Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 149 Goldbach’s conjecture? What a joke!

With the explosive development of the domestic Internet, people's lives are changing with each passing day. Many older people feel that their minds cannot keep up with the development.

This is normal.

Not to mention older ordinary people, even the decision-makers in the country's Internet field feel that they can't keep up. But those who have the power to make decisions have to keep up, so they can only let the domestic Internet 'Stride forward'.

Scientific research applications in the computer field have been green-lighted for more than ten years.

A number of provincial and national computer-related laboratories and research institutes have rapidly emerged in China. The names of some laboratories and research institutes are even similar, and the research content is also very repetitive.

The Institute of Computer Applications, where Zeng Wenjun works, is a computing research unit applied directly in the name of a university. The people who join it are teachers and master's degree graduates from local universities. It has also recruited external Ph.D.s in the few years since its establishment.

A laboratory or research institute established from scratch can only be possible if it is placed in other scientific research fields and must be supported by powerful figures.

Computer labs are different.

In response to the green light given by the above-mentioned policies, and because the local university needed a computer laboratory to support its 'face', the Institute of Computer Applications immediately received regional approval and funding, and quickly became a provincial key scientific research project. unit.

Of course there will be no problem in the first one or two years, but as time goes by, problems will arise.

Laboratories and research institutes must produce results!

The Institute of Computer Applications is classified as a provincial-level priority. Its development mainly relies on financial allocations. It has also applied to participate in national software projects. However, due to factors such as personnel strength and level, their project progress is very slow.

The country's software projects are progressing slowly and there is no innovative research content. The above naturally knows the strength of the institute.

Although the title of "provincial key" has not been removed, the related funding has already been significantly reduced.

Zeng Wenjun is the chief researcher of the Institute of Computer Applications. He received his master's degree from a foreign university and worked as a lecturer in ordinary universities after studying abroad. After the establishment of the Institute of Computer Applications, due to the lack of corresponding talents, he became a lecturer in computer subjects. I simply recommended myself to join it, and later completed the project and was promoted to researcher.

Zeng Wenjun did lead several projects, but his own level was limited. Later, he simply let the recruited masters and doctors do the work, while he did the business work himself.

For example, get to know some upper-level officials, improve the level of the Institute of Computer Applications, and help get more regional funding.

For example, do some private work to increase your income.

Zeng Wenjun's work was still fruitful. The manager of Haitian Technology was fooled and decided to sponsor the Computer Application Research Institute to develop the intelligent projects they needed.

The initial investment in this project was only two million.

Two million dollars is nothing for a large company, but for the Computer Application Research Institute, which is used to poverty, it is a very generous income. After Zeng Wenjun received two million, he immediately asked his people to transfer to Haitian Technology's intelligent on the project.

One advantage of computer software research is that it requires almost no hardware investment, and the money you get can be regarded as "labor".

Two million is enough to recruit a few PhDs and pay them salaries for more than two years.

While Zeng Wenjun's pockets were bulging, he was really determined to do something big, but he greatly underestimated the difficulty of scientific research.

Haitian Technology requires intelligent object recognition of dynamic images. The difficulty can be said to be at the world's top level. Some key computing laboratories in China can only recognize colors of dynamic images.

This is already a confidential result that can be included in SCI.

Previously, the Institute of Computer Applications had no relevant results, so everything was starting from scratch.

Zeng Wenjun participated in the research and was always concerned about the progress of the project. However, the difficulty of the project was too high, and there was still no progress after a long period of research. Without progress, it was obviously impossible to obtain subsequent sponsorship.

People at Haitian Technology are not fools. They will supervise the progress of the research and investigate the direction of the funds. If the research is going well, everything is easy to say. If there is no progress that cannot be explained, there is a possibility that Haitian Technology will be held accountable.

This is what Zeng Wenjun has to face.

Zeng Wenjun came to attend the academic conference of the Computer Mathematics Committee just to get to know more people and learn about some things in related fields. It is best to "get" something through connections.

