Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 228 Why did they finish it in a month?

In a large-scale experiment, the best situation is found during the process. If the situation is not found, the only way to do data analysis is in the end, and the experiment will get a lot of data.

Data analysis is a very complicated task, because there is too much data obtained during the experiment, and there are various situations in the analysis. Computer simulation can only produce the most basic analysis results. Generally, researchers still have to look at the data themselves and find out the results. Identify where problems may exist.

Generally speaking, the focus is on abnormal low or high values, preferably much lower or much higher values.

Normally low, also a normal value.

Medical research data, especially data obtained from complex problems such as detecting organic matter, cells, or lesions, are different from fixed concepts such as chemistry and physics.

Abnormalities in organisms and human bodies are affected by many factors.

This can be exemplified by routine blood testing.

When ordinary people do blood routine tests, it is difficult for all the data to be normal. Even if the body does not have any obvious diseases, the blood routine data will be affected by many factors. Even the food consumed can easily affect the blood routine. The various data tested are because after many foods are decomposed, some proteins and other substances may enter the blood and produce a series of biological changes in the blood, thus affecting the data content of the blood analysis.

Therefore, the normal low level of characteristics is not within the key detection range of researchers. There are too many factors that affect similar low levels.

Even if the characteristics of several factors of the same type are all low and normal, it may be affected by some other factors and cannot be determined to be a real abnormality.

Dai Tianqing saw several data that Zhao Yi reminded. He found that all the characteristics of the same type were normal and low, and there may be problems soon.

This is still just a 'possibility' and may not necessarily be related to the new inhibitory factor.

But no matter what, discovering a possible anomaly is better than not discovering anything at all. It can at least help them clarify where to start their experimental analysis next.

What Dai Tianqing didn't understand the most was how did Zhao Yi figure it out?

In the past few days, he has been studying the experimental results, and all high or low detection values ​​have been ruled out as abnormal.

He gave up.

Zhao Yi just glanced at the experimental results and immediately found a few values ​​that were normally low and may have some unusual values.

This is so surprising.

Ai Lixin couldn't understand it either.

Ai Lixin has been following Dai Tianqing on the inhibitor detection project. He participated in the large-scale experiments of the past few days and carefully read the final data report, but found nothing at all.

After arriving at Zhao Yi's laboratory, he asked Zhang Wei, "Is Zhao Yi so powerful?" He took a few glances at our experimental reports and found an anomaly, which is the kind of anomaly with low data. ."

"If he hadn't said it, I wouldn't have been able to find it even if I looked for it for a week."

Zhang Wei was not surprised at all, "Why else would our project be progressing so fast? Lao Ai, let me tell you, Zhao Yi is an expert in reading data. What he is best at is analyzing experimental results."


Zhang Wei was very sure, "Zhao Yi has been responsible for analyzing the experimental results from the beginning of our project to the present, and he is often very accurate."

"So if he points out where there is a problem with your experiment, that's good news. It means your project will make progress."

Zhang Wei has more confidence in Zhao Yi than in herself.

When Ai Lixin heard what Zhang Wei said, he immediately felt that he made the right choice to come to Zhao Yi Laboratory.

In fact, he was apprehensive.

For an associate researcher who does not have his own laboratory, earning money from work is only one aspect. He also has to consider his own future.

Future, that is, promotion title, every associate researcher has a heart that wants to become a researcher.

If an associate researcher wants to be promoted to a researcher, he must have enough qualifications, and qualifications are research results. He is several results short of a researcher, and it is best if the results are heavyweight, otherwise he will have to wait slowly.

Many associate researchers will never be rated as researchers in their lifetime. One is research results and the other is papers.

For example, for some university professors, it is difficult to say whether their research has any results. Most of them do not have influential research results in the academic world, so publishing more papers becomes the criterion.

The Biomedical Research Institute is relatively simple, because all they do are projects funded by superiors. It does not matter whether the paper is published or not. What is important is to complete more projects. If you have project results, you will have qualifications.

Ai Lixin hopes to complete more projects. As long as he accumulates qualifications in a few large projects, even if he is the second or third leader in the project process, it will be enough for him to be qualified as a researcher.

