Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 188 Do you want me to work for free? ?

In the restaurant.

A group of people sat around a round table, all staring at one target with complicated eyes -

Zhao Yi.

They all seemed to have lost their appetite in the face of the dishes that were full of color, flavor and taste. When three dishes were served, no one even moved their chopsticks.

Zhao Yi looked left and right, then simply picked up the chopsticks, took a big mouthful and put it into his mouth. He chewed hard for a long time, then waved and said hello, "Eat them all! What are you looking at? It's a big day today." day!"


"Xiaoqing, Linlin, you both successfully entered your ideal university!"


The eyes and expressions of Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Linlin did not change. As if Sun Liang answered the call, he picked up the Coke and took a big sip. Then he continued to look at Zhao Yi and sighed, "Zhao Yi, you are too You’ve become a pervert!”

This sentence opened up the conversation.

Others seemed to relax and started discussing Zhao Yi's results.

"Your bare score is 732, and I only got over 620 points in the exam. You scored more than 100 points more than me!"

"A hundred and fifty taller than me!"

"One hundred and seventeen points higher than me, I can't catch up even if I take one more subject!"

"Zhao Yi!"

Niu Lianhua never let go of her big eyes, "Remember when you were in your third year of high school, you could only pass the test in the early 500s at most. In one year, you improved so much. How did you do it?"

"Luck, luck..."

"Talent, talent..."

Zhao Yi didn't know how to explain it, so he could only shirk it with luck and talent.

The element of luck was ignored.

Niu Lianhua agreed with the term 'talent', "Yes, learning is a big factor. It really depends on talent, just like Linlin..."

She started talking.

Zhao Hongjuan also started talking, and the topic between the two of them naturally couldn't be separated from their children.

Niu Lianhua kept talking about Zhao Linlin, saying bluntly that she had no talent. She had attended a large number of cram schools and spent more time, but her grades had not improved significantly.

Zhao Hongjuan's evaluation of her daughter was slightly higher, but she also mentioned a few things, such as 'the brain is not smart enough', 'can't solve difficult problems', and 'will definitely follow her father'. She also had poor grades in mathematics and physics and had to take tutoring. It is of little use. If the test questions are more difficult, your grades will drop sharply.

Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Linlin gritted their teeth after hearing this. It was okay for them to be told that they were 'not good at science' and 'not smart', but Zhao Yi and Sun Liang were sitting next to them. They happened to be extremely excellent students in mathematics, physics and other subjects.

Zhao Yi heard this very interestingly.

He also said a few words to the two parents, affirming Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Linlin's stupidity, and gave some examples to supplement the explanation.


Revenge was swift.

Zhao Linlin and Sun Liang changed positions, and she and Lin Xiaoqing were sandwiched between them. The two of them used force on Zhao Yi's arms, one on the left and the other on the right.


"Don't twist!"

"Didn't you see? I was following Aunt Zhao's words and wanted to leave a good impression on her." Zhao Yi quickly explained to Lin Xiaoqing.

Lin Xiaoqing was stunned after hearing this and asked, "To leave a good impression on my mother? Why?"

"What do you think...hehehe..."

Zhao Yi smiled evilly.

While Lin Xiaoqing was thinking about it seriously, he immediately turned to Zhao Linlin and said, "I was following Teacher Niu's words because I wanted to leave a good impression on her."

"Do not talk nonsense!"

Zhao Linlin used more force and said through gritted teeth, "I heard everything you just said to Xiaoqing!"

"Just you!? Still trying to lie to me!?"


The drama at the dinner table was only part of it, everyone took several phone calls.

Teacher Niu is the busiest.

Zhao Linlin's parents are both abroad, and they are also concerned about their children's grades. Other relatives and friends have called to ask about the college entrance examination results.

Zhao Hongjuan also answered a few calls, one of which was from Lin Xudong. When she heard that her daughter had successfully been admitted to the University of Political Science and Law, Lin Xudong's excited shouts could be heard even across the table.

Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Linlin also answered the phone one after another.

Usually they are called by classmates. After they answer the phone, they will share the news they heard.

For example, a certain student failed the exam.

For example, a certain classmate passed the exam.

for example……

Sun Liang is the only one free. He has already locked in college, and his college entrance examination results are of little significance.

Zhao Yi is also very busy.

