Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 351 So what if other people know?

In the morning, a group of people from the Academy of Sciences and Yang Zhenning came to Jiangzhou University and greeted each other in a friendly manner.

There is no direct conflict between the two parties.

Yang Zhenning knows everyone from the Department of Physics of the Academy of Sciences. The domestic physics circle is really not big. If you stay there for a longer time, you will get to know almost all the top figures in the physics world.

When we got to the conference room, we started to discuss the issues formally.

Zhang Hongzhi, the head of the Department of Physics, talked about the collider project and kept talking about the benefits of building a collider, which are nothing more than 'bringing the scientific experimental level of quantum physics to the top in the world' and 'large investments will have a great impact on physics research'. benefits', 'can attract foreign talents', etc.

Yang Zhenning held opposing views.

If it's just a simple objection, that's it. When many people object to something, they won't say it openly, but will only express their opinions with a smile.

What Yang Zhenning said didn’t sound very nice, “I’ve already said it, come and ask me, you just don’t agree and I firmly oppose it!”

"Someone asked me what my views and thoughts were, and I made them very clear."

"There's nothing to talk about."

These words made the atmosphere awkward.

Zhang Hongzhi was very dissatisfied with Yang Zhenning, and even had a few arguments with Yang Zhenning about the issue. Later, neither party ignored the other, and the atmosphere remained awkward.

They are embarrassed and others are even more embarrassed.

Here are not only people from the Academy of Sciences and Yang Zhenning, but also other people from the Physical Society, and people from Jiangzhou University.

The home field of Jiangzhou University must be attended by people from the university. There were several professors standing nearby. They didn’t know how to persuade them, and they couldn’t say what they had discovered.

It's very simple, you are not qualified!

The construction of the collider is a huge project, and it is useless for them to have any opinions. The country will only ask the top physicists, scholars, or top talents in other related fields.

Others will just have to listen.

They feel like it's a 'fight between gods and gods', and no mortal can do anything to persuade them.

Fortunately, Zhao Yi is here.

When they heard the news that Zhao Yi was coming, a large group of people shouted and walked out. Some of them welcomed Zhao Yi in, but simply did not follow him in. It was obvious that they did not want to stay here anymore.

After listening to Ruan Wenye's explanation, Zhao Yi felt a little depressed.

A group of people from the Academy of Sciences and Yang Zhenning all asked him to sit over, partly to show their closeness, and partly to want him to take sides.

Ruan Wenye pulled him over, probably to keep him neutral.

It’s so complicated here!

Zhao Yi wanted to go out directly. It would be good to go to the hotel to have a rest. He didn't want to be a mediator, but wherever he stood, he had to think about something, such as the collider construction project. Even if he didn't want to talk, he had to think about something. Talk because he is one of the most accomplished people in physics in the country.

Everyone in the conference room looked over, obviously wanting to hear what Zhao Yi had to say, but no one asked directly.

Zhang Hongzhi, chairman of the Department of Physics, asked Zhao Yi for his opinion through Qian Zhijin. He knew that Zhao Yi was against the construction of the collider, so he didn't want to ask.

Yang Zhenning didn’t even want to talk about this topic.

Zhao Yi simply didn't speak.

Anyway, no one asked directly, so I just pretended that I didn’t understand what it meant, and when no one asked, it felt awkward to say it directly.

The conference room fell into an eerie silence.

At a certain moment, someone finally couldn't hold it in any longer and called out Zhao Yi's name, "Professor Zhao!"

Everyone looked over.

Du Tianjun, a researcher at the Department of Physics of the Academy of Sciences, also joined Ruan Wenye's team and went to the European Collider experiment site to do data analysis work.

Du Tianjun called Zhao Yi and found that all the attention had been attracted. He was in a dilemma for a while. In the end, he could only bite the bullet and continue, "What do you think about this? It's a collider. You should know about it, right?"

Zhao Yi did not answer immediately, but looked at Ruan Wenye next to him, wanting to hear his so-called 'neutral opinion'.

Ruan Wenye coughed lightly, waved his hand and said, "I will not participate in this matter."

Questions were written in Zhao Yi's eyes.

Ruan Wenye is also from the Department of Physics of the Academy of Sciences, and his level is very high. Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to lead a delegation to participate in the work of the Nuclear Organization.

Nguyen Van Nie explained, “I am the head of the delegation to the Nuclear Organization.”


What does this have to do with expressing an opinion about building a collider?

"Old Slippery!"

Zhao Yi complained hard in his heart, turned to look at the others, and sighed, "I don't support or object to this matter."

Everyone else's eyes became weird.

Yang Zhenning opened his mouth to criticize, and his tone was not very good, "Young people have to take on responsibilities and cannot escape. It doesn't matter if you don't express your opinions. You are the top mathematician, and you also study physics. You speak and do things. How can you be so cunning?"

