Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 172 It turns out that I am so good!

Qian Zhijin couldn't find any reason to refuse. Just the fact that "the project bears the name of 'Intelligent and Automation Laboratory'" was enough for him to agree directly.

Because, fame.

Although he said that "fame is useless", that's not what he thought in his heart. of

Fame is the most useful thing.

For individuals, fame is equal to prestige. Only by having academic achievements can the outside world recognize one's abilities; for laboratories, only by having influential results can scientific research and academic abilities be recognized by the outside world.

The Intelligence and Automation Laboratory is a provincial key computer laboratory.

The laboratory maintains the provincial key rating and needs to complete projects allocated by the state. National projects are confidential. No matter how well it is done, no one outside will know about it. Therefore, it is difficult to be well-known to the outside world. If you want to rise from the provincial level To be rated as national-level, it not only requires the completion of national projects, but also requires academic and scientific research achievements, as well as team and individual awards at home and abroad.

These academic achievements and awards are the key to improving the rating.

In fact, just like an individual, if an individual wants to obtain a higher academic rating, he must obtain higher academic achievements. Winning a heavyweight award is an affirmation of one's academic performance.

So Qian Zhijin agreed directly, and he even started to look forward to it.

Putting aside the ‘project name’, marginal results are also very attractive.

The dynamic image analysis project is very high-end, and involves the combination of software and hardware, data transmission analysis and other results on the edge, which are also very good results.

At present, the result of dynamic image analysis in the intelligent and automated laboratory is only a tasteless "color recognition technology". The reason why it is described as "tasteless" is because there are a lot of technical problems, involving several colors or mixed colors. This will cause program confusion.

If you can participate in a dynamic image analysis project, even if you are not exposed to the core content, it will definitely greatly improve the level of the laboratory in this area, and at the same time, it can also train the participating personnel.

University laboratories are not only for scientific research, but also for talent cultivation.

"So, who should be involved?" Qian Zhijin thought while continuing to work in the laboratory. He rarely made it past eleven o'clock, just entering the "made-up project" into the laboratory's database.

Dynamic image object recognition.

Precise analysis and control of dynamic image data.

Intelligent robot design.

Qian Zhijin 'made up' several projects in succession. After struggling for a while, he deleted the unimportant ones and marked the remaining ones——

Researcher and ownership: Zhao Yi.

Partners and honors belong to: Intelligence and Automation Laboratory.

Later, I thought about simply deleting the words ‘researcher’ and ‘honor’, and directly marked ‘Collaborator and affiliation: Intelligence and Automation Laboratory’ in the first article, and ‘Owner: Zhao Yi’ in small print in the second article.

"That's good."

“If you don’t pay careful attention, you might think that the project was made in a laboratory.”

Qian Zhijin thought happily.

The laboratory was bustling the next morning.

Qian Zhijin added a new project to the database, which was immediately noticed by others, the most important of whom was Liu Guangzuo, the 'leader' of the laboratory.

Liu Guangzuo is the core figure of the Intelligence and Automation Laboratory. He is several years younger than Qian Zhijin. His achievements are incomparable. He has won many awards at home and abroad. He is the editor of a top international computer magazine and has entered the national Talent plan, considered top figures in the fields of artificial intelligence and automation.

It can be said……

With Liu Guangzuo's intelligence and automation laboratory, it is a provincial key laboratory. Without Liu Guangzuo's laboratory, it may not even be rated as a municipal key laboratory.

Liu Guangzuo has held many positions and worked on national projects all year round. He is very busy with work, but he also cares about the situation in the laboratory. After all, laboratory researcher is his main job.

On this day, Liu Guangzuo discovered that there were inexplicably a few more "high-end projects" in the laboratory.

"Dynamic image analysis?"

"I remember there was a color recognition, right? Did Professor Luo start a new project?"

"The project owner is not a laboratory?"

Liu Guangzuo was also deceived by Professor Luo's word game at first. When he pulled him back and found that everyone was not a laboratory, he knew that it was not a laboratory project. It was probably just a name borrowed from the laboratory.

Although the project had just been established, with only a brief introduction and no relevant reports, Liu Guangzuo knew at a glance that it was related to Qian Zhijin.

He immediately went to ask Qian Zhijin.

Qian Zhijin said with some pride, "This is the project I invited. Dynamic image analysis and recognition are very high-end in the world, right?"

Liu Guangzuo nodded affirmatively, "This owner Zhao Yi is..."

"Screening method!"

Qian Zhijin said three words and Liu Guangzuo suddenly understood. He immediately smiled proudly and said, "By the way, Professor Liu, you may not know, I have already negotiated with Zhao Yi, and he will come to our Yanhua after the college entrance examination." University."

"Have you signed the enrollment agreement?" Liu Guangzuo hit the nail on the head with one sentence.

Qian Zhijin pursed his lips hard and still had to admit, "That's not true."

