Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 221 Enough dog food to fill a person up!

The interview with Zhao Yi by a Capital TV reporter soon appeared in the media news and immediately aroused heated discussion.

Zhao Yi’s words, ‘Mathematics is too troublesome’, aroused a lot of discussion.

While many people complained about Zhao Yi's troubles in mathematics, they also felt the same way about the troubles in mathematics.

Mathematics is really troublesome.

If there is a survey on course failure rates in colleges and universities, especially in one institution, mathematics subjects will undoubtedly occupy the front row. The only thing that can be compared is physics, and physics and mathematics are almost indistinguishable. Yes, solving problems in college physics requires advanced mathematical knowledge.

"Even Zhao Yi said mathematics is very troublesome. You can imagine how troublesome mathematics is!"

"This is a subject created by humans to deliberately embarrass humans."

"Last semester, I barely passed 60 points in the second grade of high school mathematics. I am a scumbag who has been skipping classes for a long time. I thought that high school mathematics is really difficult!"

"You must be able to pass advanced mathematics regularly, otherwise you will definitely not be able to pass if you don't study regularly."

"Even if you are not consistent at ordinary times, you may not be able to pass. There is a buddy in our dormitory who listens carefully to the class every day, but he still failed "Linear Algebra"..."

"What a talent!"

Zhao Yi didn't expect that one sentence would cause so much discussion. What he said was what he thought in his heart.

When he was first reborn, what he hated most was mathematics, and he was relatively good at physics problems, just because of the system's ability, plus some coincidences. For example, studying the Rubik's Cube algorithm incidentally proved Kakutani's conjecture.

That was really incidental.

All of his mathematical research results are centered around the 'three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram' and the 'three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram'. When looking at mathematical conjectures, he used the "Contact Rate" on the Riemann Hypothesis and gave unexpected feedback. As a result, he wanted to know more about the function of "Contact Type", so he conducted serious research.

Subsequent mathematical research also focused on the ‘three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram’.

Now given a mathematical research project, it can be said that he has no interest at all.

Mathematics is so troublesome!

Because of the heavyweight research results, the outside world thought that Zhao Yi was joking, and many professional reporters interviewed him. The domestic "New Journal of Mathematics" sent reporters to Yanhua University.

"New Journal of Mathematics" is one of the most influential magazines in the domestic mathematics community. They publish domestic mathematics research results and also set aside a few pages for academic interviews.

The reporter from "New Journal of Mathematics" was very professional. He did not ask what the 'three-dimensional tremor waveform' was, but asked about issues that the academic community is concerned about. "Now many people are saying that there is a crack hidden in the three-dimensional tremor waveform." The mystery of the twin prime conjecture. What do you think?"

"Also, why did you publish the content related to twin prime numbers?"

Zhao Yi nodded and became more serious, "In fact, there are indeed things related to the twin prime number conjecture in the three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram, but I am very sure that there are no clues that can directly solve the twin prime number conjecture."

"I said 'directly', yes, as you understand, I have found out part of the stuff about the twin prime conjecture and completed related research."

"If nothing else happens, the next issue of "New Advances in Mathematics" will contain my latest research, which is about the relationship between three-dimensional tremor waveforms and twin prime numbers."

The reporter was surprised when he heard this.

Zhao Yi's words revealed a lot. He determined that the three-dimensional tremor waveform was related to the twin prime conjecture, but said that there was no direct clue and he had completed relevant research.

Research completed?

Will there be another paper by him in the next issue of "New Advances in Mathematics"?

Every one of them is very shocking. Just saying that "New Advances in Mathematics" will also include Zhao Yi's paper is already very surprising.

"New Advances in Mathematics" has just published two papers by Zhao Yi, which have already caused a sensation in the country.

Many mathematicians never want to publish their papers in the four top mathematics journals.

Zhao Yi seemed to post it casually, just like having a meal in the morning.

That's "New Advances in Mathematics"!

In addition, it is surprising that Zhao Yi completed the research, because many people know that he only realized that the three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram has a second set of prime number solutions at an international conference.

Verification of the second set of prime solutions will definitely take time.

The speed of the Intelligent and Automation Laboratory is already very fast, even two weeks faster than that of foreign professional research institutions, and it has obtained more verification data.

