Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 210 Could it be that I can’t keep up with the master?

Zhao Yi is really a little depressed.

In the field of mathematics, he has indeed achieved certain achievements. The reason is his systematic ability. The basic aspects are self-study, that is, reading books by himself and mastering some basic knowledge.

Therefore, he is still a little weak in the basics of mathematics.

The undergraduate-level advanced mathematics is indeed not very difficult for him, but advanced mathematics is a comprehensive mathematics course, which contains some knowledge that he has not mastered. Studying it systematically will probably have some benefits.

Computers don't matter.

C language is a programming language that is often used in work and research. Introductory knowledge will make you look backward. Designing simple algorithms like a rookie has no meaning at all.

"You still need to learn advanced mathematics, but if you don't even have courses..."

"Go over and listen. The teacher won't say anything, right?"

Zhao Yi made a decision.

Although he can also read the textbooks and do the exercises by himself, college is not like high school, where he can ask questions in different ways and study by himself.


Self-study is very taxing!

Sometimes when I don’t want to study on my own, it is also a good experience to listen to the teacher’s lectures and learn and master basic knowledge with my classmates.

at the same time.

In the office on the second floor of the School of Science, Professor Hu Zhibin, who is over 50 years old, is chatting with several teachers from the School of Science.

Among them was Professor Zhou Li who attended the Mathematicians Conference.

"I have been in charge of the School of Life Sciences and the advanced mathematics courses of biological sciences. Who would have thought that a student who is more powerful than me will come here."

"No, he is many times more powerful than me!"

"He has gone to the international level to win awards, and he still has a chance to win Fields the year after his junior year, but now he is just a freshman."

"If he sits in the audience and lectures, who of you can continue?"

Hu Zhibin's tone was a little depressed and exaggerated, and several teachers who listened laughed.

"I told the people in the Academic Affairs Office that either I will not teach classes this year, or they will give me the right to directly pass Zhao Yi's high-level mathematics."

"They thought it right, so they just let me pass it directly to Zhao Yi."

Other teachers also said, "It's really not interesting for him to learn advanced mathematics."


"If it were me, I would do the same thing. If there is someone better than me in the audience, how can I teach the class?"

Zhou Li also nodded and said, "This will be the case from now on. Undergraduate students in the School of Life Sciences, as well as the required mathematics courses "Probability Theory" and "Linear Algebra", will all be passed directly."

"That's great!"

There was a teacher in the office who taught "Probability Theory" and he quickly raised his hands to support Professor Zhou Li's decision.

Hu Zhibin continued, "We in the School of Science are not alone. Computer teachers also do this."

"The C language teacher majoring in biological sciences is Liu Guangzuo's doctoral student and works in the Intelligence and Automation Laboratory."

"He himself listened to Zhao Yi's lectures, and ended up working as a teacher for Zhao Yi, teaching C language?"


Everyone in the office laughed.

Military training officially begins the day after tomorrow.

Officers and soldiers from the outside army responsible for student military training have already settled in the school, and the students have also distributed military training clothes and equipment.

In the afternoon, two classes of biological sciences gathered together, and the boys mixed up to form one row. Then they pulled boys from a class in the ecology major nearby, and they happened to form two rows together.

After dividing the teams into their respective teams, everyone gathered on the playground, held a military training meeting, and then disbanded to wait for the official start of training tomorrow.

After the meeting that afternoon, the time was still free.

Zhao Yi got acquainted with several people in the dormitory, and even played a game with Fan Lei online. Around the same time, they went to the restaurant to eat together.

School season.

The school is full of students.

Zhao Yi, Fan Lei and a few others walked together on the road inconspicuously. They walked slowly and talked about the military training starting tomorrow.

"Get up at six o'clock!"

"You have to eat according to the rules. You can't eat breakfast, lunch and dinner well!"

"Our instructor seems to be the boss of other instructors!"

"He is the platoon leader, and all the other instructors are under him!"

A few people were joking when they saw a few girls walking opposite.

There were a lot of female students walking together in the school, and it wasn't a big deal originally. Li Renzhe suddenly shouted in surprise, "Look, Meng Zheng's girlfriend!"



Zhao Yi and Fan Lei looked over at the same time.

Oncoming were three girls. The two at the front looked really beautiful from a distance.

The person at the front who was talking to other people had a youthful and sunny smile on his face, and his black hair was hanging behind him, and he seemed a little graceful...

