Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 159 CCTV Interview

Being named in a national project is an honor, but its actual significance is not that great.

Zhao Yi is still very grateful to Professor Liu.

From a practical point of view, he did provide a very important "screening method", but the "screening method" was open to the public. He patiently explained it to Professor Liu, which only shortened Professor Liu's research time.

As for the algorithm package...

Then there is no need to say more.

Professor Liu must have admired him and taken care of him before he decided to name him on the project.

It's a bit like writing a paper.

First author, second author... etc. The first author is indeed the most important, but having a name on it will also make people feel that he has made a great contribution to the research.

"It seems that in the future, if I can help Professor Liu, I will definitely help him more."

Zhao Yi thought.

Now, what he can help with is algorithms. Algorithms are also what he is good at. Just helping to find errors in algorithm packages is as simple as drinking water for him.

"Supervisory Law" doesn't even require much energy.

Just look at it randomly before going to bed and you'll be done.

In the next period of time, Zhao Yi still devoted himself to his own research. The robot automatic shopping system and the core code framework were not written yet.

The most important thing is to distinguish items.

Robots can indeed distinguish many things by relying on simple colors, sizes, and shapes, but the probability of making mistakes is also high. Some things, such as vegetables, are too difficult to distinguish clearly.

celery? spinach? coriander?

Some people cannot recognize them at all, and it is very difficult for a robot to distinguish them.

Although the robot shopping system can still be completed without such fine discrimination, Zhao Yi still wants to make it perfect, and studying the subtle discrimination of items by intelligence is also of great significance.

Just like Professor Liu's evolutionary algorithm, directly inputting a large amount of data can quickly let the intelligence know a lot of things and provide many more functions. And through a large number of picture coverage, the intelligence can also understand a lot of things.

But that's not human!

Zhao Yi hopes to create ‘human-like intelligence’ rather than a pure machine.

It was almost impossible to distinguish such small differences in items by just using color, size, etc. He could only choose some complicated methods, and the 'fuzzy method' became a good choice.

The fuzzy method, which is the use of fuzzy mathematics in computers, allows intelligence to determine an item through probability. Let's take various vegetables as an example. The intelligence can call the database to find the same item data in the same category, and finally do it. The details are vague and it can be judged how likely it is celery, coriander or other varieties.

This is the simplest application of the ‘fuzzy method’.

Using the 'fuzzy method', Zhao Yi designed a very simple program to complete the detail resolution process. However, he only designed a framework. Because there are many similar items, he still had to wait for the data survey to be completed for Xu Chao to Fill the frame with content.

Zhao Yi's work has been completed.

As long as the core code and framework are designed, you can leave the 'not-so-brainful' work to others...

Zhao Yi experienced relaxed happiness and could continue to enjoy high school life.

After the holidays.

Teachers of various subjects are conducting tests repeatedly, and students spend the most time on solving questions.

Do the questions, do the questions, do the questions again and again!

Senior high school students have reviewed the knowledge points of various subjects, and answering questions is the most effective way to improve their scores. If you do similar questions repeatedly, you can get points when you encounter them in the exam.


The physics, chemistry, and biology teachers set the questions separately, and even gave a comprehensive science test together, allowing the students to answer the questions and see how many points they could get.

There are many problems in this comprehensive science test.

According to past rules, the college entrance examination papers in Nanjiang Province have easy questions in one year and difficult questions in the second year. There is a high probability that this year will be difficult. Mathematics and comprehensive science are the most likely to have problems.


Most students racked their brains to solve the questions, including Lin Xiaoqing, He Ronghua and other top-achieving students. Almost everyone felt that there was not enough time.

Except Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi's questions were based on knowledge points. For him, the high school level was almost not difficult. He didn't even need 'learning coins' or 'scientific research coins' to get the answer easily.

Now he also has a means to detect problems - the "Supervision Law".

"Supervision Law" will point out problematic areas in the process. Even if there is a typo in a number that does not affect the answer, it can be easily detected. For some calculation questions, it can identify problematic or complicated areas in the steps, so that The steps to answer questions become more concise and clear.

So when Zhao Yi was taking the test, it was like writing the standard answers manually on the test paper. He was still in the mood to write one stroke at a time. After he finished writing them all, he found that there was still one hour left.

Then, hand in the paper!

Zhao Yi finished the question an hour early. After handing in the paper, he went to the basketball court to play for a while. He discovered something very interesting.

When he picks up the basketball and prepares to shoot, he can calculate the "best throwing angle" and "best throwing direction" through the "contact rate".


He doesn't have good control over his strength.

Even with the assistance of detailed data, it is very difficult to control the accurate force of the throw.

It's like playing billiards. Everyone knows how to play to get into the hole, but it's difficult to control it.

