Lin Yi's eyes are tangled. He didn't expect that old Lu began to drive him away. In the past, he wanted to go because he thought something had not been completed, but now Lin Yi doesn't want to leave. Old Lu takes good care of himself like his parents.

Lin Yi also knew that Lu Lao had the same character, so he didn't say anything, but went straight to Lu Lao.

With a "plop", Lin Yi knelt in front of old Lu and shouted with firm eyes.

"Although you never let me call you Shifu, my heart has long regarded you as my Shifu. Although I'm not good at learning, I still have to call you Shifu."

Lu Lao's eyes show kindness. He has long regarded Lin Yi as his disciple in the bottom of his heart, but Lin Yi is like a young eagle. He will spread his wings and fly sooner or later.

"Well, I can understand your mood. If you call me master, I'll give you something."

After saying that, old Lu took out a needle from his arms. The needle was crystal clear and looked very chic, and there were many patterns on it, which gave people the feeling that it was like a mortal.

"These days, I see your needling technique seems to be very unique, so I took the cold crystal at the bottom of the ground to create five cold needles for you. Each one has extremely cold Qi and great power. You should use it carefully."

"I've seen your needlework many times. I think if you shoot this needlework like a rainstorm, your power will be doubled."

This immediately made Lin Yi's head burst into thunder.

But now the stitches he uses are his own subconscious, and it's better to be accurate at ordinary times.

"You can go. If you want to come back and see me, a bad old man."

Lu seems to be getting older at this moment, and Lin Yi is reluctant to give up, but Xiao Hei bites his clothes and drags them out every day, as if he wants to take him somewhere.

"Master, I'll come back to see you. Take care."

Lin Yi then turned and left. Xiao Hei was even more excited and ran to Lin Yi to lead the way.

In fact, Lin Yi didn't know where he would go, but he told himself that there must be something waiting for him.

And the only one who knows this is Xiao Hei.

When we came to the original plain again, thunder would sound in the sky from time to time.

"Thief God, what are you doing? Can't you chop others? Why are you always staring at me? It was the same in those years."

"Hmm? Back then? Have I been here before?"

Lin Yi doesn't understand. Before he thinks about it, there is another white lightning splitting towards Lin Yi in the sky.

Lin Yi's spirits all took risks. He immediately accelerated his speed and rushed out in one direction. Just as Lin Yi left, he heard a startling thunderbolt behind him.

"Shit, is this God offended by me? You have to leave here quickly."

This injury has brought many benefits to Lin Yi. Although his vitality is also much less, Lin Yi's body is full of his own vitality at this time, rather than the complex vitality in his body as before.

The result is that Lin Yi can use his life freely, just like his right arm. There is no discomfort at all.

And Lin Yi's body has also been conditioned into a doctor's copper skin and iron bone by Lu Lao. All directions are much better than before, but Lin Yi doesn't know.

At this time, Lin Yi was really afraid. The lightning seemed to chop towards himself. At this time, Lin Yi found that there were no plants in this area, not even a place to hide. It was all scorched loess.

"No, I don't know why. Am I just struck by thunder?"

Lin Yi also had a little anger in his heart, but he still couldn't do it against nature.

But Lin Yi had to increase his speed and rushed out of the area without looking back.

Finally, led by Xiao Hei, Lin Yi enters the moon night city.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a big city in this place."

Although Lin Yi saw the grandeur of the moon night city, he was not surprised at all. Even he didn't know what was going on.

When Lin Yi came to the city gate, a head stretched out from one side of the passage. When he saw Lin Yi, he immediately withdrew again.

At this time, it was in the city Lord's residence.

A woman in red was looking into the distance and seemed to be looking forward to it. Behind her, a little guy with two braids was reciting with a book in his hand.

"Hmm? My mother is lost in thought again. Do you miss my father? I have to go out and play while she hasn't finished thinking."

The woman did not notice that the child behind her crept out of the door.

After Lin Yi entered Yeyou City, he found that the inside was different from the outside. The sky inside was black. It seemed that it was the same all the year round. He didn't understand why Xiao Hei brought himself here, but he didn't have a plan for here. Instead, he felt very kind.

Just then, Lin Yi saw a child with two sky braids appear not far away. At the first sight of the child, Lin Yi felt familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was.

When Lin Yi looked at the child, the child's eyes also focused on Lin Yi, and finally ran over.

"Uncle, can you buy me a bunch of candied haws? I forgot to ask my mother for money when I went out."

Looking at the young man in front of him, Lin Yi was very happy. Without hesitation, he went to the vendor selling sugar gourd and sold all the sugar gourd.

"Here you are!"

Lin Yi handed the stick full of sugar gourd into the child's hand. Seeing that the stick was bigger than his hand, Lin Yi smiled bitterly.

Lin Yi, who was about to pick it up, found that the little guy picked up the stick full of sugar gourd, and it didn't take much effort at all.

"Thank you, uncle!"

The little guy's eyes smile like crescent moon, which is very good-looking. At this time, Lin Yi is a little uneasy in his heart.

"Let me take it for you, child."

Lin Yi took the stick from the little guy's hand.

"What's your name?"

"My name is Lin Yue?"

"Lin Yue? It sounds familiar."

As soon as the little guy heard Lin Yi say something familiar, he jumped up and asked.

"Really? Does that uncle know my mother? My mother is called red tea."

"Tea? Tea? Tea..."

The word "red tea" is constantly recalled in Lin Yi's mind. He vaguely remembers that he should know the name, but now he can't remember it.

Lin Yi tried his best to recall that the green veins on his forehead burst one by one, and he had a headache in his hands.

Seeing this, Lin Yue hurried to grab Lin Yi's hand with his little hand, but even if he caught it, he couldn't stop it at all.

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