Zhao Yineng knew that the three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram had more twin prime solution groups, which must be related to the second set of verification data, because he himself could not know so many solutions. His second paper also clarified that he was in the field of intelligence and automation News from the laboratory.


What about time?

Doesn’t research take time? Mathematics research with global influence like this requires years of research.

Even if Zhao Yi knows more about three-dimensional tremor waveforms, even if he is a true top genius in mathematics, doesn't influential research require time and energy to solve a mathematical problem?


After the interview with Zhao Yi in "New Journal of Mathematics" was released, people in the domestic mathematics community responded with surprised voices, but no one did not believe that Zhao Yi said that the next issue of "New Advances in Mathematics" would also include his paper.

For others, it is indeed very difficult to publish papers in the four top journals, but for Zhao Yi, there seems to be no difficulty at all.

Most scholars still believe that the research content published by Zhao Yi may be different from what they imagined.

The specific differences will have to wait for the results.

Zhao Yi did not take the interview to heart because he had already submitted his paper to "New Advances in Mathematics" and had already received the news that the manuscript had been approved.

For example, some less famous mathematics researchers may need to revise the papers they submit to top magazines.

Zhao Yi is different.

He has become a frequent reader of "New Advances in Mathematics". Even if there are some flaws in the format and wording of the paper, the review editor will even help him revise it instead of sending the paper back for him to revise.

This is the difference in treatment.

Top international magazines also hope to retain top researchers because they have competitors.

"New Advances in Mathematics" is not ranked among the top two in weight and influence among the four top journals. It gives the impression that it is the worst among the four top journals.

This may be due to the number of published papers.

"New Advances in Mathematics" is a monthly journal and publishes the most papers every year. The other three journals are quarterly journals.

Many mathematicians publish their papers in "New Advances in Mathematics" because "New Advances in Mathematics" publishes a large number of papers, has a higher rejection rate, and is published faster.

Zhao Yi thought so too.

If the top mathematics researchers who submit their papers are abused, perhaps the next influential research content will be submitted to other top journals. There is no doubt that the biggest indicator to measure the global influence of a journal is publication. An influential paper.

In short, for an influential mathematics researcher like Zhao Yi, as long as there are no problems with the research content, there will be no problem in submitting a manuscript.

When the outside world is paying attention to the next issue of "New Advances in Mathematics" and wants to know what specific papers have been published, a medical article on the 'mechanical role of IL-1α protein' was published in the journal "Chinese Medical College - Immunology" The paper caused almost no waves, even though the name of the first author of the paper was 'Zhao Yi'.

Even people in the medical field who read the paper felt that Zhao Yi was no longer the same Zhao Yi, it was just that his name was repeated.

This is normal.

Zhao Yi's name is not special, and the rate of duplicate names is said to be the highest, but there are still many people with the same name.

In addition, is the mathematics genius Zhao Yi related to the medical field?

It seems to have……

Some people thought of the conjecture published by Zhao Yi about "the mechanism of human immunity in myocarditis."

However, conjecture is conjecture, and research is research.

A person outside the field of medical research may have amazing research talent and be able to publish conjectures on process mechanisms based on thinking. However, when it comes to research, he needs to conduct experiments one by one to prove it, which requires professional knowledge and ability.

Of course.

There are still many people who know that this Zhao Yi is that Zhao Yi.

These people were surprised that the "Zhao Yi Laboratory" completed the project alone, including Yan Xuelin, the director of the institute, and many researchers in the institute.

They were not only surprised, but also envious, jealous...hateful.


Zhao Yi's laboratory is a super gossip in the institute. When Zhao Yi wanted to recruit people to his laboratory, he received almost no response from anyone. It was only Zhang Wei who agreed to come to Zhao Yi's experiment due to human feelings and personal relationships. Room help.

Now Zhao Yi Experiment has completed the institute's eunuch project. It only took them less than a month, and the speed was so fast that everyone was surprised.

At the same time, they didn't spend much research money.

Therefore, there must be a large balance of research funds. Some people who were interested took a look at the finance department and saw large transfer records...

Zhao Yi has made hundreds of thousands of dollars from this project.

Zhang Wei did not hesitate to tell others that she had received a bonus of 20,000 yuan, but Liu Chengjie, who did not receive a bonus, was ignored.

In any case, Zhao Yi got hundreds of thousands from this project.

This is where envy and jealousy come in.