I don’t know why I thought of Zhou Qing.


Next to her was a tall girl, whose gentle and quiet demeanor could not hide her long legs.

"He's 1.7 meters tall, right?" Zhao Yi observed and whispered.

Fan Lei quickly answered, "There must be, visually he is higher than Li Renzhe."

"No." Li Renzhe shouted dissatisfied, "They are definitely not as tall as me."

"If you don't believe me, why don't you go and compete?" Fan Lei said with a wicked smile, and asked his roommate in the dormitory to compete with each other so that he could have a chance to get to know each other.

What a great idea!


Li Renzhe was completely uncooperative.

"Which one is Meng Zheng's girlfriend?" Zhao Yi asked the key question.

Li Renzhe pointed to the past, "One of the two at the front."

"One of the?"

"I'm not sure either!" Li Renzhe spread his hands and said.

"Yes, Lao Meng!" Fan Lei said in amazement, "Anyone of the first two will do. I never expected that Lao Meng could have such a beautiful girlfriend. We are still single, and he has already left. It’s the end!”

Meng Zheng's face was a little red.

Fan Lei urged, "Go and say hello. But your girlfriend, let us also get to know her roommate..."


Li Renzhe said quickly.

One of them is Meng Zheng's girlfriend, and there are two other girls. The one at the back can't be seen clearly, but it shouldn't be too bad, right?

Almost, but pretty good.

If it were the first two, they would be a little hesitant to pursue based on their looks.

Meng Zheng was timid and silent. He seemed a little reluctant, but finally waved his hand.

Several girls saw Meng Zheng and chatted a few words, as if they were joking. Then they all looked back and made a gap, and a girl with a cute look got in from behind. When he came out, he waved his hands a little sheepishly, didn't speak, and just stood there without moving.

Zhao Yi, Fan Lei and Li Renzhe were all a little confused, "Four girls?"

"It's four!"

"I thought it was three, but I didn't see it."

"I didn't see it either."

Meng Zheng had no choice but to walk over and talk to the little girl.

That's really a small man, at most 1.5 meters tall?


Fan Lei started to say something, but later found out that it was not very good, so he quickly commented, "She's quite beautiful. Being in a relationship with such a petite girl is actually... quite good!"

"Yes, Lao Meng is really lucky!"


Zhao Yi added, "When you come back, don't talk about his girlfriend. She is a true love."

"Yes, true love!"

To put it bluntly, Meng Zheng's girlfriend looks just like an average person, a short girl with short hair who can generally be called 'cute'.

It’s just that the gap is a bit big!

Li Renzhe kept saying 'how beautiful' and 'how beautiful', but the result was this...

He quickly explained, "I looked at it from a distance yesterday and thought it was one of the two. When I asked, Lao Meng didn't say otherwise."


"So, from now on, no one can judge Lao Meng's girlfriend." Zhao Yi made the final decision.


"Brother Yi, listen to you!"

The three people were talking here, and the three girls opposite were also talking in the distance and pointing in this direction.

The girl with the 'Rejoice' hairstyle in front walked over and said a few words to Meng Zheng, then immediately greeted the other two and walked towards this side together.

"What are they here for?"

"Could it be that you want to get to know me because I'm handsome?" Fan Lei speculated proudly.


Several girls walked directly to Zhao Yi.

"You are Zhao Yi, right? My name is Xu Mengyan, and I am also majoring in biological science. I am in class two."

"Yes Yes?"

Xu Mengyan smiled enthusiastically and continued to introduce, "This is Zhou Tingting, Liu Ying, and..." She pointed to Meng Zheng's girlfriend in the distance, "Wang Fang."

"Fan Lei, Li Renzhe." Zhao Yi also introduced him politely. Li Renzhe stood straight next to him, not saying a word, as if he was looking for the aloof male god's temperament.

Fan Lei came over and put his arms around Zhao Yi's shoulders, joking with a smile, "You want to get to know our brother Yi, right? I'm brother Yi's best brother. If you want to get to know brother Yi, you have to get through me first."

Xu Mengyan took out a coin from her pocket and handed it to Fan Lei with disgust, like giving it away to a beggar, "Here, sister bribed you."


Several people nearby laughed.

Fan Lei felt that he had met an opponent, and he felt a little depressed holding the coin. It was not easy to give it back, and it was awkward to hold it.

Xu Mengyan ignored him and talked to Zhao Yi enthusiastically, "I heard from the counselor that there is a great master in class one, a talented high school student in China. I didn't expect that we are in the same major."

