Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 13 The girl no one dares to chase

[Flirting with girls, learning coins +2. 】

[Tease girls, study coins +3. 】

[Learning Coin: 41. 】

Looking at the system's learning coin prompt, Zhao Yi showed a satisfied smile, then held his forehead in distress.

Admitted to elite class A?

Very difficult!

If you are still in the third year of high school, coupled with the effect of the "Law of Cause and Effect", there will definitely be no pressure to be admitted to Elite Class A. However, most of the high school knowledge, problem solving ideas, etc. are stored in the memory and you want to dig them out again. At least it will take more than a month.

Basic knowledge is only one of them, and memory for answering questions is also crucial.

For the two subjects of mathematics and physics, knowing the formulas and theorems is only the foundation. To solve the questions, you still need to analyze your ideas, which requires a certain amount of experience in solving questions.

There are a lot of knowledge points in biology and chemistry, and picking them up again requires a lot of memorization, as well as a certain amount of experience in solving questions. Chemistry is relatively difficult, not only requiring memorization of knowledge points, but also a certain problem-solving ability.

Chinese is not easy either.

The multiple-choice questions in the Chinese language test paper account for a small proportion of the score. Reciting ancient poems, reading comprehension and even composition all require a certain amount of experience. It is not easy to regain the level of high school.

Of course, there is also an advantage subject - English.

"The Law of Cause and Effect" has a great impact on English. Because work requires it, his English level must be better than that in high school.

The only thing he is not worried about is English, but with the improvement in English subject, it is almost impossible to make up for the missing points in other subjects, or even let his score enter the top 50 in the school.

"Can not give up!"

"It's so shameless to lose to a little girl!"

Zhao Yi glanced at Lin Xiaoqing in front of him and decided to make a fortune. Compared with his goal of being admitted to Shuimu University, entering Elite Class A was nothing.


You must have the same spirit of burning the midnight oil and reading at night before taking exams in your college days!

Zhao Yi quickly made a short-term study plan: memorize all the formulas and theorems in mathematics and physics, and at the same time, read through the biology and chemistry textbooks to remember the important knowledge points.

【Use learning coins to improve concentration! 】

[Learning Coin-1, assists in improving concentration, duration: sixty minutes. 】

hurry up!

Zhao Yi began to study hard.

For a whole day, he was immersed in the ocean of knowledge, turning a blind eye to the surrounding environment. [Focus Mode] greatly improved the learning efficiency, and his rapid cognition and memory seemed to be improving every minute, which made him feel like a master. Intoxicated.

The only drawback is that I am always interrupted by the desk in front of me while studying.

"Let me ask you one more question, is Venus in Greek mythology?" Lin Xiaoqing turned around and asked loudly.

Zhao Yi didn't even raise his head and said feebly, "God of Love!"

"I haven't mentioned the options yet!"



Next class break.

When Zhao Yi lowered his head to read, he was pushed hard and almost fell to the ground. He sat up a little annoyed and heard a question, "The lyricist of the song "Olive Tree" is..."

"have no idea!"

"Don't know? I haven't mentioned the options yet! A..."

"Don't ask, I don't know!" Zhao Yi took a deep breath and said seriously, "Lin Xiaoqing, Miss Lin, you win! My grades are not good, I have to work hard to get into the elite class, can you be quieter, don't It always bothers me, and besides, I’m not interested in it.”

Lin Xiaoqing raised her lips high and said in a weak tone, "Answer the last one..."

"What are you looking at these for?"

Zhao Yi took the thick book over, flipped through a few pages, and asked with some confusion, "Extracurricular knowledge competition questions? Do you want to participate in the competition?"

"You don't know about the 'Youth Cup' extracurricular knowledge competition?"

"It know?"

Zhao Yi thought about it carefully, but there seemed to be no memory in his mind.

This is also normal.

In high school, he and Lin Xiaoqing didn't communicate much.