Liu Guangzuo nodded thoughtfully, "I didn't expect that he is not only powerful at algorithms, but can also do his own projects. If dynamic image analysis can be completed, his level will no longer be weaker than ours..."

In order to take care of Qian Zhijin's emotions, he still added the word "people".

Qian Zhijin was a little happy to hear this.

Although Liu Guangzuo added "we" on purpose, he also admitted in his heart that the academic and scientific research fields of computers are far inferior to Liu Guangzuo's.

This is the difference between people.

Qian Zhijin also worked hard when he was young, but was always overtaken by younger people. The only gain was self-awareness.

He is the kind of person who has no creativity.

The academic level is definitely not bad. If you have reached the level of being a doctoral supervisor, you can still lead ordinary projects, but when it comes to innovative and difficult research and development, it is completely impossible.

Liu Guangzuo continued, "This kind of genius must be caught. I think it is still unstable just a verbal agreement. Is he unwilling to sign the enrollment agreement?"

Qian Zhijin nodded depressedly.


Liu Guangzuo lowered his head and paced back and forth, thought for a while and said, "If there happens to be this cooperation project, we will give a 'special researcher'. This will also make it easier for the project to be listed in the institute."

"The laboratory does its best to support the project, which is also good for us."

Qian Zhijin was a little surprised and said, "It's okay to give a 'special researcher', but a 'special researcher' needs a doctorate, right?"

Liu Guangzuo shook his head and said, "Since it is a 'special appointment', there are no academic requirements. This is our laboratory's own business. You are responsible for the personnel and finances of the laboratory, and you can do whatever you want!"

Zhao Yi and Qian Zhijin only made a verbal agreement and did not sign a relevant contract.

But there is no rush.

The two parties have relatively mutual trust, because cooperation is really a win-win situation.

Zhao Yi has the absolute initiative in cooperation. He needs the hardware and personnel support of the laboratory. Some peripheral codes and hardware technologies also need support from the laboratory, but his requirements are not high. He needs to find an experiment of a similar level. He can do it in his own room, and the technology he researched is unique.

There is no need to really pay anything for the intelligent and automated laboratory. Many of the laboratory personnel are doctoral students and graduate students. Doing experiments is a learning process. If you pay for the few hardware in stock, at most you can find a partner to order some. Things, without much effort at all, can reap marginal results and the reputation of R\u0026D projects, which can definitely be said to be 'earned'.

Zhao Yi was surprised when he heard Qian Zhijin say that he was asked to be a 'special researcher'. After asking carefully, he found out that the 'special researcher' was a new 'employment system'.

Some people who have just graduated from Ph.D. or postdoctoral studies will find it difficult to enter a top university for a while. It is even more difficult to have a high starting point in a top university to start work quickly.

The "special researcher" position is like a transit station, providing a platform for these people.

The temporary ‘researcher’ title can break through hierarchies and barriers and be eligible to apply for projects independently. It can not only promote growth, but also bring resources and development to the school.

At the same time, "distinguished researchers" can also bring good income.

The only thing is that they are not within the system.

From this perspective, they are somewhat similar to auxiliary police officers and temporary urban management workers, who are not part of the system.

There are also differences in scientific research.

Scientific research and academics are based on ability. Even if you can't produce results within the system, it doesn't matter. But if you are outside the system, you will be valued as long as you can produce results.

Some "distinguished researchers" are promoted to professors directly after entering the system based on their excellent scientific research achievements, faster than those who hold the position of associate professor (associate researcher) at the same level.

Zhao Yi doesn't care whether he enters the system or not.

Because, ability.

As long as you have strong enough abilities, it would be better not to join the system and not be restricted.

In addition, he has not yet gone to college. It is already amazing that a high school graduate can be a 'special researcher'. 'Special researcher' is qualified to establish projects. Because he is a 'contract worker' and is not recognized by the system, he will naturally not be recognized by the 'system'. Constraints, the ownership of the project can be discussed with the institute itself.

This is actually a rule that is beneficial to laboratories and research.

The 'specially appointed researcher' system has just begun to emerge, but the abilities of the 'specially appointed' researchers are generally not as good as those of real researchers. The projects they set up must be reviewed, and only if they pass the review can they be supported.

The review will also include discussions on project ownership, and laboratories within the system will definitely account for a part of it.

There is room for maneuver in this review.

Qian Zhijin knew that Zhao Yi was worried that the laboratory would take ownership of the project, so he emphasized this point, "You don't have to worry. The special researcher is just a name, and the employment is with a contract. The projects you research on your own, as long as they are not in the laboratory, Once the project is formally established, the ownership rights are yours."

This is freedom from institutional constraints.

If you are a researcher within the institution, since you are employed on a tenure-track basis, any project will be partially owned by the laboratory.

Of course.