Some scholars are very good at ‘fooling’.

Zhang Qinghong is a face-saving university professor. He was fooled by Zeng Wenjun's good words and promised to give him some technologies and codes related to dynamic image research.

This is a huge gain.

Zeng Wenjun just wants to use some high-end related research to deceive the people living in Haitian Technology and let them know that the project is progressing. Whether they will continue to sponsor in the future will not matter, but they must give a basic explanation and cannot let Haitian Technology be held accountable. .

When he saw Zhao Yi on the beach, Zeng Wenjun felt like he was favored by God.

Zhao Yi!

The ‘valid and irrelevant carry screening method’ is recognized as being widely used in fields such as artificial intelligence and data mining, and Zeng Wenjun has also studied it.

Zeng Wenjun really worked hard, and no one would admit that he was poor. He felt that the 'valid and irrelevant carry screening method' was very suitable for identifying items through data analysis, so he patiently hoped to figure it out.

Eventually, he gave up.

Now that he happened to meet Zhao Yi, Zeng Wenjun's first thought was to communicate, hoping that Zhao Yi could help solve the difficult problem. After communicating with him, he found that he still couldn't understand it at all, so his mind turned to 'extracting' the code. .

Think about it.

If we could get the source code of the Rubik's Cube Calculator, wouldn't we be able to explain it directly to Haitian Technology?

At that time, even if they say it was obtained with "a lot of effort", they will not be able to come to Zhao Yi to verify that the source code in the Rubik's Cube calculator, the high-end algorithms and application logic contained in it, will definitely be in the hands of professionals. will play a big role.

Zeng Wenjun felt that Zhao Yi was only eighteen years old and must still be a young man who was easily deceived. But what he didn't expect was that his 'righteousness deception method' failed.

The other person just said one thing: I can’t do it without money!

Zeng Wenjun returned to the hotel room. He was still very angry after thinking about what happened just now. He complained to Zhang Wenhong, "He is only eighteen years old, and he still recognizes money like this!"

"When you open your mouth, you talk about money, but when you keep your mouth shut, you still talk about money. It's not easy for scientific research institutions in our countries. If you want to raise some funds every year, you don't know how much money you have to spend..."

Zeng Wenjun did not mention the issue of source code at all, and Zhang Wenhong felt the same way as he avoided the important and trivial.

It is indeed not easy to build a computer laboratory. The funds allocated are not large to begin with. If research results cannot be produced in a short period of time, it is easy to get stuck in funding. However, the national software and hardware projects they do can support the issuance of a basic salary.

Zhang Wenhong still said, "Don't be angry. He is young. He is still a high school student. How old are we? The two generations have different mentality and ideas."

"But we must admit that Zhao Yi, a young man, is very good and talented in the computer field. His screening method is really..."


"He also proved Kakutani's theorem and gained recognition from the mathematical community. It is estimated that within a few years, there will be a top young expert in the field of mathematics or computer science."

Zeng Wenjun forced a smile and said, "Yes, Professor Zhang, you are worthy of being an educator, and your words are profound."

Zhang Wenhong was immediately delighted to be photographed.

the other side.

Zhao Yi and others went to the restaurant to eat, and Zhao Hongjuan asked about what happened just now.

"He is the director of some research institute."

Zhao Yi explained a few words, "He asked me about the screening method, and he also wanted the source code. The main thing was that he didn't want to pay a penny. He was just mentally ill!"

"Director of the institute, you are very powerful, right? Don't say such things, it is easy to offend people." Zhao Hongjuan listened to the principles of being a human being, "Zhao Yi, you are very good at learning, but in the future, let's see who doesn't No matter how pleasing it is, no matter what happens, it’s best not to offend anyone, there’s no need.”

"not like this."

Zhao Yi shook his head and said, "I also know not to offend people, but sometimes there is no way. Don't get in touch with people like this, they will just talk about the truth and take advantage of them, and sometimes, it doesn't work without offending people."

