What shocked Lin Yi was that several people with level 7 were still their own patients. They often talked and laughed with Lin Yi.

At this time, even Lin Yi could not help being a little scared. They deliberately approached themselves by seeing a doctor. If they had locked themselves at that time, they would have been killed at one blow.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

After finding one of them, Lin Yi did not act rashly, but knocked politely at the door.

At this time, the door opened a crack in the door, and then stretched out half of his face. When he saw Lin Yi, his face suddenly appeared excited.

"It's Dr. Lin. who am I? Come on, come in and talk!"

The man's name is Tan Lin. Lin Yi has seen him sick several times. His body is basically full of hidden injuries, but he has been much better under Lin Yi's treatment.

"Dr. Lin, it's my disease. What's new? You must have something to do with me so late?"

Tan Lin is busy bringing tea and water to Lin Yi. He can't see that he is murderous, and there is always a shallow smile on his face. It gives people the feeling that he will never be angry.

At this time, even Lin Yi was confused. He even doubted whether he had made a mistake.

"I came to you because of one thing. As a level 7 killer, you shouldn't wait so long."

After hearing this, Tan Lin had an obvious meal, and then said slowly.

"You think I'm here to kill you?"

"Isn't it?"

Tan Lin laughed when he heard this.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect you to think I came to you for money. What a surprise."

Lin Yi frowned. He didn't understand what Tan Lin meant.

"I really want to kill you and get a sum of money, but do you know what I use this money for? I use it to see a doctor. You must also know my body. Without you, I'm afraid I'd just wait to die even if I took so much money."

"But after meeting you, I decided that as long as you can cure my disease, I won't kill you. On the contrary, I want to help you, so that's why I didn't do it. Even other high-level killers didn't do it because of me."

Lin Yi was shocked when he heard this. He suddenly thought that if other high-level killers had entered Xuanfeng hall, Tian Bo would not survive.

"Just because you cured my illness, I decided not to assassinate you. That's why, do you understand?"

Lin Yi didn't expect to get a powerful help because he cured a patient.

"Do you know some special talents of the killers here? They hold a golden dagger in their hands and often wear a mask on their face."

Tan Lin said without thinking.

"His name is Lin Xie. He is a level 7 killer, but everyone knows that his level is more than level 7. How did he offend you?"

Seeing Tan Lin's ugly face, Lin Yi knew that this man must be very difficult to deal with.

"Yes, he hurt one of my relatives. I must find him."

Tan Lin also looked dignified at this time.

"This man is always on the move. It's hard to find him. There's little news about him even on the screen."

Lin Yi didn't expect this man to be so weird.

"Do you know where he will go or how to find him?"

Tan Lin shook his head. Lin Yi had to stop, but everyone could see his loss.

Lin Yi turned around and left after asking no results, but as soon as he went out, he obviously felt that he had been followed.

"Is it Tan Lin? But according to his behavior just now, it's impossible. So who is it?"

Lin Yi frowned and raised his feet again for a distance, but he only felt that the feeling behind him was stronger and stronger.

However, after Lin Yi turned around, the breath immediately disappeared. There was no trace of human shadow at all, but once Lin Yi turned back, the breath would appear again.

"Why did he follow me?"

Lin Yi frowned tightly. He was careful all the way until he returned to Xuanfeng hall.

At this time, the sweat on Lin Yi's forehead was already dense, and his back was full of cold sweat. When the wind blew, Lin Yi only felt a little cold in his heart.

What Lin Yi can't accept most is that he will be awakened by this breath when he falls asleep at night, but once Lin Yi goes to investigate it, it will disappear without a trace.

The next day, Lin Yi received a message from Tan Lin that there was news about Lin Xie. He asked him to go there. Lin Yi rushed there with Du Xiaosheng and Ou Mingfan.

When they came to Tan Lin's residence, the door opened slightly. Lin Yi thought he was waiting for himself, so he didn't close the door, so Lin Yi didn't care, but what Lin Yi didn't think of was that he smelled a smell of blood just after he pushed the door open.

"Boss, look there!"

Lin Yi looks down where Du Xiaosheng points, but finds Tan Lin lying on the table with a golden dagger in his back. Lin Yi hurried forward to investigate, but Tan Lin has no breath at this time and has been dead for a long time.

Tan Lin's eyes stared so big that he couldn't believe someone came back to kill himself.

According to Lin Yi's understanding, Tan Lin, as a level 7 killer, must have good insight, but even so, he was killed while he was sitting. There was no trace of resistance at all, which means that the killer was killed at one blow.

Lin Yi frowns slightly. He saves Tan Lin, but finally Tan Lin dies because of himself.

"Hmm? No, there are people in this room."

At this time, Lin Yi's first reaction was that since he received Tan Lin's message, it was not right according to the time of Tan Lin's death, it showed that the message was sent by someone else, and the person who sent the message was in the room.

Just then, Lin Yi suddenly sees a dark shadow rushing towards Du Xiaosheng, but Du Xiaosheng seems not to see it. Lin Yi quickly pulls Du Xiaosheng over.

Du Xiaosheng only felt that he was pulled to one side, and then he felt that his neck was a little cold.

When he touched it with his hand, he found that his fingers were full of blood, and he didn't even have a trace of pain.

This made Du Xiaosheng creepy, with countless goose bumps all over, and a cold sweat behind him.

"Brother, who is this man?"

Du Xiaosheng couldn't help swallowing his saliva and hurriedly asked.

At this time, Lin Yi also looked around with a wary face.

"This man is the one who almost killed Tian Bo."

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