Basketball is relatively easy.

The assistance of data is still effective. As long as the control direction is correct and the throwing force is kept within a certain range, the basketball can accurately enter the net.

Zhao Yi's shooting percentage has improved a lot.


This is of no use.

He just felt that he would feel a little better if he could score more baskets. Otherwise, he would feel very depressed if he kept failing to score.

The science comprehensive results will come out in the afternoon.

When Sun Laoban came to physics class, she told her the results immediately. She looked at Zhao Yi with a complicated goal, "Zhao Yi, three hundred points."

Everyone in the class opened their mouths in surprise.

Three hundred points?

Full marks?

"Just that test paper? Full marks? How is that possible?"

"It's good for me to get two hundred, but he can actually get full marks? The gap is too big!"

"It's no big deal, that's Zhao Yi!"

"Zhao Yi has solved the world's mathematics problem. Do you think getting a perfect score in the science comprehensive examination is more difficult than the world's mathematics problem?"


Some people put Zhao Yi's cracking of math problems together with his perfect score on the science comprehensive examination, and found that it was no big deal, but most people were still very shocked.


Everyone has no clear idea of ​​what the world's mathematical problems are, but they have done the comprehensive test papers, so they naturally know how difficult it is.

When the whole class was discussing Zhao Yi's grades, Zhao Linlin said what everyone wanted to say, "Teacher Sun, can you not talk about Zhao Yi's grades next time? This guy is a pervert, and we are just ordinary people. There’s no way to compare with him.”


"You're so right!"

"Pervert, just go to the pervert class as soon as possible..."

Zhao Yi's face turned a little dark when he heard this.

Sun Laoban glanced at Zhao Yi again and sighed. The teachers also realized that they really couldn't always talk about Zhao Yi. At first, Zhao Yi's progress was still within the acceptable range, so they regarded Zhao Yi as It is a benchmark for progress.

Now Zhao Yi is not on the same level as ordinary students at all. In terms of exam results, he also got the second place in Nanjiang Province in the final exam.

If we talk about achievements...

Sun Laoban felt that the teachers were not on the same level as Zhao Yi.

If such students use this as an example, it will not inspire other students, but will make them feel desperate.

What else are you trying to do?

No matter how hard you work for a lifetime, you won’t be able to catch up with Zhao Yi!

Fortunately, there is also Sun Liang.

Sun Liang has signed a contract with Capital University, but his scores are still within the normal range. He only scored 230 points in the exam, which is basically a perfect score in physics.

In the past, Mr. Sun would definitely criticize Sun Liang and urge him to study chemistry and biology seriously. Now that Sun Liang has become a recommended student, there is no need to urge him to study. Let everyone know that recommended students can sign with Capital University. Not much better than them...

This probably can improve the enthusiasm of other students, right?

Sun Liang didn't care either.

Now Sun Liang continues to go to school and basically doesn't care about other subjects. He only does three things -

Look at Advanced Mathematics.

Look at the Mathematical Olympiad competition questions.

As well as collecting data for Zhao Yi's "free job".

Zhao Yi suggested that he learn more English.

Some people say that English is a foreign language and does not need to be learned, but at least until China develops to the world's number one in science and technology and makes Chinese the world's first language, English is still very important.

Sun Liang still listened to what Zhao Yi said, but he really had no interest in English and just forced himself to memorize words.

Now he uses his time after school to help Zhao Yi collect data.

He no longer attends evening self-study.

When he had time, Sun Liang went to collect data to support the reasons for his diligent work and Zhao Yi's promise.

"If you collect all the data, I will give you a high-end laptop!"

This is motivation!

With a laptop with the highest specs, what games do you want to play that you can’t play?

School is over in the afternoon.

Sun Liang greeted Zhao Yi and walked out of the classroom.

Zhao Yi was explaining a math problem to Lin Xiaoqing when he saw Sun Liang rushing back quickly, shouting, "Zhao Yi! Zhao Yi! A reporter wants to interview you."

"Reporter? Why did you enter the school?"

It’s not surprising that there are reporters interviewing me. What’s strange is that I can enter the school directly.

Sun Liang immediately answered, "It's CCTV! CCTV! Hurry, get ready!"


Zhao Yi was also very surprised and a little excited. CCTV is the largest TV station in China and has great influence internationally.


Wang Chengmin appeared again.

He walked into the classroom with excitement on his face and said to Zhao Yi, "CCTV reporters are here! They want to conduct an exclusive interview with you. They are in the principal's office and said they will be filming tomorrow."

"This is a very serious interview!"

"Zhao Yi, you are the pride of No. 13 Middle School! You must mention our No. 13 Middle School more in interviews!"

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