Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 139 No one can disturb me!

Princeton University is the ‘palace of mathematics’ in the university world.

Uruz is in the 'Hall of Mathematics', serving as a researcher at the Institute for Advanced Study. He is a full professor at Princeton and also serves as a lecturer in 'Number Theory' in the Department of Mathematics.

Putting several positions together, you can know the level of Uluz.

Uruzi has won many mathematics-related awards. Most of his research results are in the field of complex mathematics, dedicated to simplifying the calculation of complex mathematics. But to be able to serve as a lecturer on the subject of 'number theory', he must have a certain level of number theory.

More than ten years ago, Uruz was only in his thirties. He devoted himself to studying the distribution of prime numbers, hoping to solve difficult problems in number theory. His research on the intervals between prime numbers was considered by many mathematicians to "be able to crack it with further steps." The twin prime problem”.

This is also Uluzi’s proudest achievement.

Now, more than ten years later, Uruzi also knows that his talent is limited and it is too difficult to solve the problem of number theory, so he can only give up with regret and start researching complex mathematics instead.

Uluzi's biggest regret is that he was unable to solve any difficult problems related to number theory.

He is very sensitive to matters related to mathematical conjectures.

When Jodi Williamson told him that the Journal of the Mathematical Society had published the proof of the hail conjecture, Uruzi stopped attending class. He picked up the magazine and started reading it carefully, and walked to the podium unknowingly. , continue to look at the proof process.

get out of class has ended.

The other students left the classroom laughing and joking, but Jody Williamson stayed a little embarrassed. He wanted to get his magazine back, but Professor Uruz was still reading it seriously.

In the end, Jody Williamson simply gave up.

Uruzi was so engrossed that he watched for nearly an hour. When he heard the chaos around him, he came back to his senses and raised his head, and found that the classroom was full of students.

"Another class?"

Wuruzi felt a little overwhelmed. He patiently talked for a while, but then he lost his patience and simply said to the students, "Journal of the Mathematical Society, there is a proof process of the hail conjecture. I just read it for a while. The proof method It’s really interesting. The most interesting thing is that all the basic formulas and methods are used. I suggest you also take a look..."

"Next, self-study!"

"Sorry, I have to go work on that paper!"

Uruzi said a few words and hurried away. When the students in the classroom heard the news, they quickly asked who had ordered the "Journal of the Mathematical Society".

The proof process of the Hailstone Conjecture quickly became popular in the Department of Mathematics of Princeton University, not because of the high level of the students in the Department of Mathematics at Princeton University. Even the students in the Department of Mathematics at Princeton University were only undergraduates.

Most students are indeed talented in mathematics, but because their exposure to knowledge is limited and they have not done real research, it is difficult for them to achieve a high level of mathematics.

This is mainly because Zhao Yi did not use too advanced formulas or theorems, nor did he use too complex mathematical methods in proving the hail theorem.

This is interesting!

The proof process of many mathematical conjectures, even if it is a paper that is just a side project, will use very profound formulas, theorems, and very complex mathematical methods, which are all confusing and not 'mathematics'. It is very difficult for doctors and above to understand.

Zhao Yi's proof process of the hail theorem is more complicated in comparison. The paper is nearly fifty pages long, and it is still the result of simplifying some steps. However, "complex" does not mean sophisticated, which makes many mathematics departments Even undergraduate students can understand it.

When students can understand the proof of a mathematical conjecture, they immediately feel a sense of accomplishment, and they become more interested in the research process.

The same thing happens in many places.

It's still night in the country.

Zhao Yi noticed the email from the "Journal of the Mathematical Society" and he felt a little excited. However, the "Journal of the Mathematical Society" had just been released and it would definitely take time to spread it to the country.

He didn't particularly care.

After returning home that day, I still studied the robot program. After less than a month of research, the results were still very good.

The robot 'learned' to 'recognize its way'.

As long as the map route coordinates are input into the program, the robot can automatically find its way, and it can also avoid obstacles and then find its way.

This function sounds very simple, but Zhao Yi has been researching it for a month. He studied and researched at the same time, and achieved two research results. One was to let the robot distinguish the length and size of moving objects in the screen.

For example, when the robot looks at the floor, it can quickly calculate the side length of the floor tiles, and when it sees a person, it can calculate the person's height.

Also, it’s about finding the way.

The method Zhao Yi used was first of all to judge the color. He simply installed a camera on the robot. Once it started to find a path, he opened two screens, and the new camera pointed at the ground.

Through the contrast of the colors on the ground and in front of the line of sight, we can easily identify where the 'road' is.

This way you can easily avoid obstacles.

Of course.

Many times, the color of the road will change, so the second solution can only be used. The robot will look around in the left and right directions and use the color of the image and the size of the object to determine where the road is.

The pathfinding and obstacle avoidance methods designed by Zhao Yi are no problem most of the time, but there are also many problems that will be encountered. The most important thing is that the identification methods are entered by him himself.

