Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 157 Do good deeds and you will eventually get good results!

"This function is the key point!"

The activation mode of "Law of Supervision" is similar to the law of cause and effect, except that more information is obtained, and the information fed back to the mind is only determined by the location. For example, if the code is too complicated to understand, the location may cover a section. area.

The feedback information he now gets in his mind points to the function of the Riemann Hypothesis, but because the Riemann Hypothesis is complex enough, he can't even understand the extended function analysis, and the information he perceives is very vague.

Zhao Yi could only rely on 'guessing'.

In a few days, he carefully studied the "Supervision Law" and almost understood the feedback information. The feedback information will be divided into two situations, one is 'problem', and the response to the code is 'bug', mostly An input error has occurred, or there is a 'liaison (logic) vulnerability'.

One is a vague expression of ‘imperfection’.

"Imperfect" does not mean incorrect. When reflected in computer algorithms, it means that the algorithm is repeatedly calculated many times and can be reasonably modified to make it streamlined, which means "connection (logical) repeatability."

"What imperfections can there be in the function of the Riemann Hypothesis? It is a conjecture to begin with. No one has proven whether it is correct or not."

Zhao Yi couldn't figure it out, so he continued to look at function analysis.

His knowledge is obviously limited, such as complex variable functions and factorial functions. He only has a rough look at them and has no systematic study.

After studying it carefully for a while, Zhao Yi simply put down the book and asked Xu Chao, "Brother Chao, do you understand the Riemann Hypothesis?"

After quitting his job in the laboratory, Xu Chao came directly to Zheng Yang, which is equivalent to placing his future on Zhao Yi. He can be said to be 'penniless', with only a brain of knowledge, but his actions are very poor. simply.

Zhao Yi also reassured Xu Chao.

The first step was to find a law firm, draw up a contract related to technology benefits, clarify the responsibilities and obligations of both parties, and confirm that Xu Chao owned 5% of the shares.

After that, Xu Chao was given one month's salary in advance.

Ten thousand yuan doesn't sound like much, but for Xu Chao, it is definitely a good income. He has been working for two years after graduating from Ph.D., but he has not been able to save much money.

The contract, salary, and help with renting a house made Xu Chao feel completely at ease and able to start working wholeheartedly.

Xu Chao was full of enthusiasm for his work, but what he didn't expect was that the main research work had not started, and most of his time would be spent on studying the code of the Rubik's Cube calculator.

Research can be said to be learning.

The thousands of core codes of the Rubik's Cube calculator were like the crystallization of algorithms. Xu Chao was so intoxicated that he couldn't extricate himself. The more he studied, the more shocked he became.

This is the art of algorithms!

Xu Chao also had a new understanding of Zhao Yi's ability level.

The code of the Rubik's Cube Calculator seems to have opened up a new way of thinking and feeling for him to write algorithms. The line-by-line expressions and call loops in it are incisive, concise and very efficient. A lot of efficient components are placed in it. Together, it becomes an incisive, concise and efficient whole.

Xu Chao looked at Zhao Yi with a somewhat complicated look. He found that Zhao Yi's ability and his doctorate title were like a joke.

At least in the field of algorithms, they are completely incomparable.

At this time, Xu Chao was studying the code. There were a few things he couldn't understand. He was writing them down and planning to ask them all at once when he heard Zhao Yi suddenly say, "Do you understand the 'Riemann Hypothesis'?"

"Riemann Hypothesis?"

The knowledge topic jumped a bit fast, and Xu Chao couldn't keep up. After thinking about it, he still said, "I have studied it and I know a little bit."

"Tell me about it!"

"You have proved the Kakutani conjecture and are an internationally famous math master, and you still need me to teach mathematics?" Xu Chao said jokingly.

Zhao Yi immediately darkened his face.

"Okay, okay, okay..."

Xu Chao then thought that Zhao Yi was only in high school, and walked over with a haha. He has a doctorate in the field of computer science. Computers and mathematics are indistinguishable. Mathematics is the basis of computer applications. If you want to study advanced in the computer field, you must learn mathematics well.

"When I was in graduate school, I also read the Riemann Hypothesis. Let me take a look." He said, taking the book on the table, glanced at it for a few times and then put the book down. "Well, let me tell you a few related things. You must know all the functions.”

"First of all, because the exact position of prime numbers cannot be judged, more than a hundred years ago, few mathematicians tried to predict the precise positions of prime numbers. Instead, they regarded prime numbers as a whole. Riemann was best at It’s a holistic analysis.”

