Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 34 I just want to find a girlfriend in the country

Vice President of Engineering for Fruit Company's Technology Development Department.

This title can be big or small.

The fruit company's technical development department has too many people, and there are many engineers with the title of 'vice president', but Caballero is still one of the most influential people. The team he leads is responsible for system security. , confidential research and development work is the most important protective force for all products of the fruit company.

In addition, Caballero is also an important member of Jobs' team.

As early as 1996, when Jobs returned to the fruit company, Caballero joined his team and participated in the development of iMac, Mac-OS-X and iTunes.

In the past two years, Caballero has been focusing on safety and stability research.

When he heard that someone had submitted several technical vulnerabilities in succession, some of which could even directly threaten the confidentiality of the iMac, Caballero was very shocked. After learning about the situation, he immediately decided to take action personally and purchased the Air tickets to China.


Caballero stood in the principal's office of No. 13 Middle School, looking at the young-looking high school student in front of him, still feeling very incredible.

He pulled Zhao Yi to sit on the sofa and said impatiently, "Can you talk about that BUG? Using the feature of automatically connecting to the LAN without logging in, sending a designated code package to achieve auxiliary unlocking..."

"How did you come up with that code? It happens to be recognized by the port..."

Caballero said a lot in one breath.

Zhao Yi smiled and said, "Actually, it's just a coincidence. A friend of mine bought a fruit computer. She forgot the power-on password and account information. I tried many methods but couldn't open it."


Caballero is still confident in the safety of fruit products.

"Later I discovered that after some computers were turned on, the network would automatically connect without logging in, so I found other computers and wrote a piece of code using the LAN port."

"Luckily, I made it!"

Zhao Yi spoke in a relaxed tone, as if he didn't care about cracking the loophole at all.

"Your story is interesting. An inspiration of genius! But you probably don't know what it means, do you?"

Caballero had a wry smile on his face. Considering Zhao Yi's age, he seemed to understand why he didn't care. "There are many people around the world who have tried various ways to crack our system, but most of them have failed." , even if you find a small vulnerability and achieve intrusion, it is a great thing."

His eyes seemed to say, "You are awesome!"


Zhao Yi didn't want to talk about the process of finding the loophole, because there was no process at all. He quickly changed the topic to the fruit company itself, and praised him several times in a professional manner, "I know that you have been committed to confidentiality, security and A study of fluency.”

"These are what users care about most, and I have always been a supporter of fruit products."

Caballero wondered, "But as far as I know, you are not a registered user of Fruit."

"I just like fruit products." Zhao Yi didn't care at all. "But if you like it, you may not buy it. This has something to do with the selling price."

Caballero laughed a few times.

The products of the fruit company are indeed relatively expensive.


The topic began to shift in a professional direction.

Caballero is one of the top engineers in computer network confidentiality and security.

Zhao Yi is just an ordinary programmer, but he started working a few years later. He has an outstanding vision that is more than ten years ahead of his time. Coupled with nearly ten years of work experience, some of the professional issues he occasionally talks about make Cavalie Luo Du felt that he benefited a lot and even unconsciously revealed some problems encountered in the development of the IOS operating system.

Caballero did not mention the name ‘IOS’, but only talked about the technical difficulties and barriers encountered, but Zhao Yi knew it was a mobile operating system as soon as he heard it.


Zhao Yike has never participated in the research and development of ‘IOS’ and cannot provide corresponding solutions at all, but this does not prevent him from adding a few technical comments.

The more the two chatted, the more they became more and more interested, and before they knew it, the topic turned to mobile phones.

Caballero talked about Fruit's 'Rockr phone' and regretted that sales did not meet expectations. Zhao Yi made a funny comment, "Putting mobile and music together is indeed a good idea, but I want to rely on this." It’s difficult to make users decide to buy.”

"Why don't you consider putting the iMac's operating system into your phone?"

"If a mobile phone has a closed, smooth operating system, coupled with innovative operating experience design, it will definitely be welcomed by the market..."

Zhao Yi said a lot in succession.

In fact, there was nothing professional in it at all. He just mentioned the original selling point of Fruit’s mobile phone, but it was enough to make Caballero’s eyes bulge in shock.

The fruit company is developing a mobile phone operating system and is also developing a new touch screen.

These are all secrets!

Caballero was so shocked that he suppressed his excitement and continued chatting with Zhao Yi.

There are more people in the principal's office.

After Niu Lianhua finished her math class, she found that Zhao Yi had not come back yet, so she came to the principal's office and found that there were several English teachers crowded in the office.

Among them are teachers who teach high school students and the new teacher Shen Yan.

Li Lisheng was still standing next to Wang Chengmin, but his spirit was not uplifted at all. Instead, he seemed a little depressed, "I don't understand either!"

"They seem to be talking about computers!"

"And a cell phone?"

He heard the English words "computer" and "mobile phone" in succession.

Principal Wang was very dissatisfied.

Li Lisheng, a professional English teacher, has always claimed that his English level is very high, but he can’t understand it when he actually uses it?

Principal Wang knew that the middle-aged man in a suit sitting next to him could definitely understand what they were talking about, but he didn't want to trouble outsiders.

