Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 213 Three days to complete the proof

The last two days of military training are to prepare for the final military parade. The training is relatively easy.

After the military parade ended, the military training came to an end.

Zhao Yi and a few friends went to the dormitory to have a good rest all afternoon, and then went to the class meeting together around five o'clock.

The class meeting after the military training is mainly to talk about some things in the new semester, including a core project--

Run for class president.

During the military training, instructor Feng Ruixue asked in detail who was running for squad leader, and she specifically asked Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi declined tactfully, "I have some research to do and don't have time to serve you."

Feng Ruixue could only give up.

At the class meeting, Zhao Yi met the head teacher Jiang Mingde, and what impressed him the most was his typical Mediterranean hairstyle.

Jiang Mingde presided over the class meeting and also presided over the class cadre election work, allowing the students participating in the election to stand up one by one and then enter the voting process.

The squad leader finally selected was an unfamiliar girl named Zang Qian. She was average-looking, but seemed to have a cheerful personality. A boy named Zhang Xudong was chosen as the deputy squad leader.

The reason why he can only be the deputy squad leader may be because of the ratio of girls to boys.

Zhang Xudong's number of votes was not much worse than Zang Qian's, and considering that there were one-third more girls than boys in the class.


Very normal.

Zhao Yi doesn't care who is the squad leader or the deputy squad leader.

After the class meeting ended, he greeted a few people in the dormitory and helped move the computer and some luggage to the faculty dormitory.

That single room still belongs to him.

"You don't live in the dormitory anymore?" Fan Lei felt sorry for Zhao Yi to leave. After living together for a week, they were almost familiar with each other, but Zhao Yi still had to move out.

Zhao Yi explained, "I also want to live in the dormitory, but it's just inconvenient. I didn't move away my bedding or anything else, I still keep my things. I'll live there occasionally."

"It's convenient to do research here."

Several people entered the door and saw the robot in the corner, which was sent by students from several laboratories.

Zhao Yi went over to take a look, and suddenly felt a sense of closeness.

Although the appearance of the robot has changed, the internal accessories have also changed, and even the robotic arms have been replaced with more advanced ones.

But the soul is still there!

This is still his robot!

“So classy!”

"This is awesome, what can it do?"

"I've seen the video, it seems like supermarket shopping?"

Zhao Yi Xiaoxiao explained. He asked a few friends to control the robot to satisfy their curiosity, and then went out to have a meal with them. It felt like a 'farewell banquet'.

In fact, he just moved from the student dormitory to the quieter faculty dormitory. It was convenient for him to live alone and do research. The student dormitory was too messy.

After enjoying more than a week of leisure, Zhao Yi had to be patient and start doing research seriously.

The top priority is to solve the prime number solution problem of the three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram. The Intelligence and Automation Laboratory is also waiting to publish the computer verification results.

Zhao Yi also attaches great importance to the issue of three-dimensional tremor waveform diagrams.

This is fundamental.

The significance of the three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram to him is much more important than cracking the Kakutani conjecture or other conjectures, because the three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram can be said to be his thing. Someone else who knows more about the three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram is really a person. It's a joke, he must study his 'own stuff' thoroughly.

The problems discovered by Qian Zhijin and Liu Guangzuo are indeed very meaningful.

Zhao Yi didn't know where to start before, looking for the relationship between prime numbers and ungrouping. Their detection results helped him solve the 'start' problem.

Twin primes.

The current issue is to study the twin prime numbers.

Liu Guangzuo's statement also helped provide ideas. He did not need to prove the twin prime number conjecture, but wanted to look for the rules and problems related to the twin prime number solution in the three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram.

Why do there are so many twin primes in the three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram?

This is the problem to be solved.

If you were to research it yourself, it would indeed take a lot of work to solve this problem, but since you are in school, you can go out and look for inspiration.

The next day Zhao Yi went to visit Professor He Mingcheng.

He Mingcheng has no achievements to speak of in the direction of number theory, but he has also done some research on number theory. It is really a piece of cake to popularize the knowledge about twin prime numbers.

Zhao Yi came in with a gift, and was scolded by He Mingcheng, telling him not to bring anything next time.

He just smiled and nodded.

Next, He Mingcheng started to talk about twin prime numbers, and explained the relevant knowledge he knew, including various assumptions, analysis, and problems from various angles.

Now Zhao Yi's understanding ability has indeed improved a lot. He can easily follow He Mingcheng's ideas. Even if he encounters some formulas and theorems that he has never heard of before, he can write them down and continue to listen.

He Mingcheng was indeed very kind to Zhao Yi. He talked seriously for more than an hour. It didn't sound like much time, but he kept talking. He drank two cups of tea in the middle, which was still a lot of physical and mental exertion.

Zhao Yidu felt a little tired. After going out, he checked his energy and found that he had consumed seventeen points.

Listening to a class for more than an hour consumes 17 points of energy!

It’s conceivable!

It is difficult to understand what He Mingcheng said.

Zhao Yi was gratified that he had completely followed the train of thought, understood everything, and had some understanding of the basic knowledge of twin prime numbers, including some expanded content.

Then he went to the Faculty of Science.

There are several internationally renowned professors in the School of Science at Yanhua University. Zhou Li is not conspicuous among them, but he is the youngest one.

Zhao Yi went to the office to find Zhou Li and asked about some proof ideas for twin prime numbers in the world.

The two simply discussed it directly.

Zhou Li's main research content is complex geometric mathematics, such as hyperboloids and modular forms. He is also good at knowledge related to differential calculus.

Number theory is not his research direction.

But the field of number theory is the most rare and simple in the mathematical system. As long as you are a mathematician, you can study it to some extent.

