Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 17 Seven Thousand Dollars

Nine o'clock, Chinese test.

Zhao Yi glanced at the test paper briefly.

Of the 150-point paper, multiple-choice questions only account for 30 points? How pitiful!

Answer the multiple choice questions quickly.

Check energy——

[Energy: 94/103. 】

Ten questions, nine points? It’s almost time to catch up with the math problems when you forget the formula!

It’s a language shared by more than a billion people around the world. Logically speaking, clues are everywhere and it doesn’t require any energy at all.


"Most people can't solve these questions?"

Zhao Yi complained a few words in his mind, spent study coins to enter [Focus Mode], and began to struggle with the test paper.

Poetry analysis and dictation.

Classical Chinese translation.

Reading comprehension.

Write a slogan?

Write an invitation?

Of course, an 800-word essay is also indispensable.

The only questions that Zhao Yi could confidently get points for were reciting two poems, writing slogans, invitations and compositions, reading comprehension, and translation of classical Chinese. He just relied on guesswork to make up the number of words to answer the questions.

However, it’s normal!

Most students answer these questions by guessing the number of words.

After finishing all the questions, Zhao Yi went through the test paper again, estimated the scores for each question, and after adding them together, he thought, "I should have one hundred and ten points."


At least Chinese won’t be a subject that gets you into the elite Class A!

The exam is over.

The classroom was filled with mourners, all denouncing the teacher who set the question.

"This paper is too difficult!"

"There are two poems written silently, which I have never seen before. They are beyond the scope of the book!"

“Classical Chinese is also difficult!”

"And writing invitations? The person who came up with the question is really imaginative!"

Lin Xiaoqing and Sun Liang are the standard "CP combination of correct answers". Lin Xiaoqing is better in English, Chinese, and biology. Sun Liang is recognized as the first in physics and mathematics, and he can also get high scores in chemistry.

After the Chinese language test, it was Sun Liang's consultation time, "What should I choose for the first typo question?"


"Is it B?"

"It must be C." Lin Xiaoqing pointed out the error directly, "There is an error in the words 'gold and jade on the outside, but bad on the inside' in B. I'm sure it's C!"

"It is wrong to burn ointment to succeed the blame. That blame has an extra day on it."

Sun Liang argued.

"That's the word!"


There was an internal dispute at ‘Answer CP’.

Zhao Yi covered his ears and lay on the table. It was just a multiple-choice question. If you chose the wrong answer, you would only get three points. It was no big deal at all.

For example, he forgot everything he chose!

Lin Xiaoqing couldn't understand Sun Liang, so she brought the fight to Zhao Yi, "Zhao Yi, what did you choose?"


Zhao Yi raised his head depressedly, "Forgot, you are right, you are right, I, a poor student, need to rest!"

"Think carefully!"

Lin Xiaoqing's expression was a little ferocious.

Zhao Yi raised his head depressedly, lowered his gaze slightly, leaned over and whispered, "If you happen to turn around when I am doing the question, I will definitely choose A!"

Lin Xiaoqing didn't understand for a while.

"What are you whispering about!"

Sun Liang was confused.

Lin Xiaoqing looked at Sun Liang, glanced down and then raised her head, her expression suddenly became ferocious, "Zhao——!"


The fists were clenched tightly.

Zhao Yi stood up quickly and rushed out of the classroom with a whoosh, "Monkey, go to the toilet!"

"wait for me!"

In the end, Zhao Yi was safe and sound.

Lin Xiaoqing had been pulling a face all morning, and her pouted mouth seemed to be swollen. It was impossible for her to pay attention to Zhao Yi anymore, and even Sun Liang was implicated.

Zhao Yi thought about it and felt it was a bit excessive. How could he laugh at girls just to earn study coins?


sincerely apologize!

Zhao Yi brought the mineral water to Lin Xiaoqing, with a sincere smile and said in a soft tone, "Lin Xiaoqing, I'm sorry!"

"Actually, that's what I think. The main thing is, you are so perfect!"

Lin Xiaoqing raised her head in surprise.

"Really, honestly speaking, you are so perfect!"

Zhao Yi and Lin Xiaoqing looked at each other, their expressions full of earnestness and solemnity, "That's what I think, you are perfect. But just like the statue of Venus, it is most beautiful if it is a little incomplete, so you must not... …”


"Zhao! Yi!"

A loud roar suddenly sounded in the classroom.

Lin Xiaoqing raised her fist and smashed it, a painful wail sounded, and the surrounding area became completely quiet.

Zhao Yi fell to the ground.

Others invariably exuded sympathetic looks.

Lin Nvxia!

Raise your sword to kill again!

Zhao Yi returned to his seat, grinning and rubbing his shoulders.

Luckily it’s the shoulder!

Lin Xiaoqing's force is indeed a bit scary, and it really hurts to hit someone with her fist!

He almost cried!

Zhao Yi quietly summarized his experience and lessons, "It seems that using Venus to describe girls is not the correct way to start a compliment!"

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the last exam.

Comprehensive theory.

First, browse the score distribution of the test paper. The multiple-choice questions in Paper I account for a total of 126 points.

very good!

Zhao Yi quickly completed the multiple-choice questions, taking less than five minutes.

Then things get complicated.

Physical mechanics, electromagnetism, optics, lever springs, velocity collisions.

Chemistry experiments, complex chemical formulas, and fill-in-the-blank questions.

Biology is also an experiment.

Zhao Yi's head hurt from reading. He spent two days reading through the biology and chemistry textbooks. He also memorized and understood the formulas and theorems in physics. However, he only learned the basics by himself and knew that he might not be able to apply them.

The questions on the paper all look familiar, but actually they are simple to do. Some of the detours require hard thinking and meditation.

