Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 175 Non-existent function construction method

Many people in the academic community are discussing the "three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram".

Many mathematical researchers are demonstrating the process of shaping the 'three-dimensional tremor waveform', and several teams have announced that they will use computers to verify the results.


The publication of the paper "Three-dimensional Tremor Waveform Diagram" caused quite a stir in the mathematics community, but in fact, it had basically no impact on Zhao Yi's life, because everyone around him only cared about it, and no one really discussed it at all.

This is indeed a bit depressing.

After getting an achievement, no one around him understands it. Fortunately, there is Xu Chao who can say a few words, but Xu Chao is more concerned about the sales of "Zhao's Screening Method" and secondly the progress of the robot program. He is bored at work every day. In the room, the code package was constantly modified, and the 'three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram' was also used to create a special encryption program.

To put it bluntly...

Care about money!

Xu Chao is concerned about another thing.

Zhao Yi just opened the door when he heard Xu Chao ask, "Zhao Yi, is the aunt in the building next door you mentioned black and fat, with big pigtails and a trembling trembling when walking?"

Zhao Yi thought about it carefully, then hesitantly asked, "Is it beautiful?"

Xu Chao's face darkened and he gritted his teeth and said, "She pulled me over today and insisted on letting me go to her house for dinner. I was shocked."

Zhao Yi's eyes lit up when he heard this, and the rare gossip fire burned in his heart, "Did you go then? How do you feel? Is Auntie particularly enthusiastic?"

“Very enthusiastic indeed!”

Xu Chao took a deep breath and clenched his fists, as if he was going to hit someone, "I thought... I quickly said, 'I like people younger than me' and was about to walk away. There were several people around at the time..."


Zhao Yi was stunned with his mouth wide open. He couldn't hold back his laughter just thinking about that scene.

"Later I found out that the aunt was going to introduce me to my girlfriend!" Xu Chao was a little afraid to go out when he thought of what happened during the day.


Zhao Yi finally couldn't hold it in anymore. He quickly explained, "Actually, that's what I meant last time. Maybe you misunderstood. Think about it, right?"

Xu Chao didn't say a word, he just looked at Zhao Yi, his eyes saying 'you did it on purpose'.

"Brother Chao! Haha! Calm down!"

Zhao Yi quickly said something nice, "It doesn't matter. Everyone knows it's a misunderstanding. Just don't take it too seriously. That aunt is so enthusiastic. When you say that, she might be moved..."

"Ahem, you introduced me to a beautiful girlfriend. I think you can consider it..."

"Bah, bah, bah~"

Zhao Yi continued talking, finally diverting Xu Chao's attention. The girlfriend was indeed very attractive to him who had been single for a long time, but Xu Chao still firmly stated that he did not need anyone to introduce him. Emotional matters must be dealt with by oneself.

"do it yourself?"

Zhao Yi curled his lips and urged the work on the program package and algorithm package, "Brother Chao, we have to speed up the progress. The hardware will arrive in two days. It is best to have it all assembled in May. By then, we will I’m going to Yanhua University.”

This was agreed upon.

After the program package and algorithm package were all completed, there would be a series of subsequent program improvement work. Xu Chao couldn't finish it by himself, so he simply divided part of the work to the Intelligence and Automation Laboratory.

The testing location of the robot shopping system will also have an intelligence and automation laboratory participating, so you can talk to the company about the technology transfer part.

Zhao Yi still values ​​this project very much.

Because, money.

Although he is not short of money for the time being, the more money he has, the better. House prices and commodities in the capital are expensive, making life very difficult.

Everything is easy to do with money.

at the same time.

The influence of "three-dimensional tremor waveform chart" is still fermenting.

Zhao Yi was interviewed by Nanjiang TV in the school classroom, and the reporter was still Liu Huimin.

Liu Huimin hoped that Zhao Yi could briefly explain what "three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram" is and what his research ideas are.

The first question is easy.

Zhao Yi explained it professionally, "'Irregular three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram' sounds very complicated. In fact, you can understand it as a three-dimensional analytical diagram of a function."

"Tremors and waveforms are all descriptions of three-dimensional images. Irregularity means that the function extends infinitely and no specific rules can be found."

"This is like the difference between infinite non-repeating decimals (irrational numbers) and infinite non-recurring decimals. Infinite non-recurring means that the law of decimal values ​​cannot be found. After extending to an incalculable number of digits, one does not know what the specific value is.

"The 'irregular three-dimensional tremor waveform' is similar. That is to say, the 'three-dimensional tremor waveform' has no rules. When it extends to a position that cannot be calculated, it is not known what the specific value is."

"The most valuable thing about it is that when the plane position is fixed, the solutions to the wave crests and troughs are all prime numbers."

"But this cannot be proven for the time being, because it is an expansion of the Riemann Hypothesis. If the Riemann Hypothesis is correct, then the 'three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram' is also correct."

"As for the specific meaning, there are actually a lot of things said on the Internet, and many scholars have also said that, just like that, the Riemann Hypothesis is widely used in the field of mathematics. As a simplification and expansion of the Riemann Hypothesis, the 'three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram 'It can also be applied to many fields."

The second question is more difficult.

Research ideas?

Zhao Yi's idea was based on the feedback and reminder given by "Supervisory Law". He knew that the Riemann function had "a problem", so he worked hard to study what the problem was.

This must not be said to the outside world.

