Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 118 The night sky is so beautiful!

"Life goal mission, second phase?"

"The top scorer in the Provincial College Entrance Examination...that is, I think about what I want to do, so I set a goal and then enlarge it?"

Zhao Yi grinned.

He did regret not studying hard, and was determined to continue studying hard, but he definitely did not consider the 'number one'.

Top scorer in the provincial college entrance examination!

Very difficult!

Zhao Yi has never cared about the score of the top scorer in the college entrance examination, but he still knows how difficult it is to be the top scorer in the college entrance examination. If you want to become the top scorer in the college entrance examination, 700 points may not be enough. He has twenty extra points for winning first prize in the Mathematical Olympiad, but it's hard to tell whether the task requirement is "naked points" or the top prize after extra points.

If it happens that he becomes the top pick after adding points, but his naked points are not as high as others...maybe the task cannot be completed?

Therefore, the goal must still be to become the top scorer in the Nanjiang Province College Entrance Examination.

This is difficult!

Zhao Yi thought about it and asked Zhao Linlin next to him, "Do you know the score of the top scorer in the college entrance examination in our province last year?"

"It seems more than seven hundred and twenty, right?"

"Seven hundred and two? Naked points?"

"I don't know." Zhao Linlin shook her head and said, "Last year the questions were easy, I guess there will be less this year. Why do you ask this? You have been admitted to the university, and you still want to get the top score in the exam?"

"I'll just ask."

Zhao Linlin returned to the topic of class, "Zhao Yi, don't come tomorrow so that we can relax. Just take a few days off..."

"Support! Strong support!"

Wang Jian's plaintive voice came from behind, "I have been unlucky enough to sit behind you for eight lifetimes. I have been criticized in every class this day."

"Ha ha……"

Zhao Yi was a little embarrassed, "Who told you not to listen to the lectures well?"

Wang Jian said angrily, "Does that mean you don't listen to the class? What Director Li said is, 'You are sitting behind Zhao Yi and you don't know how to study with me. Your English is not over 100.'"

Zhao Yi was a little speechless, and finally gave Wang Jian a thumbs up, "Brother, come on!"

He continued to think about the ‘number one problem’.

If you want to be the top scorer in the college entrance examination, you cannot have subjects that draw points. Currently, there are still a lot of gaps, mainly concentrated in two subjects, one is Chinese and the other is comprehensive science.

Physics in science and technology is relatively better.

There seem to be endless knowledge points in biology and chemistry. Every time I take an exam, there are a few I don’t know.

I haven’t accumulated enough Chinese, and I’ve forgotten everything I’ve memorized.

It is not easy for him to improve his grades. It is relatively easy to improve his comprehensive science. As long as he knows more knowledge points, he can always get higher in the exam every time.

Chinese requires serious study.

Chinese reading comprehension is a major deduction point, and you also need to memorize some ancient poems. Getting a few extra points is very important for the 'top scholar'.

"I have a headache!"

Zhao Yi found two "limited" Chinese books in the drawer, excerpted the ancient poems from them onto white paper, and then laid them flat on the table, taking a look at them when he had time.

When it came to English and math classes, he simply put in a learning coin and started focusing on reciting.

This is a process that takes a long time.

There are so many ancient poems that need to be memorized in high school, and some are simply long classical Chinese essays. Each piece takes a long time to memorize, and requires repeated review in the future.

But Zhao Yi found a point of interest.


In the process of continuous recitation, he found that his memory was indeed better than before. He didn't know how much the improvement was, but he used a learning coin and memorized more than one classical Chinese article in one English class. .

"Definitely an improvement!"

Zhao Yi closed his eyes and recited "The Story of Yueyang Tower" again. He remembered every sentence very clearly, without any lag, and recited it smoothly.

This may not sound like much, but it's actually quite remarkable.

Many students can also recite the next classical Chinese article during a class period, but they are definitely not so familiar with it. Some unfamiliar sentences need to be read repeatedly before they can be truly memorized.

Zhao Yi knows himself too well.

The memorization of Chinese language has always been his biggest headache. Even if he spends learning coins, it will take a long time to memorize it.

This is probably due to lack of talent.

Now that he had written down a classical Chinese article, it seemed that it only took about half an hour, which gave him a sense of novelty and accomplishment.

"keep it up!"

Zhao Yi was so intoxicated in reciting that he couldn't help himself, and he still stared at the poems during class.


Several people gathered around.

Lin Xiaoqing turned her head, half-lying on the back table, staring at Zhao Yi's serious study face, and asked, "Why do you still endorse it seriously?"


Zhao Yi looked up at Lin Xiaoqing and realized that the people next to him seemed to be interested in the reason for his study. He shook his head and sighed, saying, "You don't understand!"


Collective confusion.

Zhao Yi said seriously, "Learning makes you happy, and I enjoy happiness while studying!"


Lin Xiaoqing stood up suddenly and looked over with unfriendly eyes.

The others had the same look in their eyes.

Zhao Yi rushed out of the door and greeted the classroom, "Monkey, go to the toilet!"

"Zhao Yi, don't run! I want to beat you too!"


Zhao Yi still withstood the pressure.

You must study, and you cannot give up the joy of learning just because of the praises of teachers and the envy, jealousy and hatred of classmates.

Being the top scorer in the college entrance examination is no joke.

Mathematics and English are dominant subjects, and they will definitely fall behind by a few points. The knowledge points of comprehensive science are very complicated, and a score of above 280 is an astonishingly high score.

If the Chinese language test continues to score around 120 points, it will be difficult to think of a total score of 700 points.

