Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 201 A paper can be solved in two minutes!

Wiles was a mathematician who astonished the world.

He was a mathematical genius when he was young. He graduated from Merton College, Oxford University, and received a doctorate from Clare College, Cambridge University.

He later taught as a junior fellow at Clare College and as an assistant professor at Harvard University. Two years later, he served as a fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton.

A year later, Badles was promoted to professor at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton.

The above resume does not seem to matter. Many people who graduated from prestigious universities and did research can obtain similar resumes. However, when Wiles was promoted to professor at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, he was only 28 years old. Most people of the same age had just received their Ph.D. degree, and he is already a professor at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, the palace of mathematics.

Next, Wiles began more than ten years of research, all centered on Taniyama's Shimura conjecture and Fermat's conjecture. It was not until 1993 that he made some achievements and went to the Newton Institute in the UK to give three consecutive academic reports.

At the end of his last lecture, he completed the proof of Fermat's conjecture. The news quickly appeared on the front pages of major newspapers around the world, and was even widely reported in the mathematical community. At that time, the New York Times published the headline " Finally cheering "I found it!", the long-standing mathematical mystery is solved", reporting the news that Fermat's conjecture was proved.

Overnight, Wiles became the most famous mathematician in the world, and the only mathematician.

After that, Badels started a road of winning awards that lasted for more than ten years.

The most important one is the "Nobel" Fields Medal in mathematics. At that time, Badels was over 40 years old, but the Fields Medal was only given to young mathematicians under 40 years old, and it was finally decided to award it to Andrew Wile. Sfields Special Award.

For any mathematician, cracking Fermat's conjecture is a great achievement that will last a lifetime. After Wiles's success, life seemed to be inseparable from winning prizes.

In June this year, he won the Shaw Prize in Mathematical Sciences supported by the Hong Kong Genomics Society, with a bonus of up to US$1 million.

The impact of this award is not great, but the amount of the bonus is still very exciting. Wiles is still very proud of it now. For him who has won Fields and is recognized as the world's number one mathematician, coming to participate At the International Congress of Mathematicians, it was really just for the limelight, and it was no different from him being invited to give lectures at prestigious universities in various countries.

Wiles enjoys this kind of life very much. Just like when a large group of mathematicians from various countries surrounded him just now, he showed off the charm of a top mathematician and went to the small stall to give instructions to the people setting up the stall.

It took him more than 20 minutes to solve a stall owner's problem and find out the problem in five pages of complex mathematical calculations, and he also received a lot of gratitude from the stall owner.

"So the world of mathematics..."

"I am the No. 1 mathematician, and no one can compare with me."

Baders came over proudly and saw Zhao Yi pointing out the black boy. He immediately saw the 'problem'.

How could it be so fast?

He is the world's number one mathematician who cracked Fermat's conjecture. His understanding of mathematics and calculation ability are second-to-none. Even if someone can calculate faster than himself, it is impossible to be so fast.

One minute?

Are you kidding me?

"Is this a play? It's really interesting. I think he can win an Oscar..."

Wiles said it loudly, and when he found that others had given up their positions, he simply walked out and said in a lecturing tone, "Zhao Yi, I know you, Kakutani conjecture, three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram, your research is very Profound, but why do such little tricks?”

"Mr. Wiles?"

Zhao Yi read out Wiles' name, barely said hello, and asked with a frown, "What did I do? Act? Why did I do that?"

"Why do you do that?"

When Wiles found out that Zhao Yi refused to admit it, he seemed to laugh angrily. He glanced around, spread his hands to show his innocence, and explained by the way that what he said next was just because he couldn't bear to say it, "This is really Do you need to explain? Well, you are very young, and you probably want to attract people, or increase your fame, and let people know about your calculation ability and mathematical ability. In short, your purpose is to show... and amaze other people around you... …”

"Bah, bah, bah~"

Wiles explained a lot in one breath, and there were people around him applauding.

Zhao Yi turned his head and said to Chen Ming next to him, "Can his words be summed up in two words - show off?"


Chen Ming burst out laughing.

"So the Chinese language is broad and profound. Seeing him talking so much, it's so complicated..."

Chen Ming couldn't help laughing while hugging his belly, and gave a thumbs up to Zhao Yi.

The interaction between the two made Wiles feel a little embarrassed and annoyed. None of the education subjects were listening, and there was no point in continuing.

Zhao Yi seemed to notice Wiles's expression, stepped forward and said with a smile, "Dear Mr. Wiles, I found that you have a pair of eyes full of wisdom."


Wiles didn't understand.

Zhao Yi nodded and said, "Yes, you are right. In fact, not only the black guy just now, but also all the stall owners around now are extras hired by me, and they will cooperate with my performance."

After hearing Zhao Yi's words, the surroundings suddenly became chaotic.

Of course no one believed it.

Wiles didn't believe it at all, but Zhao Yi didn't need him to believe it. Instead, he spread his hands and continued, "I know, you don't believe it, so let me prove it."

