Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 230 Paper published!

The discussion in the chat group continues.

Zhang Zhen was talking about the difficulties encountered in researching the robot operating system, and several people started to discuss it.

Zhao Yiquan pretended not to see the chat history and silently sent a smiling expression.

A few seconds later, Ma Xiaojun typed and asked: "Zhao Yi, I watched your interview video. Next month's "New Advances in Mathematics" will have your fourth paper, right?"

"Yes, passed."

"Is your paper about twin primes? I saw you said so in your interview."


"Can you tell me more specifically?"

Zhao Yidao said, "It is a weakened twin prime number conjecture, which has only proved a small part, but I feel that if we want to prove the twin prime number conjecture, this road is no longer feasible."


Professor Liu suddenly sent a private message, "My research is almost completed, and the test results are pretty good. After adding your screening method, the computer's ability to recognize and analyze input has been significantly improved."

Zhao Yi: "As long as I can help you, Professor Liu."

Professor Liu: "When you have time, come to the Academy of Sciences and show you the final effect. Don't you have a robot? I can install some of the program packages in your robot. We also have the most advanced language packages here. It is a cooperation For enterprises, they can help you install it.”

"That's great."

Zhao Yi was moved by what he said.

At this stage, the most lacking thing for robots is the ability to communicate. The evolutionary algorithm studied by Professor Liu is also very interesting to program. It can at least give the robot a certain degree of autonomous learning ability, rather than just instilling a large amount of information.

It seems that Zhang Zhen also came over because of Zhao Yi's sudden idea. He talked about the technical issues of Yuan Zhongchen's team in designing the robot operating system.

"If this technical problem can be solved, the framework of the robot operating system will be complete. We can carry out the first step of financing. Once the financing is obtained, we can expand the scale and recruit more people..."

Zhang Zhen started talking.

Zhao Yi asked about technical issues. In fact, it was not too complicated. It was just a matter of machine language and underlying compatibility.

Zhao Yi didn't know much about computer hardware technology. He thought about it and recommended someone to go there.

Xu Chao.

Xu Chao's job has been very easy recently. He has been providing technical support for cooperative work. After a few trips without any problems, he spends most of his time on vacation or just visiting the laboratory, but he is no longer an employee of the laboratory. Walking around the university all day long, I felt like I was getting old and reminiscing about the past.

Zhao Yi never knew how to arrange Xu Chao, because he had no plans to do other projects and wanted to take more rest when he had time.

it's good now.

Yuan Zhongchen's team is a good place. Xu Chao's technical ability is absolutely top-notch. In the past, he could not only help with technology, but also serve as the representative of himself as the 'major shareholder'.

When something important happens, you can communicate with yourself immediately.

For example, the upcoming financing.

Financing is a good thing for the company, but it is not necessarily a good thing for the original shareholders. The shares in their hands will be reduced. Of course, after the financing, the company's valuation will greatly increase, and the value of the shares in their hands will be greatly increased. It will only increase, not decrease, but in short, the shares have been compressed.

Of course.

For a company, financing is a necessary development process. No one can do it all. Even if you say you want to fully invest in the company, you can't do that even if you have money.

That makes it a family business.

If it really develops into a family business, even the employees inside will lose their fighting spirit. Everyone in the company is working for themselves. Will they still work as hard as before?

So the best way is to let the company develop freely and normally.

Zhao Yi has not considered making additional large investments, but as a shareholder with the same shares as founder and core member Yuan Zhongchen, it is best to have a representative in the company.

Those are asset shares worth at least several hundred million, or even more, in the future. It is still necessary to send a representative.

This representative has strong technical ability and can also be of great help to Yuan Zhongchen's team.

Zhao Yi and Zhang Zhen explained their ideas.

After chatting with several people in a row, he planned to close the computer and rest for a while, but suddenly he felt that he had forgotten something.

What exactly is it?

Why can't I remember it?

Zhao Yi sat on the chair and thought for a long time before finally thinking of someone - Tao Zhexuan.


The documents sent by Tao Zhexuan have not been studied carefully now, and it seems that I feel a little sorry for the attention given by the other party.

"All right!"

“Let’s take a serious look at it this time. If you can design it, design it!”

Zhao Yi looked at it carefully.

He had already read part of the content last time, which involved some professional terms, and he also studied it carefully.

For example, compressed sensing.

The core concept of compressed sensing is to try to reduce the cost of measuring a signal in principle.

For example, if a signal contains a thousand pieces of data, then according to traditional signal processing theory, at least a thousand measurements are needed to completely restore the signal. This is equivalent to saying that a thousand equations are needed to accurately solve the problem. A thousand unknowns come.

