Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 169 How on earth does your head grow?

After completing the submission, Zhao Yi took a long breath and felt his whole body relax. After a long period of intense research, it really made people feel very tired.

He sorted out the manuscript papers, folded them together and stapled them. He walked to the living room and made a cup of coffee, then sat on the sofa and watched TV.

Xu Chao also walked out, noticed Zhao Yi's leisurely look, and asked curiously, "Is your research over?"

Zhao Yi nodded.

"You are studying encryption algorithms related to the Riemann Hypothesis, right? Have you achieved any results?" Xu Chao asked immediately.

"What encryption?"

"Encryption algorithm?" Xu Chao said matter-of-factly, "I see that you seem to be studying encryption algorithms recently. Are you planning to provide technical encryption for the programs we make?"

He said with some embarrassment, "When I was cleaning the house during the day, I looked at the manuscript papers on your desk. They seemed to be functions, calculations, etc. It should be that you are planning to use the Riemann Hypothesis to create a new encryption algorithm, right? Now the international Many encryption methods on the Internet use this method. I once thought about finding a safe algorithm. If it is ordinary encryption, it may be cracked."

"You've been studying it for a long time. It should be over today, right?"

Xu Chao said, sitting on the sofa, eager to know what encryption algorithm Zhao Yi had developed, "Tell me about it."

He couldn't wait.

Zhao Yi was stunned when he heard this. He opened his mouth for a long time and asked, "Do you think I am researching a brand new encryption method?"

Xu Chao said with certainty, "Your manuscript paper is full of various functions and symbols, and they are unrelated. You can't prove the Riemann Hypothesis."

"That's not true."

After hearing Zhao Yi's denial, Xu Chao's tone became more certain, "I looked carefully and found related analysis diagrams. The symbols representing various meanings should be an encrypted text..."

Zhao Yi nodded after hearing this.

From an outsider's perspective, he felt that Xu Chao's analysis was reasonable, but the facts were completely different. He thought about what Xu Chao said and talked about the encryption algorithm.

Zhao Yi only has a superficial understanding of this.

Xu Chao has probably done relevant research, and he knows encryption algorithms very well.

Encryption, that is, code development.

When encrypting computer programs or other content, you cannot write passwords randomly, because the password is not just a few digits, but covers the entire program. There must be certain rules. Only those who know the rules can complete the password. Unlock'.

However, similarly, passwords have certain rules and can be easily 'cracked'.

This is where the contradiction lies.

Therefore, complex functions are used in the development of cryptography. The concept of prime numbers involved in the Riemann Hypothesis is very complex. The distribution law of prime numbers has not yet been discovered. Cryptozoologists use the Riemann Hypothesis in the construction of encryption algorithms. Its computational complexity makes the password difficult to crack.

One representative one is the RSA asymmetric encryption algorithm, which is widely used in fields such as national defense, finance, and the Internet that require high information security.

The RSA asymmetric encryption algorithm takes advantage of the difficulty of decomposing large prime numbers. It is very easy to multiply two large prime numbers to obtain a product, but it is extremely difficult to factor the product and then obtain two large prime numbers.

Since the product of large prime numbers is difficult to decompose, the code is difficult to crack.

If you want to crack the password, you need to spend a long time and perform a lot of calculations, but this also loses the meaning of cracking the password.

After Zhao Yi talked with Xu Chao about the encryption algorithm, he decided to show him the research results. He went to get the stack of manuscript paper, pointed to the final function sequence and explained, "I call it the irregular three-dimensional tremor waveform. function."

"This is deduced based on the Riemann Hypothesis. On the three-dimensional graph analyzed, every peak and trough is a prime number, and the process will not be explained."

"Brother Chao, what you said makes sense. Let's research a new encryption algorithm to encrypt our program packages."

"This function looks simple and relatively easy to understand, but in fact, it is very difficult to crack. There is no rule in its solution. Of course, unless the rule of prime numbers can be found. I want to design a password based on it. , will definitely be safer.”

"You have done a lot of research on encryption algorithms. I will leave this work to you for now. Let me know if you encounter any difficulties."

Zhao Yi patted Xu Chao on the shoulder and said with trust.

Xu Chao was completely stunned.

Ever since Zhao Yi took out the research results and briefly introduced them, he didn't even say a word. It wasn't until Zhao Yi finished speaking that he finally reacted and said with surprise, "You mean, you created a The brand new function, at a certain position, covers all prime solutions to the Riemann Hypothesis, and contains more prime solutions?”

"Did I just say that?"

"Are you sure? Covering all prime solutions to the Riemann Hypothesis?"

"You saw it, this is it..."

Of course Xu Chao saw the function, but he was more interested in other things. He looked at Zhao Yi's head carefully, walked around in a circle and looked carefully, and finally sighed with a wry smile, "How on earth did your head grow? I didn’t understand the Riemann Hypothesis a while ago, so I kept looking at the data, and I was able to produce results so quickly.”

He was struck.

Xu Chao has always felt that he is also a smart person, and he can become a main force when working in the laboratory, and his ability is no worse than others.