Of course.

On the other hand, Ai Lixin was indeed very excited about the bonus promised by Zhao Yi.

An associate researcher in a scientific research unit, who is at the same level as an associate professor in a university, may sound like someone who is not short of money, but in fact this is not the case.

The Biomedical Research Institute is a unit that purely works for the state. It is called a scientific research unit. In fact, it is somewhat of a business type.

There are many scientific research units in China, which are somewhere between state-owned enterprises and public institutions, because they receive investment and sponsorship funds from outside and help outside companies do research. Some simply have their own factories, and the products they develop go directly to the factories. sell.

This kind of unit is very rich.

Even for the lowest level personnel, as long as they are within the establishment, it is not surprising at all to receive a bonus of 100,000 yuan at the end of the year. The reason why employees cannot receive a million-level maximum salary is only because of the characteristics of the unit that do not allow them to receive such a high salary. salary only.

The projects of the Biomedical Research Institute are all allocated from above. They need to apply for funding for each project, and each expenditure must be reported accordingly.

Even if there are some idle funds in the research institute, they are basically accompanied by various funding titles.

Therefore, researchers and associate researchers in the institute, at least on the surface, do not get paid. Ordinary associate researchers only have salary and benefits. Ai Lixin is one of the associate researchers with a relatively higher salary. Five insurances and one are included in the salary. Including money, the average monthly salary is only 12,000 or 3,000.

For an old employee who graduated with a Ph.D., stayed in the research institute to work on projects, and was promoted to associate researcher, and has worked for more than ten years, a salary of just over 10,000 yuan is really a source of love.

Therefore, the bonus of tens of thousands of yuan is still very attractive to Ailixin.

But no matter what, he had already arrived at the Zhao Yi Research Institute, and there would be no changes at least in a short period of time. He could only hope that the project would proceed smoothly.

With the addition of Alixin in the laboratory, the efficiency immediately improved a lot.

Ailixin is very experienced and has also worked on rheumatoid arthritis projects. After he learned about the progress of the project, he immediately started designing several experiments, observations, and testing plans. After discussing with Zhang Wei, he decided to Start experimenting and observing from two perspectives at the same time.

During this process, Liu Chengjie still acted as a helper or an errand boy for the cooperative hospital.

Zhao Yi still followed most of the studies, but he was the core staff. Every experiment and every observation was indispensable for his final analysis.

The progress of the project is also very fast, it can be said that there is progress every day.

This time, unlike last time, Zhao Yi followed the project throughout and advanced the research process bit by bit. He did not take a breath and expended a lot of energy to get the results directly, but slowly followed the progress of the experiment. , he also learned a lot.

For example, how to design experiments, how to conduct observations, which data are more important, where to start research on medical mechanisms, etc.

A series of complex problems will be encountered in the process of doing projects. Even Zhao Yi feels that the project is completed bit by bit.

Half a month later.

In Zhao Yi's laboratory, several people shouted excitedly.


"Now we can do project settlement."

"Sister Zhang will write the project report this time. Lao Ai, you are responsible for sorting out the information and seeing what content can be published."

"Tomorrow, let's have dinner together!"

“The bonuses are indispensable!”

The rheumatoid arthritis project was completed step by step, but several people in Zhao Yi's laboratory kept a low profile and did not particularly talk about the matter.

In the Institute of Biomedical Sciences, most people focus on the research of Dai Tianqing and Han Hui. Finding new inhibitory factors is a really big project.

Dai Tianqing's laboratory has made significant progress. He, Han Hui and Academician Zheng held a small meeting in the director's office. Dai Tianqing talked about the latest progress, the findings of his laboratory, and future directions.

Dai Tianqing was very excited. After getting the latest progress, he could really announce it to the outside world. "We have found a way to obtain substances containing inhibitory factors."

"Although the inhibitory factors cannot be screened out individually, we can definitely determine the presence of new factors through chemical reactions."

"This is a brand new factor. When we publish it, we should give it a name."

"I suggest calling it ZY factor."