If something is more difficult, just give up.

This is the most depressing subject.

The exam is over.

When the class was trying to figure out the answer, Zhao Yi really didn't have any energy at all.

Lin Xiaoqing turned around and smiled, "Does it still hurt?"


"You deserve it! Remember!"

She took out the contract from the book and shook it in her hand, "Also, our agreement!"

Zhao Yi frowned, "That's not right. Even if I don't get into Elite Class A, do you think it will be offset?"

"I didn't say offset!"

Lin Xiaoqing quickly 'corrected' and said, "I just owe you something, but if you lost the bet, you also owe me something. I have already figured out what to ask you to do!"

She said she didn't know what she was thinking, and suddenly she couldn't help laughing.

Zhao Yi had an ominous premonition.

There is no point in trying to reason with a woman, and the same goes for little girls. He simply shook his head and said, "My English score is 144, so I can definitely join Elite Class A!"


Lin Xiaoqing was very sure, "Even if you get 150 in English, you still can't get into Class A!"

A few minutes later.

Xue Pinggui walked into the classroom and announced the good news, "Your teacher Sun is not here. She asked me to help inform that school will be dismissed early today. Also, starting tomorrow, morning self-study will be advanced to 6:50."

"Six-fifty, it's too early! You have to get up at six!"

"Third year of high school, you really have to risk your life!"

"From now on, I will be sleepy in the morning!"

There was a cry in the classroom.

No matter what happens tomorrow, at least school is out early today.

Everyone packed up their things and left.

Sun Liang greeted Zhao Yi and said, "It's so early, do you want to go to the Internet cafe? I haven't been there for a week. Go play Bubble Bobble, I'm almost a professor!"

"Bubble Bobble?"

Zhao Yi recalled it carefully. It seemed to be an ancient penguin game?

He agreed anyway.

It is indeed a good thing to go to an Internet cafe to play games and earn learning coins.

Sun Liang said that he was going together. He got on his bicycle and quickly rushed to the Internet cafe. He only said to Zhao Yi, "You are running too slow. I will leave first. I will turn on the machine and wait for you!"

"No loyalty!"

Zhao Yi didn't care and continued to run slowly.

The Internet cafe was not far from the school. It was almost there after running a few hundred meters. When he was approaching the entrance of the Internet cafe, Zhao Yi saw a small motorcycle passing by.

look familiar?

He tentatively greeted, "Teacher Sun? Going to school?"

"Zhao Yi!"

It's none other than Sun Laoban!

Sun Laoban looked up and saw Zhao Yi, slowed down and asked, "How was your exam today?"


Zhao Yi responded and asked, "Teacher Sun, are you going to school?"

Mr. Sun nodded, "I didn't come here in the afternoon because I had something to do. Now I'm rushing to school to judge the papers!"

"Then you have to work overtime today. Being a teacher is really hard!"

Sun Laoban was a little surprised. Students rarely talk like this. She didn't have much time to waste, so she nodded and said, "I have to go, you should go home quickly!"


After Zhao Yi finished speaking, he quickly walked into the Internet cafe.


Sun Laoban's face turned blue. She stopped her motorcycle and stood at the door of the Internet cafe for a long time, but finally did not go in.

"So blatant!"

"Too arrogant!"

"It seems that Zhao Yi's home visit will be as soon as possible!"

In the Internet cafe.

Sun Liang helped Zhao Yi turn on the machine in advance, and Zhao Yi was pulled to play Bubble Bobble together as soon as he got on the machine.


"Quick, get into the room!"

"I'm going to hit the professor today!"

Zhao Yi turned around and asked, "Want to fight together? Today... I feel bad!"

"Stop talking nonsense, we are not on the same team, just help me deal with the others!"

So that’s it!

Zhao Yi played a few games with Sun Liang, and then Sun Liang discovered that Zhao Yi was useless at all, let alone attacking other people. The screen went black after he couldn't last even one minute.

"What's wrong with you today? What's your level? You're still a college student!"

"never mind!"

"I'll do it myself!"

Chen Zhou, a short boy with a flat head, walked in. He turned on the machine next to Zhao Yi, and then asked depressedly, "Did you see Teacher Sun when you came?"

"That's your class teacher!"

"She's standing at the door, I don't even dare to come in!"

Zhao Yi was stunned for a moment before he realized that he actually walked into the Internet cafe in front of the class teacher?


Still haven’t adapted to being a student!

Treat school as work, and you will feel free after school, and you will not be afraid of teachers!

"never mind!"

"Anyway, mom and dad know that I go to the Internet cafe, it's nothing..." Zhao Yi thought comfortingly, turned off the Penguin game, and opened the web mailbox.

It indicated that there were seventeen new emails.

Advertisement, liar.

Advertising, scammers...

Got it!

Reply email from the fruit company!

Two letters!

Zhao Yi couldn't wait to open it and check it out.

The first one was a reply written by the technical department, which basically thanked him for the vulnerability feedback. The technical department confirmed that the vulnerability did exist.

The second letter is directly related to the bonus.

After evaluating the vulnerability, the fruit company decided to award him a bonus of US$7,000 and hoped that he would send another confirmation email with his name, ID number and receiving bank account number.

Seven thousand dollars!

That’s it!

Zhao Yi showed a satisfied smile.

"What are you looking at? You are smiling so obscenely!" Chen Zhou glanced at Zhao Yi's screen and found that he said all the words in English, "No wonder your English is so good. You read everything online in English!"

"Do not talk nonsense!"

Zhao Yi switched the screen to the game interface, "Come quickly, Dota, start black, don't wait until the expiration date!"


Zhao Yi was in a good mood and started playing black games with Chen Zhou.


Sun Liang also joined in.

One dish brings two dishes.


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