Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 238 This is really a great spirit!

The tick project is indeed relatively simple.

After conducting several experiments and conducting a series of observations on the experimental ticks, the conclusion was quickly reached.

Zhao Yi only spent a dozen or so efforts to complete all related work in the project and obtained the process studied for the entire project.

What happened next had nothing to do with him.

Ai Lixin and Zhang Wei are in charge of project reporting and writing papers, and Liu Chengjie can also help a lot.

He just waits for the harvest.

When Ai Lixin walked into the director's office again and submitted the project completion report, Yan Xuelin didn't know what to say. He felt that he was really bad as the director and was not as good as the researchers in Zhao Yi's laboratory. At least not as good as making money.

take a look!

Another project completed!

How long has it been? It was only about a week. The small project worth hundreds of thousands was a bit despising, but it only took a small amount of money and a short time to complete the small project easily. Any remaining funds can be put into your pocket.

Yan Xuelin began to think about it. Wouldn't it be bad if all the funds for the eunuch project were given to researchers?

He asked a few researchers to discuss it, "Is any of you willing to accept the remaining projects?"

"I won't answer."

"can not do this."

"The funds are not enough and I am not willing to pay out of my own pocket."

"...Then how did the Zhao Yi Laboratory complete it?" Yan Xuelin talked about another project completed by the Zhao Yi Laboratory, and several researchers were a little jealous after hearing this.

This is so fast!


After the news really spread, a lot of associate researchers and assistant researchers began to inquire about how to join the Zhao Yi Laboratory.

Zhao Yi's laboratory quickly became the most popular place in the institute.


Zhao Yi has no plans to recruit anyone.

Unless it is a big project that is really short of people, there is no need to recruit people, and the big projects that are really confirmed are almost impossible to be the projects of the eunuchs.

It is impossible to put the funds for such a project into your own pocket.

It sounds good to have a few more manpower in the laboratory, but that is for other laboratories. The projects Zhao Yi works on are all rich projects. He can directly encourage everyone to work hard and work hard as soon as possible by paying them. of completed projects.

When there are more people, conflicts arise.

For example, if two associate researchers of the same level receive the same additional bonus, they may cause conflicts.

The added bonus is this.

Some people feel that they have done more, and some people feel that they have done less. The human heart is the most complicated thing.

Zhao Yike has no intention of balancing people's hearts. He doesn't want to be a manager. He just wants to complete projects and publish papers as soon as possible, hoping to complete his life goals and tasks.

After the tick project was completed, the laboratory quickly applied for new projects.

Yan Xuelin didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

All the teams in the institute can eliminate the eunuch project, which is definitely good news for the institute. However, the efficiency of this team is too high, which makes other researchers in the laboratory jealous.

Fortunately, it's Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi's achievements in the field of mathematics have made him the world's top mathematician. In terms of personal achievements, he even surpasses the researchers at the institute.

Even if there are researchers who are jealous that he has received a large amount of project funding, the most they can do is discuss it from a distance instead of going to the director's office to get angry or do anything else.

This is the impact of status.

Many researchers feel that if Zhao Yi does not work on biomedical projects, his future achievements will be higher, so it makes no sense to exclude Zhao Yi. The two parties are not in the same weight class at all.

at the same time.

Microbiology Technology Laboratory.

Wei Shiqing and Bai Jianwu worked hard for a week and finally separated all the viruses from all groups of dyeing waste.

"What's next?" Bai Jianwu asked doubtfully.

"Dyeing experiment!"

"Staining experiment?" Bai Jianwu didn't understand. Staining experiments are usually used for detection, but as soon as they isolated the virus, they had to let the virus directly invade the cell material for staining?

It sounds strange.

"That's right."

Wei Shiqing affirmed, "That's what Zhao Yi said. He said that if we use these viruses to do staining experiments, we will make some interesting discoveries."


Bai Jianwu still didn't quite understand, but he was looking forward to it.

The other side.

Wei Shiqing didn't care at all. He did not deceive Bai Jianwu. The difference was that what he said in his mouth was completely different from what he thought in his heart. He didn't believe what Zhao Yi said at all. He could draw interesting conclusions by doing dyeing experiments.

It sounded like a dream.

Wei Shiqing's purpose was to drag Zhao Yi to the Microbiology Technology Laboratory. He listened to Zhao Yi's step-by-step instructions on how to isolate the virus. He just wanted to use the experimental results to illustrate that Zhao Yi still had a lot to learn. At the same time, he also wanted to This made Zhao Yi more interested in microbiology.

Probably a little more...

Since you promised, you must do it.

Wei Shiqing wanted to leave an impression on Zhao Yi that he could do what he said, so that Zhao Yi would at least not be against him in the future.


Anyway, Wei Shiqing had many things on his mind, the only one being that he didn't believe what Zhao Yi said.

So Wei Shiqing and Bai Jianwu were doing virus staining experiments together, but their minds were not on the experiments at all. He didn't even record the data as usual.

Bai Jianwu is different.

Bai Jianwu recorded the data very carefully. He also found the data before the norovirus and carefully compared it according to the timeline.

