Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 105 The feeling of being unable to get off a bull is really bad

It wasn't until school was over in the afternoon that Li Jiandong saw Sun Liang walking out. He took Sun Liang to a secret corner, sadly took out a wad of money, counted out five and handed them over.

Transaction complete!


"Officer Li, if you have any questions next time, I'm the right one to ask. I'll give you a 20% discount!"

Sun Liang took the money and was about to leave. Unexpectedly, he was pulled back by Li Jiandong, "Is there anything else?"


Li Jiandong hesitated for a long time, but finally said it, "There's another question here. Can you help me with it, 20% off, right? Yesterday it was fifty yuan, so I'll give you forty, okay?"

Sun Liang looked at the question carefully, suppressed the doubts and excitement in his heart, and asked seriously, "Officer Li, do you know what this question is?"

"have no idea."

Li Jiandong shook his head, "What do you mean?"

Sun Liang said, "Let me tell you directly, this is a Mathematical Olympiad question. Even among the Mathematical Olympiad questions, it belongs to the difficult category. Do you understand? For this kind of question, even if you ask a student from No. 1 Middle School, I guarantee that More than 99% of people can't do it. Even if they can do it, it will take a lot of time. If you can do it in an afternoon or an evening, it is amazing."

"Then what?" Li Jiandong continued to think.

"Forty dollars?"

Sun Liang grinned exaggeratedly, shook his head vigorously and said, "Officer Li, you need to understand two things. First, this question is more difficult than last night. Second, it is already past six o'clock, and it is time to get off work. It’s definitely considered overtime.”

Li Jiandong finally understood, "Don't explain, just tell me how much it is!"

"one thousand!"

Li Jiandong glared fiercely.

Sun Liang said, "Of course it's impossible. We can be considered friends. There will definitely be a 20% discount, just 800!"

"Eight hundred? Are you robbing? Let me tell you, I am the police!"

Li Jiandong was so angry that he almost drew his gun.

Sun Liang trembled with fright, and continued to insist, "What am I afraid of? I haven't broken any laws. Don't try to scare people! You pay for knowledge, I agree! Either you go find someone else, or I'll give you another thought." Here's a way, you come to me at noon tomorrow, so you don't have to work overtime. I'll give you another 50% off, just four hundred yuan."

Sun Liang felt that eight hundred was indeed too high, so he decided to leave a backdoor for himself, thinking of earning four hundred at noon tomorrow.

Four hundred is fine!

There is no need to think about that question at all.

He spent two hours thinking about it the day before yesterday. There were still some mistakes in the result. He read the answer several times and was really impressed.

Li Jiandong couldn't wait for tomorrow. Seeing that Sun Liang was about to turn around and leave, he immediately said with a grimace, "Okay, okay, okay, eight hundred, eight hundred, classmate Sun Liang, I'm afraid of you, you are so dark!" "

"That's a deal?"

Sun Liang asked with a smile.

"That's a deal."

Li Jiandong nodded vigorously.

"Bring the question here, let me take a look." Sun Liang took the book that recorded the question, glanced at it and confirmed that it was the same question, and he already had the answer in his mind.

He checked the time and saw that there was still half an hour before self-study.

Li Jiandong handed over the pen and asked, "Do you want to do the math?"

"Officer Li, why don't you give me the money first?"

Sun Liang said suddenly.

Li Jiandong looked at him in confusion, "Why?" But as a policeman himself, he was confident that no one would lie to him. In order to show his sincerity in "buying the answer", he still took out the money and handed it over.

Sun Liang took the money and put it in his trouser pocket, then took a pen and started writing on the paper.

He only wrote one line.


He handed the notebook to Li Jiandong, "Officer Li, I'm done. Here you go, this is the answer. I won't tell you anymore, I will have self-study later."

Sun Liang said and ran away quickly.

Li Jiandong didn't react for a while, and suddenly felt that he had been cheated. He looked at the things in the notebook angrily, as if it was really an answer?

Call up!

Ask colleagues to help verify it!


The results are out.

"Jiandong, it's okay! This answer is correct, it's unlocked. I found the master so quickly!"

Li Jiandong couldn't laugh at all.

Although he didn't understand the ability level of the top student, even a genius couldn't figure out the answer to the Mathematical Olympiad problem that even a genius couldn't solve after a long time of hard work by the logistics department.

This guy Sun Liang...

You must have done this question before!


"He is going to participate in the provincial Mathematical Olympiad competition. Maybe he has done so by chance?"

Li Jiandong found a reason that he could barely accept, but he always felt depressed that he was being fooled.

Sun Liang went back and divided the money equally with Zhao Yi.

Both of them were very happy.

Sun Liang was happy because he really made money. He earned 400 yuan in one breath. Adding in the 250 yuan last night and the 50 yuan at noon, he earned 700 yuan from doing the questions in two days.

This is a lot of money!

He handed over more than half of the prize money from the Youth Cup and school prize money to his family, leaving only a thousand yuan for himself. Treating guests to dinner plus daily expenses were almost all spent.

Now I have money again.

This money was earned by himself, and Sun Liang felt very happy.

Zhao Yi is also in a good mood. The amount of money is not important, but the way to make money is more interesting.


The policing thing is over.

"What a pity!"

Zhao Yi patted Sun Liang on the shoulder and sighed, "There will never be such a good thing in the future!"

The two continued to do Olympiad questions.

In the evening self-study classes of elite classes, teachers occasionally give lectures, but most of the time, students study by themselves, and they study the Mathematical Olympiad together.

The day after tomorrow is the Mathematical Olympiad competition.