As he spoke, he suddenly shouted, "Who would like to show me the paper? Mr. Wiles is here, and we can help read the paper together!"


Zhao Yi's reputation is far behind that of Wiles. No one paid much attention to what he said before. But when Wiles was mentioned later, many stall owners hurried back to get their papers.

"Don't worry!"

"Sorry, I can only choose two first. Whoever is lucky will be able to have Mr. Wiles review it. If you are not lucky, it can only be me..." Of course it doesn't matter after that. It's better to have someone watching than no one. , Zhao Yi also solved the Kakutani conjecture and published a three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram, and his mathematical ability was also recognized.

A bunch of papers were handed over.

Zhao Yi found the two copies with clearer handwriting and handed them to Wiles, "Sir, you can choose one, please feel free to do so."

Wiles understood.

Do you want to compete with him on the spot to see who can review the paper faster? But is this fair? The content of each paper is different, and the difficulty is certainly different.

With so many people watching at the scene, Wiles couldn't shirk it. It was as if he was afraid of the other party, so he simply took a copy and read it carefully.

Zhao Yi took out another copy, put it in his hand and flipped through it quickly.

A large group of people around held their breath. Every year at the mathematicians conference, there would be some excitement. Some mathematicians would even get started at the conference because of arguments, but directly competing to 'review papers' would not work. It's extremely rare.

The two people competing now are also attracting attention. Not to mention Wiles, the fact that Fermat's conjecture can be turned into a theorem is directly related to him. The other one is Zhao Yi from China, who solved the Kakutani conjecture at a young age. It also created a 'three-dimensional tremor waveform'. In practical terms, the latter is more shocking than the former.

Most people are still optimistic about Wiles——

"Andrew (Wiles) can definitely win!"

"Zhao Yi is also very good, but he is still too young. It can only be said that he has good talent. It will not be surprising if he beats Wiles in another twenty years. It is too early now."

"This is tantamount to humiliating yourself!"

"But I don't think it was acting just now. I have seen that black guy. He has been setting up a stall here for several days. I also talked to him. He is a master's degree from the University of Madrid."

"that's not important!"

Of course, there were people who supported Zhao Yi, including a group from the National Academy of Sciences and a group from Capital University, including Professor Zhou Li from Yanhua University. They also walked to the side to watch. They were a little worried about Zhao Yi.

That's the famous Wiles. He wrote papers that few people in the world can understand. Is it normal for him to lose miserably compared with Wiles for a mathematics review?

Their worries didn't last long.

Zhao Yi quickly flipped through the things in his hand, silently calculating the time in his mind. The five pages were really a little short. When he found that he had finished flipping through it quickly, he simply flipped through it again, and the speed was much slower.

A minute passed.

Zhao Yi immediately stopped browsing and asked with a smile, "Whose is this?"


A bearded and slovenly guy came out. His clothes had holes in them and he looked a little dirty. This was in stark contrast to the white manuscript paper and the clear text.

The bearded man didn't seem to care at all. He came over and asked in surprise, "Have you finished reading?"

Zhao Yi nodded.

"Really?" The bearded man's eyes were full of distrust.

Under the gaze of everyone, including Wiles, Zhao Yi pointed to the paper in his hand with a smile on his face and said, "There is a serious error on your third page, right here."

He pointed to that location, "See for yourself!"

The bearded man took it and looked at it carefully. Every minute he opened his mouth in surprise, and then said with eyes full of annoyance, "Why didn't I pay attention! Originally, I thought I had successfully proved the system of asymmetric inequalities..."

"Ula Ula~"

The bearded man spoke English at first, and then he even started talking in an unknown language. But even if he switched to Chinese, Zhao Yi couldn't understand it at all. Asymmetry and the like were beyond his scope of knowledge.

Of course.

At this time, you must remain calm, smile and see through everything, as if you are the image of a priest who comforts the world's repentance. This is the most suitable expression.

People around immediately started discussing--


"So fast! It was solved in one minute!"

"It's definitely not acting, right?"


"Don't talk nonsense. I know that bearded man. He is from Norway. It is said that he has been bored at home for five years and has been studying..."


Facing the bearded man's regret and thanks, Zhao Yi smiled nonchalantly and continued indifferently, "Is there anything more!"


"Look at mine!"

"Sir, it's better to look at mine. I handed it to you just now~"

Zhao Yi took the manuscript from the last person.

The number of manuscripts this time is a bit large, and the calculations only take up more than a dozen sheets of paper. Almost all of them are calculations. Some calculations are completely incomprehensible, and some are about differential equations, which are still within the scope of knowledge.

This kind of paper review is the most troublesome, because there is no other content, just pure equations, function transformations, and various calculations.

Zhao Yi looked a little slower and seemed to have a headache from this. After about three minutes, he called the man over and directly pointed out a calculation error and a substitution error.

There are only two simple mistakes in more than ten pages of complex calculations, which is really amazing. But mathematics is like this. No mistakes are allowed. It must be completely correct, because a little mistake can make things worse. The conclusion is completely different.