People in the conference room understood Zhao Yi's statement as "they don't want to express their opinions."

It's okay if Ruan Wenye doesn't express his opinion. Everyone knows that he is very "slick". He also has an administrative position and is not a pure scholar. It is normal not to express his opinion on similar major matters.

Zhao Yi didn't express his opinion either, which was a bit unreasonable.

Zhao Yi smiled at Yang Zhenning and simply stood up and explained, "I said I don't object or support, that's my opinion. If you ask me, this matter itself shouldn't cause any contradiction. Whether you support it or not, it doesn't matter. , whether you oppose it or not, it’s all for the sake of science and the development of the country.”

This tone is set to make people nod.

Neither the members of the Department of Physics of the Academy of Sciences nor Yang Zhenning personally have any selfish intentions when it comes to building the collider.

If I am really selfish, it is also for research.

"I have also seen and entered the European collider. I have read a lot of experimental data. It is indeed very interesting. It is very useful for the study of microphysics."

"Regardless of economic interests, from an academic point of view, I have no reason to object, and Professor Yang must be the same, right?"

Yang Zhenning nodded affirmatively.

Without considering the huge capital investment, no one can object to the construction of a large-scale physics experimental equipment.

"However, the investment cost must be considered, because it involves a very large investment. Whether this investment is worth it or not is the point of controversy." Zhao Yi analyzed the matter very clearly, and this is where the controversy arises. Is the high investment worth it?

He continued, “So I’m not against building the biggest collider, I’m against building it ‘now’.”

"The timing is wrong!"

After hearing what Zhao Yi said, everyone else looked over carefully. Even Yang Zhenning felt that his statement was very novel.

"One is from an academic and research perspective. Do we need to use the collider? Anyway, I personally don't have it yet. Even if some data is useful, what is shared by Europe is enough."

Several people in the conference room nodded along.

"Of course, you can also say that it will be there after it is built, but the collider is used for verification, not to raise questions. Otherwise, why would theoretical physicists be needed? Abroad, as early as fifty years ago , the Higgs problem has been raised, and it has only now been verified by the collider, rather than the collider making any new discoveries and then analyzing what they are.”

"The logical relationship here must be clarified."

"The basic theoretical level is very important. At least so far, there has not been a problem in China that requires the construction of the world's largest collider to verify it."

"This is academic."

Zhao Yi paused for a moment and continued, "The other is the economy. Investments of billions or tens of billions are not just talk about."

"Our country's economy is developing rapidly. Maybe it will double or even more in ten years. The same is true for building the largest collider. Maybe by then, the investment will be nothing. But now we still need to It’s a lot different.”

He glanced left and right and concluded, "So I'm not opposed to building the world's largest collider, but I am opposed to building it now."

“In another ten years, maybe the time will come and we can start building.”

Everyone in the conference room started thinking.

Zhao Yi sat back.

Ruan Wenye gave him a thumbs up and praised in a low voice, "That's very well said. I think so too."


Zhao Yi smiled at him.

Most people in the conference room were thinking. Some nodded towards Zhao Yi, which seemed to agree with his statement, while others still frowned, but did not speak to refute anything.

For one thing, what Zhao Yi said makes sense.

Secondly, even if Zhao Yi's statement does not meet his expectations, it is still more acceptable than direct agreement or objection.

The atmosphere got better next.

The group of people from the Academy of Sciences and Yang Zhenning were still at odds with each other, but because Zhao Yi was in the middle to mediate, they did not directly quarrel with each other anymore. They smiled at each other as they were familiar with Yang Zhenning, and it was like getting over it in terms of face.

Zhao Yi also felt quite depressed. He didn't want to be the peacemaker in the middle, but he had to accept the status of 'peacemaker'.

The Academy of Sciences and Yang Zhenning all came here after hearing that he was coming. Although it seemed a bit 'passive', he was indeed the protagonist of the seminar.

Jiangzhou University’s hospitality is also very warm, and the accommodation and food arrangements need no description.

In addition to taking a large group of scholars to visit the school, there is also an excursion program, which is to host a group of people on a trip to nearby attractions before the seminar.

Jiangzhou is a city with mountains and rivers. The surrounding scenery is very beautiful, and there are many historical and cultural heritage places, which are worth seeing with your own eyes.

The group was treated to a tour, and they were able to discuss academic issues in the process.

Zhao Yidu was very satisfied with the reception.

He originally thought of attending a seminar, but he didn't expect to be able to tour the scenery, discuss issues with several top physics experts, and enjoy the fresh air between mountains and rivers. At the same time, his personal spiritual state seemed to be different.

Of course.

In fact, for academics, communicating directly and doing research are better than anything else. Looking at the scenery will definitely affect your concentration. Maybe you have just thought of a question and found a beautiful place to take a photo, but your thoughts are interrupted and you can’t continue. .