"Class one and class two are pretty much the same." Zhao Yi responded with a smile.

"Yes, many classes are taken together. If there is anything I don't know how to do in the future, can I ask you, a great master, to teach me?"

"Don't be so arrogant. It sounds awkward. Just call me by my name."

"That's not polite!"

Xu Mengyan smiled and said generously, "It's not good to call me a great god. Let's call you Brother Yi."


Xu Mengyan was really good at socializing, and Zhao Yi had a coping attitude, so they started chatting smoothly.

Later, Zhao Yi couldn't deal with it anymore. After chatting for a few words at the beginning, he carefully looked at Xu Mengyan, Zhou Tingting next to him, and even Liu Ying, who was dressed very boyishly, and found that it was indeed the same as what Li Renzhe said.

The appearance... is okay!

"There have been very few 'flirting coins' recently, so they... just make do with it?"

"Anyway, there is no suitable partner for the time being..."


Zhao Yi became enthusiastic.

After seeing Meng Zheng and Wang Fang walking together, the chat when they first met was almost over.

Before leaving.

Xu Mengyan asked for Zhao Yi's phone number, and Zhao Yi also left the phone numbers of Xu Mengyan and Zhou Tingting.

While recording the phone call, Zhao Yi asked Xu Mengyan in a low voice, "By the way, do you have a boyfriend?"

Xu Mengyan was stunned for a moment and did not answer directly. She thought to herself, "He asked me if I have a boyfriend..."

"What's the meaning?"

"Ask this..."

[Flirting with girls, target: Xu Mengyan, learning coins +2. 】


Before Xu Mengyan left, she turned to look at Zhao Yi. When she was about to say something, she saw Zhao Yi pointing at Li Renzhe next to him.

To sell your teammates, you have to be quick!

Li Renzhe held a cigarette in his mouth and stood aside without saying anything, probably demonstrating the meaning of acting cool.


Xu Mengyan felt a little unhappy.

Next to her, Zhou Tingting asked, "When I saw you leaving just now, Zhao Yi whispered something to you, tell me? What were you communicating in whispers?"



Xu Mengyan thought about it and said, "He just asked me why Liu Ying dresses like a boy~"


Liu Ying blushed and asked stupidly, "Is it impossible? Why would he ask me suddenly?"

at the same time.

[Flirting with girls, object: Liu Ying, learning coin +1. 】

"Liu Ying?"

Zhao Yi was a little confused when he heard the system prompts, "That girl dressed like a boy...I didn't talk to her, did I? Is she too handsome and there's nothing I can do about it? You can seduce her with just one look..."

Earning three learning coins in one breath is not bad, but we still have to keep up our efforts and keep working hard.

While waiting for dinner, Zhao Yi thought for a while and simply sent a message to Zhou Tingting, "Do you have a boyfriend?"

Zhou Tingting was sitting on a chair, sitting next to Xu Mengyan, watching a movie played on the computer.

"Ding dong."

Suddenly, she received a message on her phone. She raised her head and looked at it, and was stunned in surprise.

"what's the message?"

Xu Mengyan turned her head and took a peek first. Zhou Tingting reacted quickly and pressed the screen immediately, but she didn't know how to explain it.

Xu Mengyan smiled and said, "It can't be any boy... I also received it. A few boring boys texted and didn't know what they were talking about. It's not as interesting as penguin chatting."

"Did you receive it too?" Zhou Tingting followed the words and turned off her phone as if she didn't care. She continued to watch the movie with Xu Mengyan. She excused herself to the toilet and walked away after two minutes.

When she got to the bathroom and closed the door, she quickly replied to a message, "I have never been in love." While waiting for the news, she was still thinking, "Why did he ask me..."

"Could it be..."

[Flirting with girls, target: Zhou Tingting, learning coins +3. 】

Critical hit!

Zhao Yi was walking back to his dormitory when he found that he had filled up with ‘flirting coins’ and his mood became very comfortable.

Open the phone and see the message.

Text back.

"Thank you. By the way, thank the other girls in your dormitory for me too."

Zhou Tingting looked at the text message confused and didn't know how to reply.

What's the meaning?

She lay on the bed and pondered carefully for a long time, "Why did he want to thank me and ask me to help thank other people? Why can't he figure it out?"

"Is it my problem, that I can't keep up with the master's thinking rhythm?"

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