"The Qi and blood in my body have been violent again recently. I don't know how long I can suppress it. It's like a time bomb. I'll kill myself at any time."

Lin Yi frowned. Every time he thought of these Qi and blood, he would think of Mo Tian. All this was caused by Mo Tian.

Originally, Lin Yi thought that he could transfer too much blood from his body to others like Mo Tian, but what Lin Yi didn't think of was that his body was like a sealed jar. He couldn't get a drop of water at all, and was said to send a trace of blood.

At this time, Lin Yi realized that although his body had reached the point of airtight, it was not all good.

"Hmm? What's going on?"

Lin Yi only felt intense pain in his body. The originally calm Qi and blood became violent again and constantly ran around in Lin Yi's body. This was what Lin Yi was used to, but this time was different from the last time.

"How can it hurt so much?"

Lin Yi's face showed a painful expression. After opening the place where the pain came, Lin Yi found that there was a bloody bag. It constantly changed its shape and seemed to break out.


The blood bag exploded at once. At this time, this blood bag also appeared in other parts of Lin Yi's body. One by one, it exploded, and Lin Yi was covered with a thick layer of blood mist.


This pain made Lin Yi roar. Lin Yi's voice came, and the bustling crowd outside suddenly disappeared.

"What's the matter with the blood devil? He won't kill again, will he?"

"Shh! You don't want to live? Keep your voice down."

There are discussions about Lin Yi everywhere outside, but what they don't know is that Lin Yi is not crazy at all, but constantly struggling in pain.

It was not until the next day that someone heard that Lin Yi didn't come out to kill after he went crazy last night, but that he had a weak period.

After someone said this, everyone began to pay attention.

A year later, during this period, Lin Yi will also occasionally go out to kill. He feels that he is about to lose more and more blood in his body. If he can't, then Lin Yi will become a machine that only knows how to kill.

During this time, Lin Yi also noticed that someone seems to be brewing a conspiracy against himself. He doesn't know what their conspiracy is for the time being, but Lin Yi knows it must not be a good thing.

Tianyige is the best restaurant in this three no matter area. You can eat many things you can't eat in other places. In short, as long as you have money, there is anything you want to eat here.

At this time, if someone appears in a private room in Tianyi Pavilion, it will be extremely shocked, because almost all the gang leaders in this area appear here.

At this time, the person sitting at the top is Bai Yiming, the owner of Yige on this day. Since there was a smell of blood in Lin Yi's forbidden area, they had no business at all. They had no business for more than a year. They had already made the man behind him impatient. This time, they came down to give orders to get rid of the blood devil and thought of his strength and influence, Bai Yiming's heart is very hot.

Even if it is a blood devil this time, Bai Yiming doesn't think he can survive, not to mention the support of big people.

"I believe everyone knows the purpose of inviting you. If you can come, it means that you have already had this idea, so I don't talk more nonsense. If you can kill the blood devil, we will still be three no matter areas in the future, but if we screw things up, I can't bear the consequences."

Bai Yiming's words changed everyone's complexion again and again. They knew who Bai Yiming was better than anyone. It can be said that before Lin Yi came, he and zhenbaoge were the two strongest people in this area. It is because of them that this area has existed for so many years.

Even the canglan Kingdom and the great Qin Empire did not destroy this place. Many of them relied on these two people, but now Bai Yiming says so. Doesn't that mean there are forces behind them? Everyone here is not a fool. Combined with the previous things, they guessed some one by one.

"Old Bai, who is this blood devil? Why hasn't there been any news for more than a year?"

One of the gang leaders said that this is also a problem for many people. After all, they haven't even seen Lin Yi's face, let alone where he came from.

"I don't know about this matter. We also launched an investigation more than a year ago. Someone found a trace like a wild animal on the periphery of the area. I sent someone to check it at that time.

A month later, the man came back from there with a look of shock on his face. Later, we knew that there was a huge city at the end of the road, but the whole city was empty. Even several stinking pits were found in the city, which were full of corpses. "

Bai Yiming was shocked when he said this, as if he had seen it with his own eyes.


The crowd couldn't help taking a breath. They really didn't expect such a result, but they soon connected the murderer with Lin Yi.

At this time, a hoarse voice remembered.

"I believe you can guess who the murderer is. Yes, he is the blood devil. The blood devil has no humanity, kills people everywhere and indiscriminately kills innocent people. Although we are not good people, we are insignificant compared with such evil people, so what we have to do is to crusade against the blood devil and change the region into peace."

As soon as the voice fell, an old man with a stick came in from the door. If someone thought he was really an old man, he would be fooled.

This is the road weather of Zhenbao Pavilion. Everyone doesn't know when the road weather appeared here, but they know some of the past deeds of this guy. This guy was originally a national general, Lord Hou, but I don't know why he killed the people of the whole country. Finally, he angered the surrounding countries, so they had to flee here.

"The road is coming."

"How is old Lu recently?"

One by one immediately came forward and kept asking questions, for fear of neglecting the road.

Lu Xun's eyes narrowed into a slit, and a shallow smile hung around his mouth. Even Bai Yiming saw that Lu Xun also had great pressure. He also knew that there were big people behind Lu Xun.

"Brother Lu, I didn't call you because I saw you were infected with the wind and cold a few days ago. I hope you won't be surprised, but if you come, say hello to my little brother. I'll send someone to pick you up at any time. Why did you come in person?"

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