Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 208: Resolutely not a tool!

"Brother Chao, are you in front?"

"What number?"

"That building in front? Have you bought a parking space? By the way, I also want to buy a car. I'll go check it out when I have time."

Xu Chao led the way, and Zhao Yi asked as he walked.

Zhao Hongjuan and Lin Xiaoqing followed behind, feeling strange in their hearts. If they hadn't known Xu Chao, they would have thought that Zhao Yi was going to buy a house, and Xu Chao was the real estate agent who was showing the house.

How can anyone buy a house and not even know where it is?

This is too outrageous!

In fact, it's not that Zhao Yi doesn't care, but that he never has time. He only went there when the house was transferred, and spent the rest of the time doing research. Later he went to Madrid, but he never came to see it.

Several people arrived quickly.

According to Zhao Yi's request, the two houses purchased are in the same building or the same unit, both are 130 square meters, and the house type is exactly the same. The house is definitely not as good as Zheng Yang's villa building, but considering the location For example, the price is several times more expensive.

Both houses are second-hand houses, one is a vacant rough house, and the other is a fully decorated house.

A few people looked at it carefully and then went to the one with fine decoration.

Only then did Zhao Yi realize the embarrassment, because the house had just been bought, and it only had basic furniture and appliances that had not been moved out, but it was definitely not complete. It was still possible to live in, but there were a lot of things that had to be purchased. It was definitely It's very inconvenient.

"Sorry, it's my first time here too."

Zhao Yi apologized awkwardly, "It seems that it will take a while before we can move in with all the furniture and appliances."

Zhao Hongjuan stood up and nodded, "This house is not bad, you might as well come and take a look." She walked around, commented a little, looked at the sky and said, "Qingqing, let's go back to the hotel."


Lin Xiaoqing hesitated for a moment, pursed her lips and said firmly, "Mom, let's live here."

"But none of this..." Zhao Hongjuan still didn't say it. She felt that saying it seemed to be disgusting, and it didn't feel good.

"Zhao Yi has never lived here before." Lin Xiaoqing took Zhao Hongjuan's hand and said jokingly, "So let's help him live here for the first time!"

Zhao Hongjuan was stunned and didn't understand. She looked at each other again and suddenly understood something.

My daughter, when she grows up, she also knows how to protect things?

Although the 'protection' thing sounded a bit weird, she thought about it and understood it, and immediately made a decision, "Okay, I'll listen to you, Xiaoyi, we'll stay here for the next two days. Sorry, please."

"No trouble! No trouble!"

Zhao Yi still felt a little embarrassed. He decided to entertain people but it turned out to be an empty house. It seemed that he had to buy a lot of things?

The three of them went to the supermarket for a large purchase that day, and also ordered several home appliances to be delivered directly tomorrow.

After returning from shopping, everyone felt very tired.

The next day, continue.

Furniture, home appliances, daily necessities... There are many more things in the house, and it also looks like a way to live.

Zhao Hongjuan helped pick out some kitchen utensils, unpacked them and placed them in the kitchen one by one, including plates, bowls and chopsticks.

When she walked out of the kitchen, she noticed that there was a middle-aged man at the door. He was looking around with a sly look. He was also flipping through the box at the door to see what it was.

Zhao Hongjuan ran over in a few steps, stretched out her hand to hold down the man's arm, twisted it and pushed it directly against the wall. The movement was so clean that it made people react.


"Ah~~~~I'm not a thief! Isn't this Zhao Yi's home! Where is Zhao Yi! Where is Zhao Yi!"

There was a noise in the bathroom.

Zhao Yi was shirtless and wearing big pants. He stuck his head out and shouted, "Is this Professor Qian?"

"It's me! It's me! Zhao Yi, help!" Qian Zhijin pressed his face against the wall and shouted with all his strength.

Zhao Hongjuan let go in embarrassment.


Qian Zhijin breathed a sigh of relief as if he had survived the catastrophe, quickly used his strength to grasp his arm, raised his head and glanced at Zhao Hongjuan, and immediately took two steps back in fear.

This woman is so terrible!

Zhao Yi calmly wiped his hair and came out, and Lin Xiaoqing also came out of the bedroom.

Several people were sitting in the living room.

Zhao Hongjuan specially used the newly bought teapot to make tea and apologized to Qian Zhijin, "I didn't know. I saw you at the door... I misunderstood..."

"Yes, misunderstanding, misunderstanding!"

Qian Zhijin explained the misunderstanding more actively than Zhao Hongjuan. When sitting on the sofa, he automatically stayed one meter away to feel a little safer. He sighed in his heart that people cannot be judged by their appearance.

This woman was rather soft and frail, but she didn't expect to be so strong. His wrist still hurt from being pinched.

After some introduction, Qian Zhijin learned that the girl was Zhao Yi's classmate, the woman was the girl's mother, and they were also neighbors.

