Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 236 Don’t-do-this!

Many people in the Biomedical Research Institute have heard that Zhao Yi goes to the Microbiology Technology Laboratory every day.

This is mainly due to Wei Shiqing.

Wei Shiqing and the Institute of Biomedical Sciences cannot be said to be enemies, but they had many conflicts in the fight for Zhao Yi. There were also verbal conflicts with several on-the-job teaching researchers at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences.

Zhao Yi's continuous visits to the Institute of Microbiology Technology allowed Wei Shiqing to find a fulcrum for counterattack. His big mouth immediately became publicized, as if Zhao Yi had been poached.

When the news reached the Institute of Biomedical Sciences, even director Yan Xuelin began to worry. He even discussed the issue with several researchers.

"Zhao Yi shouldn't leave, right?"

"He has done very well in our institute and has completed two projects in a row."

"Zhao Yi is a real talent, we can't be negligent at all."

This is no longer a competition for future talent;

The geniuses of the future will only belong to the future.

Talent belongs now.

The medical conjecture paper on myocarditis written by Zhao Yi helped the Institute of Biomedical Sciences start the search for new inhibitory factors. His laboratory quickly completed two projects, and another was a large project on rheumatoid arthritis.

Although the outside world is not very optimistic about Zhao Yi's biological research, thinking that he is a waste of time and talent, people at the Institute of Biomedical Research have begun to recognize Zhao Yi's abilities.

If just publishing a medical conjecture paper can be described as luck, leading a team to complete two projects in a row is more than just luck.

Zhang Wei and Ai Lixin are both familiar people, and their abilities are obvious. It is impossible for the two of them to quickly complete two projects, especially the rheumatoid arthritis project, which originally belonged to Dai Tianqing's laboratory. I used to work in Dai Tianqing's laboratory, but after a long period of research without making any progress, I switched to Zhao Yi's laboratory and quickly completed the project, which shows that Zhao Yi played a vital role in it.

So for the Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Zhao Yi is already a talent.

Now that Zhao Yi is going to the Microbiology Technology Laboratory, it is a very bad sign, but there is no way to say this directly. After all, Zhao Yi is so old, and it is normal for him to be interested in the research of other types of organisms. of.

In addition, he should also have knowledge of other areas of microbial research.

This is laying the foundation.

When doing some complex and large projects, many fields will definitely be involved. Microbiology and biomedical research are very closely related. Most of the diseases that need to be studied are directly related to viruses and bacteria.

So to a certain extent, it is good for Zhao Yi's personal development to go to the Microbiology Technology Laboratory and learn some knowledge about microbial research.

While the Institute of Biomedicine and the Microbiology Technology Laboratory were all working hard on Zhao Yi's matter, the most depressed people were the mathematics professors in the School of Science.

Zhao Yi published a paper on the twin prime conjecture. Many media are still reporting on it, and many universities and academic conferences hope to invite Zhao Yi to give a lecture.


Zhao Yi himself doesn’t care about mathematics at all?

He attends classes in the Department of Biology as normal every day. In addition to personal entertainment in his spare time, he goes to two top research institutions in the School of Life Sciences.

The mathematics professors in the School of Science all felt very depressed. They really wanted to exchange mathematical knowledge with Zhao Yi and discuss issues such as the three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram and the twin prime number conjecture. However, Zhao Yi's mind was not on mathematics at all, just like before. The published papers have nothing to do with him.

This is depressing.

It’s not just math professors in the School of Science who are feeling depressed, but others too, such as those who want the number ‘246’ to continue to shrink.

The most famous among them is Terence Tao, who just won the Fields Medal.

After Tao Zhexuan talked with Zhao Yi, he decided to use the weakened twin prime number conjecture as a breakthrough point, hoping to reduce the number '246'. He originally thought he could quickly reduce the number to two digits, but after studying for a long time, he was still delayed. no progress.

Tao Zhexuan no longer even cares about digital compression technology. He spends most of his time in the office, meditating hard on a lot of mathematical equations. His colleagues, friends, family, and even students began to worry about his health.

this day.

Tao Zhexuan walked out of the office with red eyes. He did not rest for more than ten hours and kept thinking about the problem. He originally thought he had found the key point, but after studying for a long time, he found that his idea was wrong at first.

This is a big blow to research work.

Tao Zhexuan's face looked a little scary. He took a few bites of food and returned to the laboratory.

Colleague Gomez knocked on the door, walked to Terence Tao, and said with concern, "Terry, it's time for you to rest. If you continue, your body will collapse."


Terence Tao raised his head and sighed, "I just got Fields. I think I am the smartest mathematician in the world. Yes, I thought so for a time until I met Zhao Yi."

"Zhao Yi? That Chinese math genius? A Chinese like you?"

"Only foreigners are called Chinese."

Tao Zhexuan explained and continued, "Do you know my research on digital compression technology? It only took him three months to revise all my research. In the process, he also wrote several papers. The ones are the waveform diagram and the weakened twin prime conjecture.”

"The most unacceptable thing to me is that after my mathematical research was modified by him, I am sure the efficiency has increased several times."

"How incredible this is!"

"Now I want to study the weakened twin prime conjecture. It has been many days, but there is no progress. Every idea is wrong, every idea is meaningless..."

Tao Zhexuan said and hugged his head hard.

Gomez persuaded with a wry smile, "Compared to you, I am an idiot, but I am still a university professor, so should I die?"