"The research he is doing, I am doing similar research, and the progress should be faster than him. I can't offend him unless I give up. This is impossible."

"What kind of research?" Lin Xiaoqing asked with interest.

"Do you remember?" Zhao Yi said with a smile, "I said I wanted the robot to be my nanny."


After Lin Xiaoqing finished speaking, she quickly covered her mouth and secretly glanced at Zhao Hongjuan.

Zhao Hongjuan didn't understand the meaning and didn't care.

Zhao Yi said with certainty, "I am planning to realize the first step, which is to let the robot go to the supermarket to shop automatically!"

"Ding dong!"

System sound rang in my ears.

[The achievement module is opening...]

[Loading successful! 】

[The achievement module is opened, 20 scientific research coins are consumed, and new tasks are refreshed! 】

[Start the task: Robot automatic shopping system (computer type)]

[Start the task: Goldbach’s conjecture (mathematics)]

[Special reminder: To open a new type of task, you need to complete and meet the academic reputation standards of the target type subject. Refreshing tasks requires 10 research coins and 200 learning coins, please use them with caution! 】

[Please check the mission content yourself! 】

Zhao Yi finished his meal quickly, excused himself to take a rest, returned to the hotel room, and couldn't wait to study the system.

The character panel has one more attribute--

[Academic reputation: 1097. 】

There is a detailed classification below the 'Academic Reputation' attribute. The academic reputation of computers is 861, which is much higher than that of mathematics, which is 236.

The academic reputation of mathematics is brought about by proving Kakutani's conjecture, but most people still believe that his computer ability is much stronger than his mathematical ability. The proof process of Kakutani's conjecture also uses the binary demonstration method, which is quite related to computers. close.

The content of the task panel has been greatly enriched.

In addition to the main mission of life goals, there are two more achievement missions——

[Achievement tasks, computer category, robot automatic shopping system: You need to let the robot realize autonomous shopping function.

Task reward: 1000 learning coins and 10 scientific research coins. 】

[Achievement task, mathematics, Goldbach's conjecture: You need to complete the proof of Goldbach's conjecture.

Task reward: 1000 learning coins and 10 scientific research coins. 】

Zhao Yi was stunned.

I can still understand the task of "robot automatic shopping". What does it mean to give Goldbach's conjecture in mathematics?

This is crazy...

Be sick!

The proof process of the 'Kakutani Conjecture' was also proved by studying the 'valid and irrelevant carry screening'. He did not have complete knowledge of advanced mathematical theory at all, nor had he studied mathematics carefully.

Goldbach Conjecture?

I don’t know if there is any hope in this life, but Zhao Yigan proudly patted his chest and promised that he wouldn’t even have to think about it in a few years.


"It seems like it can be refreshed!"

Zhao Yi studied for a while and his face turned dark. Refreshing the task requires 10 scientific research coins and 200 learning coins.

The system was kind enough to give a reminder, ‘Please use with caution’!

Although it sounds like 10 scientific research coins and 200 learning coins are not much, but who knows what the refresh task is. Maybe the refresh will still be Goldbach's conjecture, even if a 'four-color conjecture' or 'Riemann hypothesis' is refreshed, There is no difference at all.

"Forget it, it's difficult to complete math achievements in a short time, so let's just leave it like this!"

Zhao Yi has identified the task of the 'robot automatic shopping system', and the rewards of +1000 learning coins and +10 research coins are quite good.

If you cannot complete scientific research achievements, the speed of learning coins being credited is fixed, but the amount required to obtain new abilities will also increase. Achievement tasks can increase the speed of obtaining learning coins, but achievement tasks are also very difficult.

His original plan was to make a "framework code for robot shopping" that could distinguish several types of items, but the task requirements were definitely not that simple. To complete the task, he had to make the robot truly capable of shopping.

This requirement is high.

Just collecting data requires a lot of work, and one person... probably can't do it, right?

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