Zhao Yi simply said, "I am just very interested in the Riemann Hypothesis. During the research process, I found that the Riemann function can be simplified..."

Liu Huimin didn't know whether what Zhao Yi said was true or false, but she just interviewed and wrote the report.

Many people care about this interview.

Many people who studied the paper "Three-dimensional Tremor Waveform Diagram" found that there were no problems in the process of the paper, but they felt that there was "no beginning".

In other words, there is no idea.

I don’t know what problem the paper is trying to solve. I shape the function directly at the beginning and feel a lot of conditions. I continue to shape the function. When the function becomes more and more complex, I assume that the Riemann Hypothesis is correct and get the so-called The conclusion that 'the solutions to fixed plane wave crests and troughs are both prime numbers'.

After understanding the whole paper, it feels like there is "no starting point" and "no idea". The same is true for the process of the paper in the middle. Although there is no problem with the proof process, the researcher does not know what to do.

Why do you suddenly use this condition?

Why should we suddenly come to such a conclusion?

I waited until I read the whole article before I realized, "It turns out that I want to expand the Riemann Hypothesis!"

It was a bit like walking a maze.

When a person enters the maze, he keeps walking. The person following him doesn't know why he walks like that, but he suddenly walks out of the maze.

How did you get out?

have no idea.

How do you think about each turn?

have no idea.

The reviewer of the paper, Professor James of Princeton University, also commented in the same way, "I didn't know what he was going to do at first and why he would demonstrate something irrelevant. It was not until the end that I realized that he was going to expand the Riemann Hypothesis."

"When I was reviewing the paper, I just felt like I couldn't keep up with the ideas."

"What I am sure of is that the author of this paper is a genius. He created a function construction method that uses the solution to invert the function."

"This method of function construction may be of greater significance to the field of mathematics than the conclusion."

Zhao Yi also noticed the comments on the paper, but he could only smile at the so-called ‘function construction method’.

He doesn’t have any function building skills!

The reason why the function can be finally constructed is entirely due to the ability of "Law of Causality" and "Law of Contact", rather than any mathematical method used to complete it.

Anyway, as long as the derivation process and conclusion are correct, it is up to others how to interpret the ideas.


This is a rare holiday before the college entrance examination.

Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Linlin came to Zhao Yi's house early. They came to take tutoring together. The college entrance examination was about to take place. They really couldn't waste any time. Instead of attending a cram school, they decided to come to Zhao Yi's house for tutoring.

For one thing, take it easy.

Secondly, Zhao Yi's level is definitely much better than ordinary teachers.

Everyone sees it that way.

Zhao Yi agreed after being pushed back. He felt a little depressed. Parents, mainly Zhao Hongjuan and Niu Lianhua, were full of expectations for him to tutor Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Linlin, because Zhao Yi's mathematics ability was recognized as a The world's top researchers have published two influential studies.

However, research and explanation are two different things!

Some people are very good at doing research, but it is not necessary to be a teacher.

Zhao Yi is like this.

It was very easy for him to do the questions by himself, and the answers came out as soon as he mastered a few abilities.

Lecture topic?

He found that he had to solve it first, use the "Law of Contact" to get the correct answer, and then think about it and guide the solution.

This process took many turns and was even more difficult than doing research.

Zhao Yi had a headache after answering several questions and felt that he had made a big loss. While Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Linlin were doing the questions, he decided to earn a few study coins.

The three of them were sitting at the dining table.

Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Linlin sat side by side, while Zhao Yi sat opposite. He glanced down secretly, stretched his legs forward and rubbed against the target a few times.

Lin Xiaoqing raised her head and glared at him, quickly moved her legs away and continued to work on the questions.

Zhao Yi continued.

Lin Xiaoqing was helpless as she was being chased. She glanced at Zhao Linlin and felt embarrassed to say anything. She simply kept her legs still and allowed the hateful guy opposite to move around. Her face turned rosy unconsciously.

[Flirting with girls, target: Lin Xiaoqing, learning coins +2. 】


"keep it up!"

Zhao Yi felt that his right leg was a little uncomfortable, so he simply switched to his left leg and continued working. As a result, Lin Xiaoqing seemed to be getting more and more accustomed to it, and her face returned to normal.

"It's difficult!"

"The target has adapted, the same method of brushing coins won't work!"

Zhao Yi sighed.

[Flirting with girls, target: Zhao Linlin, learning coins +3. 】

"Critical attack??"

Zhao Yi opened his mouth and looked at Zhao Linlin in surprise, only to find that Zhao Linlin's face was extremely red and she was still holding back her eyes on the test paper.


Zhao Yi took a deep breath and quickly retracted his legs, pretending that nothing happened.

This is definitely an accident!



What follows is normal.

Zhao Yi found out that after getting five learning coins, he had no intention of continuing to swipe coins.

At noon, Zhao Linlin went to Lin Xiaoqing's house for dinner. Zhao Yi sent them to the door, thinking about finishing the coins before leaving.

He whispered to Lin Xiaoqing, "Come to my house for tutoring in the evening. It's just the two of us. I'll let Brother Chao also have a day off."

Lin Xiaoqing gave Zhao Yi a hard look. Holding hands with Zhao Linlin, they left in a noisy manner.

An hour later, Zhao Yizheng and Xu Chao had lunch together and received a reminder that learning coins had been received.

He's somewhat used to it.

Is this girl thinking again?

But I really just want to earn learning coins!

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