The researchers at the institute all receive dead wages from the state. For the projects in their hands, they need to constantly deal with finance and prepare various reports to declare project funds, because some funds cannot be reimbursed, and sometimes they must not be reimbursed. Not out of pocket.

Of course, if you are strong enough and have enough project settlements, you can declare a lot of additional expenses, but most people will only have insufficient funds, and if there is a surplus of project funds, the final settlement will still be recovered.

in other words……

No matter what project they do, whether it is done well or not has very little to do with how much money they get.

Zhao Yi became the first person in the institute to earn hundreds of thousands of dollars from project funds. At least on the surface, he put the money into his own pocket in a formal way.


"The eunuch projects in those research institutes are also very good!"

"Although the research funds are insufficient, as long as the remaining funds can be completed, it belongs to me..."

"It's too tempting. My annual salary is only a hundred thousand yuan. The eunuch project that can be completed in a year would be enough even if it costs tens of thousands more!"

The last sentence was said by Dai Tianqing, and of course he was just joking.

Zhao Yize nodded seriously, "Indeed, that's why I took on these unfinished projects. There seem to be more than a dozen left. Lao Dai, don't you think about it?"

Dai Tianqing immediately shook his head.

The people in the institute are indeed very envious of Zhao Yi for doing a project and getting hundreds of thousands, but they understand better what the eunuch project is. If it is not a case of luck or coincidence, the project funds will definitely not be enough. Applying for this The final result of this project was that there was insufficient funding and I had to stop it, which put a stain on my research resume.

Zhao Yi chatted with Dai Tianqing for a while, and then went to the director's office with Zhang Wei, preparing to apply for the second project.

Yan Xuelin also felt strange about Zhao Yi's laboratory's rapid completion of the project. He initially thought it would be good to let Zhao Yi apply for the "Eunuch Project" to practice his skills and let him learn.

Zhao Yike is a heavyweight researcher at the Future Biomedical Research Institute.

This is investing in the future.

As a result, it was still early to talk about the future, so Zhao Yi quickly completed the project.

Yan Xuelin didn't know how to react, so he could only ask Zhao Yi Laboratory to apply for the next project.

Of course, it’s still the eunuch project.

Zhao Yi stayed at the Biomedical Research Institute for a whole morning, mainly dealing with laboratory project matters, and also helped apply for several experimental equipment.

Compared with other laboratories, the equipment in Zhao Yi's laboratory is a bit bleak, not even an ultra-high-precision microscope.

However, similar equipment is very expensive, and it is impossible for Yan Xuelin to directly agree to purchase the equipment, because to be precise, there are no formal researchers in the Zhao Yi Laboratory.

What he said was this, "That's it for now. When your laboratory completes its next project, I will consider applying for equipment for you."

He thought this would take a long time.

At least two or three years, right?

It's hard to say what will happen then, but as long as Zhao Yi serves as a formal researcher and can be responsible for researching large-scale projects on his own, it will be very worthwhile for the institute to build a complete laboratory for him.

Yan Xuelin still approved a few small equipment, which cost tens of thousands of yuan in total, which slightly improved the laboratory equipment.

After Zhao Yi returned, things came to his door again.

Terence Tao.

Tao Zhexuan called directly and was surprised by Zhao Yi's three-dimensional tremor waveform graph paper. "Your research is very impressive. It explains why the three-dimensional tremor waveform graph has more twin prime numbers."

"I don't think you should publish it. You should continue to study it in depth."

"It doesn't matter."

Zhao Yi said nonchalantly, "My research has already yielded results. The three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram is just a conjecture. Unless the Riemann Hypothesis can be proven, it cannot explain anything even if it is related to twin primes."

Tao Zhexuan smiled and said, "Remember the Mathematicians Conference? Let me tell you, I was planning to study twin prime numbers, but I have never found a breakthrough point. It seems that I will start with your three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram."

Zhao Yi replied with two words, "Come on!"

After returning to the dormitory, Zhao Yi and Tao Zhexuan used the Internet to communicate, and he also knew the reason for Tao Zhexuan's call——


Tao Zhexuan previously sent documents related to digital compression technology, hoping that he could provide a good algorithm to solve the problems of new digital compression technology.

Terence Tao has already solved other problems.

Zhao Yi felt very embarrassed after hearing this, because he didn't read the document carefully at all, and he didn't even know what the specific content was.