In recent days, negative news about him has appeared on the Internet. Many people are concerned about his scores, including his parents, Xu Chao, Professor Liu, Professor He, etc., and they all called to inquire about the situation.

After Zhao Yi mentioned the results, the other party no longer worried.

at the same time.

Zhao Yi's scores were also posted online. The first announcement was not from the Nanjiang Provincial Department of Education, but from Yanhua University, which can check the scores of admitted students.

Yanhua University immediately issued an announcement, "Warmly welcome Zhao Yi, the top scorer in the college entrance examination in Nanjiang Province, to enroll in the biological sciences major of our school's School of Life Sciences!"

In fact.

Except for Shuimu and Shouda, which are the gathering places for top scorers in the college entrance examination, it is very difficult for other universities to admit top scorers in the college entrance examination. However, the purpose of disclosing information on the official website of Yanhua University is not to 'show off' and get the top scorer in the college entrance examination. It is in response to the public opinion on the Internet in recent days.

Many people said that Zhao Yi ‘doesn’t respect the college entrance examination’.

Others say that the School of Life Sciences at Yanhua University should not 'specially recruit' a genius who has nothing to do with biology.

it's good now!

This math and computer genius is the top scorer in the college entrance examination in Nanjiang Province, and his test scores are very amazing. It is a normal operation to recruit talents through "special recruitment".

The next person to make the news public was the Zhengyang Municipal Education Bureau.

Zhengyang has always competed with Jiangzhou in terms of getting the top scorer in the provincial college entrance examination. Jiangzhou is the provincial capital of Nanjiang and has relatively rich educational resources. It has always been at an advantage in the competition. The top scorers in the Nanjiang college entrance examination in the past two years have all come from Jiangzhou. state schools.

Now that the top scorer in the college entrance examination has returned to Zhengyang, the Zhengyang Municipal Education Bureau naturally wants to show off publicly.

Next is Zhengyang No. 13 Middle School.

Zhengyang No. 13 Middle School only confirmed that Zhao Yi won the top spot in the college entrance examination after seeing the information on the Internet. However, the principal Wang Chengmin was well prepared for this and immediately hung several large banners celebrating the school at the entrance and the most conspicuous on the wall.

When someone passes by Zhengyang No. 13 Middle School, no matter which direction they are in the east, south, west or north, they can see a shocking slogan in large characters -

Warmly congratulate Zhao Yi from our school for winning the top prize in the Nanjiang Province Science College Entrance Examination with 752 points!

"752 points?"

"Isn't the college entrance examination only 750 points?"


Many people thought the slogan was fake when they saw it. After asking about it, they found out that Zhao Yi had twenty extra points.

Of course Wang Chengmin will not go into details. Firstly, the number of words in the slogan is too troublesome, and secondly, the score of 752 is more shocking.

This is his purpose.

The information released by the Zhengyang Municipal Education Bureau is more detailed. It is a picture-based good news. It reads, "Zhengyang No. 13 Middle School Zhao Yi scored 752 points (135 points in Chinese, 149 points in mathematics, 149 points in English, and 299 points in comprehensive science)." , 20 extra points for the first prize in the Mathematical Olympiad Province) won the first place in Nanjiang Province's science examination paper and total score! Set a record for the highest total score in science in Nanjiang Province since the college entrance examination was resumed! ’.

The Internet is abuzz.

Zhao Yi's high score triggered a heated discussion on the Internet. The previous public opinion was completely suppressed, and only the voices of wonder and disbelief were left -

"752? Higher than the perfect score?"

"Twenty extra points are the first prize in the Mathematical Olympiad competition, and Zhao Yi's Mathematical Olympiad competition is a perfect score!"

"This is too perverted!"

"A true academic! A true academic! Don't forget the previous news. Zhao Yi's math, science, and English subjects were all handed in within an hour!"

"So there is a reason why Zhao Yi handed in the paper early. He has done it all, and he has done it all correctly. Why are you waiting in the examination room if you don't hand in the paper?"

"They also say that Zhao Yi doesn't respect the college entrance examination! Even if he really doesn't respect it, he still has enough confidence!"

"Students from other provinces may not know that this year's Nanjiang College Entrance Examination papers are extremely difficult to come by. The top grader in our Jiangzhou No. 1 Middle School, who has been among the top three in the province for a long time, even said he could not score 700 points!"

"Zhao Yi's score is full of gold!"


