Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 134 This is too scary!

When Zhao Yi said that the hacker's stuff was 'too destructive', Professor Liu just smiled, his eyes a bit like watching a child playing with his new toy.

Most 'little hackers' are like this.

When you use hacking software or use tools to steal passwords or accounts, you feel like it's awesome, but in fact it's not a big deal at all.

Now that the domestic network has just been built, the security is far from high. To say it is full of vulnerabilities is an overstatement. However, most users do not have network security knowledge, which is also an important reason for security problems.

For example, there was a family who had just built a house and had no sense of safety at all. They simply placed their farm tools and chickens and ducks outside the house, with a small fence in the yard serving as a dividing line.

Outsiders can steal a lot just by stepping over the fence.

It may sound unbelievable, but it is actually the case. It is just that for most users who are not aware of security, the information in their computers is of little value.

Hackers, to put it bluntly, are people with good computer skills.

Zhao Yi is a genius in computer programming and algorithms. He has found vulnerabilities in the fruit system and designed a very innovative 'screening method'. However, he is only an 18-year-old high school student who discovered that designing some highly destructive codes can I found it very interesting, but also started to worry about the destructiveness.

These are normal.

Professor Liu was well-informed and didn't care too much, but he still looked at it carefully and asked Zhao Yi to help explain the functions.


Professor Liu couldn't laugh anymore.

"The routing monitoring I designed in this piece of code can only be used if the routing security is not high..."

"This disguise code is very interesting. It can be penetrated through LAN games..."

"To automatically destroy programs, I used control to call the underlying cleanup function of the target host to delete all programs with suffixes..."

"There is also an invasion..."

"The disguised code can achieve intrusion into the port, and the access ports opened by general websites can be disguised and penetrated..."

"Actually, the most important thing is disguise..."

Professor Liu was completely stunned.

Not only Professor Liu who was sitting next to him, but also his student Xiao Zhicheng, who also had a PhD in computer science, stood behind the sofa and looked at the content of the code carefully. They couldn't help but ask, "Are you sure you can do it?" Is it achievable?”

"should be no problem."

Zhao Yidao said, "I helped Zhengyang Police do security penetration to help test the security of their network. I successfully monitored their routing and also tried a one-time disguised Trojan program."

After reading a short piece of code, Professor Liu took a deep breath and said seriously, "I want to study it carefully."

It was almost time to eat in the afternoon. Seeing that Professor Liu had no intention of going out to eat, Zhao Yi simply strolled to an outside restaurant with Xiao Zhicheng, ordered a few dishes and had them delivered to his home. He also asked Xiao Zhicheng about accommodation and confirmed that Liu It was possible for the professor to stay, so he bought a lot of toothbrushes, towels, etc.

When I was carrying my things back, the sky was getting a little dark. A car was catching up from behind. The car window was lowered and its head was poked out, "Zhao Yi!"

It's Lin Xudong.

Zhao Yi turned around and was startled when he saw Lin Xudong. He always felt that Lin Xudong's eyes were wrong and seemed to be very unfriendly to him.

Lin Xudong stopped the car, opened the door and walked over.

Zhao Yi turned to look at Xiao Zhicheng, feeling a little calmer in his heart, and asked with a smile on his face, "What's the matter, Uncle Lin?"

Lin Xudong also glanced at Xiao Zhicheng, pulled Zhao Yi aside, and asked in a low voice, "Who is coming to your house? Why do you want our police to help keep an eye on him?"


"Protect, it's protection, it's the wrong word."

Zhao Yidao, "Professor of the Academy of Sciences."

"Professor? Or from the Academy of Sciences?" Lin Xudong suddenly opened his mouth and asked in surprise, "Why did the professor from the Academy of Sciences come to your home? Do you know such a big shot?"

Zhao Yi seemed to be serious and said jokingly, "I went to the capital to give a lecture some time ago. Professor, I saw a lot."

"I heard, you can! You really can!" Lin Xudong said with a smile.

He did know that Zhao Yi had some research, which seemed to be very powerful and powerful, and had been reported in various media, but it was difficult to connect a big shot at the professor level of the Academy of Sciences with this gangster who was seducing his precious daughter. At the same time, he simply followed Zhao Yi's tone and asked, "Then tell me, why did the great professor from the Academy of Sciences come to your house?"

"Talk to me about scientific research."

"What kind of scientific research is it? Be specific!" Lin Xudong seemed to want to expose Zhao Yi and continued to ask.

Zhao Yi looked up at Lin Xudong, stared at his face with a scrutinizing gaze, and then sighed and said, "Okay. That's it. They are designing a smart product called 'Smart Aniu'. This 'Smart Aniu' The main function of Aniu is to understand the beginning of various music and to continue singing along!"

"so smart?"

