Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 127 I actually proved Kakutani’s conjecture?

Zhao Yi heard what Qian Zhijin said was so powerful, and thought that "Hemen" was a big "sect". In fact, "Hemen" was very small, and it was just a title for "playing entertainment".

He Mingcheng has been doing research all his life and cannot have much time to teach students.

He only accepted a student in a few years, and he was only moved when he saw a good talent. His training was only to provide guidance on learning, that is, to tell the students what to learn.

For example, Yuan Zhongchen.

When Yuan Zhongchen was a freshman at Yanhua University, he met He Mingcheng in the library. The two chatted for a while. He Mingcheng found that Yuan Zhongchen's unique insights were almost like seeing each other, so he guided Yuan Zhongchen on what he should learn. .

Yuan Zhongchen left Yanhua University after graduating from university.

He Mingcheng felt that Yuan Zhongchen was his most proud disciple. In fact, he had taken Yuan Zhongchen with him for more than three years. He only told him what books to read and helped him answer questions he didn't understand. He also didn't ask Yuan Zhongchen to do anything after graduation.

‘Hemen’ is a name earned through students.

Seven years ago, when He Mingcheng's student, Ying Huaguo, won an international award for his research results, he said when awarding the award, "I want to thank my teacher He Mingcheng! My doctorate was obtained in the United States, but He Mingcheng Mingcheng is my most respected teacher, and I will always be a 'disciple of Hemen'."

This is the origin of ‘Hemen Disciple’.

Everyone else calls He Mingcheng’s students ‘Hemen disciples’, but they can’t count more than ten of them individually, and together they can’t make much trouble.

The so-called "capable" is nothing more than a researcher, professor, doctoral supervisor, etc.

Academicians don’t have to think about it.

He Mingcheng has been doing research all his life, but he has not been able to get an academician rating.

These have nothing to do with Zhao Yi.

That night, Zhao Yi returned to the hotel and went through the thesis proof process carefully. Tomorrow he would actually give a speech on stage. All the people attending the lecture were big guys, so he was a little nervous.

That seems to be...

Graduation projects and thesis are about to undergo rigorous defense and review!

Zhao Yi got up very early the next day.

In the morning, I went over the content of the paper again. After careful reading, I found that there were no problems, and then I was in the mood to go out for a walk.

The lecture will be held at 2 p.m.

When the time reached noon, many people came to Yanhua University. There were many people gathered downstairs at the graduate school. Many of them were top computer people. Some professors of mathematics and physics also came. A computer algorithm, Another reason why it attracts so many people is its popularity.

If it is a very professional computer algorithm, it will only attract people in the computer industry. People from other disciplines may not be able to understand it, nor do they know its specific use.

The 'valid vs. irrelevant carry filter' is different.

The 'screening method' was summed up in the process of solving the Rubik's Cube calculation problem. The Rubik's Cube calculation problem does not require professionals at all. A junior high school student or even an elementary school student can understand the meaning.

When a seemingly simple problem becomes a global problem, more people will definitely pay attention.

So the people who come are a bit mixed.

When the time came around one o'clock, Zhao Yi also came to the graduate student building. In order to reduce unnecessary trouble, he was led into a small room in the conference room by Xu Chao, and he concentrated on preparing his speech.

Two o'clock.

The meeting room was packed.

Zhao Yi walked into the venue on time. The cameras on both sides immediately pointed at him. He had a light smile on his face and his expression was relaxed and natural. Then he controlled the computer, opened the prepared PPT, and started according to the planned content. speech.

In fact, this is no different from giving a speech with lines. It is to prove the derivation process in detail.

It was supposed to end smoothly, but something went wrong when I asked questions in the middle.

There was a professor named Li Yilai who always asked tricky and weird questions. He also kept asking repeatedly about the steps related to college mathematics and theorems.

Zhao Yi answered easily.

After knowing some proof theorems and results, "Contact Rate" can help him solve the process easily. He talked eloquently on the stage, and the more he talked, the more confident he became, which made Li Yi even more angry.

There is a reason why Li Yilai found fault.

His research project is on algorithms related to 'data mining', but there has been no progress in two or three years. Finally, he has made some progress. He is planning to publish a paper on optimization algorithms and apply for some scientific research funds.

The paper is finished.

In his paper on optimization algorithms, the example given is related to the calculation of the Rubik's Cube. He also stated that using his algorithm can greatly simplify the calculation amount. As long as he continues to study in depth, he can find the simplest algorithm to crack the Rubik's Cube.

At this time the Rubik's Cube Calculator appeared.

Li Yilai felt like he was being slapped in the face. He was so angry that he almost smashed the computer. Thinking about the fact that he couldn't get the funding application and a computer was worth a lot of money, he was reluctant to smash it in the end.


The most important thing is that the efforts are in vain.

The biggest fear in the field of scientific research is that the research direction is the same. The same direction will lead to the research of one party becoming useless.