With the detailed information released by the Nanjiang Provincial Department of Education, more people know the value of Zhao Yi’s scores.

Among the college entrance examination results in Nanjiang Province, only one person scored more than 700 points, that is, only Zhao Yi passed the exam, and only 29 people scored more than 650 points.

The first line has 507 points and the second line has 439 points.

According to this data indicator, if you can score around 600 points, you have already surpassed most students.

The media also made various exclamation reports based on the college entrance examination data released by Nanjiang Province and Zhao Yi's scores. The data from some provinces have not yet come out, but the media can't wait to use the title of "the top scorer in the national college entrance examination" , pressed directly on Zhao Yi's head.

"With a score of 752, he is undoubtedly the top scorer in the college entrance examination and the top scorer in the national college entrance examination!"

“This is a high score that cannot be surpassed!”

"This top scorer in the country, who got the highest score in the exam, only took about an hour for math, English and comprehensive science."

"The college entrance examination is not difficult for him!"

"Just looking at Zhao Yi's results, you can see why every university in the country is willing to admit students through special recruitment..."

Amid the heated discussion about Zhao Yi's performance, there was also discussion about previous reports.

Before the results of the college entrance examination came out, many media people came forward and said that Zhao Yi "does not respect the college entrance examination" and also questioned the special recruitment of Zhao Yi by the School of Life Sciences of Yanhua University.

Now that Zhao Yi has scored 752 points, he is undoubtedly the top scorer in the Nanjiang Provincial College Entrance Examination. No one says he doesn't respect the college entrance examination anymore. Zhao Yi has become "competent" by handing in the exam in advance. Even if he has the ability, he almost gets a perfect score. Naturally, You can submit your papers in advance.

Those netizens who participated in the discussion about Zhao Yi's college entrance examination, or who did not participate in the discussion and just saw the report, immediately felt like they were being deceived.

The public backlash began.

Public opinion has two sides, and those who lead public opinion in the wrong direction may suffer violent backlash.

Every media person and media report who had spoken out was called out by netizens, and the comments below became a chorus of curses, saying that they were ‘creating fake news’, ‘not qualified to discuss Zhao Yi’ and so on.

Li Lin must be mentioned.

In the era before Weibo, celebrity interviews had a great influence on news. Li Lin was a special guest on "Brain Bang" and could be regarded as a celebrity with a high-achieving personality.

Of course.

Li Lin's persona of being a top academic was not created. He originally had a PhD from Stanford University and was a director of the Association for Computing Machinery, but he just didn't have any research results to show for it.

The important thing is that Li Lin publicly talked about the college entrance examination. He did not mention Zhao Yi's name, but everyone knew that he was talking about Zhao Yi.

This is interesting.

Li Lin said that Zhao Yi "doesn't respect the college entrance examination." He also thought about it and said that it was impossible to complete the questions in one hour during the college entrance examination, thus inferring that Zhao Yi did not answer the questions seriously.

Now what he said in the interview has become the basis for netizens to attack him--

"Does Zhao Yi take the college entrance examination seriously? If he doesn't take the college entrance examination seriously, how can he become the top scorer in the country?"

"If you don't take it seriously, I got 752. If you take it seriously, do you need 770 points?"

"Li Lin is a doctor from Stanford, but compared with Zhao Yi, he is just an ordinary person!"

"A genius of understanding brought in by ordinary people?"

"Li Lin is not qualified to talk about Zhao Yi at all. Every comment he makes about Zhao Yi is wrong!"

"Li Lin will use traffic to increase his exposure. He is also a Ph.D. and a director of the Association for Computing Machinery. By the way, how can a person like this who does not do academic research become a director of the Association for Computing Machinery?"

"A person like this who is almost like a celebrity is also a guest on "Big Brain"? Is he qualified to comment on the contestants?"


Suddenly there were people scolding Li Lin everywhere.

There is no saying on the Internet that "the disaster does not bring harm to the family". As Li Lin was scolded by a large number of netizens, the scope of the attack continued to expand.


The show "Inside Out" was also criticized.

Several regular guests invited by the show were pulled out one by one, and their resumes were almost checked for three generations. Netizens immediately discovered that none of the guests had "real materials."

Li Lin is considered one of the good ones.

There is a regular guest named Chen Zhang, who is said to be a turtle writer who graduated from a prestigious school. It turns out that some of his works are suspected of plagiarizing foreign novels. Many of the contents are just translations of foreign novels, and his works are almost not famous.