Therefore, Chinese must be improved.

Comprehensive science also needs to be improved.

At present, Zhao Yi can only guarantee more than 250 points for his comprehensive science test. The specific score depends on the questions in the paper. If you encounter some very biased questions, the deduction of points will be quite serious.

I am still very tired after a day of studying.

Zhao Yi greeted Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Linlin and came to his new home as guests.

Zhao Linlin walked in and looked around, walked up and downstairs, and said with a smile, "Zhao Yi, you have become a rich man! You can live in such a good house by yourself."

Zhao Yi looked Zhao Linlin up and down and said with a smile, "Do you like it? How about we come together? Let's stay today. By coincidence, my bed is big enough for two people..."

Zhao Linlin blushed.

"Hmph, shameless!" Lin Xiaoqing spat lightly, with a look of disdain in her eyes.

"I'm not inviting you."

Zhao Yi muttered something softly.

Zhao Linlin joked, "Don't you see? Xiaoqing just wants to live in, you should invite her."

"What did you say!"

Lin Xiaoqing immediately became anxious, and the two little girls got into a fight.

Zhao Yi shook his head silently and continued to assemble the robot. The two girls also came to take a look. He showed the assembled robotic arm to them.


They didn't have much interest.

Zhao Linlin said she was interested in robots, but she was interested in robots that were assembled and usable, rather than a bunch of parts that she didn't know what to do with.

They were quite enthusiastic.

Both of them came over to help assemble it together, but without detailed instructions, they didn't know where to put everything, so coming to help was just adding to the chaos. The robot arm and internal core components are precision structures that require careful installation. Some interfaces are very small. If you accidentally break a small line, you will be in trouble.

"Two eldest sisters!"


"I'd better do it myself!"

Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Linlin walked away a little dissatisfied, and immediately found a new fun - astronomical telescopes.

Regular astronomical telescopes are sold in China, but because of their high price, they are still rarely seen in ordinary families.

Astronomical telescopes have instructions for use.

The two girls looked at the instruction manual and began to search for the lens, focus, and study the detailed usage.

"Ah, I see the moon!"

"It's so clear!"

"Today the moon is curved, but the black part is clearly visible in the lens..."

The two little girls actually found a new toy, and Zhao Yi couldn't concentrate because of their startled shouting. He simply went to the balcony and stood behind the two girls.

Lin Xiaoqing half-knelt on the ground, closed one eye and looked into the lens tube, saying that the image was not there at all.

Zhao Linlin sat next to her and urged, "Show me, show me!"

Zhao Yi simply found a cushion.

Now the two of them came together and knelt on the mat.

Zhao Yi stood behind and watched. He found that the viewing angle was really good, so he simply moved closer and stroked Lin Xiaoqing's back with one hand, and stroked Zhao Linlin's back with the other hand.

One in each hand!


Zhao Yi even leaned over and shouted, "Let me see it too! Let me see it too!"

"What are you looking at!"

"You watch it every day!"

"Get off!"

"Don't squeeze!"

The two little girls quickly pushed Zhao Yi to the back. He could only sit on the ground helplessly, spreading his hands and caressing them on one side.

This feels pretty good.

"The beautiful night sky is so mesmerizing!" Looking at the stars outside the window, Zhao Yi couldn't help but sigh.

The living room suddenly became quiet.

Zhao Yi felt something was wrong and turned his head, and found that Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Linlin both turned their heads and stared at him. He asked inexplicably, "Why don't you look at them?"


"Zhao Yi!"

The two shouted loudly together, "Hand! Hand! Take it! Open it!"

"Ha ha."

Zhao Yi took away his hand in embarrassment and explained, "I can't help it, I can't help it. Mainly because the night sky tonight is so beautiful that I can't help but be intoxicated..."

Lin Xiaoqing turned her wrist.

Zhao Linlin also stood up, her expression not very friendly.

"beat him!"

"You can't run away this time!"

Zhao Yi hugged his head in embarrassment and kept shouting at the top of his lungs, "Good men don't fight with women! Don't do this! A gentleman talks but doesn't take action, and a woman doesn't take action either..."


Zhao Yi sent the two little girls away, closed the door and moved his shoulders vigorously. He felt as if he had just had a back massage, and the massage master was a little too heavy.

"Little girls are too violent!"

Zhao Yi thought about the scene just now and felt it was very interesting. In fact, the feel was the second most important thing. The key was two...


Don’t think too much!

I walked into the study room and turned on the computer.

Several prompts came from the Penguin account. Professor Liu asked him about college. He replied, "I have pushed it all away. I haven't thought about it for the moment."

And Zhou Ming.

They had not communicated since they were pulled into the 'Heart Alliance' by Zhou Ming last time.

Zhou Ming sent a compressed file over.

Zhao Yi vigilantly copied the completed program to a USB flash drive, opened the firewall, security guard, and anti-virus software, put N-layer protection on the computer, and then selected 'receive files'.

You can never be too careful with Zhou Ming.

After Zhao Yi accepted the compressed file, he saw new information from Zhou Ming, "The counterattack is officially scheduled for the night of the 15th."

"Install everything that was passed on to you. Use it first to get familiar with it. Be careful not to give it to others."

"You are the captain of the 19th detachment. Register on MSN and join the group XXXXXX. Be careful not to use your real name. The new code name is 'Yiying'. If you want to change it, tell me."

"These are proxy IPs. They will be open all day on the 15th. They can be used to circumvent the firewall..."

Zhao Yi felt really professional after reading the news.

This requires an organized, premeditated, clearly divided...terrorist attack? He is still a squad leader!

Become an official!

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