his eyes. The huge house of Xuanfeng hall was left with only a piece of scorched earth. Until now, there is still thick smoke everywhere.

Lin Yi frowned and was even more anxious. The Xuanfeng hall could be built again if it was gone, but Lin Yi didn't see anyone in the Xuanfeng hall until now. Suddenly, he had a bad hunch.

But before long, Jin Dabiao dug out several charred bodies. These are Jin Dabiao's younger brothers. Lin Yi recognized them. They usually remember the scene of shouting the boss around them, but they have become a charred body.

Jin Dabiao's eyes are red and his teeth are clenched. These are his brothers who have lived since childhood. Unexpectedly, he died here. Finally, Jin Dabiao dug up the ruins like crazy. Finally, he dug up several bodies again, and these people are Jin Dabiao's younger brothers.

One of the corpses held a token tightly in his hand. Lin Yi knew that it was Li Yongcheng. Li Yongcheng was beyond recognition at this time and looked very infiltrative.

Lin Yi's silver teeth clenched and his face was iron green.

Lin Yi did not find Lin Zhenxiong among these dead people. He rummaged through the ruins again, but he did not find Lin Zhenxiong.

This news made Lin Yi a little happy, but also very sad. Almost all the people in Xuanfeng hall died. Now Lin Zhenxiong doesn't know the trace. He should have been taken away, and the purpose of taking Lin Zhenxiong must be to deal with himself.

Lin Yi knows that if this person wants to deal with himself, he will leave some clues. Lin Yi starts to find out.

Sure enough, Lin Yi finally saw the words left on a burning column in Xuanfeng hall.

"Descendants of the Lin family, if you want Lin Zhenxiong's life, come outside the city and I'll wait for you there. If you haven't arrived before dark, Lin Zhenxiong will die."

It's getting dark. Lin Yi hurriedly runs towards the gate of the city. With so many people dead, Lin Yi can't lose anyone anymore, and he also wants to know who killed Xuanfeng hall. Lin Yi also has objects of doubt in his mind.

"It's getting dark. You can close the gate."

"Hmm? Did someone go out just now?"

"No, boss, are you dazzled? Go back and ask your sister-in-law to make some delicious supplements."

After Lin Yi rushed out of the city gate, he saw a dark figure in front of him. It seemed that the figure suddenly appeared here. It appeared very strange without any signs.

After seeing Lin Yi, the shadow immediately turned and ran away. Lin Yi saw it and immediately caught up with him.

Lin Yi was surprised to follow the man behind him, because the man's body method was very strange, like a burst of smoke. It felt so ethereal that people could not find any trace, and appeared in the distance out of thin air.

Finally, after the shadow appeared in an open place, it didn't move any more, but turned around and looked at Lin Yi.

Those eyes made Lin Yi feel as if he had been stared at by a fierce beast, which made Lin Yi's back numb and seemed to want to see through himself.

"Who are you? Where's my grandpa?"

Lin Yi shouted, but the man still didn't respond. It was like he couldn't hear Lin Yi at all. He just stood there numbly.

"Play tricks."

Lin Yi also gradually became angry. His fingers hidden in his sleeves were beating constantly, and silver needles flew out immediately.

But what shocked Lin Yi was that the man didn't respond at all. The man seemed to be waiting for something.

Before long, a gust of wind suddenly blew in the forest, blowing the fallen leaves everywhere.

When the fallen leaves returned to the ground again, Lin Yi suddenly found that five figures suddenly appeared here, and Lin Zhenxiong was among them.

These people give Lin Yi a very dangerous feeling. It seems that killing himself is effortless.

What Lin Yi didn't expect was that here he saw the mysterious old man in the moon night city. Jiang Botian was also present at this time.

Seeing these people, Lin Yi has basically determined that this is the owner of Senluo hall.

"Are you Lin Yi?"

The speaker seemed to be the leader of the group. Lin Yidun guessed that this should be the Lord of Senluo hall, that is, uncle GUI, who killed the culprit of the Lin family.

"Yes, you are a ghost uncle?"

"Hahaha, I didn't expect anyone to ask me who I am. Yes, I'm the ghost uncle."

Uncle GUI looks like a middle-aged man at this time, but no one can confirm whether this is his original face, because he is always changeable and gives the impression that he is cunning.

"What did you lead me out for?"

Hearing this, uncle GUI's face suddenly became cold, and then he said in a cold voice.

"You killed all the four great Luocha in Senluo hall. Why do you think I led you out?"

Lin Yi sneered in his heart, and then said in a cold voice.

"The four great Luocha? Which of them was not covered with the blood of my Lin family? They have only one life. I can't wait to kill them several times."

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