Fortunately, Zhao Yi didn't plan to do any research. He just talked about quantum physics and theoretical physics with Yang Zhenning, Ruan Wenye and others from the Academy of Sciences.

The harvest in a few days is not small.

Yang Zhenning explained the problem of parity non-conservation to Zhao Yi in detail. His explanation was definitely different from Gao Yihua's "textbook". Not only was the content more detailed, but it also went into the issue of particle spin.

Zhao Yi is very interested in this issue.

The discovery process of parity non-conservation is simply that the spin direction of the particle is asymmetrical in the mirror image.

There are many kinds of particles in quantum physics, and 'spin' is a characteristic of particles. It refers to the intrinsic motion caused by the intrinsic angular momentum of the particle. Its operation rules are similar to the angular momentum of classical mechanics, and this will produce a magnetic field.

Although the spin of a particle is sometimes compared to the rotation in classical mechanics, in fact, the two are completely different in nature.

Yang Zhenning has conducted very in-depth research on the problem of particle spin.

Zhao Yi also gained a deeper understanding of the spin of particles, and the issue of particle spin directly affected all his research.

For example, supersymmetry.

Particles with half-integer spin are called fermions and obey Fermi-Dirac statistics; particles with non-negative integer spin are called bosons and obey Bose-Einstein statistics.

The study of the symmetry of fermions and bosons is the issue of supersymmetry and is also the basis of the M-theory argument.

Another example is multidimensional space boundary mathematics.

What Zhao Yi is doing now is constructing the mathematics of the boundary of multi-dimensional space, but he prefers to call it the "mathematics of the Higgs mechanism". Simply put, it is mathematics that allows particles to generate mass, and among the particles that can generate mass, Bose is included. In the Higgs mechanism, both ions and fermions can produce mass through the interaction with the Higgs field.


"How to construct the energy distribution of bosons and Fermats? So that they can produce mass through the mathematical interaction with the Higgs mechanism?"

"How should the mathematics of the Higgs mechanism be constructed?"

The former requires Zhao Yi's own research, while the latter is a spliced ​​part with Edward's research.

Zhao Yi has been thinking about these issues. He continues to study them based on the boundary theory of particles.

Whether it is the issue of particle spin or other particle properties, especially research at the forefront of the world, it is very meaningful to him.

Before the seminar started, he kept communicating with others and asked about related content. Yang Zhenning, Zhang Hongzhi and others found that Zhao Yi always talked about this issue and asked with interest, "What are you studying?"

Zhao Yidao, "It is a project that Edward Witten and I collaborated on, the multi-dimensional space boundary problem of M theory."

"We have found a good idea, which is to use the Higgs mechanism to connect multi-dimensional space. There may be some progress, but I don't know for sure."

He said it bluntly, even his thoughts.

Yang Zhenning was very surprised. He felt that Zhao Yi was a little too young. How could he openly and directly express his research ideas, ideas, inspirations, etc.?

Just in case it gives anyone else some ideas...


Thinking of the names 'Edward Witten' and 'Zhao Yi', he suddenly understood completely.

So what if other people know?

If the mathematics level of those who won Fields were divided into third, sixth and ninth grades, Edward Witten would easily be among the top three. He is a theoretical physicist, but theoretical physics is a branch of mathematics. Mathematics His abilities are definitely among the best in the world.

Zhao Yi......

The most recognized mathematician in the world, he proved Fermat's conjecture and Goldbach's conjecture, created a three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram, and was unprecedented in the field of analytical number theory. In the research of theoretical physics, he also created a field that is considered to be the beginning of a sect. Boundary theory of particles'.

When these two 'super mathematicians' join forces, are they afraid that others will steal their inspiration?

What can we do if we know it?

Who knows M theory better than Edward Witten? Who has a higher level of mathematics than Zhao Yi? If such a person really existed, he wouldn't even bother to do things like 'plagiarizing inspiration'.

You can tell by the reactions of the people around you.

When Zhao Yi explained his research in detail, everyone else shook their heads. It was not that they were not optimistic about the research, but it simply involved complicated mathematics and they couldn't keep up with the ideas. To put it bluntly, they just couldn't understand.

Although they are also top physicists and their mathematical skills are definitely not bad, they have not done in-depth research on M theory and particle energy theory, so it is not easy to keep up with the ideas.

Yang Zhenning couldn't keep up with the train of thought.

If we go back twenty years, his level is definitely not bad, but after all, he is getting older and his thinking is a little less flexible.

When Zhao Yi talked about detailed mathematical problems, he found that the surroundings became a little cold, so he just ended it directly, still feeling that there was still something unfinished.

He could only lament the loneliness of masters...

A close friend is hard to find!

Time flies by like a flash, and a new month is about to come.

I'd better ask for a monthly pass.

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