"Uncle Lin, I won't talk to you anymore, I have to go back!" Zhao Yiliang showed the things in his hands and went back with Xiao Zhicheng.

Lin Xudong returned home.

Lin Xiaoqing walked out of the room and asked curiously, "Dad, do you know who is coming to Zhao Yi's house? I asked him, and he said he was a professor."

Zhao Hongjuan also poked her head out of the room, "Yes, I just went out to buy groceries, and I saw two of your colleagues standing downstairs. What big shot are they?"

"A professor at the Academy of Sciences."

Lin Xudong felt that there was room for improvement. "Zhao Yi said that he came to discuss scientific research with him. I asked him what he said about making a 'smart cow' that can understand all kinds of music. I didn't quite understand either."

"Smart cow, listen to music?"

Lin Xiaoqing thought about it carefully for a few times, then immediately said one word after thinking about it, "Playing the piano to a cow?"

Lin Xudong was stunned.

Zhao Hongjuan couldn't help but burst into laughter.

The whole family thought about it.

Lin Xudong's face turned red with anger, and he turned around to go to the door to put on his shoes, "This kid dares to scold me, I can't spare him!"

Zhao Hongjuan and Lin Xiaoqing laughed and went over to hold him back.

Zhao Hongjuan also said, "You said you didn't react at the time, and you had the nerve to go find him. Isn't that just playing the piano to a cow? For a smart kid like Zhao Yi, when talking about scientific research with an old professor, what do you always ask?"

"Playing the lute to a cow, this word is well used and very appropriate. When you come back, you can change your name and call it Lin Xuniu..."

Lin Xudong felt like punching someone.

Lin Xiaoqing blinked, suddenly worried about Zhao Yi. She picked up her phone and sent a message, "My dad knows, please pay attention."

The message came back soon.

"Nvxia Lin, you can protect me!"

Lin Xiaoqing looked at the phone and chuckled, pursed her lips and texted two words, "I hate it!"

Professor Liu has been studying code.

The code designed by Zhao Yi was still a bit complicated, and it was not easy to understand it all in a short time. Professor Liu simply divided the code into several 'functional modules' and marked them respectively.

He carefully looked at the function of the code, and the more he looked at it, the more interesting it became.

This camouflage and penetration function is so powerful that it can break through most security networks. The existing security defense system is almost unable to deal with this kind of penetration.

After Zhao Yi came back, Professor Liu started discussing with him.

It not only discusses the ports that the code can penetrate, the information that can be intercepted, etc., but also uses this to diverge thinking, discussing what kind of functional programs can be hidden under the 'camouflage' code, and how to directly invade the target server. attack.

This discussion lasted an hour.

After eating something casually, Zhao Yi wrote a code program with special functions based on what was discussed.

Professor Liu was also watching.

Originally, Professor Liu planned to write it while giving instructions, but he found that he was completely speechless. During the writing process, Zhao Yi's fingers almost kept moving, and he saw that on the screen, lines of code continued to increase, without any pause at all. when.

Xiao Zhicheng came over to see it.

Xiao Zhicheng was a little unconvinced by Zhao Yi before. He was a doctoral student in computer science and felt that a high school student's level must be limited. It was a bit of luck to develop a new algorithm, but he suddenly thought of a 'good idea'.

Now Xiao Zhicheng discovered that he was wrong. Not to mention "screening methods" and "hacking techniques", in terms of his ability to write code, three or four of him put together would probably be no match for him.

This speed?

Even copying it can’t compare!

After Zhao Yi wrote the code, he started running and debugging it. He was going to use his own website. Professor Liu simply helped him create a URL, "Use this website, an information network of the Academy of Sciences, a subordinate website of our department, it doesn't matter, just Said I did it.”

"No need to check, the open port is..."

Zhao Yi made inputs respectively.

After the program officially ran, he used another computer to find a proxy IP to open the target website.

A prompt immediately popped up on the webpage, "Would you like to load the XXX program from the website?


Several large blood-red characters suddenly appeared on the computer screen: "Warning: Your computer is infected with a virus!"


Zhao Yi stood up happily and waved his hand very hard.

Professor Liu was also very happy.

Xiao Zhicheng and his assistant stood aside, staring blankly and feeling a bit scary.

So simple?

They are all computer professionals and know a lot about computer technology. They only know the ports opened by the target website. If they run a program on their own computers, users who visit the website will be infected with viruses?

Not a virus!

That's just a small animation program that calls the user's underlying functions and executes it.

But it’s scary to think about it!

At this time, Zhao Yi's Penguin account suddenly rang, and Zhou Ming sent a message, "Are you ready? It officially starts at nine o'clock!"

Zhao Yi looked at Professor Liu with questioning eyes.

Professor Liu went over and replied, "OK!"

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