"Well, judging from their appearance, the relationship should be deeper, for example, boyfriend and girlfriend?" Qian Zhijin observed carefully and almost understood.

Of course.

This has nothing to do with him.

Qian Zhijin directly explained the purpose of his visit, "Zhao Yi, it's time for you to visit the school."

"What's wrong?"

"People in school are going crazy waiting for you!" Qian Zhijin rubbed his forehead vigorously and explained carefully.

Zhao Yi won the prize at the International Congress of Mathematicians, but the academic report he gave at the conference was really influential. It was directly given to the "world's number one" mathematician. Wiles's Fermat conjecture was proved. Qualitative 'logical error', also extended the prime number ungrouping of 'three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram'.

After learning about Zhao Yi's return to China, many scholars and professors came directly to Yanhua University.


No matter how long you wait, you won't be able to find Zhao Yi's people.

This is embarrassing.

After listening to Qian Zhijin's words, Zhao Yi remembered that he had received many calls and messages in the past two days, asking him to visit Yanhua University.

He ignored it.

Going to Madrid to attend an academic conference was like working overtime for him. After two days of hard work, he also met Lin Xiaoqing who came over. He also thought about traveling around the capital with Lin Xiaoqing, which was also like working overtime. Give yourself some time off.

After is about to start!

After school starts, it will not be easy to relax.

Now is the rare holiday time.

Zhao Yi hesitated.

It was Zhao Hongjuan who persuaded me, "Career is more important, Xiaoyi, otherwise go to school."

Zhao Yi looked at Lin Xiaoqing and squeezed her little hand secretly.

In front of outsiders, Lin Xiaoqing was obviously a little shy, but she still said, "Go ahead, just in time, my mother and I are going to the supermarket and will prepare a big meal for you in the afternoon."

Zhao Hongjuan immediately glared at her daughter. She had been busy for two days and planned to take a rest in the afternoon, but she didn't expect to be tricked by her daughter.


It’s not like she has to do it!

"All right!"

After hearing this, Zhao Yi agreed.


There were a lot of people in the school, and it was because of him that he was here. It really couldn't be justified that he didn't show his face.

Then go and have a look!

Zhao Yi followed Qian Zhijin directly to the Faculty of Science building.

The two main colleges of Yanhua University are the School of Life Sciences and the School of Science.

Majors related to mathematics and physics are classified in the School of Science. The number of students in the School of Science accounts for one-third of the school. The main building of the School of Science is the most classical-style and oldest building in the school.

The School of Science building is very lively now. Many people knew that Qian Zhijin was looking for Zhao Yi and that Zhao Yi might come over, so they all gathered in the School of Science building. There were more than a dozen people standing at the door of the building.

When they saw Qian Zhijin and Zhao Yi walking together, they immediately greeted him. While staggering Qian Zhijin, they gave Zhao Yi the warmest welcome -

"Zhao Yi, here you go!"


"We have been waiting for a long time, looking forward to the stars and the moon!"

Zhao Yi felt a little embarrassed and explained, "I had guests at home, so I didn't come to school."

"I bear witness to this."

Qian Zhijin said, "Both women are very beautiful!"



Zhao Yi had the urge to kick Qian Zhijin to death, and what he said was so misunderstood.

Zhao Yi was welcomed into the building and walked into a small conference room.

Qian Zhijin said that there were a lot of people coming, but in fact, there were not many people coming. There were about 20 people from other schools. Because of the close distance, more people from our school came than from other schools.

There are not many people, but they are all heavyweights. Anyone among them is a professor from a certain university.

When Qian Zhijin made the introduction, Zhao Yi heard several names of "Professor Shouda" and "Professor Shuimu", but he couldn't remember the specific names. The only thing he remembered was...

Ma Xiaojun?

"I have admired you for a long time!"

"Nice to meet you!"

Friends in the computer technology exchange group!

Ma Xiaojun also gave Zhao Yi guidance on mathematics problems, but he never expected to see him at Yanhua University.

Zhao Yi and Ma Xiaojun said a few words, then walked up to the small podium and told the visitors the content of the academic report, which was the 'three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram'.

In fact, it’s still the same thing.

First, we will explain the ‘Wiles logic’, then create an ‘anti-Wiles sequence’, and then, through a series of proofs, deduce the second set of prime solutions to the ‘three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram’.

This paragraph is recorded in the meeting minutes, but the important clips will not be made public until one month after the Mathematicians Conference ends, and the domestic media does not have the right to broadcast the Mathematicians Conference.

Therefore, domestic mathematicians can only derive some fragmented content from fragments of media reports or from the mouths of mathematicians participating in meetings.

Now Zhao Yi has given a detailed explanation, which has benefited many people a lot, especially those who have studied number theory. They have discovered that the 'three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram' is really a huge treasure.

It is surprising that a function has two sets of prime solutions.

