The belt turned inside out, revealing the true appearance of Lushan. A long, dark and soft sword was wrapped around his lower abdomen, the sword handle was held in the palm of the hand, and he shook slightly, and the real energy poured in. The body of the sword made an echo of hiss.

"Good sword!" Xuanyuan Yao narrowed his eyes and admired. "Before ranking 20 in the weapon spectrum, there is only one Honglu soft sword. I was lucky enough to see it today. It really is well-deserved."

"The lord has good eyesight." It is said that King Yiguang of Long Guangguo is a true hero in the royal family that is rare for a hundred years. Unexpectedly, with such good eyesight, He Lianchuan showed his weapon, and he saw through the origin. lay bare.

My heart, which had never been taken lightly, became more cautious. By default, I stood on the spot and assumed a relaxed posture of attacking and defending, waiting for Xuanyuan to attack.

"Honglu has come out, Chi You must be present. In the face of this class of soldiers, using ordinary swords is a blasphemy."[

Fortunately, this is the first time it has been used to rebuild Chi Youjian, and Xuanyuanyao is unclear as to the effect.

It just happened to be an opportunity to take a try.

The rise of the competition, because of the addition of two magic soldiers, and a lot of solemn taste.

"He Lianchuan, you have to be careful, Chi You Jianben is the king of Wanjian, and it has experienced a rebirth of fire in recent days. It has already been extraordinary. Your Honglu soft sword should not be hard to hard. If there is any damage, this king can’t pay you back.” After seeing the power of auspicious weapons, Xuanyuanyao took pity on all weapons that had not been transformed by his wife.

As to whether he can be heard by the other party, he was not clear before the test.

I hope this Helian Chuan can increase his vigilance and be careful to be right, otherwise this battle, it is not the end of Honglu soft sword.

He Lianchuan had a bad voice, so he couldn't say much. . .

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