The advantage is that you have absolute rights. You don’t need to go through review when establishing a project. Even if there are no scientific research results, your job is guaranteed.

Finally Zhao Yi nodded in agreement.

"So, you are about to become a special researcher in the laboratory? You can also get a salary of 20,000 yuan a month?" Xu Chao's words were full of sourness.

Xu Chao worked hard for the laboratory and had always been the lowest-level doctoral contract worker. He could not even think of becoming a "special researcher".


Zhao Yi was still in high school in Zhengyang. He didn't even get a high school graduate, so he made a special case and became the first 'special researcher' in the laboratory?

This is so unfair!

Zhao Yike didn't care how Xu Chao felt. He thought that he had received a salary of 20,000 yuan and went to school in a good mood.

When he got to school, he was in a good mood. He even sang a song after class, "You are my little one, little apple..."

"Zhao Yi!"

"I can never love you too much..."

"Zhao Yi!"


Zhao Yicai reacted and looked at Lin Xiaoqing, who was blushing, and then continued singing, "The red little face warms your heart..."

Look down.

Lin Xiaoqing shrank her neck, gritted her teeth and said, "You! The songs you sing are so gangster!"

"Have it?"

Zhao Yi thought about the lyrics carefully and found that there was nothing rogue about it. The little girl probably had complicated thoughts, so she shook her head and asked, "What's the matter?"

Only then did Lin Xiaoqing remember the business, "By the way, the principal asked me to ask you to come over."


Zhao Yi went to the principal's office with doubts. When he entered the door, he saw several teachers. Some were crowded on the sofa, and some were just standing, watching the TV on the table.

In addition to the small shop, only the principal's office has a TV in the school.

When several teachers saw Zhao Yi, they immediately greeted him enthusiastically, "Zhao Yi is here!"

"Look, you are being broadcast!"

"Look, take a seat!"

Li Lisheng took the opportunity to pull Xue Pinggui up from the sofa who kept making secret gestures.

Xue Pinggui took a long breath. He was pulled by Niu Lianhua to sit down. There were three female teachers on the sofa, and he felt awkward being squeezed on the edge.

Fortunately, he was pulled up.

Zhao Yi glanced at the seat, quickly waved his hand and said, "I can stand, just stand."

"Yes, you can get closer to the TV if you stand." As soon as Li Lisheng finished speaking, Niu Lianhua pulled Xue Pinggui back.

The other teachers looked funny.

Ever since Niu Lianhua and Xue Pinggui made it public that they were on good terms, Niu Lianhua has been showing off her affection without any concern, and "doting on her boyfriend" is her daily routine.

As a result, Xue Pinggui was sympathized by many male teachers, while the female teachers all found it very interesting and joked about it in private.

Zhao Yi glanced at Niu Lianhua and Xue Pinggui, and couldn't help but grin. He focused on the TV. It was the education channel of CCTV. It was broadcasting a character column, and the featured character was him.

This is the program produced by the last column group.

"Zhao Yi was born in a very ordinary family. His parents were busy working to make a living."

"My father's old suit has been worn for ten years. My mother is very tired from work during the day and has to go home to cook and clean up the housework. She is busy all day long..."

"He has been inspired to study hard since he was a child..."

"Computers made him very interested. If he didn't have a computer at home, he would go to an Internet cafe or a classmate's house to borrow one..."

This story is just as true.

Zhao Yi found that he had seen all the scenes on TV, and he knew it during the interview, but when he connected the contents, something seemed wrong.

An old suit of your father’s that you’ve had for ten years? Isn't that because you don't wear it normally?

My mother is very tired from working during the day...

What's so tiring about being an office clerk? I get off work much earlier than my father every day. It's impossible to really be that tired. It's not like I'm doing hard work.

There is no computer at home, so he goes to an Internet cafe or a classmate’s house to borrow one?

That’s playing games!

Zhao Yi was very moved when he watched the TV. He found that many "bad things" were modified and changed. Going to an Internet cafe to play games could be said to be "learning computer technology."

All right!

Several teachers looked at him like, "This is the truth." They were convinced of the reports on TV. Regardless of their parents' jobs, they all felt that Zhao Yi went to the Internet cafe to learn computer technology. Otherwise, how could he explain his computer skills? level?

This is self-taught!

What a role model!

The character feature program is less than twenty minutes.

After reading it, Zhao Yi re-examined himself and suddenly found that he really had many advantages that he usually didn't notice.

He couldn't help but sigh, "If you don't watch TV, you wouldn't know that I am so good!"

Thanks to the book friends for the reward: 15,000 coins for Huitou丨草(special mark from the boss); 2,000 coins for Akeshuai; 1,000 coins for Gangbushan Pavilion, The Past is Like a Dream; 500 coins for Yuyi Dusk, Hai Er Man, and cazystone; I am I have a photogenic heart, pitt_lian, and Vajra Talisman for 100 coins.

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