Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 363 The inspiration brought by being furious

The news that the Institute of Biomedical Sciences is building a medical science center has spread throughout Yanhua University, and many people are talking about related matters privately.

Other departments are better.

The School of Life Sciences is a directly related department, and the Medical Science Center is also under the name of the School of Life Sciences. Professors and teachers in the departments will definitely be concerned.

If the medical science center is established and open to all members of the college, professors and teachers will have an additional platform for teaching, experimentation and self-improvement.

For scholars who focus on biological research, the Medical Science Center is even more meaningful.

Wei Shiqing is one of them.

Although Wei Shiqing is also one of the professors of the college and supervises graduate students and even doctoral students every year, he mainly conducts microbial-related research in the microbial technology laboratory and helps improve the microbial database.

For any scholar doing biological research, equipment and materials are very important.

The Medical Science Center is not only a platform for communication, but also plans laboratories, large-scale equipment centers, medical biology databases, etc. Coupled with the communication potential and development potential, professors in other research directions in the college will definitely be very Heartbeat.

In the high-end academic fields of the School of Life Sciences, there are several branch research directions, among which the best-developed ones are biomedicine and microbiology research.

Wei Shiqing is a representative of microbial research. He hopes to establish a medical science center and allocate some space to research related to microbial technology.

This space is not just a room in the building, but also includes funds to purchase large-scale equipment, recruitment of scholars in the field of microbial technology, and support related to the teaching of microbial research, etc.

In fact, it is tantamount to hoping that the Medical Science Center will become a platform shared by biomedical research institutes and microbial technology laboratories, and the division ratio also leaves room for 'bargaining'.

"Thirty percent!"

"At least 30%!"

"We are all from the same college. How can we establish a biology-related science center that only belongs to the Institute of Medicine?"

"Zhao Yi, tell me..."

"That Yan Xuelin really does a lot of administrative work. He just said that they applied for the science center, but we are all in the same college and we can't just focus on one direction..."

"The Medical Science Center is only used for biomedicine. What will our college look like in the future? Change its name to 'College of Biomedicine'?"

Wei Shiqing kept complaining.

If you don't know what's going on and just listen to what he says, you will definitely feel that it doesn't make any sense.

The Medical Science Center was applied for by the Institute of Biomedical Sciences. Because the institute has produced important results and received support from large domestic pharmaceutical companies, it will have enough funds to establish it.

Therefore, it is natural that the Medical Science Center belongs exclusively to the Institute of Biomedical Sciences.

Actually, this is not the case.

Wei Shiqing's wish to "divide part of the space" makes sense, because the Medical Science Center is named after the School of Life Sciences, and the establishment of the Center is also based on the School of Life Sciences and Yanhua University.

First of all, the land used is within Yanhua University, and the establishment of the Medical Science Center requires approval from the university.

Secondly, if the Medical Science Center wants to gain a foothold, it must not only have financial support, but also sufficient talent support, and most of the talent comes from the School of Life Sciences.

In addition, the Institute of Biomedical Sciences has a certain degree of independence, but it is essentially a scientific research institution of the School of Life Sciences of Yanhua University. Many researchers also hold teaching positions within the university.


The establishment of the Medical Science Center is indeed attributed to the Institute of Biomedical Sciences itself, but it cannot become a completely independent institution. Its establishment and development must rely on the university and the School of Life Sciences.

In fact, the divisions between disciplines in life sciences are not so clear. Biomedical research will also involve other directions, and microorganisms cannot be bypassed.

The addition of other disciplines is also beneficial to the development of the medical science center.

If you look at the School of Life Sciences and consider the overall development of the school, things will be completely different.

Graduate students and doctoral students trained by the School of Life Sciences have many optional directions. The two most important directions are biomedicine and microbiology research, because the school has top domestic scientific research institutions, and with the corresponding mentors, you will also get Lots of experience.

The Medical Science Center only belongs to the Biomedical Research Institute, and the high-level scientific research resources will obviously tilt towards the direction of 'biomedicine'. In the future, the first choice of outstanding graduate students and doctoral students will definitely become biomedicine, not other directions, such as microbiology. Will be severely suppressed.

This is definitely not what the academy wants to see.

the reason is simple--

The name of the college is ‘School of Life Sciences’, not ‘School of Biomedicine’.