Lin Xiaoqing explained, "It is a competition organized by the province, and only senior high school students can participate. Each school has three to five people, but if they do not enter the finals, it is just an exam, and almost no one signs up."

"Have you signed up?"

"Teacher Sun asked me and I agreed. He Ronghua from Class 1 also participated."

"He Ronghua? Number one in grade."

Zhao Yi understood.

Those who participated in the competition were all from the top of their age group. No wonder an 'ordinary student' like him didn't even know about the competition.


Is there any direct relationship between extracurricular knowledge and academic performance?

Lin Xiaoqing suddenly asked, "Do you want to participate? You can just sign up with Teacher Sun, right?"

She wasn't sure.

Zhao Yi didn't care at all, "What's the use of participating in this? You won't get extra points for the college entrance examination if you get first place. Isn't it a waste of time?" He glanced at Lin Xiaoqing, "Let me see! Only fools and fools will participate!"

"You are the fool! You are the fool!"

Lin Xiaoqing gritted her teeth angrily and muttered angrily, "I tell you with good intentions, but if you don't participate, you won't participate, and you even curse me!"


She simply turned her head and stopped talking.

Zhao Yi continued to study hard.

Lin Xiaoqing thought about Zhao Yi's words and felt a little depressed. Of course she knew that participating in extracurricular knowledge competitions was of no use at all, otherwise no one in the school would take the initiative to sign up.

It is interesting to enter the finals of the 'Youth Cup' extracurricular knowledge competition. There will also be a live broadcast of the competition on the provincial TV station, but the representatives of each school must first participate in the preliminaries. Hundreds or thousands of high schools will compete for the four finalists. There are only one spot, and it is almost impossible for representatives from ordinary schools to enter the finals.

So it's really just a test, and I don't even know the test results.

The reason why Lin Xiaoqing decided to participate was simple - she wanted to do something else.

In addition to regular school hours, she was also 'enrolled' in two cram school classes, one during holidays and one every night.

From waking up in the morning to going to bed at night, your time is fully scheduled.

As long as you participate in the extracurricular knowledge competition, you can use "reading the extracurricular competition questions" as an excuse to deal with the teacher and mother in the past week, and your life will be relatively easy.

Lin Xiaoqing sighed.

As someone else’s child in the eyes of others, the hard work you put in is unimaginable.

Until the end of school in the afternoon, Lin Xiaoqing did not say another word to Zhao Yi.

The two had a falling out.

After the last class, Lin Xiaoqing went to deliver homework to Teacher Shen Yan, but was suddenly caught by Teacher Sun and asked, "I heard from Teacher Wang and Teacher Niu that you were also reading the competition book in class?"

"Xiaoqing, I know you are very competitive, but that competition is not important, and most of the questions in the competition are new and have no basis."

"That book is just a reference. If you memorize all the books, it will be difficult to get high scores."

Teacher Sun said seriously.


Lin Xiaoqing pouted and asked, "Teacher Sun, Zhao Yi asked me about the competition. Other people can also sign up for this competition, right?"

"Of course, but Zhao Yi...his results..."

Teacher Sun said hesitantly, "Tell him that as long as he can enter the elite class in this placement test, I will put his name on it."

Lin Xiaoqing realized that Teacher Sun had misunderstood the meaning. She was stunned for a moment and was about to explain. Suddenly she thought of the sentence "Only fools and idiots participate", so she simply said nothing.

After walking out of the office door, she stood still for a long time, then suddenly broke into a smile.

at the same time.

Zhao Yi was running on his way home.

There are classmates who know each other on the same road and they will ask when they pass by by bicycle, "Zhao Yi, why don't you ride a bicycle?"


"A ride home?"


"Are you tired? I want to give you a lift?"


Zhao Yi was a little irritated by the question. When he heard the voice talking again, he took the first step and yelled, "Exercise!"


Zhao Yi turned around and found that it was Sun Liang.