Zhao Yi did not think of asking Zhou Li to provide a proof method. Instead, he took out the three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram and first told Zhou Li about the abnormal ratio of twin primes in the verification of the two sets of prime solutions.

Zhou Li became interested as soon as he heard it.

The two started a targeted discussion, starting from the basis of the twin prime conjecture, to the proof of the three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram, and then expanded to talk about some mathematical methods.

This discussion can easily complicate the issue.

Zhou Li even used the content of the geometric system to explain the laws of numbers, just like the simple numbers from one to ten, which must be explained by solving y=x.

The other teachers in the office listened carefully at first, but then simply continued to do their own things.

What should I do if I don’t understand?

Hu Zhibin opened the door of the office and saw the discussion between Zhou Li and Zhao Yi. He stood nearby and listened, as if he wanted to find an opportunity to join in.

It was as if I saw two people playing basketball on the street and wanted to find a chance to chat and join them in playing basketball together.


Hu Zhibin returned to his seat silently. He found two people in the 'street bullfighting', one was named Kobe Bryant and the other was named LeBron James.

Is this a game of ball?

Hu Zhibin could only sigh again, "Fortunately! I came up with a good idea, otherwise Zhao Yi would not be able to give lectures if he were to attend the lectures below!"

Zhao Yi and Zhou Li had a verbal spat for almost an hour.

It started as a discussion, but later turned into a debate. The two had differences in understanding on the 'relationship between solving geometric figures and numbers', and finally almost quarreled with each other on the table.

No one else in the office knew what to do.

Go and persuade?

I dont understand!

Don't want to go?

Professor Zhou Li looks very strong, but if he really wants to fight, he probably won't be Zhao Yi's opponent, right?

No one expected that in the end, Zhao Yi thanked Zhou Li very kindly, "Thank you, I have learned a lot!"

Zhou Li also nodded and said, "As long as it helps you."

A piece of peace?

After Zhao Yi left, Zhou Licai said, "His understanding of numbers is different from mine. I stick to my point of view."

"But it's normal for every mathematician to have different understandings. When he encounters problems in his research, maybe his argument with me can open up ideas for him?"

Zhou Li was not sure either.

In Zhou Li's understanding, Zhao Yi's research is a bit too profound. The 'three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram' is really a wonderful function. There is a lot of researchable content in it. It is not easy to study it thoroughly.

Until now, he has not fully understood the process of proving and shaping the three-dimensional tremor waveform.

"It is not easy to come up with the results of this research. It may take one, two, or even several years!"

Zhou Li estimated silently.

After Zhao Yi and Zhou Li argued for a while, they finally came out with a clue. Zhou Li's views on numbers were actually very novel, and at least it broadened his horizons.

"Using geometrically complex graph solving to interpret numbers?"

"It's like solving a three-dimensional tremor waveform to find the law of prime numbers? To a certain extent, it's right."

Zhao Yi shook his head.

At least for now, he still cannot accept the use of function solving to explain numbers. The three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram is only an expansion of the Riemann Hypothesis.

Unless one day he can really find the law of prime numbers from the three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram, or create a function that can solve all prime numbers, otherwise he will not be able to accept the idea of ​​using geometric graphics functions to explain numbers.

Of course.

Most importantly, he had a clue of proof.

When he returned to the faculty dormitory, Zhao Yi began to enter research mode, spending scientific research coins and learning coins to improve efficiency, and kept writing and drawing on paper.

three days in a row.

Except for going out for dinner one day and borrowing books from the library, he never left the dormitory. He even had to eat in a hurry, or simply ask someone to bring him food.

Of course, this glorious and great job should be given to the good sister Qian Hong.

Three days later in the morning, Zhao Yi walked out of the faculty dormitory and met Qian Hong in front of the door carrying breakfast.

"Why did you come out?" Qian Hong asked in surprise.

"Yeah, done."

"give up?"

Qian Hong said almost at the same time, then reacted immediately, covered his mouth and said in surprise, "It's done? Are you done?"


Qian Hong froze on the spot.

When she knew that Zhao Yi was doing research on twin prime numbers, she asked Qian Zhijin and also asked professors from the School of Science, and she got similar answers -

Zhao Yi wants to complete his research, which will take at least one year.

This is the fastest estimate!

For some complex mathematical problems, let alone one year, even if it takes three, five, ten or eight years, it would be great to be able to produce results.

Number theory is even more so.

Number theory in mathematics is as difficult as theoretical physics trying to explain the world. It is too difficult to produce results.

Countless geniuses and elites have invested the most valuable time of their research careers in it, but most of them have achieved nothing.

Even if it's just a small project, it's extremely difficult to make even a small amount of progress.


Zhao Yi stayed in the dormitory for three days and then said that his research was completed?

Qian Hong took a deep breath, leaned over and asked carefully, "Have you linked the three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram to the twin prime conjecture?"

Zhao Yi glanced at Qian Hong in surprise.

Qian Hong shrank his neck shyly, "I just inquired about it, and it was Professor Qian who told me, but he didn't let me tell others. Don't worry, I didn't tell anyone either."

Qian Zhijin...

She is still a super bitch!

Zhao Yi secretly expressed contempt, but he didn't care. The main reason was that the news was revealed and it had no impact on him at all. The Intelligence and Automation Laboratory was more worried about the verification content being exposed.

He nodded gently, approved Qian Hong's guess, and added by the way, "Also, I proved part of Daniel Goldstein's conjecture."

"Daniel Goldstein?" Qian Hong had never heard of this name.

Zhao Yi explained, "He and other mathematicians proposed a conjecture about the spacing of prime numbers a few years ago."

"The conjecture proposed a few years ago?" Qian Hong stuck out his tongue, "I've never heard of it, and it's only partially proved, so it's useless, but anyway, congratulations!"


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