"The Riemann Hypothesis is an overall analysis of prime numbers. But if you want to understand this conjecture, you must first be familiar with some basics, such as the Möbius function that reconciles the evolution of infinite series, Zeta functions, and Euler's machine formula..."

"The name of the harmonic infinite series is related to the concept of harmonics in music, that is, overtones higher than the fundamental frequency of the fundamental tone, the expression is..."

"This sum was later proven by Oresme to be unconvergent..."

Xu Chao tried to be concise when explaining, but it involved a lot of complicated mathematics, which still made people feel like they were listening to a book from heaven.

Zhao Yi felt like his brain couldn't keep up.

"Ding dong~~"

After finishing the harmonic series, Zhao Yizheng was recording and summarizing, and the doorbell suddenly rang.

Sun Liang is here.

Zhao Yi made an appointment with Sun Liang to introduce him to the 'new job'. He let Sun Liang in and said, "Monkey, you're here just in time. Let's listen to Dr. Sun Da's lecture on mathematics."

Xu Chao was immediately laughed at.

The Riemann Hypothesis involves indeed a lot of knowledge.

Zhao Yi has been studying related mathematics, and he still has a little foundation. Sun Liang has not studied it seriously at all. It is exactly the same as listening to the Book of Heaven.

During this process, Xu Chao has been very patient and explained very carefully.

Zhao Yi felt that he had gained a lot. He wanted to know what the Riemann Hypothesis information in the "Supervisory Law" represented. He wanted to decipher the secrets. He was confused before. Now at least he has a direction and knows what to do. What kind of knowledge can we get rid of?

Sun Liang also felt that he had gained more knowledge.

It’s hard to say whether he has acquired knowledge or not. It’s good to gain knowledge by following a doctor. He has the motivation to work and doesn’t even take a break. He quickly asked Zhao Yi, “What is my job?”

"Improving the database."

"Database? I don't understand?"

"It doesn't matter."

Zhao Yi smiled and said, "Brother Chao will do the database improvement work. You can just help collect the information."

He gave Sun Liang a small NetBook computer and took him to the small supermarket downstairs.

"Brother Wang!"

Zhao Yi greeted the fat boss and introduced, "As I said before, this is my classmate. He will work here. Please help me if I need anything."


Brother Wang greeted me warmly.

Zhao Yi has not moved into the community for a long time, but he is already a celebrity in the community. When he solved Kakutani's conjecture, the property management company put up a banner at the door. All he had to do was put up a sign at the door of the community to tell others that he lived in the community. A top mathematician who cracked the world's mathematical conjectures.

After Zhao Yi finished explaining to Sun Liang what data should be recorded on the computer, Sun Liang was a little confused. He opened his mouth and asked in surprise, "Didn't you ask me to study with Brother Chao? Why are you doing this?" …”

This is too untechnical!

Zhao Yi patted him on the shoulder and said, "This is exercise! Exercise your work ability. Not everyone can do technical work. Just like what Brother Chao said just now, do you understand?"

"Do not worry!"

"When you collect all the data, Brother Chao will tell you what the data is used for. When the system is ready, you can see what the robot can do. Then you will know how great your work is. , how valuable!”

After Zhao Yi finished speaking, he left.

Sun Liang stood there in a daze, took the water from the boss, and said stiffly "thank you". He glanced around the supermarket and saw some messy shelves. He always felt that he had been cheated.

After returning to school after the Lantern Festival holiday, Zhao Yi still studied seriously, but the content of his studies had changed. He only focused his energy on a few fixed places.

The same three subjects: Chinese, chemistry, and biology.

Chemistry and biology are secondary. After all, there are only a few unpopular knowledge points. If you read the knowledge in the book over and over, you will always remember all the knowledge points.

Teachers of each subject also summarized the knowledge points.

The knowledge points in chemistry and biology books were summarized on a stack of paper.

Zhao Yi read them all easily and found that he knew everything. He bought two more extracurricular books related to knowledge points. He planned to read them from beginning to end, read them over and over again, plus listen to the lectures normally and learn the knowledge points. There will be no big omissions.

That's pretty much it.

In fact, the real difficulty is Chinese. Chinese is a subject where it is not easy to get a low score, and it is also difficult to get a high score. Whether it is reading comprehension or writing, the scores fluctuate greatly. The score is also related to the teacher who judges the test. .