Now he sees a gap.

"Geniuses really cannot be judged by common sense. This guy is not a normal person!" Xu Chao's heart was full of sourness.

Zhao Yi is still very considerate of his employees, and their mental health is also very important. He found that the instant coffee was running out, so he decided to increase welfare benefits to comfort his employees, "Brother Chao, the coffee is running out, you go to the mall in the morning , come back and sell some Starbucks coffee."

"Coffee must be good. Don't worry about money. It's all public expense. I'll reimburse you!"

The next afternoon, Sun Liang came to work for the last time. He was about to participate in the National Mathematical Olympiad training camp.

This training is for the top 60 in the Mathematical Olympiad winter camp. If you get the top six in the training, you will be able to join the national training team and lead the country to participate in the World Mathematical Olympiad competition.

Mathematical Olympiad training is of course more important.

Sun Liang was very serious about his 'part-time' job. He continued to go to the supermarket to collect information until nine o'clock in the evening, and had collected all the information on various products.

Zhao Yi specifically told Sun Liang not to go back yet.

Sun Liang stayed in the workroom with Xu Chao, while learning basic computer knowledge from Xu Chao.

He is still very interested in computers.

In the past, I could only play games and type at most. After getting in touch with Xu Chao, I discovered that there are many things that can be learned from computers.

After Zhao Yi came back, he said hello to Sun Liang, then went directly to the bedroom drawer and took out an envelope containing money. There was five thousand yuan prepared in it. He came out and handed it to Sun Liang directly, "Here, take it." .”



Sun Liang was a little embarrassed, but he took it and opened it and took a look, and said, "I'm helping you. We are close friends, how can we ask for..."

Zhao Yi grabbed it and said, "Forget it."

"No, haha."

Sun Liang quickly said soft words and took the money back.

Zhao Yi was just joking with him. If it were Lin Xiaoqing, he would definitely prepare a gift instead of paying directly. However, Sun Liang's family conditions are not good, and money is more important to Sun Liang.

Now that Sun Liang is about to participate in a training camp, he will probably have some use for the money. It would be best to give him 5,000 yuan as a salary.

Sun Liang did a good job.

The work of data collection is hard work, but it is also important. Comprehensive data can allow robots to make correct decisions.

The framework of the robot shopping system has been set up, and the remaining work is to continue inputting data. After the database is completed, the overall code can be tested and fine-tuned, and it is almost complete.

Technology monetization has also been put on the agenda.

The main technology of the robot is dynamic image analysis and calculation. The actual use of the shopping system is not great. The technology displayed in the process is the most important.

This is also the difficulty in monetizing soft computer technology.

General hardware technology can be patented, but software, algorithms, etc. cannot be patented. In the design process of the robot shopping system, the only things that can be patented are the image information transmission of the camera and the detailed control of the robot arm and fingers. Scheduling.

Neither patent is of much use.

Zhao Yi and Xu Chao discussed it and decided to register a company first, apply for a patent in the name of the company, and then consider discussing technology transfer with the other party.

The first technology transfer revenue is important.

Zhao Yi did not consider running the company. Running it was a very complicated matter. For him personally, the time and energy spent running the company was not worth the gain.

There are many ways to make money, and doing it by yourself is the worst way.

Now that the research has yielded results, it would be a good choice to monetize it and obtain a large amount of funds. He would rather have his own laboratory, like the one at Yanhua University.

With the support of the laboratory, any research you want to do is much easier.


Time has entered mid-April.

Xu Chao had already obtained the company license, and his name was Xingyi Technology. Zhao Yi also gathered enough people to put his father's name on the company's shareholding list, but he held the most shares.

Ninety percent.

Xu Chao and Zhao Zhenxi each hold 5%.

The purpose of setting up the company was to conclude deals related to robot dynamic image analysis technology.

Business from Xingyi Technology came so quickly that even Zhao Yi and Xu Chao were surprised. On the second day after all the procedures were completed, a manager from Haitian Technology came to the door.

It's Zhou Kai.

Zhou Kai believed Zeng Wenjun's words before and really thought that Zeng Wenjun knew Zhao Yi, so he asked Zeng Wenjun to discuss the technology acquisition. Unexpectedly, there was no news after Zeng Wenjun arrived.

Later Zhou Kai learned that Zeng Wenjun had been detained.

Zhou Kai discovered that Zeng Wenjun was unreliable, so he simply came to Zheng Yang to understand the situation. He didn't know what the robot could do, but he still wanted to see it with his own eyes and talk to the owner of the robot to know the specific situation. Make your decision again.

Xu Chao introduced the robot's effects and other technologies to Zhou Kai, which surprised Zhou Kai.

Zhou Kai immediately offered the price, "Twelve million, we hope to get dynamic image object recognition technology."

"We need to think about it."

Xu Chaoqiang suppressed his inner excitement and told Zhao Yi the news.

Zhao Yi is in class.

He knew that a manager of a company came to see the robot technology, but he was not in a hurry. First, the negotiation on technology transfer could not be decided immediately.