Terence Tao grinned, "Thank you, Gomez. I didn't collapse, I just expressed my inner thoughts." He sighed longly, "Maybe it's because I haven't met a better person since I was a child. As a person, I know that I should adjust my mentality, and it is wrong to think like this. So I have decided to have a chat with Zhao Yi. Although he does not know my current state, but... we are friends. "

"You and Zhao Yi are friends? That's really interesting. What do you want to talk about? I want to hear it too, okay?"


Tao Zhexuan immediately sent a message to Zhao Yi and agreed on a time to discuss mathematics.

Zhao Yi has been studying biomedicine and focused on laboratory projects. He found that Tao Zhexuan's message was a bit reluctant, but it was not a good idea to refuse an invitation from half a world away.

He agreed.

The time to talk about mathematics is scheduled for eight o'clock in the evening.

That's his free time.

This time was not very friendly to Terence Tao. He had to come to school early. Fortunately, he was accompanied by an interested Gomez. After the call was connected, Terence Tao directly talked about the research on the weak twin prime conjecture. .

He said it very straightforwardly, "I have been studying for a long time, but I still can't find a clue. It seems that every method of the experiment is wrong, and according to your proof, 246 is already the limit."


Zhao Yi asked, "Do you want me to give you an idea?"

Tao Zhexuan was silent for a moment. He felt that it was not good to let another mathematician directly give him ideas, but considering that the other person was Zhao Yi, he still nodded, "If possible, of course."

Gomez next to him raised his ears in interest.

Zhao Yi said calmly, "But, I can only give you a suggestion."



Zhao Yi continued, “My suggestion is, Don’t-do-this!”

"Don't continue!"

"246 is already the limit. If you want to study the twin prime conjecture, don't consider my paper, my proof, and don't consider the number 246."

"I think the difficulty of reducing 246 is already higher than cracking the conjecture itself."



Silence, still silence.

Both sides were silent for a long time, and finally Terence Tao said, "I understand."

The call was hung up.

Zhao Yi sincerely gave Tao Zhexuan advice.

Terence Tao is a true mathematical genius, and there is no need to waste time on a proof that is more difficult and less meaningful than proving the twin prime conjecture.

After chatting with Tao Zhexuan for a few words, Zhao Yi devoted himself to the algorithm design of digital compression technology.

This job is not difficult for him.

Although mathematical theory cannot be completely reflected in algorithms, as many people think of him, he is indeed very good at algorithm design.

This has to do with ability.

Whether it is the "Law of Cause and Effect", "Contact Rate", or "Monitoring Rate", the effect can be greatly reflected in the algorithm design, because he has studied the mathematical theory studied by Terence Tao and modified it. He is very knowledgeable about mathematics. The content was very clear, and the general design framework was quickly completed.

Then, it’s time to fill in the content.

In the process of designing the algorithm, Zhao Yi didn't even need to think about it. In the causal thinking mode, he kept typing the code for more than an hour.

"At this rate, it will take about five hours, one hour of work every day..."

"Five days!"

Zhao Yi thought about it and decided to take a rest. He has been a bit of a tool lately and there are still a lot of things that need to be done.

In fact, the most important thing is that there is one more thing to "check the virus situation". I run to the microbiology technology laboratory every day. It seems that I only stay for a short time. In fact, one more thing feels like a lot more work.

Another week has passed.

Zhao Yi goes to the Microbiology Technology Laboratory every day to check the virus situation. Twelve groups of things that Wei Shiqing considered to be waste have all turned into lumps...

It's not pretty anyway.

this day.

After checking twelve groups of waste, Zhao Yi finally got clear feedback from the "Supervision Rate" that some viruses had mutated.

The trend of this mutation is ‘increased infection ability and reduced toxicity’.

Zhao Yi just came to this conclusion and didn't know what the cause of the mutation was. But now that he had come to a conclusion, it was easy for him to figure out the reason.

It just consumes energy.

[Using "Contact Rate" requires 58 points of energy. Do you want to continue? 】

The system prompt made Zhao Yi feel a little overwhelmed. He immediately replenished his energy value, closed his eyes tightly and selected OK. He didn't even have time to review the feedback data, and immediately earned learning coins to replenish the energy he had consumed. Lost energy.


Zhao Yi took a long breath. Cold sweat broke out all over his body. The feeling of consuming a lot of energy in an instant was so uncomfortable. If possible, he really didn't want to experience it again.

"What's wrong?"

Wei Shiqing didn't quite understand, "Are you feeling uncomfortable? It's okay."

"It's okay, I'm just thinking about something."

Zhao Yi explained casually, and then said, "Professor Wei, can you isolate the virus from these wastes?"

Wei Shiqing nodded and said, "It is difficult to extract the virus. If you remove most of the debris, it can still be done, but it will take some time."

"Approximately how long?"

"About three days." Wei Shiqing was a little confused. "You want to extract the virus? Norovirus materials are not valuable. It is easy to apply. There is no need to extract it yourself..."

Zhao Yi said seriously, "Professor Wei, if you extract these viruses and conduct virus invasion staining experiments, I believe you will find some interesting things."


Wei Shiqing didn't believe it at all. He was sure that nothing would happen, and the results were exactly the same as the original experiment.

This is a waste of time and energy!

"I'm pretty sure!"

Zhao Yi nodded seriously, "I just suggest this. You can try it, or you can get rid of these things."

"I've made a discovery."

"Really?" Wei Shiqing found that Zhao Yi didn't look like he was lying, but he still couldn't figure out what was going on.

He still said, "Okay, I'll give it a try."

Anyway, just to do the work of extracting the virus, it doesn't matter if it takes a little time.

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