But the idea of ​​compressed sensing is that assuming that the signal has certain characteristics, the signal can be completely restored by only three hundred measurements, which is equivalent to solving a thousand unknowns through only three hundred equations.

Terence Tao's new digital compression technology revolves around compressed sensing and uses mathematical methods to convert low-resolution images into high-resolution images.

To this end, he has done a lot of work in mathematics.

What Zhao Yi sees now is the result of his work.


Much of what Tao Zhexuan sent to Zhao Yi was confidential.

After Zhao Yi carefully studied the contents, he felt extremely trusted in his heart, because the mathematical contents above could be used as research results.

But think again.

When mathematics research reaches Terence Tao or his level, ordinary mathematics results are indeed of little significance to them.

Unless it is a very important mathematical achievement, it will be difficult to improve their mathematical status in the world.

Tao Zhexuan has already done a good job in mathematics. What he needs Zhao Yi's help with is the algorithm part of the computer.

If there is a very good algorithm and the mathematical content is efficiently designed into the algorithm, new digital compression technology can be realized.

It is almost impossible to 100% convert mathematical theory into computer content. Algorithms are only the degree of completion.

The mathematical theory content sent by Tao Zhexuan is very rich.

What Zhao Yi needs to do is to maximize the theoretical content reflected in the computer algorithm, and also to minimize the amount of calculation when capturing information.

This is the key to new digital compression technology.

The most unreasonable thing about the original digital compression technology is that the amount of calculation required for data collection is higher than that of digital decompression. However, the actual hardware level is exactly the opposite.

For example, the performance of a point-and-shoot camera used for taking pictures must be very average.

To decompress and analyze photos, you need to use a computer that is dozens or hundreds of times more powerful than a camera when printing, but the amount of calculations used to decompress and analyze photos is even lower.

This is where the contradiction lies.

The algorithm that Zhao Yi needs to design is to transform the mathematical theoretical work done by Terence Tao into the algorithm. The closer to 100% conversion, the more perfect his work will be.

Zhao Yi really started to work.

The first thing he did was not go into the steps of designing the algorithm, but carefully read the mathematics part. After he almost understood it, he immediately used the "Supervisory Law".

Fix it!

Tao Zhexuan works on the mathematical theory of digital compression technology. Applied mathematics is not a simple proof question. There are many parts in it. Zhao Yi uses "Supervisory Law" one by one, which does not use much energy at a time, but the overall consumption is still Quite a few.

Consumption is not a problem for Zhao Yi now. As long as it does not consume a lot of energy at once, it can be solved with learning coins.

He is now a "nouveau riche" in Learning Coin, or an "energetic" household.

After extravagantly spending 11 learning coins, Zhao Yi revised all the math parts, which took almost two hours. Then he sent the revised content to Tao Zhexuan.

Trust is mutual.

Tao Zhexuan trusted him, and he also trusted Tao Zhexuan. He asked Tao Zhexuan to review it and start designing the algorithm if there was no problem.

This process is estimated to take one or two days.

Zhao Yi took the time to study the robots and planned to use the robots instead of piling them up in the dormitory to take up space.

"How about this!"

"Let it be a meal-making robot first!"

Zhao Yi decided.

The next morning, I took the robot out and tried it to help me buy breakfast. The money was in the hands of the robot. After setting the program and route, as well as the breakfast to be purchased, I officially set off.

All the way.

There were a lot of students watching, and two teachers were following along.

This is a bit embarrassing.

After Zhao Yi asked the robot to buy breakfast in the canteen, he decided to ask Xu Chao to help test it. Once the test confirmed that it could be used, he could ask the robot to help buy meals.

This is the first step for a robot to become a nanny!

the next day.

Zhao Yi did not wait for Tao Zhexuan's reply, but what he waited for was the new issue of "New Advances in Mathematics", which published his fourth paper——

"Prove that there are infinitely many combinations of prime numbers less than or equal to 246".

He always felt that the paper would not have much influence. After all, it was only part of the proof of the weakened twin prime conjecture.

weaken, part of...

What he didn't expect was that the influence of this paper would even exceed the previous papers.

On the same day, some major domestic media exclaimed, "Zhao Yi has taken the first step in the world of mathematics to prove the twin prime conjecture!"

"This is the most meaningful step!"

"A step beyond the times!"

"It is definitely the most important step!"

Zhao Yi looked at the content reported by the media and couldn't help but twitching his lips, "This is..."

"Isn't that too exaggerated?"

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