Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 25 This is not bullying, this is love!

The "Youth Cup" extracurricular knowledge competition is a competition organized by the Provincial Department of Education in order to promote quality education.

The influence of provincial education bureaus cannot extend to the whole country, let alone the world.

Ordinary middle schools do not pay much attention to competition.

However, even if you win the first prize in the Olympic competition, you can get extra points for the college entrance examination, ordinary middle schools will not pay attention to it at all.

Therefore, the main reason is not that they don’t pay attention, but that students from ordinary middle schools simply cannot win awards.

The 'Youth Cup' extracurricular knowledge competition is conducted on a school basis. Hundreds or thousands of middle schools in the province participate at the same time to compete for the four places in the finals. Those who can truly reach the finals are often those with the best Key high schools and prestigious private schools where students come from.

The preliminaries are just tests.

The final was different.

The competition organized by the Provincial Department of Education has a high degree of support. School teams that can compete among hundreds or thousands of middle schools and reach the finals can participate in the finals that will be broadcast live on provincial TV stations.

This is the point!

Think about it.

Zhengyang No. 13 Middle School is just an ordinary middle school. Being able to appear live on a provincial TV station will definitely greatly increase the reputation of the middle school.

When Wang Chengmin received the notice, he was stunned.

By the way...

Did No. 13 High School participate in this competition?

And made it to the finals?

One of the students got 200 questions correct?

Just kidding!

Wang Chengmin confirmed again and again before he believed it, and immediately he felt like he had won a big prize.

Now, he was filled with excitement and wonder, but only enthusiasm and relief.

"Zhao Yi is the model and representative of quality education in No. 13 Middle School!"

"He is the pride of Thirteenth Middle School!"

"Students with good academic performance and high quality will definitely have great development in the future!"

"The school will come up with a reward plan soon." At this point, Wang Chengmin turned to face the students and teachers, "Zhengyang No. 13 Middle School not only pays attention to students' results, but also pays close attention to quality education. Zhao Yi is an excellent example!"

"Letting students develop in an all-round way and improving their overall quality is the direction of educational development..."

“ # ¥%……”

Wang Chengmin started the speech mode.

Zhao Yi felt the principal's enthusiasm. He was the focus of everyone's attention. He was a little excited at first, but as time went on, he became a little depressed.

This Wang Chengmin can really speak!

As expected of the principal!

When the bell rang for get out of class, Wang Chengmin finally realized that he was not giving a speech. He immediately greeted the teachers to leave and said to Zhao Yi in particular, "You performed very well in this competition. Keep up the hard work! We won the finals and competed for the championship of No. 13 Middle School." honor!"

"you can!"

Wang Chengmin gave a thumbs up to Zhao Yi.

Finally left.

The teachers all left the classroom, and the students suddenly started talking excitedly.

Most students still don't understand the specific situation. They only know that Zhao Yi answered all the questions correctly and helped the team from No. 13 Middle School reach the semi-finals of the competition.

He Ronghua, Sun Li and Lin Xiaoqing chatted about popular science.

Half an hour, two hundred questions!

One question in nine seconds!

One classmate gave a vivid metaphor, "If it were replaced with addition and subtraction within one hundred, I could probably do them all correctly, right?"


It's easy to do them all, but it's a little harder to do them all right.

Sun Li's eyes shone with admiration, and she continued to add fire, "Did you know? Zhao Yi fell asleep during the exam, and was woken up by the invigilator when he was handing in the final paper."

A group of people gathered around in surprise——

"This is so amazing!"

"How many seconds does it take to answer a question? Can you get it all right?"

"Stop joking, Zhao Yi, you are not a human, right?"

"Great God!"

"Master Zhao!"

Lin Xiaoqing's big eyes blinked, staring at Zhao Yi's face, "You know the answer in advance, right?"


Zhao Yi smiled and nodded. He looked around and said, "Actually, you are all overthinking. I just know the answers in advance, and the test is to write down the answers."


