Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 22 I can even fall asleep during the exam

The test location for the preliminaries is the Municipal Education Bureau compound, about ten kilometers away from No. 13 Middle School.

Along the way.

Zhao Yi has been closing his eyes to rest, hoping to restore his energy to full before the exam.

He Ronghua sat next to him.

He Ronghua is the No. 1 student in the 13th Middle School. He ranks first in every exam. He has occupied the first position for a long time, which must be special.

His secret is...hard study!

Now sitting in the car going to the Education Bureau, He Ronghua is also reading an extracurricular book and keeps chanting, "The grass is so vast and the poplars are swaying. In the middle of September, the frost will send me out of the suburbs."

"Wild grass..."

"Yan Shuang..."

"What kind of poem is this?" Zhao Yi interrupted and asked after listening to it several times.

"Tao Yuanming's "Elegy No. 3"."

"Is there a test to take?"

He Ronghua shook his head and said, "Not necessarily, but there will be poems outside the book in the college entrance examination. Memorizing a few more poems may help you succeed."

Zhao Yi complained, "There are too many extracurricular poems. I just need to memorize a few classic ones. Memorize them all... there are three hundred Tang poems!"

"Zhao Yi, what you said is wrong!"

Wang Ping, who was sitting in the passenger seat, suddenly said, "The dictation of ancient Chinese poems covers a wide range. There is no harm in memorizing a few more poems. Moreover, memorizing more poems can also increase the literary foundation, which is good for understanding ancient poems and writing compositions." benefit."

"He Ronghua is number one in age. For him, it takes a lot of hard work to increase one point."

"Of course, ordinary students have a lot of room for improvement, so there is no need to spend too much energy on it."

Ordinary student?

Aren't you talking about me?

Next, the car turned into Wang Ping's Chinese class, because Sun Li started talking about composition constantly, and wanted Wang Ping to guide her on which subject matter was easier to get high marks.

"Wow wow wow..."

Zhao Yi's head was pounding after hearing this.

Fortunately, not everyone cared about Chinese. Lin Xiaoqing just held the competition book and read it. She was probably the only person in the car who paid attention to the competition.

After a period of silence, Lin Xiaoqing entered the questioning mode for Zhao Yi again.

"Ancient poetry..."

"Pacific Island Countries..."

"Greek mythology……"

Zhao Yi casually said the answer, which made Lin Xiaoqing's new mood even worse.


It always ends the same.

Wang Ping listened to the question and answer between the two and found an entry point for education, "Zhao Yi, you know a lot, no wonder you want to participate in the competition. In the last exam, your Chinese scores were also good, especially in the composition. very good."


It was a rare compliment from Teacher Wang that made Zhao Yi smile.

"Your problem is that you are too careless. Look at Lin Xiaoqing, look at He Ronghua, look at Sun Li, the people sitting in the car are all your role models!"

"If you could be like them..."

"Wow wow wow~~"

Zhao Yi's good mood disappeared instantly, and he simply closed his eyes and said nothing.

Wang Ping nagged for a long time, then turned around and saw Zhao Yi's appearance. She could hardly suppress her anger, so she could only grit her teeth and mutter, "Bad student!"


The car stopped at the Education Bureau compound.

Several people followed the teacher in charge and walked into the large courtyard at the back.

This used to be a school. Later, the school moved and the planning was given to the Education Bureau.

Zhao Yi found his examination room, entered the classroom, sat down and waited for the exam.

There are four test papers, one with fifty multiple-choice questions before and after. The test papers are obviously freshly printed, and the ink color looks very rough.

The 'Youth Cup' extracurricular knowledge competition is a provincial competition linked to quality education. It is just a cosmetic project but its gold content is not low.

First of all, it’s confidentiality.

Each year's test papers are invited to four well-known professors to write the questions respectively, and are sent to the Education Bureau for printing one day before the exam.

If one person or a group presents the questions, the chances of leaking the questions are relatively high, but if four unrelated people set the questions separately, the chance of leaking the questions is very small.

Zhao Yi got the test paper and started to do the questions.

The result of the discussion before coming was that he focused on the last fifty questions.

Zhao Yi started from the back, "'The deep pines will lead to no way, the sparse bamboos will not cover the mountains', from a poem by Lu Zhi of the Yuan Dynasty _____?"

【The law of cause and effect! 】

[Answer: B. 】

"Please point out the couplet, 'Ghost foxes have character; laughter and scolding become articles', which famous person in ancient my country refers to?"

【The law of cause and effect! 】

[Answer: A. 】

Fifty questions were completed quickly.

Zhao Yi checked his energy and found that only 11 points were consumed.

Much better than the Chinese language test!


This time, start from the first question, and use "The Law of Cause and Effect" to solve it after reading the question.


Another one.

He was a little irritated after using "The Law of Cause and Effect" continuously, but he finally completed the remaining 150 questions, and Zhao Yi took a long breath.

Press your temples firmly.

I have a headache!

[Energy: 61/103. 】

Zhao Yi was not in the mood to check the time at all, so he lay down on the table and fell asleep.

Close your eyes, then open them.

"Classmate, wake up! It's time to collect the papers!"

The invigilator patted him on the shoulder and said softly with a smile, "This is the first time I have seen him fall asleep during the knowledge competition exam."

So does everyone else.

The students next to him all looked at Zhao Yi with weird eyes.

Sun Li and Zhao Yi were in the same examination room. She noticed that Zhao Yi was asleep and simply laughed out loud.

After getting back in the car, Sun Li told the others about the incident. He Ronghua and others didn't care about the competition and just took it as a joke.

Wang Ping couldn't help but sarcastically said, "I sleep in Chinese class and also sleep in competition exams!"

Lin Xiaoqing pouted and was very dissatisfied, "Zhao Yi, you have gone too far! We are a collective, and you are not just taking the exam for yourself."

Zhao Yi said nonchalantly, "Don't worry, I've finished everything. From beginning to end, no one is left behind. We will definitely make it to the finals this time."

The others curled their lips when they heard this.

Wang Ping said, "Okay, after the exam is over, don't even think about competing."

Zhao Yi muttered in a depressed voice, "You still don't believe me after I told you, how good am I? We will definitely reach the finals with perfect scores!"

A group of people shook their heads.

Zhao Yi felt that he had a mature mentality, but he was still depressed when his words were not taken seriously. He simply said, "Otherwise, let's make a bet? Teacher Wang, this is it! If we can enter the finals, you can leave me alone in class from now on."

Wang Ping perked up and said, "Okay! If you don't make it to the finals, you won't be able to sleep for a minute in the future. I have to sit up straight in every class and listen carefully!"


"I'm coming too! I'm coming too! Zhao Yi, I'll bet with you too!" Lin Xiaoqing immediately became energetic when she heard the bet.

Zhao Yi shook his head with a look full of disdain, "You? Sorry, I won't bet with people with bad gambling skills unless you pay back the debt first."

"What debt?" Sun Li turned around and asked.

Lin Xiaoqing turned to look at Zhao Yi, her clenched fists full of threats.

Zhao Yi laughed and said, "Nothing! She just owes me a bottle of Nutritional Express."

"Nutritional Express?" Sun Li waved her hand nonchalantly, "I'll buy you a bottle when you get back!"

Zhao Yi's expression was dull.

little girl.

It’s so innocent!

Thanks for the tip--

Listen quietly, 10,000 coins.

Shen Gon, 3900 coins.

Wjwllee, 400 coins.

sw6767, 100 coins.

Stone from other mountains, 100 coins.

The inside is long, 100 coins.

Book friend 20180623183610034, 100 coins.


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