Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 241 Research on the mutation of norovirus under staining environment

Ma Weiguo used the article "The Importance of Zhao Yi to Yanhua University" to explain Yanhua University's tough attitude, and received a lot of approval.

This is often the case.

There are too many people on the Internet, and no matter what kind of comments you make, you will always get some people's approval.

Some people who support Ma Weiguo said, "Anyway, I don't believe that Zhao Yi is a biological genius. It is impossible for one person's genius to be reflected in so many fields."

"No matter what you say, I just don't believe it!"

"There must be something wrong inside. Yanhua University must want to keep Zhao Yi!"

"Zhao Yi should go back to study mathematics quickly. Biology is not suitable for you."


Some comments on the Internet are very unpleasant, but there are too many voices on the Internet, and there will always be some brainless people making comments.

Approval on the Internet depends on the ratio of people.

The second article published by Ma Weiguo was not very effective, mainly because a lot of news had been revealed before.

For example, many netizens don’t know that Zhao Yi is a researcher at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences, let alone that he has led a team to complete several projects.

For another example, the new inhibitory factors involved in the medical conjecture paper written by Zhao Yi were also re-proposed by some people.

Most people don't care at all about what factors are discovered, because what factors are discovered by the medical community actually has little to do with ordinary people. Even if it has an indirect relationship, for example, it makes medicine more developed and saves more people's lives. But there are too many complications along the way.

Therefore, even if it is a sensational discovery in the medical community, it is difficult to make waves in ordinary public opinion.

It's different now.

Many people in the medical field came forward to explain the importance of this discovery to the development of medicine, and many people immediately looked up to Zhao Yi.

This discovery alone is enough to show that Zhao Yi has made contributions to biomedical research.

Regarding Ma Weiguo's article, it is true that Zhao Yi's importance to Yanhua University is undoubted, but even without Zhao Yi, Yanhua University is still the top university in the country.

According to Ma Weiguo's article, it is as if Yanhua University would not even exist without Zhao Yi. This is obviously an exaggeration.

In addition, Yanhua University’s tough attitude is completely opposite to that of other universities after negative news broke.

Toughness is certainly not just about the people involved, otherwise it means suppressing speech directly.

Many things also show that the possibility of fraud in the paper is very low. First of all, there is no problem with the content of the paper. Zhao Yi also led a team to complete several projects, all of which can be checked. So how can the paper be falsified?

Is it necessary to falsify the project first?

The cost is also too high.

Many netizens have analyzed that the 'only possibility' is that after Zhao Yi applied for the project, he asked his researchers to lead it. Considering that the project was completed very quickly, that is...

"The entire Biomedical Research Institute is helping Zhao Yi with his projects?"


"Really, the possibility is too low!"

"The Institute of Biomedical Sciences is a key national scientific research institution. It is impossible for the entire unit to be like Zhao Yi, who has one person and multiple projects..."

After Ma Weiguo's second article was published, public opinion became very mixed. It is difficult to say whether there are more people who support Zhao Yi, more people who are skeptical, or more people who are neutral and bystanders.

At this time, a new message appeared.

While there was a lot of public opinion on the Internet, the "Union Hospital-Medical Research" magazine seemed not to be affected at all, and they did not stand up to express their attitude on the matter.

So they publish information content normally.

In the new issue of the magazine, a paper published by Zhao Yi appeared again. The name of the paper is "Research on the Mutation of Norovirus in a Staining Environment."

This article states that norovirus has mutated in the staining environment. It writes more than a dozen sets of mutation data records in the staining environment, and shows that the infectivity of the norovirus has become stronger and the toxicity has weakened a lot.

Zhao Yi’s analysis of the mutation process can be roughly stated as ‘the virus improves its genetic ability in a specific environment through mutation, which is a manifestation of the virus’s adaptation to the environment’.

This discovery paper and analytical presentation were praised by several review editors of "Union Hospital-Medical Research".

"Union Hospital-Medical Research" is a magazine under Union Hospital, which is the top hospital in China. The reviewers and editors are top doctors, medical-related researchers, and scholars.

Each of these names is very influential in the country.

For example, Zhang Hongshan is a pillar of domestic immunology research.

Chen Ying is the director of the Microbiology Research Center of the National Academy of Sciences.

They left their names below the paper and commented on the content of the paper, "Biological variation is a complex and uncontrollable system, and the study of virus mutation points directly to the root cause of genetic variation. The discovery of norovirus mutations, It opens a wide door to study genetic variation!"

"This is a first-class discovery and first-class research, which indicates that we will make breakthrough progress in the study of virus mutation."

"If virus mutation may become controllable, it will make great progress in our medicine. The discovery that norovirus mutates in a staining environment has far-reaching significance for virus research."


When "Union Hospital-Medical Research" published a new issue with Zhao Yi's paper on it, the content of the paper was immediately uploaded to the Internet. Many netizens took screenshots and took photos, and even typed the paper from beginning to end and posted it on the Internet. superior.