The Mathematical Olympiad competition is held in Jiangzhou. They will take a bus to Jiangzhou tomorrow afternoon. After staying one night, they will go directly to take the exam in the morning.

Now is the final time.

at the same time.

In the office of the senior high school students, several teachers on duty were also discussing.

Niu Lianhua is 'worrying' about leading a team to participate in the Mathematical Olympiad competition, "I am a woman, single, and taking two male students to Jiangzhou to participate in the competition, and I have to stay in a hotel for one night. It doesn't seem like anything!" "

"You said that, right?"

Several teachers nodded reluctantly, thinking it was no big deal.

For the young teacher Shen Yan, things are indeed not very good.

Teacher Shen Yan is young and beautiful. Going to the distant Jiangzhou with two eighteen-year-old male students is not suitable no matter how you think about it.

Cow lotus?

"It's the two students who should be worried..."

Of course.

Putting aside Niu Lianhua's personality and appearance, it is indeed unreasonable for a woman to lead a group to a place that is too far away.

This kind of thing is usually done by male teachers.

What Niu Lianhua said was really unexpected, "I suggest that Teacher Xue go with you!"


The teachers in the office looked at Xue Pinggui collectively, and Xue Pinggui's face turned red.


Xue Pinggui hesitated for a long time and didn't say anything. He didn't know whether he agreed or disagreed.

Xue Pinggui's mentality was really a bit broken, and he felt like he was riding a bull.

It was a lonely night...

He had been single for nearly thirty years. Sitting alone on the bedside, he couldn't hide his loneliness. When he saw the message on his mobile phone, he didn't know what was going on, and his brain was controlled by hormones.

When a message came on his phone, he responded.

In less than half an hour, he successfully evolved into a matador.


Shame and regret suddenly came to my heart.

Niu Lianhua also understood him very well, "It's normal if you don't know how to deal with it. We are colleagues, and our development is a bit too fast."

"I can understand how you feel. I am a divorced woman."

"It doesn't matter. If you can't accept it, just pretend that nothing happened. We are still colleagues, just like before."

Xue Pinggui was very comforted by what he heard, but things didn't develop like this later.

Niulianhua obviously treats him differently.

It was only one aspect that he became enthusiastic in school. He also took care of him in various ways in life. Sometimes he would buy groceries for him. He complained that he was a grown man who didn't know how to take care of himself, so he took the initiative to help with washing clothes, cooking, and cleaning the house.

until now.

Xue Pinggui didn't even know what to do.

Sometimes, he felt that Niu Lianhua was quite good, but her appearance was a bit unbearable, her temper was a bit grumpy, and it was a bit embarrassing to stand with her.

This last point is important.

Xue Pinggui felt awkward every time he thought about other people's looks. As one saying goes, women are men's face. Having a beautiful woman by his side will make men feel proud when they walk on the street.

On the contrary, it is the cow lotus.

It’s hard to get off the bull!

Xue Pinggui hesitated and did not react. He didn't know how to react. Maybe refusing directly would hurt Niu Lianhua? It doesn't matter that she was hurt, the key is that she got angry and told the secret of that night...



Tomorrow, the entire school, from Principal Wang Chengmin to the aunts who cook in the cafeteria, will know about his relationship with Niu Lianhua. Otherwise, how can we explain a female teacher and let a male teacher take the students to live in Jiangzhou...?

That night.

Zhao Yi wrote the police information security report. Since he is not a police officer, there is no need to pay attention to the format. He can just write the content directly.

He mainly wrote about routing issues, but also about poor website security.

He mainly relied on routing monitoring methods to break into the website, and the release of "one-time Trojans" also relied on the monitored Penguin accounts. The important thing about "one-time Trojans" is the delivery process, and the actual relationship between Trojans and security is not significant.

There are also security issues with the police website. The construction of the website is too simple. If he just wants to carry out destructive intrusion, he can think of several ways.

After submitting the question, it has nothing to do with Zhao Yi.

He just focused on reading the Mathematical Olympiad questions.

Sharpen your guns in battle!

It's definitely a good idea to do a few more Mathematical Olympiad questions.

Zhao Yi was also a little nervous. It was his first time to participate in the provincial Mathematical Olympiad competition. There were some types of questions that he was not sure about, so he could only read as many question types as possible to know which direction to think about.

As long as you can find the direction of thinking, you can grasp the key by using 'causal thinking'.

The report submitted by Zhao Yi appeared on the police intranet the next day.

This is where the logistics department worries.

The reports submitted by the "own people" invited by the police will be seen by everyone, and the logistical problems of building the website are directly exposed.

That's very shameless.

Previously, a computer expert invited by the Logistics Department also wrote a security report. The content submitted was mainly related to the hardware security configuration of the police.

This so-called 'computer expert' has not done anything substantial, so the report he submitted is not taken seriously.

‘Yi Ying’ is different.

‘Yiying’ continuously breaks into police websites. Even the police cleaner knows that ‘Yiying’ is a truly skilled hacker, and there are many people who are interested in ‘Yiying’.

Many people have read ‘Yi Ying’s’ report and seen his description of routing security.

"Using only simple monitoring methods, you can obtain unencrypted keyboard typing information, causing computers under the same route and logged-in network accounts to be easily stolen..."

Lin Xudong didn't know much about computers. He typed with one finger and played the piano. To him, the professional terms of computers were like a sacred book.

However, as he stared at these words and tasted them carefully, and then thinking about the strange things that night, his mind suddenly became enlightened.

"I just said the Penguin was stolen!"

"I thought it was a Trojan, a virus or turned out to be you!"

"Yi! Eagle!"

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