Why can this so-called ‘writer’ be a guest on a wisdom competition show?

The "Brain Bang" program suddenly became very busy. Just one night later, the program team publicly announced that it would temporarily stop cooperating with Li Lin and Chen Zhang.

This calmed down the anger of the Internet a little.

Zhao Yi just took a look at the public opinion on the Internet and was relieved to find that the direction of public opinion had changed.

No one likes to be told bad things. If there is a lot of condemnation on the Internet, he will feel very unhappy in his heart. When he finds out that they are all compliments to him, he feels relaxed.

What he cares more about is the system——

[Life goal mission, second stage, completed! 】

[Learning Coin +600. 】

[Brain development +0.5%. 】

The main mission of being the top scorer in the college entrance examination is completed, and the rewards can be considered generous. Among them, the improvement in brain development has also greatly improved the wisdom and energy attributes--

[Name: Zhao Yi. 】

[Brain development degree: 6.8%. 】

[Wisdom: 75. 】

[Energy: 126/143. 】

[Learning Coin: 4019. 】

[Research Coin: 119. 】

[Ability: "Law of Cause and Effect", "Law of Contact", "Law of Supervision" (activating the next stage of abilities requires 18,000 learning coins.)]

Wisdom, 75!

Zhao Yi looked at the wisdom attribute value and finally felt a little relieved.

Although the intelligence in the system attribute panel is a comprehensive assessment attribute, it is not always connected with 'IQ'. There is a saying that the 'IQ' value of most East Asians is between 90 and 110.


Every time he checked the system panel properties, he could always associate himself with being mentally retarded. With an evaluation of '75', he was closer to leaving the category of 'mentally retarded'.

Zhao Yi laughed to himself.

The improvement in wisdom and energy is not just about numerical values. He obviously feels that his thinking has become much clearer, and his body has become more powerful?

He still has experience with this.

The last time he completed the main mission, the improvement in brain development made him feel that his memory had improved. After a period of time, even his physical fitness also improved. It was not like a direct improvement in muscles and strength, but I feel that my whole body has become more energetic and seems to be healthier.

That's probably the improvement of the brain, which in turn affects the performance of the body.

The college entrance examination is over now.

Zhao Yi also has expectations for his new university life, but he still enjoys his leisure time. The only thing he has to do is to study mathematics and wait for the time to pass. He will go to the capital at the beginning of next month to see the progress of the robot testing.

the next day.

Zhao Yi planned to get up later. It was most comfortable to sleep until he woke up naturally, but he was still woken up by his mobile phone.

"Wei Shiqing?"

This is an unfamiliar name.

After the other party introduced himself, Zhao Yi found out that he was a teacher from the School of Life Sciences, or a full professor level teacher, which was the same level as Qian Zhijin.

After Wei Shiqing and Zhao Yi got acquainted, they explained the purpose of the call, saying that they wanted to give him some biological research materials so that he could contact and understand biological science in advance.

"so good?"

"Do teachers in the School of Life Sciences care so much about their students?"

Zhao Yi felt something was wrong, but the other person was a teacher from the School of Life Sciences. He just called and sent information, so there seemed to be no harm in it.

He added Wei Shiqing's Penguin account.

Wei Shiqing immediately sent the information to his Penguin mailbox.

Zhao Yi conducted a safety check. After finding no problems, he opened it and found that it contained a detailed introduction to microorganisms. The information contained more than twenty kinds of bacteria and viruses. He didn't quite understand what it was for.

Do biological science students have to memorize all the information?

This is too terrible!

Wei Shiqing made additional explanations and talked about the content of his research, which is to find and improve microbial data, preferably to find their commonalities.

He talked a lot about microorganisms building data archives and computer related stuff.

Zhao Yi understood immediately.

This guy just wants to work for free and help him with computer-related work?

"All right!"

Zhao Yi responded in the affirmative, "I'll take a look when I have time and let you know if there's any progress, but I'm very busy recently. I cooperate with the computer laboratory of your university and have been busy with robot design..."

He talked a lot.

Wei Shiqing immediately said enthusiastically, "It's okay, it's okay, just take a look when you have time!"


"Definitely study it!"

Zhao Yi replied in the affirmative and immediately put the information into a folder that he usually did not open at all.

Let me work for free? Squeeze my remaining value?

I want to eat it!

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