"This factor appeared in Zhao Yi's conjecture paper. In addition, I must admit that in the latest discovery, Zhao Yi pointed out the key issues and helped us find the research direction."

Dai Tianqing said sincerely.

The discovery of new inhibitory factors was not entirely attributed to Dai Tianqing's laboratory. Han Hui's laboratory also did a lot of work, so he could not decide on the naming of the new factors by himself.

"I agree!"

"This was originally predicted by Zhao Yi. It is most suitable to name it ZY factor."

Yan Xuelin also voted in favor, and he immediately handed over his work, "Lao Dai, you go write a release announcement immediately. We will publish it on the official website of the institute. There will definitely be media interviews in the future. You must be mentally prepared. "

"This research has a great impact. I want to talk to Zhao Yi about it."

"We must pay close attention to future research. We will definitely find a detection method, but if we cannot confirm the existence of factors from multiple angles, it will be a failure."

Dai Tianqing nodded seriously.

"Dong, dong..."

There was a knock on the door suddenly.


Several people looked at the door at the same time and saw Ai Lixin walking in, holding a document in his hand.

"Lixin, here we come!"

Dai Tianqing said hello with a smile on his face. After Ai Lixin left his laboratory, he always felt a pity and awkward in his heart, feeling like he was abandoned.

Although the usual meetings were nothing, after the research progressed, he couldn't help but said in a showy voice, "It's such a pity that you left. Our research in the past two days has made significant progress, and we have definitely discovered a new factor. We also figured out how to detect it!”

"Really? Congratulations!"

Ai Lixin nodded as he listened, his face seemed to be full of sincerity, but there was no annoyance that Dai Tianqing wanted to see.

Dai Tianqing was a little depressed, and then said, "You are also involved in this project, Lixin. I thought that when I make the final report, I still have to mention you, but when it is announced on the official website, I can't include your name. I hope You understand."

He was referring to typing the name of the person working on the project.

When the news is announced to the public, the list of personnel released may attract attention. Ailixin has not continued to work on the project, so naturally he will not be listed among them.

"Well, it's okay."

Ai Lixin was still very unconcerned. He handed the document in his hand to Director Yan and explained his purpose, "Director Yan, I am here to submit the project settlement report, which is the rheumatoid arthritis project."


Yan Xuelin was so shocked that he almost thought he heard it wrong. Dai Tianqing simply stared and shouted, "Stop joking!"

"What's wrong?"

Ai Lixin frowned and said, "Our project was completed two days ago. This is the project report. Can you take a look?"


Yan Xuelin took the report in a daze, and then read it carefully.

no problem.

no problem.

It must be no problem...

Yan Xuelin watched for more than ten minutes. Several people in the office were staring at him. Dai Tianqing was already prepared to hear "That's not right," but in the end he heard nothing.

Yan Xuelin closed the report, handed it to Academician Zheng next to him, and then sighed, "I think there should be no problem!" He was very surprised.

He had always felt that it was impossible for the Zhao Yi Laboratory to complete the rheumatoid arthritis project, but it was not even a month later and it was completed again?



Impossible and possible!

The project report explains the process very clearly, introduces the experiments and observations that have made great progress, and also writes in detail the reasons for reaching the conclusions.

There is nothing wrong with the content of the report, basically there is nothing wrong with it.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a big multi-million project. To complete the project, you don’t just need to make a report. You must publish relevant papers. The superiors will also send people to review it. It is similar to the meaning of inspection. Read it carefully. , a detailed review based on the content can truly complete it.

This process cannot be faked.

Ai Lixin has been working for more than ten years and is very familiar with the review process. It is even more impossible to describe an unfinished project as completed.

So there must be no problem.

Academician Zheng took a few glances at the report and said, "There is no problem." He also commented in passing, "I saw in the report that every progress is very clear. This project has been done quite well."

This is the conclusion.

Ai Lixin left after submitting the report, and several people in the office were relatively silent.

Yan Xuelin took a breath, turned to look at Dai Tianqing and said, "So...why do you feel that the funds are not enough? After studying a project with no progress for half a year, the Zhao Yi Laboratory completed it in less than a month?"


Dai Tianqing suddenly couldn't be happy anymore.

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