They are a high school!

There are many teachers who specialize in teaching English in the school, but as a result, we have to rely on outsiders for translation, which is a shame that is lost abroad.

Wang Chengmin found other English teachers, but like Li Lisheng, they could only understand some words and had no idea what they were talking about.

The only person who was not an English teacher was Niu Lianhua who came to watch the fun.

Niu Lianhua was shocked and shouted, "Zhao Yi's English is so good? I didn't dream! He can actually talk to foreigners..."

"Shut up!"

Principal Wang roared in dissatisfaction.

There are outsiders in the office now, and it is even more embarrassing for people to know that the teachers of No. 13 Middle School don't even know the students' English proficiency than the English teachers who cannot be translators.

The former is a question of the teacher’s level.

The latter is a matter of the school's teaching level and its emphasis on students.

Zhao Yi kept chatting with Caballero, and he also noticed other teachers.

We can't continue chatting!

For one thing, time and location do not allow it.

Secondly, he did not want to continue discussing technical issues with Caballero.

Now he is a senior in high school, not the original programmer. No matter how technical issues are discussed, can he still be given a salary increase?

Zhao Yi quickly corrected him to the point, "By the way, why did you come to me? It's not just to thank me verbally, right?"

Caballero said, "We want to invite you to join the fruit company's team, but you are only a senior in high school. You must be preparing to go to college, right?"


Zhao Yi nodded affirmatively, having already returned to the senior year of high school. Getting into a good university was the goal that must be achieved.

Caballero smiled and said, "But it doesn't matter. You can study in California. The computer engineering major at the University of California is ranked among the top ten in the world."

"Fruit Company cooperates with the University of California. If you apply to the University of California, we will provide some conveniences to ensure that your application can be passed and you will be admitted."

He continued to add, "The fruit company will pay your expenses during college. At the same time, you can also receive a salary from the fruit company."

"Currently, the prerequisite is that you sign a special work contract."

Caballero said as much.

In summary, Zhao Yi was asked to sign a work contract and work for a fruit company while studying at the University of California. After graduation, he also directly joined the fruit company to work.

Not only does Zhao Yi not have to pay tuition, he can also earn tens of thousands of dollars in extra money.

This does not include scholarships you may receive while attending school.

Caballero smiled confidently. He believed that this offer was not something that ordinary high school students could refuse.

However, he met Zhao Yi.

"I reject."

Zhao Yi's tone was firm.

Caballero frowned and asked incomprehensively, "Why? Are you still not satisfied with the salary? While studying at the University of California, you only need to complete a small amount of work to get a good salary. "

"It's simple. I'm still young and don't want to work, let alone sign a work contract."

Zhao Yi said bluntly.

The conditions offered by Caballero are so tempting that it would be difficult for an ordinary high school student or top scorer in the college entrance examination to refuse. However, the prerequisite for attending the University of California is to sign a special work contract with a fruit company.

It must be a bundled contract with a huge liquidated damages clause.

He returned to his high school days and had so many options for the future that it was impossible to 'sell' himself to a company.

What happened?

Is rebirth just to work for a fruit company?

In addition, in his past and present lives, his goal was to study hard and use knowledge to rewrite his life, instead of relying on his memory advantage to steal the qualifications to attend a prestigious school.

"terribly sorry."

Zhao Yi stood up and shook hands with Caballero.

This is the way to see off guests.

Caballero was even more regretful than Zhao Yi. He did not expect that the other party would refuse such a good offer, "Maybe, this is genius?"

After watching Caballero walk downstairs, Zhao Yi turned around and went back to the classroom.

Several teachers gathered around.

Niulianhua's voice was louder than the others, "What did you just say?"

"I think I heard about the University of California?" Shen Yan said.

Li Lisheng gave full play to his imagination, "I heard that he is the top engineer of the Fruit Company. Could it be that he wants to find high school students to try out the latest computers and mobile phones of the Fruit Company for free?"

"It is said that this kind of marketing method is popular now, and you happened to be selected..."

For a moment.

Everyone looked over, even Principal Wang's expression was filled with shock.

"Teacher Li."

Zhao Yi commented in surprise, "Perhaps the most suitable job for you is to write a book. You will become the best-selling author with the greatest imagination in the 21st century."

"Hahaha..." A group of people laughed.

Li Lisheng stared at Zhao Yi with a depressed expression.

Zhao Yidao said, "To put it simply, he wanted me to go to the University of California to study, and he also provided full tuition and gave me tens of thousands of dollars every year for living expenses."

“The price is working for a fruit company.”

A group of teachers suddenly opened their mouths, and the rest of the words were ignored by them.

"Are you going to study in the United States? The University of California is a famous school!"

"Free to study?"

"The annual tuition for an American university is tens of thousands of dollars!"

“It’s not easy for students from top domestic universities to apply to the University of California…”

Zhao Yi waved his hand to signal for silence, and then said nonchalantly, "I refuse."


"Why refuse!"

Principal Wang Chengmin was not surprised. He had just heard a middle-aged man in a suit say something. Caballero's regret was written on his face when he left.


Zhao Yi scratched his head in distress, and then said, "I just want to find a girlfriend in China."



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