A person's energy is limited and he cannot think of all situations. Once he encounters a new situation, he will encounter new problems.

This requires covering every situation and writing program code in detail.


This is a team thing.

"Otherwise...sell the design method and code? Then let a company help improve it?"

"Or cooperate with a professional laboratory?"

Zhao Yi thought about it carefully and felt that the former was more reliable.

When he goes to a professional computer laboratory, he contributes the code and it is equivalent to a contribution. At most, he can get some investment sponsorship. In the end, he still has to share the code with the invested companies. It is better to sell it directly and show that he owns the final Rights to use the improved version.

After early morning.

The impact of the proof of the hail conjecture published in the Journal of the Mathematical Society is already out.

The proof of every mathematical conjecture will attract a lot of attention, and a large number of overseas media will report it, which will also attract domestic attention immediately.

"Journal of the Mathematical Society" does not yet have an online version. If you want to see the real proof process, you can almost only buy paper publications. It is not easy for domestic people to see the proof process, but it does not prevent China from paying attention to the reports of overseas media.

There was news instantly on the domestic Internet--

"Kakutani's conjecture has been proven! It's the Journal of the Mathematical Society, one of the four giants of mathematical journals!"

“It’s really proven, it’s being reported overseas!”

"Who proved it?"

"Zhao Yi!"

"It's the genius high school student who said in his speech some time ago that he proved Kakutani's conjecture!"

"Zhao Yi is really a genius. He first developed an incomprehensible computer algorithm, solved the step calculation problem of the Rubik's Cube, and then solved the Kakutani conjecture..."

"I remember someone said last month that Zhao Yi didn't understand mathematics!"

"The people who solve the world's mathematical problems actually don't understand mathematics, hahahahaha..."

It is indeed difficult for the hot discussion on the Internet to affect me personally, but people who know Zhao Yi also saw the news.

The first one is Li Lisheng.

Li Lisang has been hanging out in forums for a long time. He couldn't sleep after paying the official salary every day, so he simply got up and faced the computer, preparing for a piano battle, and then he saw the hot search——

Chinese high school students proved the Kakutani conjecture!

"Kakutani's conjecture? By the way, it seems to be Zhao Yi, a high school student?" Li Lisheng quickly thought through his mind and immediately searched and clicked on the news.

Zhao Yi!

It’s really Zhao Yi!

He solved a decades-old problem in mathematics - Kakutani's conjecture!

Li Lisheng became excited immediately. He hurried to the forum and posted a post saying, "Now that I say that I am a teacher at Zhengyang No. 13 Middle School, no one has any doubts, right?"

"Posting the latest news: My best student, Zhao Yi, has just cracked the world's mathematical problem "Kakutani Conjecture". I am waiting for everyone to reply and congratulate!"

Li Lisheng smiled happily before he remembered that he should send a group message to let everyone know.

Time is not important!

Zhao Yi, a student of No. 13 Middle School, has cracked the world's mathematical problems, and still doesn't care whether it's early morning or not.

Li Lisheng picked up his mobile phone and sent a message to teachers and principals of all schools explaining the situation.

Then, he called Zhao Yi.

Xu Chao in the laboratory also did the same thing. He really had no sense of time in research work. Xu Chao thought of a good method and kept modifying the code in the laboratory.

After finishing work and making a cup of coffee, I sat in front of the computer and browsed the news.


Zhao Yi proved the Kakutani conjecture?

Xu Chao's eyes widened in shock, he checked the news time, and immediately called Zhao Yi.

Early morning?


Zhao Yi had just fallen asleep when he received a call from Li Lisheng, "Teacher Li? It's so late..."

"Zhao Yi! Why are you still sleeping! Get up quickly and watch the news. You proved Kakutani's conjecture!"

Li Lisheng shouted very loudly, as if he was even more excited than Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi said depressedly, "I know."

"You know?" Li Lisheng was a little surprised.

Zhao Yi replied speechlessly, "Teacher Li, this is not about buying lottery tickets or drawing prizes. I submitted the article a month ago and received the email yesterday, so of course I know."

"It seems so! Haha, haha..."

Li Lisheng laughed awkwardly, said a few words of congratulations and hung up the phone.

Zhao Yi wanted to sit up, but he felt very tired, so he simply continued to sleep. A playful girl appeared in his dream. She was standing next to her, sticking out her tongue and licking her lips...


The phone vibrates.

Zhao Yi picked up the phone in confusion and found that Xu Chao pressed the answer button.

Xu Chao's voice was also a little excited, but he was much calmer than Li Lisheng, "Congratulations, Zhao Yi, your paper was published in the Journal of the Mathematical Society."


Zhao Yi and Xu Chao chatted for a few words, then continued to lie down calmly, and fell asleep after a while. In the dream, there was a very cute girl, looking up shyly.

He reached over...



Zhao Yi glanced at the screen in a daze and found that it was the principal Wang Chengmin. He took a deep breath, simply set his phone to not remind, and then threw it aside far away.


I didn’t know it was early in the morning!


No one can disturb me!

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