This time no one really believed it.

Anyone in the class who is familiar with Zhao Yi knows that he is from an ordinary family. Needless to say, the confidentiality of the provincial competition topics is so good that it is impossible to know in advance.

The day was pretty uneventful.

Zhao Yi rode home as usual and studied hard until twelve o'clock.

Go to bed, wake up early, go to school.

The life of a student is hard and boring, but he actually enjoys it a little, almost turning learning into a hobby.

"If I had this kind of mentality before, even if there was no system, my life would be different!"

There is no point in sighing.

Zhao Yi rode into the school gate with his longing for learning.

Then, it stopped.

I saw a banner more than 20 meters long hanging next to the driveway at the edge of the playground, with one sentence written on it: Congratulations to our school team for entering the finals of the 'Youth Cup' knowledge competition!

The names of the four participating students are listed in the lower right corner of the banner.

‘Zhao Yi’ was listed first.


"They are arranged side by side..."

Zhao Yi had just breathed a sigh of relief when he heard an exclamation, "That's Zhao Yi!"

"He got a perfect score in the preliminaries and answered 200 questions correctly in half an hour!"

"Super strong! Super cruel!"

"Master Zhao!"


A group of people gathered around.

Zhao Yi was surrounded before he could react. Among the people surrounding him were students of the same age, as well as juniors and juniors from the first and second years of high school.

So enthusiastic!

"What are you all doing! What are you all doing around here!" A voice rescued Zhao Yi from the crowd.

"Go away!"

"Everyone go away!"

Lin Xiaoqing ran over happily, grabbed Zhao Yi's arm and walked forward. Zhao Linlin also ran over happily, grabbing Zhao Yi's other arm.

The two of them acted as bodyguards, one on the left and the other on the right.

Sun Liang stood behind and was dumbfounded. He just wanted to go over to help and show off his close relationship with ‘Master Zhao’.


All that’s left is the bicycle?

Damn it!

Zhao Yi escorted him to the door of class three, and Zhao Linlin could only return to class one with regret.

Lin Xiaoqing pulled Zhao Yi to sit back.

Everyone else looked over.

Lin Xiaoqing rolled up a book and used it as a microphone to conduct a live interview with Zhao Yi, "Classmate Zhao Yi, you got full marks in the preliminaries and helped No. 13 Middle School reach the finals. How are you feeling now?"

"Normal operation."

Zhao Yi waved his hands calmly.

"So, what about becoming the focus of No. 13 Middle School? Now everyone in the school knows about you."

"...It's so troublesome, just like you are disturbing me right now."

Lin Xiaoqing continued with a nonchalant smile, "What about being escorted by two beauties as bodyguards? How does it feel?"


Zhao Yi frowned and asked doubtfully, "Isn't it the same one? He's still gone."

"Ha ha."

A group of people booed.

Zhao Yi pointed at Lin Xiaoqing and opened his mouth in surprise, "You don't... don't... think that you..."

Lin Xiaoqing's eyes became sharp and dangerous.

Little fist raised.

Hold on tight!

"Yes Yes!"

Zhao Yi rubbed his butt and quickly changed his words, "You are a beauty! A great beauty! The most beautiful in the world!"

[Flirting with girls, target: Lin Xiaoqing, learning coin +1. 】


"That's pretty much it!"

When Sun Laoban walked in, he happened to see Lin Xiaoqing's raised fist and immediately scolded, "Lin Xiaoqing, don't bully your classmates!"

Lin Xiaoqing blushed and turned around to pretend to be an ostrich.


Sun Liang continued the interview in a low voice, "Master Zhao, how do you feel about being bullied by a female classmate?"

"You know nothing!"

Zhao Yi said disdainfully, "This is not bullying, this is love!"

[Flirting with girls, target: Lin Xiaoqing, learning coin +1. 】

Lin Xiaoqing turned her head instantly and looked Zhao Yi up and down.


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