Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 205 Naiwanglinna Award!

The influence of the International Congress of Mathematicians is limited to the mathematics and academic circles. It has received very little attention from the world. Just like the influence of a mathematician is far less than that of a third-tier star, ordinary people have little regard for academics. Not much attention indeed.

The attention of ordinary people also determines the attention of the media.

Most of the reporters interviewing at the International Congress of Mathematicians are media from the academic circle.

Of course.

Major countries will still send reporters to interview, but in order to ensure the order of the scene, interviews are not allowed inside the venue. The reporters can only take notes and shoot some live video footage.

The same is true domestically.

There were reporters sent by CCTV to interview Zhao Yi at the venue, but they could only film in the corner of the last row, so he had to write the transcript himself.

This is also normal.

Generally speaking, for international academic conferences, domestic TV stations will only mention them in the news and will not make detailed reports. They will wait until the end of the mathematicians conference to report on each winner.

Some other domestic media will only mention the names of the winners.

That's all.

When Zhao Yi reported on the new prime number decomposition of the three-dimensional tremor waveform, things became different. The reporters on the scene immediately realized that it was big news and sent the news back to China.


Public opinion is boiling!

Most people have only heard the name of Fermat's last theorem, and after a little understanding, they will know that Fermat's conjecture and Goldbach's conjecture are tied as the two major conjectures in mathematics.

As early as more than ten years ago, Fermat's conjecture was proved by the British mathematician Wiles and became the so-called 'Fermat's Last Theorem'.

Wiles is recognized as the world's number one mathematician by virtue of his proof of Fermat's conjecture. He is also famous in Chinese academic circles. He has also been to Capital University for academic exchanges. The name is academic exchanges, but actually he is doing A small speech, and I got a lot of travel expenses by the way.

Even China’s capital university has been affected, not to mention various prestigious universities in the West.

Because he proved Fermat's conjecture, Wiles was promoted two levels in a row at Princeton University. He is already the director of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton University, and can be said to be the top figure in the research field.

He has been active for more than ten years and has won numerous awards and bonuses, but no mathematician can prove that Wiles's proof is wrong. This shows how meticulous Wiles's proof process is and his personal mathematical level. How profound.

Now Zhao Yi has proved that Wiles' proof logic is wrong, which is definitely a remarkable achievement.

Public opinion in the country is boiling.

The Internet was flooded with various reports that day, all surrounding Zhao Yi's academic report.

The various titles are also very eye-catching--

"Zhao Yi proved that Wiles' proof logic is wrong! 》

"Fermat's Last Theorem becomes Fermat's conjecture again!" 》

"Zhao Yi, a genius high school student, has pushed the world's number one mathematician off the altar!" 》

"An academic report caused a huge earthquake in the mathematics world! 》

"International Congress of Mathematicians: An academic report that shocked the world!" 》

Zhao Yi is really popular.

The next day, TV stations in many provinces began to report the relevant news, and the news appeared directly on the news channels.

Nanjiang Provincial Television specially sent an interview team to Madrid.

In fact, it is not a special dispatch. Their interview team has been in Barcelona and is a professional football news column team. La Liga has not started yet, and the column team is very leisurely. They simply went to Madrid to interview the International Congress of Mathematicians.

Of course.

Their target was only Zhao Yi, with Chen Ming preparing to give a speech. Even if they were interviewing other people, the content would focus on Zhao Yi and Zhao Yi's academic report.

The interview team worked very efficiently. Only 12 hours later, the on-site interview footage appeared on the Nanjiang TV News Channel.

Several passing mathematicians were interviewed and expressed their opinions on Zhao Yi's academic report. The same words were said -

"Zhao Yi is a real genius."

"I have never seen such an outstanding young man. He is not yet 20 years old. He can successfully prove Wiles's mistake at the Mathematicians' Conference."

"Wiles is very pitiful, because the most important thing Zhao Yi wants to do is to prove the new solution of prime numbers he discovered."

"The three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram is an incredible invention. I use the word invention to describe it, rather than discovery, because it is really an invention, at least in the mathematical world, it can be understood this way. The function is brand new."


A lot of praise, a lot of praise.

It sounds boring, but the audience in front of the TV watched it with gusto.

The top mathematicians they heard before always had a foreign name. Even if a Chinese name appeared, he would be a Chinese, not a pure Chinese.

Now, finally, a domestic mathematician is shining on the world stage, and many people are very excited.

Many people who are familiar with Zhao Yi also saw the news reports, and some sat in front of the TV to watch the program.

Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Linlin were watching TV together.

After watching the live interview on TV, and then noticing the news bombardment on the Internet, both Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Linlin were happy for Zhao Yi's success, but at the same time, their mood became a little gloomy.

Lin Xiaoqing didn't feel that she was far away from Zhao Yi before. They lived very close to each other, went to and from school together, and saw each other often.

Even if Zhao Yi has achieved certain achievements, she still doesn't feel too alienated.

It's different now.

Zhao Yi had been away for more than a month. When she saw the news reports, she suddenly felt that she was far away from Zhao Yi, as if they did not live in the same world.

Lin Xiaoqing clenched her fists, gritted her teeth secretly, and made a decision, "If you want to go to the capital as soon as possible, you must do it as soon as possible."

"Can't wait any longer."

"Otherwise, there must be more girls falling in love with him..." She thought and glanced to the side.

Zhao Linlin's feeling was lighter, because Zhao Yi was always far away, not only the actual distance, but also the distance between hearts.

For example, he likes Zhao Yi very much.

Zhao Yi doesn't know.

Lin Xiaoqing didn't know either.

No one knows.



The two girls fell into their own thoughts, then looked at each other and sighed in unison.

at the same time.