Comments from several domestic medical leaders were naturally posted on the Internet.

Public opinion is silent.

Many people don't know what these comments mean, but some people in the medical field are very sure, "This paper was published in China, but it will definitely be moved abroad, and it will cause a stir in the medical community. Discuss."

"Virus mutation is a very important research direction, but it is too difficult to study mutation. Zhao Yi has opened a door for the study of virus mutation."

"If the norovirus has a high rate of mutation under the staining environment, at least the mutation of the virus can be controlled in a certain direction..."

"If humans can control virus mutation, they can control all viral diseases."

"This discovery has huge implications for the medical community."


"Decades later, the influence of this discovery will become greater and greater, and Zhao Yi may even win the Nobel Prize in Medicine for this!"


The last sentence is very true.

It may sound incredible, but in fact, most Nobel Prize winners in medicine relied on research conducted ten years or more ago, because when a study first came out, it may not be taken seriously. As the times slowly develop, some research that is not taken seriously has played a significant role.

Medicine is like that.

When mathematicians solve the world's problems, it can be said that they can get feedback immediately, and they will quickly be recognized by the world.

Medical research is different.

Unless they directly solve major diseases, some discoveries of microorganisms and factors will not show immediate results, and will not even be taken seriously or publicized, because it is difficult to know what they mean in a short time.

For example, the norovirus mutation discovered by Zhao Yi.

This may open the door to virus mutation research, or it may be just a special event. Obviously, the latter will have a much smaller effect.

The expansion of the impact of this discovery requires more researchers to invest in the study of virus mutation, and follow this research direction to obtain more results, and finally put the research results into clinical treatment.

Therefore, it still takes time to expand influence.

But no matter what, Zhao Yi's research findings are of extraordinary significance. The paper was commented by several domestic medical leaders and immediately aroused heated discussion in public opinion--

"It turns out that Zhao Yi has done such great research!"

"I've done this dyeing experiment in biology experiment class, but why haven't I found that the dyeing environment can cause gene mutation? Is this the difference between people?"

"There's no need to complain upstairs. I'm doing microbiological research, and I also did norovirus staining experiments. As a result, the remaining experimental waste was killed and disposed of. I never thought about what use those things would have."

"What we think is waste, others think is research results!"

"The difference between geniuses and ordinary people is here. Even in the field of microbial research, geniuses are still geniuses!"


Zhao Yi's paper aroused heated discussions in the medical community and public opinion, and public opinion also turned to the issue of 'paper'.

Since several big names in the medical field have certified the influence of the paper, there will no longer be any problem of academic fraud. Even if there are research institutions that strongly recommend Zhao Yi, no researcher will be stupid enough to put himself or even others in the future. Important research discoveries that may win the Nobel Prize were given to Zhao Yi.

If someone is really stupid enough to do this, then the papers and results are not fake, but real. Just like property inheritance, someone is willing to give away his property... Can you control it?

It's legal!

Many media reporters have also started interviews. It is not easy to interview Zhao Yi himself, but it is still easy to interview some people in the medical field.

Researchers in the medical field or simply front-line doctors hold very professional views on the research results of Zhao Yi's thesis.

Some people began to spread common sense, "Zhao Yi's research project is a research on the basic mechanism of medicine. It is a project supported by the National Scientific Research Fund. For projects like this, which allocate funds for research, the review process is very strict and almost impossible." There has been fraud.”

"I saw a very ridiculous statement that the Institute of Biomedical Research supported Zhao Yi and that Zhao Yi extracted other people's research results. If this really happened, wouldn't it be natural for him to publish a paper?"

"If someone is willing to give it, no one can care about it. This is far from being a falsification of a paper. Legally, it is just a normal relationship of gifting results."

"So the recent public opinion is very ridiculous. I have read those two articles and the data listed are indeed correct."

"I also watched Zhao Yi and completed three projects. Among them, the rheumatoid arthritis project could have been divided into seven or eight papers by someone else. It was a big project with a funding of several million. And it’s very difficult, and ordinary researchers may not be able to do it.”

"The norovirus staining experiment that Zhao Yi just published and the discovery of virus mutations are a major discovery in the medical community. It can be said that its influence covers the entire world's medical community."

"A research discovery of this level can be said to have unlimited potential. Just this discovery will cause many microbial research institutions around the world to invest in related research."

"The value of this discovery is immeasurable."

"So to talk about what's wrong with Zhao Yi's paper now is really... very ridiculous. I use the word ridiculous to describe it. It's not an exaggeration at all. It's like someone cracked the world's mathematical conjecture and then discussed it. Isn’t it a joke that there is a problem with your mathematical ability?”

"If anyone still wants to question it, you must first make discoveries and research of the same level before you are qualified to speak."

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