Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 20 Benefits of Classification

"Is it a problem to make rapid progress?"

Liu Jing listened in surprise.

"Of course it is good to make rapid progress, but the main reason is that it is progressing too fast!" Sun Laoban said seriously, "His English test score was 144 points. Not to mention in school, he was ranked first in the province. !”

"Other subjects... I asked other teachers, and Zhao Yi's multiple-choice questions were all correct, but some simple fill-in-the-blank questions and big questions deducted more points."

Liu Jing quickly interrupted and asked, "Didn't you say that the possibility of cheating has been ruled out?"

"I didn't say he cheated."

"There are some questions where there is no way to cheat, for example, composition. His composition is very good. He gets high scores in English composition and Chinese composition!"

Teacher Sun explained, "Actually, one of the things I wanted to do during my home visit this time was to talk about Zhao Yi's studies. His attitude towards learning is a problem. Also, his basic knowledge of some subjects is poor, and he got some very simple questions wrong."

"The other one wants to know the reason for Zhao Yi's progress, especially in English. His test scores are too high."

"There is always a reason for progress, right?"

Liu Jing nodded suddenly and said, "Teacher Sun, I have also felt the changes in Xiao Yi. In the past few days, he has been studying when he comes home, and he stays until twelve o'clock in the evening. With such hard work, I am worried that he will damage his body. collapsed."


Sun Laoban thought he had found some reason.

Zhao Zhenxi didn't know when he came back. He had been listening to the conversation between the two and took the opportunity to quickly interject, "Yes, I'm just curious about this. Our Xiaoyi... Really, when did he know how to study?" ?”

"There must be something wrong. So I want to know, is there any girl that Xiaoyi is close to at school...?"

Teacher Sun frowned and asked, "Do you suspect he has a puppy love?"

She thought about it carefully and said, "In terms of being close, he and Lin Xiaoqing at the front desk sometimes exchange a few words, but I don't know about the rest."

"But don't worry, Lin Xiaoqing is the kind of girl who is dedicated to studying and will definitely not fall in love."

Liu Jing took a breath.

Zhao Zhenxi didn't care about his son's premature love. He still wanted to know the reason, "If he didn't fall in love early, why would he study hard? Isn't it possible?"

Sun Laoban struggled with another question, "If I had just studied hard in the past few days, I wouldn't have made such rapid progress, right? English is a subject that relies on accumulation."

The two people who wanted to get to the bottom of the matter quickly talked about their respective questions.

All kinds of analysis are constantly being thrown out.

Liu Jing couldn't even get a word in. After a while, she finally couldn't stand it anymore and interrupted quickly, "I think it's very simple!"

Zhao Zhenxi and Sun Laoban looked over at the same time.

"It's just enlightening!"

Liu Jing said, "Don't they all say that when a child reaches a certain age, he may suddenly become enlightened, mature and smart!"

"Let me see, Xiaoyi is enlightened!" There was pride in the corners of his mouth as he spoke.

Zhao Zhenxi and Sun Laoban looked at each other, thinking carefully and found that Liu Jing's statement seemed far-fetched, but it seemed to be the only reason for the past?


Is there such a thing in reality?

Zhao Yi and Sun Laoban were walking away from each other, and they were being asked questions as soon as they got home.

"How many points did you get on the test?"

"Teacher Sun is here. She said your English score is over 140? How did you pass the test? Didn't you cheat?"

"How did you learn it? Why did you suddenly improve so quickly!"

Liu Jing found a reason to "enlighten" and almost convinced herself, but in fact, she didn't really believe it.

Zhao Yi was very troubled by the question.

He simply said nothing.

When they were about to go to bed, Liu Jing and Zhao Zhenxi came over to ask questions. Zhao Yi said angrily, "Stop asking!"

"I suddenly became a genius, and I am also very troubled!"


Zhao Zhenxi and Liu Jing were kicked out of the room together and stood at the door looking at each other.

Liu Jing nodded and said, "No matter what happened, but..."

"Xiaoyi's cheekiness is the same as when you were young!"

"It's your son at first glance."

Zhao Zhenxi said calmly, "He can say that he is a genius with a serious attitude. You can be sure... he is already better than his master!"


They both burst into laughter.

Zhao Yi was annoyed by all kinds of questions and decided that no one would talk about his performance improvement in the future.


I am a legendary genius!

This is a good reason.

Zhao Yi thought carefully, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that he was a genius. Not only did his grades improve quickly, but he was also a computer expert.

Now that I go out to work, how can I have the level of a technical department manager?

Additionally, he has a vision for future excellence.

These are all manifestations of genius.

As for more decades of memories and the like...who knows? No matter who has experienced time travel, he has definitely not experienced it.

Those are only in novels.

By the way...

Time travel novels don’t seem to be very popular nowadays, right?

Zhao Yi let his mind wander for a while and fell asleep without realizing it. When he woke up, it was already dawn.