He almost forgot about it.

If Terence Tao called, I would probably have to look at the system tasks to find out again.


There are also system tasks!

Zhao Yi said, "I was studying mathematics before, but now that I have some free time, I will take a look when I have time. You shouldn't be in a hurry, right?"

"Of course, I'm just asking."

Tao Zhexuan said, "This technology has attracted the attention of many industries. If we can work together to make it, we can apply for a patent."

"I'm not good at computer algorithms, so I can only ask you."

In fact.

Tao Zhexuan also told his colleagues at school that he had solved other aspects of technology, such as mathematical theory, but the core algorithm was too difficult. He did not think that if his colleagues could do it, they would have to be the world's best. A top algorithm master or even an algorithm team is enough.

If there is another team that can provide reliable and effective arithmetic, he will certainly choose others.

Zhao Yi also understood that Tao Zhexuan couldn't ask him to do it by himself. It was like a project. He only asked one person to help. If it couldn't be completed, all the spare time would be wasted waiting.

This project is still very attractive.

If it is a technology that covers many fields, applying for relevant patents will definitely be very valuable. Even if it is only divided into a part, it will definitely be a huge sum of money.


Really attractive!

Zhao Yi's thoughts on making money are actually not as high as he imagined.

For example, after talking to Terence Tao, he just read the information for a while and then just went to class.

Whether it's research, work, or anything else, it can't affect your enjoyment of college life.

Life is what matters.

Zhao Yi still had a good bottom line. Thinking that he hadn't seen Lin Xiaoqing for a long time, he took a bus to the University of Political Science and Law, intending to go there and take a look.

He has been very busy since the start of school, with almost no time to rest. When he finally caught up with some free time, he felt that he should be with his friends, and it would be best to bring them to his home to entertain them.

Zhao Yi did not tell Lin Xiaoqing in advance that he directly entered the University of Political Science and Law, and then sent Lin Xiaoqing a message, "What are you doing?"

"self study."

"You have self-study on Saturday? Such a diligent girl, where can you study by yourself?"



Zhao Yi went directly to the library, and when he arrived at the door, he was embarrassed to find...

Can't get in!

He was hesitating whether to call or not when he saw two boys coming out and saying, "Lin Xiaoqing from our class is really... really beautiful and very powerful!"

"Zhang Minghao gave her flowers, but before he could say anything, he was frightened away by her eyes..."

"You don't know, don't you? Lin Xiaoqing is studying Sanda. She was fighting with the teacher in the first class. I was watching at the time and felt that Lin Xiaoqing seemed to be giving in to the teacher... Later, the teacher wanted to directly Let her pass the test so she doesn’t have to come to class.”

"It's so violent! Roses have thorns, and the thorns are metal..."

Zhao Yi secretly cursed 'gossip', and it turns out he is a man from the University of Political Science and Law... Ahem, don't fire the map cannon!

"Classmate! Classmate!"

Zhao Yi stopped the two of them and asked, "You know Lin Xiaoqing, right? Can you call her for me?"

"Are you going by yourself?"

"Can't get in."

"Can't get in?"

The boy on the left did not think about the situation of 'outsiders' and thought that Zhao Yi was Lin Xiaoqing's suitor. He was embarrassed to go to the library because of his face...

Ha ha……

Chasing Lin Xiaoqing? It was fun to watch!

The two looked at each other.

One of them quickly rushed into the library. After about a few minutes, he was seen quickly walking out the door. Behind him, a girl with long braids walked out, with displeasure written all over her face.

Then, she saw Zhao Yi.

The expression on his face quickly turned into a sweet smile, and he quickly ran over and opened his hands. When he wanted to hug him, he seemed a little embarrassed, so he simply held hands and asked in a low tone, "Why are you here?" ? Without even saying a word."

"Isn't it a surprise for you?"

"Tch! It's boring."

Lin Xiaoqing snorted disdainfully, but the raised corners of her mouth showed her mood, and she unconsciously shook Zhao Yi's hand.

The movements and demeanor remind people of two words--

behave in a spoiled manner!

The two boys next to me were stunned.

Didn't we agree to put on a drama where a boy pursues a girl but is rejected harshly? Why did it take a 180-degree turn and the scene suddenly turned into a mess?

The most tragic thing is that they ate from beginning to end, burping after eating...

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