The goal of these silver needles is Barto's eyes. Lin Yi knows that no matter what kind of physique a person has, even copper skin and iron bones, their weakest place is still their eyes.

Because of his huge body, Barto couldn't see the wooden needle that was like dust to him.

Those people not far away seemed to have known that Lin Yi would die, so their eyes were full of a theatrical attitude.

But they saw Barto's body suddenly give a meal, and then came Barto's crazy roar.


At this time, all the talents focused on Barto. Barto covered one of his eyes with his hand, and the blood flowed through his fingers.

"He blinded one of Barto's eyes."


Everyone present couldn't help swallowing their saliva. Today's scene can be said to subvert their previous cognition.

Who's Barto? It was a famous existence among them, but today it was played by a boy.

The only one in the field who was about to squeeze out the water with a gloomy face was their leader.

When Lin Yi saw that Barto's eye was hurt, he wanted to blind his other eye, but at this time, the voice of their leader came.

"Barto, that's enough. Come back. You're not his opponent."

Barto's face was full of anger when he heard this. He seemed to hesitate to listen to the leader. He didn't even dare to see Lin Yi for fear that Lin Yi would blind his other eye.

Finally, Bator obediently returned to the camp. Lin Yi said it was a pity.

"Boy, you're very good. How about joining my team? Here you can get everything you want, even women."

The leader thinks Lin Yi is against them because of red tea. In fact, this is part of it.

When the leader said this, everyone was very puzzled. Suddenly, the pot exploded in the crowd. The most angry one was Barto. At this time, he roared and vented his anger.

"What? No, the leader wants to invite him in. Is that enough?"

"Yes, if this guy comes in, he will be rejected by many people."

The chief frowned and shouted.


Suddenly the whole camp became very quiet.

Then Lin Yi sees a flower like smile on the leader's face. It seems that he wants to infect Lin Yi and make Lin Yi feel sincere.

For these people, Lin Yi didn't like them at all, and he was said to join them.

After all, at the beginning, they were ready to kill and abduct women.

"I refuse!!"

The short three words changed everyone's face.

The frightening prairie wolf maiba invited people to join the army, which could have shocked many people, but what's more shocking is that the man refused without even thinking about it.

At this time, the smile on maiba's face could no longer hang. He didn't expect that his first invitation to enter his team was rejected, and he was still so simple and had no room for thinking.

Myba's face suddenly became cold.

"Do you know the consequences of refusing me?"

Lin Yi grinned and then said casually.

"Isn't it just a death? But can you kill me?"

This is undoubtedly another thousand layer wave. Mai baben represents the boss of the robber organization, but now some people dare to disdain it.

"The boy is so brave. I can predict that the leader will move his head later."

"There's really no one here. It's the first time I've seen someone dare to talk to the leader like that."

After getting Lin Yi's answer, maiba immediately pulled out the machete beside him, which reflected bursts of cold light.

"Maybe you can think again, think clearly and answer me."

"Don't think clearly. I refuse."

If MABA was angry before, he was about to explode. He asked Lin Yi three times, but Lin Yi didn't give him any face.

"In that case, you... Can die!!"

As soon as maiba's voice fell, it was like a sharp arrow flying towards Lin Yi. With the machete in his hand, Lin Yi even heard the sound of the air being cut.

When he left his seat, it seemed that the seat couldn't bear his strength and burst.

MABA asked himself that no one could escape his knife, and the enemy was unprepared.

Indeed, the sudden outburst of maiba is that Lin Yi doesn't react. When Lin Yi returns to his mind, maiba has approached Lin Yi.

Lin Yi only felt a sudden pain in his abdomen, and then the whole person was knocked out.

After Lin Yifei went out, maiba was even more unreasonable. He suddenly stepped on the ground again, and the ground suddenly cracked like a cobweb.

Maiba even keeps up with Lin Yi, who is retreating. The machete in his hand cuts down on Lin Yi.

Lin Yi's pupil suddenly shrinks, and just then Lin Yi suddenly sees a pair of white hands stretched out in front of him and grabs the machete in his hand.

It was because of this that Lin Yi escaped the fatal knife, but at this time he was constantly flying backwards.

And he also saw that the man grasping the knife was the tea who didn't know when to rush over.

Even maiba didn't expect someone to come back and grab his machete. When he saw that it was the woman, his eyes were complicated, but then he raised his foot and kicked it out towards the abdomen of red tea.

Also at this time, Lin Yi fell on the ground.

When he saw that red tea was kicked away, his eyes were cracked, and there was a feeling of dizziness in his head, but he didn't allow himself to faint.

At this time, Lin Yi's body is recovering rapidly, and the wound pierced by maiba has scabbed at this time.

"How could it be? He didn't die when he got in with me, and he is still recovering rapidly. He can't recover. Since he can't obey me, he has to die."

There was a trace of madness in MABA's eyes.

Lin Yi was very anxious at this time. He immediately ran towards red tea. When he passed, he found that red tea was unconscious.

"No! Ah Xiu! You can't die, you can die."

"Woo woo, mom, you can't die. If you die, what should moon do?"

Hearing Lin Yue's milk voice, Lin Yi felt that his heart was as dull as a heavy hammer.

Lin Yi wants to cure red tea, but the memory in his mind is just "shadowless acupuncture". There is no way to seriously hurt red tea.

"I can, I can, I can remember, you won't die, trust me ah Xiu!"

Lin Yi tried to recall the "shadowless needling" in his mind. Even if it was too intense and the seven orifices began to bleed, he still didn't stop.

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