Many people at Yanhua University have also paid attention to the news, and the most active among them is Qian Zhijin.

Qian Zhijin was not surprised when he saw the news because he had already had enough surprising experiences.

He thought about practical issues.

The three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram has been proven to have a second set of prime number solutions directly related to the Riemann Hypothesis, and the Intelligence and Automation Laboratory can start a new verification.


New validation!

Qian Zhijin immediately thought of contacting Zhao Yi to learn about the new and simplest method of verification, but he felt very shameless. He suddenly thought of Zhao Yi going to discuss mathematics with Professor He before attending the mathematician conference.

"Maybe he was inspired by Professor He?"

"Professor He already knew?"

Qian Zhijin immediately visited Professor He and received a very disappointing answer, "He actually proved that Wiles' proof logic was wrong."

"He was talking to me about Wiles' proof before. I didn't know what he wanted to study. I didn't expect it!"


"The second set of prime number solutions? Since you want to verify it, why don't you study it yourself?"


"Why on earth do I have the ability to research it and ask you?"

Of course Qian Zhijin didn't dare to say it out loud. He could only hold the words in his heart and turned around with a stiff smile on his face.

“In the end we have to find Zhao Yi!”

"I don't know how much equipment and accessories I have to pay for..."

"It's difficult!"

Madrid, Spain.

Zhao Yi rested in the hotel all day and returned to the venue the next afternoon. However, he was quickly blown back to the hotel room by the enthusiasm of the mathematicians.

Whenever he walked to the venue, he would be surrounded by people, bombarding his ears with chatter.

can only say……

Being a celebrity is so difficult!

Three days later, the Mathematicians Conference will reach its climax, and the winner of the award will be announced.

The awards hall was crowded with people.

Zhao Yi met Thomson, a mathematics professor from the University of Florida, who was coming over in the corridor outside the venue.

Thomson recognized Zhao Yi at a glance, came over to say hello, and told interesting stories about reviewing the Kakutani conjecture paper.

Only then did Zhao Yi remember that the reviewer of his Kakutani conjecture paper seemed to have a name named ‘Thomson’.

All right.

Barely an acquaintance.

Zhao Yi knew very few foreign scholars, so it would be nice to have someone he could talk to. The two of them were chatting about the Kakutani conjecture in the corridor outside the door, and then turned to this academic report.

"You did a great job. I always thought Wiles was a liar, and so did my teacher."

"By the way, his name is Dunn, and he is also your reviewer."

Zhao Yi smiled.

Now he no longer criticizes Wiles in front of others.

The two chatted for a few words and then walked into the venue together. They were both mathematicians invited by the conference, and there were special seats in the venue.


They sat in the front and back rows.

Next to Zhao Yi was an Englishman with a big nose, wearing a very formal suit. He was probably not very sociable. He turned his head and smiled at Zhao Yi, and then continued to sit dullly.

When the host of the venue announced the official start, the big-nosed British man suddenly turned his head, smiled stiffly at Zhao Yi, and said a few words simply and clearly, "You won the award."

"Me? What prize?"

The big-nosed Englishman turned his head again, as if he had done something wrong, and turned his eyes left and right, as if he was worried that others would hear him.

Thomson had heard it a long time ago. He turned around and said something casually to Zhao Yi, as if he was complaining about the large number of people at the venue. Then he added in a low voice, "Andre Bell is a very withdrawn person and always says strange things." Weird words.”

After hearing this, Zhao Yi stared at Andre Bell several times.

This guy does look weird. Maybe someone who has been immersed in research all his life is a bit weird.


"I won an award? Is it true?"

Zhao Yi simply touched Bell with his elbow and asked, "What award did I win?"

Bell smiled stiffly and said in a low voice, "Can't say."

"Don't listen to him!"

A white man in the back row said, "Andre, don't be funny. No one can know who will win the award before the award is announced."

Bell shrugged indifferently.

Only then did Zhao Yi realize that Bell was acting mysteriously on purpose.

This guy was really teasing, showing that he didn't want people to hear him, and it must have been done for him to see.

"It's so weird!"

Zhao Yi complained, feeling a little disappointed. Because he was invited, he was probably a candidate for the award. Even if he didn't have high hopes, he still hoped to win the award.


After the opening speech, the host began to let the guests come on stage and announce the winners of various awards. The first is the Gauss Award, which was newly added this year. This award was established in memory of the "Prince of Mathematics" Gauss and is mainly used to reward those who are outstanding in application. Those who have achieved results in mathematics.

"The winner of the Gauss Prize is... Kiyoshi Ito!"

Next, the host introduced Kiyoshi Ito, who has made a large number of basic research contributions mainly in the field of stochastic differential analysis.

The second award announced is the Newanglina Prize. The Newanglina Prize is awarded to mathematicians who have made outstanding contributions in the mathematics of computer science.

"Now, I would like to ask Mr. Andre Bell to announce the winner of Newanglina for us!"

Under the surprised gazes of several people around him, Andre Bell stood up stiffly, grinned at Zhao Yi, and then walked onto the stage step by step.

"Zhao Yi!"

"It's you!"

“It turns out this guy was invited to be the award guest!”

Although we couldn't discuss it too loudly, several people around us still exclaimed.

Zhao Yi was also a little excited.

The Newanglina Prize is definitely not as good as Fields, but it is also an international award in mathematics. No Chinese has won this award.

At this time, his mind was running continuously, but his eyes were just looking at the stage stiffly. Andre Bell's stiff movements seemed much more pleasing to the eye.

Andre Bell walked to the stage, took the host's microphone, picked up the manuscript paper he prepared in his hand, and read the first sentence directly, "This year's winner of the Nevinlin Award is..."

"Mathematician from China, Zhao Yi!"

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