Secondly, the technology is not yet mature, and they still need to continue debugging, especially the content of the underlying support programs, which must be completed before the technology can be transferred.

In the end, he looked down on Haitian Technology.

Zhao Yi sent a message back to Xu Chao, setting the tone of 'reception', "Don't talk about the key things, just let him take a look."

He put down his phone and continued class.

Teacher Wang Ping's Chinese class was really hypnotic, but Zhao Yi did not use the 'rest coins', but listened patiently to the class, because the content taught by Teacher Wang was all 'dry stuff', and the content was 'How to pass the college entrance examination' , the composition gets higher scores'.

This is so important.

Zhao Yi has always been confused about the evaluation of essays. He has a lot of things in his stomach, but his literary talent is very average. He doesn't know what content to write to get a higher score. Essays are the kind of uncertain topics.

Teacher Wang's explanation was very detailed. She used examples from several sessions to illustrate what kind of essays are more likely to get high scores in college entrance examination essays.

This is the leading discussion topic.

In fact, there is no definite answer. What Teacher Wang said was his own understanding, but it was still very helpful to Zhao Yi because he had no understanding of it.

get out of class has ended.

Before Wang Ping left, she glanced at Zhao Yi and came over to tell him, "Don't disturb other people when using your mobile phone in class from now on."

The phone vibrated a little loudly just now.

Zhao Yi smiled awkwardly. He didn't put his phone away, so it vibrated on the table.

Lin Xiaoqing turned around and asked, "What were you doing just now? It seems like a message came?"

"Yeah, Brother Chao."

"Brother Chao, why are you sending a message at this time?" Lin Xiaoqing and Xu Chao also became familiar with each other, and she suddenly asked curiously.

"So excited to hear the money."


"That's right." Zhao Yi said nonchalantly, "There was a company that said it would spend 10 million to acquire our technology. He was so excited that I told him to ignore him."

"The other party is a liar?"

"Of course not, it's just that the money paid is too little."

After Zhao Yi spoke frankly, he received a blank look from Lin Xiaoqing, with 'just brag' written all over her face.

Zhao Yi didn't care, but leaned into Lin Xiaoqing's ear and whispered, "Go to my house after school in the evening. You haven't been there for a long time. I will give you tutoring in physics."

Lin Xiaoqing's face suddenly turned red.

After "tutoring Chinese" for Zhao Yi at night last time, she never went to Zhao Yi's place after school. The main reason was that she didn't have time. She had to attend a physics cram school. In addition, Zhao Yi also had no time and had been studying and building a new system. The function.

After hearing Zhao Yi's words, Lin Xiaoqing remembered the experience of that day, blushed and glanced at him, quickly shook her head and refused, "I'm not going!"

After a while, Lin Xiaoqing turned around, leaned close to Zhao Yi's ear, and said three words in a row, "You are so, so bad!"

[Flirting with girls, target: Lin Xiaoqing, learning coins +2. 】

What an unexpected surprise!

Zhao Yi had always felt that the difficulty of 'picking up girls' for Lin Xiaoqing had become higher. He had no intention of receiving learning coins, and he did not expect that the 'picking up coins' would come to his door again.

This is so relaxing!

Lin Xiaoqing went to the physics cram school that day.

When Zhao Yi went home and saw Xu Chao who was "extremely excited", he simply said, "Haitian Technology is not good."


Xu Chao did not directly reject Zhou Kai, because he did not know how to refuse, nor did he understand why Zhao Yi would, so he directly rejected Haitian Technology.

"They are not qualified enough to pay a high price."

Zhao Yi explained, "Brother Chao, you have to know that our technology is cutting-edge. Dynamic image analysis and recognition can be used in many ways. What will happen if we sell it to Haitian Technology? They can almost only use it to upgrade the security system. , what can be used is still in the very high-end security field.”

"So for Haitian Technology, buying this technology just increases the competitiveness of the industry."

"It's like selling human-computer interaction capabilities to a toy company. The toy company can only put the technology in the field of high-end toys. The technology coverage is not wide, and they don't pay too high."

"So we only have one kind of customer, which is a company like Zhouyu Interactive, whose core business is to provide intelligent technical service support. They will definitely pay the highest price."

Xu Chao understood as soon as Zhao Yi explained.

Previously, Xu Chao only considered monetizing his technology and thought it would be great if he could buy it for more than 10 million yuan. He didn't think so deeply at all.

Now it seems……

I originally thought that in terms of starting a company and monetizing technology, Xu Chao thought that at thirty years old, he would definitely do better than Zhao Yi. Unexpectedly, just like in the technical field, I still...

"How the hell did your head grow!"

He sighed again.

Zhao Yi chuckled and made a cup of coffee. He found that boiling water to make coffee was still a bit troublesome, so he simply decided to continue to provide employee benefits, "Let's do it, Brother Chao, isn't online shopping popular now? You can buy better coffee online. machine."

"Don't worry about the money, I'll reimburse you!"

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