Although Qin Fang was a great prince, he was not welcomed by his brothers and sisters, so few people could come here after a few hours.

"Big prince, it seems that you don't have much prestige. It's surprising that so few people have come."

When Qin Fang heard this, he felt bitter for a while. However, there was no way. It was not certain who the current throne was, so everyone dared not stand in line for fear that they would stand in the wrong line. If Qin Fang were not the emperor at that time, those who expressed their position first would be very miserable.

"Master, I can't help it. The royal family is like this."

Lin Yi looked at him with deep meaning and immediately frightened Qin Fang. He was afraid that Lin Yi would kill him. As soon as his eyes turned, he immediately came forward and said.

"Master, I think of a good note, which will certainly enable all my royal brothers and sisters to come."

Lin Yi didn't expect that he just looked at Qin Fang, and Qin Fang immediately came up with an idea.

"Oh? Tell me."

Seeing that Lin Yi was interested in knowing his way, he came forward and flattered.

"Master, although you told them not to come, aren't there some people here? Now these imperial brothers and sisters can call some more, and those who call them can ask them to call some more, so that they will all come here sooner or later."

Lin Yi's eyes lit up. He didn't expect Qin Fang to think of such a way. Although he despised such people in his heart, he appreciated them now. After all, he did things for himself.

Lin Yi finally called a lot of people according to Qin Fang's method, but it will cause doubt sooner or later.

Lin Yi asked Qin Fang to make a rough calculation. Only the sixth Prince Qin Yan and the third prince Qin Xi didn't come.

Qin Xi was locked up by the emperor because of his rebellion, but the sixth prince was suspicious at this time.

In the sixth Prince's residence, Qin Yanzheng frowned. He received dozens of invitations in just a few hours. If he hadn't seen so many of them in the same place.

Qin Yan even wondered if they wanted to get rid of themselves.

"What's the matter with my brothers and sisters? Why are they in the same place, and they're all inviting me? What's the matter?"

Qin Yan hurried around in the house, and all the people he sent didn't come back, which made his suspicion heavier.

After thinking again and again, Qin Yan finally decided to take a look. After all, this is Xu Du. No one has the courage to kill himself.

Finally, for the sake of safety, Qin Yan also sent people to the palace to report to the emperor, and then went out.

When he came to the Longfeng restaurant where Lin Yi was located, he was stunned, because there were his brothers and sisters everywhere, but they were sitting on the ground one by one, and his eldest brother Qin Fang was groveling in front of a young man.

Qin Yan frowned. Although their brothers and sisters were at odds, once outsiders bullied them, he would still be angry.

"Brother, what did you call me here for?"

When Qin Fang saw Qin Yan enter the restaurant, he knew that he couldn't go now even if he wanted to go, so he went to Lin Yi and said.

"Master, this is my sixth brother. His mother's family is a rich man with great wealth. This is a strong competitor for the throne."

Qin Fang also said the latter half of the sentence very seriously, for fear that Lin Yi didn't understand.

But how could Lin Yi not understand? He couldn't help sneering in his heart.

"Oh? Really? Then go and kill!"

Lin Yi said painlessly.

Qin Yan and Qin Fang were stunned. Qin Fang didn't expect Lin Yi to let him kill his brother. What Qin Yan didn't expect was that this man slipped into the world and let his eldest brother kill himself in the Xu capital. It's really sick in his head.

Qin Fang showed a tangled appearance at this time, because Qin Yan was his brother after all, but he didn't want to offend Lin Yi.

"Why not? If you don't go, I'll kill you. Choose one."

After Lin Yi's voice fell, Qin Fang trembled. Finally, he bit his silver teeth, turned and pulled out a long sword, and then looked at Qin Yan.

"Brother, what are you doing? I'm your brother. If you do this, you won't be able to get the throne."

Qin Yan's forehead was sweating. He was afraid that Qin Fang would kill himself for his own life.

"Six younger brothers, don't blame me for this. I can't help it. After you die, my brother will burn you more paper money to make you feel comfortable below."

Qin Yan didn't expect his eldest brother to say such words, and the murderous spirit on his face didn't decrease at all.

But Qin Yan knew that if Qin Fang really killed himself at this time, he only needed to blame Lin Yi.

At the thought of this, Qin Yan's back couldn't stop getting cold, and he even saw Qin Fang's smile.

In a hurry, Qin Yan immediately went to Lin Yi and said.

"Master, I can give you a lot of money. As long as you let me go, I can give you whatever you want."

Qin Yan looked at Lin Yi with an expectant face. His eyes were full of begging.

However, Lin Yi scoffed. He was suddenly surprised by the actions of these princes. They were so cowardly and had such a cruel grandfather, which was unexpected to Lin Yi. After all, Qin Cang was the one who killed the Lin family.

"Well, in that case, all of you send a letter to your father and let his father, that is, your grandfather, come here. I have only half an hour. If your grandfather doesn't come at that time, you'll all wait to die."

Lin Yi's words shocked everyone, but then they were worse than their dead parents one by one, because they all knew that their grandfather had died long ago. How could they call over? Lin Yi clearly wanted to kill them.

Seeing that they were all ready to die, Lin Yi immediately shouted.

"You should believe that your father can bring your grandfather back to life. What if your grandfather is still alive?"

Lin Yi's words gave these people a glimmer of hope, and there was light in their eyes again.

"I listen to the master. The master will say and do it."

Qin Yan learned well at this time. When he said this, everyone began to agree, and then these princes and princesses began to send letters.

When these letters arrived at the palace, Qin Xiu was shocked. He didn't know what his sons and daughters were going to do.

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