Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 178 I want to prove that his proof is wrong

Andrew Wiles, chairman of the Department of Mathematics at Princeton University.

He is recognized as the world's top mathematician because he proved that Fermat's conjecture is true when n\u003e2. In other words, he proved Fermat's conjecture, which is as famous as Goldbach in the field of mathematics, and turned it into "Fermat's conjecture". Ma's Great Theorem'.

Wiles's personal influence can be imagined with such achievements.

Wiles was interviewed and talked about "not fully understanding the three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram", "the accuracy cannot be guaranteed", and "it may be a Chinese conspiracy". Major mainstream media in Europe and the United States quickly reacted and started to spread "conspiracy theories" Report.

For a time, ‘conspiracy theories’ swept the entire world.

Of course.

Most media just reported on it and did not make targeted comments, because only Wiles talked about the "conspiracy theory" and no other heavyweights were involved.

The influence of Wiles' interview also came out.

The 'conspiracy theory' fits people who are hostile to the East. For a while, it seemed that the East had really created a 'functional weapon trap', waiting for Western countries to automatically take the bait, and finally crack the security code easily.

Zhao Yi's fame suddenly increased greatly in European and American countries. Not only the world's mathematics and computer circles, but also many ordinary people knew about it, but they talked about it in a different way--

"That's a very sinister mathematician!"

"He created a function weapon! A terrifying function weapon! Did you know? This function weapon can break into our computers, satellites, and even missiles and nuclear bombs!"

"That's really terrible!"

"If his conspiracy is realized, perhaps with an order from the leaders of the East, our aircraft carriers may turn their guns and aim at Washington!"

It’s interesting when public opinions from European and American countries reach China, and domestic media reports purely as entertainment news.

The report has a funny style, and the headlines are like this--

"Wiles claims that the Zhao function is a big conspiracy! 》

"European media reported that Zhao Yi used functions to control their fighter planes! 》

"Chinese high school students become the number one conspirators hostile to Europe and the United States!" 》

"European and American media: Zhao Yi's function is much more powerful than ten nuclear-powered aircraft carriers!" 》

Zhao Yi was in class that day and received several system messages.

[Research Coin +10. 】

[Academic reputation increased! 】

[Research Coin +10. 】

[Academic reputation is improved, learning coins +1000. 】

"How did you add this?" Zhao Yi felt a little confused.

After the publication of the paper "Three-dimensional Tremor Waveform Diagram", he has received awards for scientific research achievements. He has earned a lot of scientific research coins. He has received a total of 32 coins and 1,600 learning coins.

Now there are 20 more research coins and 1,000 learning coins.

"Why?" Zhao Yi studied the system carefully and looked at his attributes--

[Name: Zhao Yi. 】

[Brain development degree: 6.3%. 】

[Wisdom: 71. 】

[Energy: 113/128. 】

[Learning Coin: 3320. 】

[Research Coin: 119. 】

[Ability: "Law of Cause and Effect", "Law of Contact", "Law of Supervision" (activating the next stage of abilities requires 18,000 learning coins.)]

The biggest gain in recent times is learning coins.

It is too difficult to earn learning coins through daily life. Two or thirty coins a day are too slow to accumulate. However, if you have scientific research achievements, it is different. If you have a greater influence, you can get more than a thousand learning coins.

The scientific research coins feel a bit inexhaustible, because as long as the research results are achieved, the consumed scientific research coins can be replenished immediately and there will be a large balance.

Of course.

Research coins must also be cherished and used, and cannot be wasted casually. Otherwise, it will be too difficult to earn back more than one hundred coins, which means more than one hundred hours.

After carefully looking at the system data, Zhao Yi found that learning coins and research coins had indeed been added, but there was no explanation in the system prompts as to why academic reputation would increase. He still didn't know what was going on.

Zhao Yi simply didn't think much and continued class as usual.

After returning home from school in the evening, he gave Lin Xiaoqing a farewell kiss. The little girl who was teasing her blushed, and got a study coin by the way. Zhao Yi returned home with a relaxed mood, and when he turned on the computer, he saw messages from several people. .

He first read the message sent by Xu Chao.

Xu Chao took the robot to the capital and returned to work in the Intelligence and Automation Laboratory as a 'partner'. It was probably a novel experience for him.

Former colleagues in the Intelligence and Automation Laboratory probably also found it very novel.

Zhao Yi wanted to see what Xu Chao would say. Unexpectedly, Xu Chao directly sent several web links. He ran a security scan and then clicked and took a look. "Zhao Yi's function is much more powerful than ten nuclear-powered aircraft carriers." ?”


Zhao Yi read the news content carefully and suddenly felt a little bit amused.

The European and American media actually described him as a conspirator, and the "three-dimensional tremor waveform chart" was a huge conspiracy?

He opened other people's messages and found that the messages from Qian Zhijin, Zhang Zhen and others were all intended to tell him the news, and the 'Computer Technology Exchange Group' was also discussing it.

One of Meng Ruohao's messages is very representative, "Terrorist Scientist Zhao, when are you going to overthrow the world?"

A bunch of people below are swiping the screen and saying--

"We should call him Zhao Da Conspirator from now on!"

"Terrible! This group of high school students who are only 18 years old are actually dark scientists who are subverting the world!"

"Zhao Yi function is the most advanced super weapon!"

Zhang Zhen said, "Actually, this is also an idea. Make something and let other countries think it is very useful. After they use it...hehehehehe..."

“I think it’s more straightforward to crack the Riemann Hypothesis!”


"As long as we can find out the prime number solution rules for the Riemann Hypothesis, it will be the same as what Wiles said."