Suddenly, he stood in front of the microscope and exclaimed, "Really! Did you find it?"


Wei Shiqing looked over with confusion.

Bai Jianwu said excitedly, "If the data you recorded before is correct, I found that the infectivity of this group of viruses has increased a lot!"


Wei Shiqing walked over with some confusion and looked at the set of samples in Bai Jianwu's hand. They were a set of stained cell material samples that had been infected by the virus about ten minutes ago.

In such a short period of time, not much cellular material will be invaded by the virus.

There were staining pictures of the same ten-minute group before, which were almost indistinguishable from direct staining of cells.

Observation under a microscope is different now. It can be clearly seen that some cell materials have been invaded by viruses.

Wei Shiqing looked back and forth several times. From being completely unconcerned at first, he slowly turned into surprise. Shock was written all over his face, and he didn't know how to react.

"Has the virus become more contagious?"

"And it's obviously become stronger. Based on this set of data, it's probably more than 20% stronger?"

"This is just a virus material that has just been isolated, and the content is not high. If it is a pure virus sample, the infectivity will probably be increased by more than 50%?"


"But why? Anyway, this must be a big discovery."

"……its not right!"

Wei Shiqing had many thoughts running through his mind. After regaining consciousness, he suddenly looked at Bai Jianwu.


I don’t want to share my research results with others!

Wei Shiqing's first reaction was to quickly take the sample from Bai Jianwu's hand, and then quickly said, "Old Bai! No need to trouble you, I will do it myself."


Bai Jianwu didn't understand what it meant.

"I mean, I don't need you. I really didn't expect that what Zhao Yi said was true... but it turned out that what Zhao Yi said was true. How could what Zhao Yi said be true?"

Bai Jianwu nodded blankly, "Yes, you told me at that time that you believed what Zhao Yi said was true, and that's why you asked me to help with research. Now won't it be verified?"

"No, but..."

Wei Shiqing suddenly had nothing to say.

He stood there and thought for a long time, sorted out the whole thing, and then slapped himself hard in the face.


How stupid!

The research results that had already been obtained were shared with others in vain. The key was that his relationship with Bai Jianwu was very ordinary, not the kind of personal relationship that was good.

"Why am I so stupid!"

Wei Shiqing felt that he had no choice. He could not exclude Bai Jianwu anymore, but the research did not belong to him. Zhao Yi had already said that the second author was his.

Bai Jianwu, how to arrange it?


"I haven't started researching this thing yet. There must be a lot of content to be discovered, Brother Bai..."

"It still works!"

Wei Shiqing took a deep breath and reluctantly explained his stupid behavior.

He quickly found Zhao Yi.

"Zhao Yi, Zhao Yi, big news! The virus extracted from your dyeing waste has become more infective!"

"I know."

Zhao Yi was very calm after hearing the news. He nodded and said, "It should not only be that the infection is enhanced, but the toxicity is also reduced."


Bai Jianwu frowned and asked, "Why?"

"It's probably a mutation, a mutation caused by the environment." Zhao Yi had met Bai Jianwu and knew that he was a researcher in the laboratory and was with Wei Shiqing, so he should be trustworthy. He said without scruples, "In the dyeing experiment, In the environment, the cells themselves will be affected by the harsh environment. If we do not intervene, more cells will die due to the harsh environment than those infected by the virus."

"This will also affect the living space of the virus. Without cells that can be invaded, the virus cannot reproduce."

"I think this is the same as humans. Humans live on the earth and destroy the environment without limit. But if the environment is found to be damaged to the extent that it affects the survival of humans, some humans will start to call for environmental protection."

"So the virus probably realizes that by killing cells quickly, they will not be able to reproduce the next generation. Under special circumstances, the virus mutates."

"The infectivity becomes stronger and the toxicity becomes weaker..."

In fact, it is very simple to say, that is, in a specific harsh environment, some viruses mutate. Whether the mutation occurs in a harsh environment or a specific harsh environment needs to be verified one by one.

Zhao Yike had no intention of verifying it. He had no interest in studying various viruses.

So he concluded it was ok.

The next step is to write a paper based on the experimental results. By the way, Wei Shiqing's second work will be arranged. If there are any points that can be explored, let Wei Shiqing do it.

Zhao Yi was also a little confused about Bai Jianwu who appeared in the laboratory.

what happened?

He had already brought the research direction to Wei Shiqing, but Wei Shiqing would be so kind as to share it with others?

This is too great!


Zhao Yi was in awe of Wei Shiqing. He suddenly realized that his previous perception of Wei Shiqing might have been a bit one-sided. Wei Shiqing still had many advantages.

For example, now.

The research results obtained are not intended to be kept exclusively, but shared with researchers in the same laboratory.

This is really a great spirit!

Thanks to the following book friends for the reward--

War is like a sea of ​​snow (12,000 coins, bold for local tyrants), Yi Nian (1,500 coins), Kun Lin Yuan Mountain (1,000 coins), become the official version (500 coins), Lamp of the Abyss (500 coins), Son of the Abyss 2003 (100 currency)

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