Look at the watch!

get up!

You must not be late today!

Sitting in the Class 3 classroom, Zhao Yi thought seriously about studying.

The exam is over.

A new starting point!

At a new starting point, we must set new goals. There will be no more exams in the short term. Without the pressure of scores, we must work hard to improve.

Zhao Yi set a small goal: to regain the previous level of each subject within a month.

This goal is neither difficult nor easy.

As long as he can regain his original level and add the effect of "Law of Cause and Effect", his performance will definitely improve rapidly.

Mathematics, starting from 120.

For Chinese, 120 is the foundation.

English, 140+ easy.

In comprehensive science, you can take at least 220.

The worst expectation is that it can exceed 600 points, and the actual score will be even higher.

The point is focus.

With more than ten years of memory, my concentration on doing things is much stronger than in high school.

It was always easy to make mistakes in exams in high school. Due to carelessness, mistakes should have appeared on questions that were clearly understood.

There are many situations where points are lost like this.

This is the effect of [Focus Mode] on exams. If you can answer all the questions correctly, it will be easy to improve by two or thirty points.

"So, the most basic thing is to surpass Sun Liang in the next exam."

"Go after Lin Xiaoqing!"

There are elite classes in the third year of high school, but because there are new textbooks and new knowledge in the third year of high school, ordinary classes are still in the original classroom.

After the second class in the afternoon, the students in the elite class went to the fourth floor for class together.

This is the first day.

There are two classes arranged for the senior year of high school, one is chemistry and the other is mathematics.

The chemistry teacher’s name is Zhang Jianhua, and he used to teach classes four, five, and six.

The math teacher is still Niu Lianhua.

In the math class, Niu Lianhua still asked her to do questions, which were relatively difficult. After the questions and lectures were over, there were still more than ten minutes left, which was self-study time.

Zhao Linlin's eyes flashed, she leaned her head over, pointed at the paper and asked weakly, "Zhao Yi, I think you got the seventh question right. The teacher just said it, but I still don't understand. Can you give me some answers? Shall I tell you?"

"Question 7?"

This was the first time Zhao Linlin took the initiative to speak.

The soft and weak tone, coupled with the fragrance emanating from his body, really made Zhao Yi unable to say no. He didn't do the questions carefully just now, but when Niu Lianhua gave the topic, he listened very carefully and patiently spoke. A few words.

"First draw a coordinate, find a few points and draw the image of the function..."

"Draw y=0 and y=x too!"

"This makes it very clear. The final thing to find is the area of ​​this triangle..."

Zhao Linlin listened carefully.

Niu Lianhua glanced this way, her eyes full of scrutiny, which made Zhao Yi immediately alert, "Lecture topic...should everything be fine?"

Zhao Linlin sat back after listening.

Lin Xiaoqing suddenly turned her head and asked, "Zhao Yi, let me ask you a question, is the allusion 'three points into the wood' used to describe it? A..."


Before Lin Xiaoqing could finish speaking, Zhao Yi gave the answer directly.

Lin Xiaoqing stared at him for a long time, turned her head and snorted, "You--"

"It's boring!"


Zhao Yi rolled his eyes, reached out and patted Lin Xiaoqing's shoulder, "You always ask me, and I'll ask you one too."

"You ask!"

Lin Xiaoqing suddenly cheered up, and her face almost said, "Don't try to trouble me."

"I'll give you a brain teaser!"


Zhao Linlin, Hu Tianyan and Cui Bao behind him all raised their ears.

Zhao Yi said seriously, "Let me think about this. There is a hole three feet above the ground. The hard one goes in and the soft one comes out. Punch some food!"

Lin Xiaoqing thought about it for a long time, then her eyes widened suddenly, and she almost poked Zhao Yi's face with her finger, "Death! Change! Abnormality!"

After speaking, he turned his head back.


Zhao Linlin blinked, with a touch of redness on her cheeks.

Hu Tianyan reacted the fastest. She crossed her legs together, raised her toes, and glanced at Zhao Yi with disdain. A sneer came from the corner of her mouth, "Haha."


Cui Bao burst out laughing behind him and gave a thumbs up.

On the podium, Niu Lianhua looked over carefully and yelled, "Read your own books, be quiet!"

Zhao Yi quickly lowered his head, looked around after a while, and whispered in confusion, "The answer is roasted sweet potatoes. I've already told you, what's your reaction to this food?"

[Flirting with girls, target: Hu Tianyan, learning coin +1. 】

[Flirting with girls, target: Lin Xiaoqing, learning coins +2. 】

[Flirting with girls, target: Zhao Linlin, learning coins +3. 】

Zhao Linlin is still a critical hit?

This is so cool!

Facing the three little girls who looked like "You did it on purpose", Zhao Yi raised the corners of his mouth with a smile. It seems that he will use this trick more in the future.

There are benefits to splitting classes!

In a word, you have all the learning coins!

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