Li Yilai was defeated at the hands of a high school student. You can imagine the frustration he felt in his heart. He couldn't say it out yet. He was thankful that the paper was not submitted or published, otherwise it would have become a joke.

Now seeing the young high school students on the stage, everyone else looked like they were "terrible", and Li Yilai felt so depressed that he vomited blood.

‘Effective and irrelevant carry screening’ is not something that can be easily proven. It requires time for people to digest and understand, as well as an opportunity to ask questions.

Li Yilai kept asking questions.

Li Yilai specializes in algorithm research and his ability is quite good. After asking several questions, he suddenly frowned and then raised his hand to ask again.

Others can't stand it--

"This Li Yilai is shameless!"

"Why bother a student? What he asked is very obvious and shouldn't be asked at all."


Professor He Mingcheng sat in the middle of the first row. Not only did he listen carefully, but he also lowered his head and took notes. He found that Li Yilai always interrupted and asked some ridiculous questions, so he couldn't help but frown.

Li Yilai still spoke out, and he pointed out a real problem, "Classmate Zhao Yi, I noticed your proof process just now, saying that all possible situations, after being analyzed and judged, will be classified as the number one, that is, only The next possibility.”

"This process is not rigorous. You use several algebraic theorems, but in the final summary, you get the result directly."

"If your proof process is correct, doesn't it mean you have proved the Kakutani conjecture?"

After Li Yi finished speaking, he sat down with some pride.

The venue suddenly became quiet.

Everyone was discussing the process just now, because the process was a bit complicated and confusing. Zhao Yi used a computer method to demonstrate and explain part of it, and others did not notice it.

Li Yilai reminded him, and everyone noticed it immediately.

The Kakutani conjecture, also called the Hailstone conjecture, is a mathematical conjecture. For a positive integer to 1.

Many people claim to have proved the Kakutani conjecture and have published a series of papers. In fact, there is still no "recognized rigorous" proof process.

So the conjecture is still just a conjecture, not a theorem that can be directly applied.

During Zhao Yi's proof process, he used computers to demonstrate and explain. It seemed that the process was very rigorous, but the content of the 'Kakutani Conjecture' was used.

This is not wrong.

Li Yilai's proof step is to analyze and determine every possibility when the number is infinite. When applied to a Rubik's Cube, there are only 27 twisting situations at most.

According to research by Japanese and American mathematicians, all positive integers less than 7*10^11 are consistent with the rules of Kakutani's conjecture. If the numbers are larger than 7*10^11, they are almost just theoretical numbers. The computer wants to It is very difficult to make a judgment analysis.

Also, computers and mathematics are different.

Mathematics requires the most rigorous proof, and theoretical numbers also need to be proven. The ultimate goal of computer algorithms is to output correct results.

Even if there are a few flaws, the 'valid and irrelevant carry screening method' is already a complete algorithm in the field of computer algorithms and can be directly used.

Using mathematical thinking to explain a problem can be regarded as "picking a bone between eggs".

There was a lot of discussion in the meeting place.

Most people admit that Li Yilai's problem does exist, but Zhao Yi's proof process is completely problem-free under the current computer performance. The most important thing about computer algorithms is that they can output results and can be applied in practice more than theory. important.

If the result is correct, the algorithm can be applied.

that's enough.

On stage.

Zhao Yi stared at the process on the screen, constantly thinking about Li Yilai's questioning words.

Kakutani conjecture?

It seems so!

If the proof process is correct, wouldn't it also mean that Kakutani's conjecture is correct, and vice versa?

But it’s definitely 100% correct!

Zhao Yi is quite confident that "Contact Rate" will not lie. He fully understands the proof process, and the 'Kakutani Conjecture' is just a conjecture, not an inherent formula or theorem, and it is definitely not a prerequisite used in "Contact Rate" condition'.


Zhao Yi thought quietly for five minutes.

Everyone in the audience thought he had been shocked. Professor Qian Zhijin came over and wanted to comfort him, telling him that computers are different from mathematics and that he should ignore Li Yilai's "nitpicking" nonsense.

At this time, Zhao Yi raised his head and looked at Li Yilai seriously. Then he simply stood up and walked to Li Yilai.

Others made way.

"Hold him!" Someone suddenly shouted, "Don't let him hit people! This young man can't say anything right now!"

"hurry up!"

"Professor Li, be careful!"

Li Yilai was frightened when he heard the shout and pushed back a step, but there was a chair behind him with no way to retreat. He was over fifty years old, and his body was far from strong, but he couldn't resist the young man's punch.

Zhao Yi finally took action.

He excitedly grabbed Li Yilai's hand and said very seriously, "Thank you! Professor Li! Thank you! Thank you very much."


Li Yilai was a little confused.

Zhao Yi took a deep breath and said, "If you hadn't reminded me, I wouldn't have discovered it. I actually proved Kakutani's conjecture!"

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