The same answer may have two different scores in the eyes of different teachers.

Zhao Yi could only do the basic questions well and try not to lose points for questions such as ancient poetry. For other questions, he had to do more, listen more, and read more sample essays.

His composition falls short of gorgeous words.

The inventory in your stomach is a big advantage. You will never run out of things to write, but gorgeous rhetorical descriptions are also very important. The written composition has clear logic and content, which can only guarantee a good score, sixty points. If you want to get above fifty-five for your essay, the content, writing style, and the impression of the examiner are all very important.

Anyway, it depends a bit on luck.

In addition to the fixed subjects in school, Zhao Yi is studying mathematics content and paying attention to his classmates in his spare time.

For example, Lin Xiaoqing.

Lin Xiaoqing's attitude towards learning became more serious after the year.

This is also normal.

Elite Class A, Class B and even senior high school students are all feeling the pressure of the college entrance examination. Everyone is very serious about studying, and there are fewer students who are absent from self-study classes. They are about to reach a turning point in their lives, and few people can still do it. Take it easy.

Lin Xiaoqing seemed to be taking it too seriously.

During her free time between classes, she hardly spoke, and just kept reading and studying, which was in sharp contrast to the relaxation she felt a while ago.

Zhao Yi played with Lin Xiaoqing's braids and asked playfully, "Please Qing, are you working so hard because of me or Sun Liang?"


Lin Xiaoqing turned around and was grabbed by her pigtails. She almost exploded in anger. She suppressed her anger and glared at Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi ignored the matter of staggering his braids and continued with a smile, "You are so serious..."

"What does it have to do with you? I just want to study hard and try to get into a good school." Lin Xiaoqing said firmly. In fact, she was a bit misspoken. Part of the pressure did come from Zhao Yi and Sun Liang.

Think about it.

When she was in her senior year of high school half a year ago, her only competitor was He Ronghua.

Sun Liang was not taken seriously at all.

Not to mention Zhao Yi's grades, which fluctuate around 500 points. Getting into an undergraduate degree depends on luck.

The reality is so cruel.

Zhao Yi suddenly became a student with a specialty in computers. The "incomprehensible" algorithm he invented was reported by the media. All major universities were competing for it. Even the top universities in foreign countries that dare not even think of it were willing to give him free tuition. Zhao Yi went to study there.

Sun Liang's only advantageous subject is mathematics. He participated in the Mathematical Olympiad competition and won the provincial prize. He entered the national competition and won the first prize. He signed a contract with Capital University in advance and became a legendary recommended student.

Lin Xiaoqing's mood was very complicated.

On the one hand, she was happy for her friend's achievements. On the other hand, she felt that she had suffered a "dimensionality reduction blow" and that no matter how high her score was, she would never be able to catch up.

So what if I get the top score in the college entrance examination? At most, it can only be said that he has caught up with Sun Liang, but there is still a big gap between him and Zhao Yi.

Lin Xiaoqing felt flustered.

She thought of Sun Liang and Gao Yuan.

Sun Liang likes Gao Yuan, and she also knows that Gao Yuan also has a crush on Sun Liang. Sun Liang has a high chance of success if he confesses his love, but Gao Yuan's academic performance is very average. Needless to say, it is very difficult to get into a top university and get a bachelor's degree. Difficulties, and Sun Liang has signed with Capital University.

Will their relationship have a future?

Lin Xiaoqing thought of herself and Zhao Yi. She would be very happy with Zhao Yi, but she found that the gap between her and Zhao Yi was getting wider and wider.

If they were together...

Will there be a future?

Zhao Yi didn't know what Lin Xiaoqing was thinking specifically, but he could tell that Lin Xiaoqing was very stressed. After finding out that he was still short of two 'sister flirting coins', he decided to help Lin Xiaoqing relieve her stress.

That’s what it means to be helpful!

You're welcome!

Do good deeds and you will eventually get good results!

After self-study in the evening, Zhao Yi and Lin Xiaoqing rode home together. When they arrived at the door of the building, he stopped Lin Xiaoqing again and squeezed her into the corner.

This is called Bidong!


"Huh? What for?"


Look at each other.

The shyness and bewilderment of a little girl instantly hit Zhao Yi's heart, and he lowered his head without hesitation...

"Zhao Yi!"

A hysterical roar came from behind, "You brat, what are you doing!"

"Let go! Let go!"


"Dad is here, no one can bully you!"

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