Within the known range, only the Riemann function has a definite prime number solution, and the prime number solution of the Riemann function is the same as the 'three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram'. The prime number solution is just a guess.

"The waveform graph can completely replace the Riemann function!"


"We still need to verify it now. By the way, is there any verification method?"

A mathematics professor from Capital University directly asked about the proof method for the solution of new prime numbers.

Zhao Yi just smiled and replied, "I just had a sudden inspiration."

It means not available at the moment.

Not yet, doesn't mean there won't be in the future. It's impossible for him to publicly crack the algorithm of the 'three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram'.

After the speech ended, Zhao Yi was pulled aside by Qian Zhijin, "Zhao Yi, our relationship... what is the algorithm for cracking that new prime number solution..."

"Of course."

Zhao Yi said with a kind face, "I originally planned to leave it to our laboratory."

ten minutes later.

Qian Zhijin left the School of Science building with a weak expression of being "squeezed dry", arrived at the Intelligence and Automation Laboratory, and immediately gathered people to start verification work.

Zhao Yi stayed in the School of Science for two hours and dealt with many people asking questions. He felt a little more relaxed and quickly found an excuse to leave.

He really didn't want to waste time dealing with people he didn't know.

Originally, he wanted to go back directly, but when he walked around the corner of the school, he remembered that he should go to the Biomedical Research Institute.

There is the ‘Zhao Yi Laboratory’ there.

The laboratory is still in its infancy. It doesn't matter if it is not opened every day. It cannot let the two "workers" feel cold.

In the laboratory.

Zhang Wei held the test tube in her hand, poured something into it carefully, then put it on the weighing machine to measure it, then put it aside and continued to record.

Liu Chengjie was helping from the side. Seeing Zhang Wei stop the experiment, he said with emotion, "Did he forget that he has a laboratory? I heard that he came back a few days ago."

Zhang Wei's expression was also a bit depressed, "I guess she's busy."

"Must be busy."

Liu Chengjie said, "I just won an award abroad. I passed by the School of Science in the morning and saw many people there, including professors from Shuimu, all looking for Zhao Yi."


Liu Chengjie sighed and continued, "In the field of biomedicine, even if he can achieve half, no, one-tenth of the achievements in the field of mathematics, if he gives me a little bit of it, I guess I won't be able to stay." Problem."

"It's definitely no problem!"

Zhang Wei smiled and said, "I believe in Zhao Yi. He is a genius. If he devotes himself to biomedical research, he will achieve success very soon."

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The two of them looked back and saw a figure standing outside the glass window.

Zhao Yi?

Zhang Wei took off her white coat and walked out.

Liu Chengjie also went out.

Outside the glass window is a small office. Zhao Yi chatted with the two about their work for more than a week, and learned that they had started a new study, which was related to the role of ‘interleukin IL-1α’ in diseases.

Zhao Yi listened carefully to Zhang Wei's talk, and then talked about the laboratory plan, "Don't be anxious, take your time, I will work with you after school starts."

He reassured Liu Chengjie, "It's okay if you stay, don't worry." His face looked wrapped around me.

Liu Chengjie immediately felt relieved.

Putting aside Zhao Yi's biomedical research capabilities, he has been recognized as an expert in mathematics and computers, and has won awards internationally.

A big shot like this is patting his chest to make a guarantee. Is the job of a little guy still a problem?

Zhao Yi went around to the Institute of Biomedical Sciences and learned about the research in his laboratory before going back directly.

When he got home, Zhao Hongjuan and Lin Xiaoqing were busy in the kitchen. He simply turned on the computer and browsed the news to kill time, and suddenly found that he had received a new email.

The new email was from Terence Tao. It contained several documents and many pictures.

"research material?"

"New digital information compression technology?"

"Required algorithm rules?"

Zhao Yi took a rough look and knew what the content was. It was the same as Tao Zhexuan said, which was to give him basic information and ask him to help research an algorithm.

His title of 'Algorithm Master' is recognized all over the world. If he can create new algorithms by himself, he must be the top person.

"How about giving it a try!"

Zhao Yi thought.

A system message suddenly popped up——

[Achievement tasks, computer type, information compression, analysis algorithm: You need to complete the algorithm part of the new digital compression technology.

Task reward: 1000 learning coins and 10 scientific research coins. 】


"As long as a decision is made, the system will release relevant tasks!"

Zhao Yi has a better understanding of system tasks.

at the same time.

He suddenly realized a problem.

In mathematics, we need to study the solution of the three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram and what exactly is going on.

Biology and laboratory projects cannot be left behind. Liu Chengjie also hopes to publish papers and complete the projects to stay in the institute.

Computer, study an algorithm related to digital information compression.

There are a lot of things!

He always wanted to live a leisurely life, but why did he become so busy without even realizing it?


"can not be like this!"

Zhao Yi took a deep breath, quickly adjusted his mentality and made a decision, "You must not be a tool!"

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