Zhao Yi looked a little amused at the news, but replied, "Comrades, I am researching higher-end weapons that can launch attacks through network cables. Don't say bad things about me!"

"Be careful!"

The group suddenly became more active.

Zhao Yi continued to open the webpage and read the reports, and found several quotes from foreign media reports, and almost understood the process.

Wiles published the ‘Functional Conspiracy Theory’, which was reported by major European and American media.

In fact, it can be seen from the media reports in Europe and the United States that they do not believe in any conspiracy theories at all, because no other heavyweights came forward to support Wiles's views. Instead, there was a professor from Princeton University, who was a colleague of Wiles. , stood up to refute Wiles’s point of view.

The reason is also very simple: it is not realistic!

The 'three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram' is just a function, an expansion of the Riemann Hypothesis. The reason why I say "I don't understand" is because the Riemann Hypothesis has not been cracked.

The two are directly related.

The Riemann Hypothesis is also public and is used in many high-end cryptography. If you want to crack it, just proving it is correct is not enough. You must find out the prime number solution rules of the Riemann Hypothesis.

That is so difficult!

The prefix of the 'three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram' is 'irregular', and the only way to crack it is to find the prime number solution pattern of the waveform diagram.

Zhao Yi is indeed the creator of the function, but he relied on the Riemann Hypothesis to derive the function, rather than studying the function based on the prime number solution rules. The two situations are different, and the impact is naturally very different.

In fact.

No real mathematician believes in the conclusion that "Zhao Yi knows the law of prime solutions to three-dimensional tremor waveforms".

The level of China's mathematics community is not low. In recent years, academic ability has improved relatively quickly. However, it is still impossible to surpass Europe and the United States. It cannot be said that it is not on the same level. The gap still exists. Even if a very powerful mathematician emerges, It is impossible to become so powerful across levels, and being able to find out the 'prime number solution rule' is equivalent to crushing the mathematics world across dimensions.

That's unreasonable.

Zhao Yi was a little depressed after reading the report. After thinking about it carefully, the problem still lay with Wiles.

Andrew Wiles.

The prover of Fermat's conjecture...Fermat's Last Theorem?

Zhao Yi suddenly frowned. He remembered something. In his memory for more than ten years, he seemed to have seen a piece of news saying that the proof process of Fermat's last theorem was wrong.

At that time, he just brushed it off and didn't care about the real situation, but he remembered the thing itself because Fermat's last theorem was so famous.

He immediately went to the group and asked, "Do you know where I can find Wiles' paper proving the Fermat conjecture?"


'Confucianism missionary Ma Xiaojun' provided a web link, which is the website of the journal "New Advances in Mathematics". You can download and view past papers by paying a fee.

Andrew Wiles' proof that year was first reported three times at the Newton Institute, and then he compiled a two-hundred-page paper and submitted it to "New Advances in Mathematics."

It is still very troublesome to recharge and pay fees for foreign websites in China. Zhao Yi studied for a long time without success, so he simply asked Qian Zhijin.

Qian Zhijin has great supernatural powers and seems to be able to solve anything.

Qian Zhijin was indeed very powerful. He quickly found an electronic copy of the paper and gave it to Zhao Yi, "Professor He gave it to me and asked me to pass it on to you. Professor He had studied the proof process of Fermat's Last Theorem and said There may be a problem, but I don’t understand what the specific problem is.”

Zhao Yi replied, "Thank you, Teacher He, for me."

He didn't have much communication with Professor He, and he knew that Professor He didn't seem to recognize him as his disciple, but Professor He gave him a research manuscript on fuzzy mathematics, and occasionally helped him, so he didn't suffer any loss if he was fooled by his title.

Professor He is also the dean of the School of Information at Yanhua University. It is normal to call him "teacher", but Zhao Yi has no objection.

After getting the two hundred pages of electronic manuscripts, Zhao Yi began to examine them carefully, flipping through page after page.

His browsing speed is getting faster and faster...

After dozens of pages, the mouse kept clicking "next page" and "next page" because the content was simply incomprehensible.

This is not surprising.

It is said that only a few people can understand the process of Wiles proving Fermat's conjecture. The process is so complicated that several top mathematicians were hired to review several parts separately.

The main purpose of the entire proof process is to prove the incomplete Taniyama-Shimura conjecture, which is mainly a proof of semi-stable elliptic curves. It only involves hyperbolic sets, analytic number theory, modular forms, etc.

Some subjects have names that most people have never heard of.

Zhao Yi is no exception.

In the end, Zhao Yi stopped reading, simply closed his research, and used the "Law of Supervision" on the electronic manuscript in front of him.

system hint--

[Using "Supervisory Law" requires 61 points of energy. Do you want to use it? 】

Zhao Yi glanced at the energy level, gritted his teeth and replied in the affirmative, "Yes!"

The next moment my mind felt like it was going to explode.

He almost didn't think about it. He drank six learning coins in a row, and the pain immediately disappeared without a trace, as if it was all an hallucination.


Zhao Yi took a long breath. He was very sure it was not an illusion, because his whole body was soaked with sweat in an instant.

"Be careful next time!"

"It's so uncomfortable!"

"If it causes any damage to the body, the gain will outweigh the loss. It consumes more than 60 energy points in one breath, indeed..."


He sat quietly for a long time, his mind went blank, and then he almost recovered. Then he was shocked by the feedback information.

Wiles's paper proving Fermat's conjecture had errors in four locations.

One is a direct error, that is, the logic does not make sense and cannot be self-proven.

There are three other hints that there is a problem, but I don’t know what the specific problem is.

Zhao Yi suddenly became energetic.



"This guy said that I am a conspirator, and I want to prove that his proof of Fermat's conjecture is wrong!"

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