Lin Yi walks forward slowly. This is a very ordinary picture scroll. The picture on it is paoding jieniu, but Lin Yi always feels a little strange.

After looking at it for a long time, Lin Yi didn't feel anything wrong.

"What went wrong?"

Gradually, there was blood in Lin Yi's eyes, but Lin Yi still didn't stop.

Just then, a gust of wind blew the picture around, and at this time, Lin Yi finally saw something wrong.

Because he found that the back of the scroll was empty, Lin Yi immediately lifted the scroll and found that there was a small bowl that looked very strange.

Lin Yi reaches for it and finds that he can't move it.

"This must be the mechanism."

Lin Yi gently turned the small bowl, and then the sound of water came from behind him.

Lin Yi looked back and found that the sound of water flow was that the water in the blood pool was flowing to another blood pool. Before long, the blood pool became clean without leaving a trace of blood.

When I was curious, suddenly, since the bottom of the blood pool moved slowly, a dark hole finally appeared.

When the hole appeared, Lin Yi smelled the stench and almost smoked Lin Yi to the ground.

Lin Yi lit the fire fold on his body and threw it below.


Suddenly there was a roar in the cave, and Lin Yi took the opportunity to see the scene inside.

There were corpses everywhere. Even Lin Yi saw many baby corpses inside. They were covered with insect repellents, and the corpse water could not see the edge.

Lin Yi's torch ignited all the human bodies inside, and the raging flame covered all the bodies.

Lin Yi's eyes were red and full of blood.

"It's an animal move. It's so cruel."

As soon as Lin Yi said this, he felt his back cool.

"You did find it."

Lin Yi didn't seem surprised by this man's appearance.

"What are you doing this for?"

"Hahaha, many people have asked me this, but they all died later."

Lin Yi's eyes stayed on the man for a while.

"As the head of a city, what are you dissatisfied with? You killed so many innocent people for your own sake."

The man opposite Lin Yi is Mo Lin, the city leader of Mo City. At this time, all of Mo Lin's eyebrows and hair turn red. It seems that he is rarely willing to be weird.

Only Lin Yi knows that the reason why he looks like this is because he has absorbed too many people's blood.

"Of course I'm not satisfied. Although I'm the head of a city, I still seem too humble. If I want not to be eliminated in this world, I have to have super strength."

"These people should be proud to be part of my strength."

"According to you, is it your honor to be a part of my strength?"

Mo Tian didn't expect Lin Yi to speak like this. He was stunned. Then when he reacted, it was like finding something funny.

"Hahaha, so you're going to eat me? I didn't expect that my head broke in just five years. Even if you find out, what can you do? What can you do to me?"

Mo Tian laughed wildly there. Five years ago, Lin Yi was a little child in front of him. Even Mo Tian felt that he couldn't stand if he stretched out his fingers to him.

But now Lin Yi still thinks he is not his opponent.

"Have you laughed enough? As for whether you believe it or not, you have to try before you know."

As soon as Lin Yi's voice fell, the silver needle in his hand flew out.

Those silver needles are intertwined in the air, airtight, and Mo Tian can't even escape.

Lin Yi's silver needle speed is very fast, but Mo Tian is very disdainful at this time. Even Lin Yi sees the smile on the corner of his mouth.

"What means does he have, since he is not afraid of my silver needle?"

At this time, the silver needle had flown to Mo Tian's body, but Mo Tian suddenly moved. He took off his cloak quickly and waved it in a round way in front of him.

The silver needles suddenly fell to the ground like rain.

Lin Yi's eyes were full of shock at this time. He didn't expect that his means would be broken by Mo Tian so easily, but what puzzled Lin Yi was that his silver needle was fast and powerful, but why did it lose its power when he met the cloak?

"It must be because of the cloak. It seems that acupuncture has no effect on him."

"Originally, my cloak was used to deal with your disciples. Their blood is fascinating, but I didn't expect you to come back at this time."

Lin Yi's face was startled. This cloak was actually used against Lin Shu and them.

If Lin Shu is really allowed to deal with them, it will not be so simple. If the "shadowless needle technique" doesn't work for Mo Tian, Lin Shu and them will be tigers without claws and teeth. It's not enough to be afraid. Now I think of Lin Yi and feel afraid for a while.

"Mo Tian, what can you do without needling? I have many means."

Lin Yi's face was cold, but at this time, Lin Yi suddenly felt that the earth was shaking, and it was very regular. The sound was slowly approaching.

Lin Yi's face showed a dignified expression and a trace of incomprehension, because he had heard the voice a few days ago, that is, the giant he met at the city gate.

It seems that in order to verify Lin Yi's conjecture, at this time, the roof of the slaughterhouse was actually moved away. Lin Yi looked at it, and a ferocious face appeared on it. It was the original Barto.

At this time, there was a man sitting on his shoulder, which was also very familiar to Lin Yi. It was the leader maiba.

"Old Mo, it seems that it's no use killing so many people. You can't even beat a boy. At the beginning, he almost died in my hand."

Mo Tian ignored maiba's ridicule, and then said slowly.

"The boy was pretending to be stupid at the beginning. Now it's his strength. If you don't believe it, you can try."

"Come on, I'm too lazy to tell you this. Just give me the gold and silver I need."

Mo Tian's face was very bad. At this time, maiba was still thinking about his money.

"Don't worry, I can't live without you, but can you help me kill him now? I have other things that are not worth spending with him here."

As soon as MABA heard it, he immediately smiled.

"OK! Make an offer."

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