This time the surroundings were in complete uproar.

If a black guy with a Norwegian beard can be said to be a 'hired actor', the person who just gave Zhao Yi his paper is a professor at the University of Madrid. He has made research contributions in partial differential equations and has a certain reputation in the international mathematics community. professor.

Everyone can see clearly.

Zhao Yi quickly found out the mistakes in the black boy's paper. It was basically a real level, not acting or anything like that.

Wiles felt like he was being played.

When Zhao Yi took over the paper from the fourth person, Wiles had only read two pages. He knew that he had lost face and there was no point in staying.

"you're good!"

Wiles said something symbolic, handed the manuscript to the original owner with a hateful expression, and walked away directly.


Someone behind them made sarcastic calls.

In fact, Wiles was by no means a popular one, even in Britain, where he was not very popular among his peers.

This is not the so-called "colleagues are enemies", but Wiles has not done any mathematical research in the past ten years or so. He just accepts awards, gives speeches, and talks about his proof of Fermat's conjecture everywhere.

When a person shows off his achievements everywhere, it is strange to be well-liked in the industry.

At the same time, there are also many top mathematicians who think Wiles is a liar. His proof paper is too complicated and contains a lot of content in the previous and later proofs. Even if you understand all the content, it is difficult to clarify all the logical relationships.

So far, no one has definitely pointed out the error, but many top mathematicians still don't buy it. They believe that the proof process should be simpler and clearer, rather than being incomprehensible to most people.

Now that they saw Wiles being compared with a young Chinese man, they even felt a little happy. At the same time, they were also shocked by Zhao Yi's genius program.

"Look! He solved a paper in two minutes. What a genius. It is said that he is not even twenty years old!"

"No wonder he can crack the Kakutani conjecture, and the proof process is so simple that even undergraduates can understand it."

"That's the real proof process, not like..."

"His waveform diagrams are also very powerful. I have been studying them recently. The more I study them, the more mysterious they become. They are even better than the Riemann function."


After Zhao Yi became famous, he greeted the domestic mathematicians around him and chatted a few words with Zhou Li, who was from the same university. Then he followed a group of people and walked around the venue.

The International Congress of Mathematicians does not have an exact start time. The landmark is the opening ceremony, but the venue for the conference opened early, and exchanges between mathematicians have been going on as early as a week ago.

Now, those who come are required to register. After registration, they will be divided into various groups. There is no fixed time for making academic reports. Coordination arrangements will be made based on the registration time and personnel.

Zhao Yi, Liu Hemin and several people from the Academy of Sciences were assigned to the same discussion group. They arrived at their own branch venue, which was a large conference room with a capacity of more than 200 people.

Although the capacity of the conference room is not small, with a typical group having only over a hundred people, when important figures give academic reports, people from other groups will also come to listen, making the venue seem very crowded.

At this time, someone was giving an academic report at the venue, but because it was only a ten-minute report by a 'little actor', not many people really listened attentively. Basically, the people on the stage were talking, and the people in the audience were 'touring'.

Zhao Yi sat down and listened carefully to a few words, and found that they were really meaningless. Even he could understand them...

Later, I simply returned to the hotel with the Academy of Sciences and other people to recharge and prepare for my speech.

He still has a headache in this regard.

The 'three-dimensional tremor waveform' was definitely the most suitable for speeches, but the problems prompted by the 'Law of Supervision' had not yet been solved, and he always felt that it was not perfect.

If you just talk about the published research content, it seems to be a bit "resting on your laurels".

"How about pointing out Wiles' proof thesis?"

Even if he didn't consider the content of the academic report, he still wanted to find the problem.

"Starting tomorrow, I will go to the venue to listen to academic reports. Maybe I can find some inspiration from them."

Zhao Yi made a decision.

He went to the venue early the next day and listened patiently to each academic report.

The organizer arranges academic reports very regularly. In the morning and afternoon, two people who are invited to give long reports will be on stage, and in the remaining time, short reports submitted by individuals will be arranged.

Most of the short reports are not interesting. Most of them just talk about recent work, or they want to attract attention, or they just put forward certain points in the hope of being recognized by others, or they simply want to show their faces on stage.

You can still listen patiently to long reports, such as research on partial differential equations. Zhao Yi listened very carefully and took notes on some things he didn't understand.

He felt that to find out the conclusions reached by the "Supervisory Law", complex mathematics in other directions might be of great help.


Zhao Yi listened for two days in a row, which can be said to be a harvest. On the third day, it was time for him to give a report. He was assigned to give the last long report in the morning.

There was a long report before. Zhao Yi originally planned to close his eyes and rest for a while, but found that the people on stage immediately became energetic.


"The following is a research report by Andrew Wiles on the algebraic geometric objects of elliptic curves!"


A round of applause.

Wiles opened the microphone with a smile on his face and thanked the audience for their applause. While speaking, he gave Zhao Yi a serious look before talking about the content of his speech.

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