In the past, Zhao Yi and Sun Liang would ride home together. Zhao Yi decided to run to and from school every day. Sun Liang was left alone, so he simply followed slowly on his bike.


Zhao Yi was a little moved and felt awkward after running for a while.

He is running.

Sun Liang is riding a bicycle?

This guy pedaled slowly and almost fell over but still couldn't get off. It was purely intentional!

Sun Liang was completely unconscious, and he was talking to Zhao Yi, "In the past few days, I feel like you have changed, that is, you have become..."

"Becoming handsome?"

Sun Liang nodded and said, "Yes, that's it, I've become thicker-skinned!"


Zhao Yi rolled his eyes.

It is indeed difficult to hide changes in daily behaviors and habits from best friends who have been together for a long time.

Sun Liang squinted his eyes and thought, and suddenly asked in a haha, "I know the reason! Changed the target? Right? You used to like Sun Jiali, but when you saw that there was no hope, you started chasing Lin Xiaoqing?"

"You are so brave!"

He said with a look of admiration on his face, as if he were looking at a hero who died generously.

Zhao Yi rolled his eyes, "You always think about these things, no wonder you can't get first place in the exam! We are in the third year of high school now, so think more about studying!"

"Are you not sick?" Sun Liang grinned exaggeratedly, "At the end of last semester, you sent a love letter to Sun Jiali, and less than two months later, you are talking about studying? No matter how bad my grades are, I am still ahead of the whole school. Ten, can you get into the top ten in the class?"

It hurts my heart!

Zhao Yi took a few deep breaths, and it took him a long time to recover. He pointed in front of him with his hand and said, "Go quickly, go quickly! Let me run quietly!"

Sun Liang continued nonchalantly, "To be honest, Lin Xiaoqing is very good! She's beautiful, she's beautiful, she's beautiful..."

"Then what?"

"Is he hot-tempered and strong?" Sun Liang was a little unsure, and even burst into laughter as he spoke.

Two girls passed by on bicycles.

One of the girls, a quiet girl with an oval face, turned her head and paid attention to her for a long time.

The background looks familiar.

Another round-faced girl simply slowed down and rode side by side with Sun Liang, while jokingly saying, "Zhao Yi, introduce Linlin to you? Bribe me, and Linlin will be your girlfriend."


Zhao Yi recognized Li Juan from Class 1, a troublemaker among the girls. He asked inexplicably, "Linlin? My girlfriend? Bribing you?"

"Yes, bribe me!"

"No money!"

Zhao Yi acted like a hooligan, "Otherwise, if you go to my house today, I'll drink the hundred or so kilograms and leave it all to you!"

"You can even act like a hooligan!"

Li Juan blushed. Even if she showed the spirit of a tomboy, she was just a high school girl. She couldn't resist such arrogant words. She quickly kicked Zhao Yi a few times and walked away.

[Flirting with girls, target: Li Juan, learning coin +1. 】

Collect enough six learning coins!


Sun Liang's eyes were so narrow that he could hardly see. He looked at the retreating figure and gave a thumbs up, "You are so good, you won't even let Li Juan go!"

Zhao Yi shrugged indifferently.

Little girl?

Dare you argue with him?

"By the way, who is Linlin?" Zhao Yi asked a little doubtfully.

"Don't you recognize the guy who just rode over? Zhao Linlin, from Class 1."

"She looks good."

"Indeed. She speaks softly." Sun Liang nodded in approval, and then regretted, "It's a pity that no one dares to chase her."


"She is the niece of the Bull Demon King."


The entire journey was silent.

After returning home, Zhao Yi went into his room and couldn't help but dig out the envelope in his schoolbag.


dont see?

"You definitely can't fall in love, but it doesn't matter if you see who wrote it." Zhao Yi still couldn't hold back his curiosity and opened the envelope and read the signature at the bottom.

Is it really Zhao Linlin?

never mind.

Learning is the main thing!

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