Lin Yi only felt that his lungs were almost out of breath. The figure on his body pressed his hard, and there was no room for refutation.

At this time, Lin Yi was trampled on the ground by a big foot. He didn't even have the strength to get up. At the moment, all his bones were broken.

"Can you say it now?"

Qin Cang said with disdain, and then stepped on Lin Yi with the soles of his feet.

Seeing Lin Yi lying on the ground, Qin Cang had no ability to do it at all. Qin Cang looked cold and scratched at Lin Yi's neck with a dagger. If he was touched, Lin Yi would die.

However, when the dagger approached Lin Yi's neck again, Lin Yi suddenly moved. Qin Cang knew that he had been fooled again, but he seemed to see the scene of Lin Yi's head falling to the ground, so silver teeth did not shrink back.

Lin Yi was overjoyed. What he was waiting for was this moment. Qin Cang was like a cunning nurse. He couldn't catch it at all. Only in this way could he get close to himself.

Lin Yi stabbed the remaining three ice crystal needles into Qin Cang's leg. He knew that even if he stabbed the ice crystal into Qin Cang's body, he wouldn't let him die. It's better to waste his leg.

When the ice crystal stabbed Qin Cang's lower leg, it suddenly burst, and a burst of blood mist immediately sprayed out. Then Qin Cang fell to the ground with weak legs.

Seeing that the dagger left a shallow mark on his neck, Lin Yi was afraid.

Qin Cang didn't expect that he was cheated in the end, and the price was two legs.

At this time, Lin Yi lay on the ground, but looked at him with a playful face.

"How? Didn't let you down?"

Qin Cang was lying on the ground at this time. His eyes had become blood red. He never thought that he would lose to a hairy boy. He was unwilling, but he had no way.

Lin Yi waited until his bones healed almost. Then he slowly stood up from the ground and walked to Qin Cang.

"Kid, even if my legs are useless, you are still not my opponent."

While Qin Cang was talking, he suddenly patted his hands on the ground. He took off and slapped Lin Yi.

This scene came in such a hurry that Lin Yi had to face it with his fist.


A dull noise came, and the two flew out directly. Qin Cang was not as powerful as Lin Yi because he didn't have his feet on the ground. The whole person directly hit a column on one side, and the mask slipped off his face.

"God, am I dazzled? How can I see the emperor?"

"Holding the grass, I also spent it. This man with such a fierce hand is really like the former Emperor."

"Who is this person? Why are you so familiar?"

"Eh? I think I know who he is. He is Mr. Lin of Xuanfeng hall."

"What? Mr. Lin? No?"

Everyone was talking, and now they were suspicious.

But Lin Yi was even worse. Although Qin Cang retreated farther than Lin Yi, his strength was no joke. Lin Yi only felt the sharp vibration of his internal organs. Finally, his throat was sweet and spit out a big mouthful of blood again.

"Hahaha, kid, even if I die, you have to go down with me for burial."

Qin Cang clapped his hand on the ground again, and suddenly he hit Lin Yi like a shell.

Lin Yi just got up and was hit by Qin Cang.


The two fell down, and a big dent appeared on Lin Yi's abdomen. His clothes had long been dyed red by his own blood and looked very miserable.

After Qin Cang fell, he didn't stop for a moment and hit Lin Yi again.

Qin Cang is like a ball at the moment, constantly hitting Lin Yi. Finally, Lin Yi will be deformed, but the vitality in his body is constant.

"What's going on? Hoo Hoo ~"

After a while, Qin Cang didn't know how many times he hit Lin Yi, but the vitality in Lin Yi's body didn't go out, but became stronger and stronger.

"Play tricks."

Qin Cang grabbed Lin Yi after he fell down in front of Lin Yi this time, and then one hand kept bombarding Lin Yi's chest. Lin Yi's whole chest collapsed, but he was still alive.

"What's the matter with this boy? If other people let me move, they can kill him, but the boy looks like a man who has nothing to do."

Rao is Qin Cang and Lin Yi who never die. At the moment, they also admire Lin Yi's tenacity.

Then Qin Cang found the dagger he had dropped and stabbed Lin Yi's body. Lin Yi suddenly became a sieve.

But everyone, including Qin Cang, saw that Lin Yi's blood came out along the edge of the knife.

"No wonder the boy will die if he is poisoned by my dagger. It's a poison that seals his throat with blood."

Qin Cang's mouth was slightly tilted. At this time, he already believed that Lin Yi must have been a dead man.

However, with the passage of time, Lin Yi's wounds suddenly stopped bleeding and recovered rapidly. Soon everyone saw that Lin Yi's wounds had healed.

But Lin Yi suddenly jumped up from the ground at this time.

At this time, Lin Yi's whole body looks crystal clear, giving people a feeling of softness. Even his skin is better than that of some women, almost to the point that he can be broken by blowing bullets.

"Old ghost, thank you. There are too many impurities in my body. If you hadn't beaten me and finally released these waste blood for me, I wouldn't be so good so soon."

Old Lu once told Lin Yi that there were too many impurities in his body and he had to beat it carefully in the future. Unexpectedly, he finally succeeded in building his body by Qin Cang's hand.


Qin Cang really didn't expect to help the enemy in the end. He was angry and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Kid, you dare to bully me and die."

Qin Cang was so angry that he slapped him on the ground. The whole person rose up again and flew towards Lin Yi.

"Are you still here? I've been beaten by you as a sandbag for so long. It's my turn this time."

When Qin Cang came to Lin Yi, Lin Yi immediately took out a foot and threw it out at Qin Cang.

Qin Cang was immediately kicked in the face by Lin Yi, and the teeth and blood in his mouth immediately gushed out.

"Old ghost, I'm the blood feud of the Lin family. It's time to pay it back."

But just then, Qin suddenly shouted.

"Lin Yi, if you want your grandpa to die, you can try."

Hearing this, Lin Yi's hand immediately stopped.

Seeing the palm only one finger away from him, Qin Cang couldn't help cooling his back.

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