Zhao Yi listened to Wei Shiqing's complaints and rubbed his forehead vigorously. He felt that his headache was worse than when he encountered a research problem.

From the perspective of a biomedical research institute, the medical science center was applied for by the research institute, and its funding was obtained in exchange for the results and pharmaceutical factories. It has nothing to do with any microbial research, so naturally it is not willing to set aside a part of it.

From the perspective of the academy, a part should indeed be set aside for development and use in other research directions.


But did this kind of thing come to him?

Zhao Yi rubbed his forehead vigorously again and sighed, "Old Wei, if not, why don't you go and talk to Dean Wu? I'm just a student of the School of Life, I can't control it!"

Wei Shiqing rolled his eyes, ignored the word 'student', and continued, "I can't help it. Yan Xuelin doesn't make sense. Dean Wu said that it was still being planned and formulated, but there was no accurate word."

"What Dean Wu said is correct, isn't it?" Zhao Yi nodded, "This matter must still be planned and discussed. It is impossible to make all decisions in a short time."

"I'm just afraid of plans!"

Wei Shiqing shook his head, "You don't know. Everyone involved is from the Institute of Medical Sciences. We can't get a word in at all. We don't even have a place to participate in decision-making."


Zhao Yi suddenly realized!

He just thought that from the perspective of the college, it is also necessary to leave room for development of other scientific research directions. The addition of other scientific research directions will also be beneficial to the Medical Science Center.

Yan Xuelin has done biomedical research and has been in administration for so many years. It is impossible not to consider these and insist on letting the Biomedical Research Institute "eat alone."

So that’s it!

Wei Shiqing came to him and talked in circles for a long time, just for the 'decision-making quota'.

If the people involved in the decision-making are all from the Institute of Biomedical Sciences, plus a few administrative staff in the college, and the resources are allocated to the direction of microbiology research, it will definitely be very pitiful.

As long as you participate, you have the right to speak out and get more resources. Otherwise, you don't even have the right to speak, and you can only wait for the final result.

"What the hell..."

"If you have something to say, just say it!"

Zhao Yi doesn't like to go around in circles. Talking to people takes up brain cells, which is a complete waste of life.

He immediately felt conflicted.

Even if Wei Shiqing is very reasonable, he is too lazy to care about these things. It doesn't matter who makes the decision. Just don't interfere with the laboratory and equipment resources allocated to him.

How is the development of the School of Life...does it have anything to do with him being a student?

"I really can't control it!"

"Old Wei!"

"You'd better go find Dean Wu. Dean Wu's words will help with this kind of matter!"

After hearing the complaints, Zhao Yi felt a little unhappy because he felt cheated. He refused forcefully and almost pushed Wei Shiqing out.

Twenty minutes later, there was another knock on the office door.

"Please come in!"

Zhao Yi shouted and raised his head, and saw a somewhat familiar figure. He thought for a moment before speaking, "Professor Bai?"

Bai Jianwu!

A researcher in the Microbiology Technology Laboratory and a well-known ‘honest person’ in the college.

Bai Jianwu and Zhao Yi were not familiar with each other. They had only met him a few times while doing research before. He and Wei Shiqing had completely different personalities. They walked carefully when they walked in, as if they were facing the leader.

"Professor Zhao!"

Bai Jianwu's tone was much lower, and he spoke directly, "I came here this time for the Medical Science Center. There is a seminar within the university. Our Microbiology Technology Laboratory has no quota for participation. Professor Wei went to talk about it. Second-rate……"

Zhao Yi listened patiently to what Bai Jianwu said, and replied with a smile on his face, "Professor Bai, let me tell you the truth. I do have a say in this matter, but you also know that I am a biomedical researcher. The most researchers at the institute can do is remain neutral!"

"It's impossible for me to help you communicate with the Institute of Medicine on this matter."

Bai Jianwu nodded in understanding and continued, "But the person we can find is you who is the most familiar and has the most say..."

Zhao Yi continued to shake his head.

What Bai Jianwu said was sincere. They really couldn't find anyone, but when the Medical Science Center was planning, he had no position to speak for the Microbiology Technology Laboratory.


"I'm sorry, I really can't help!"

Zhao Yi finally shook his head and politely sent Bai Jianwu away. Then he returned to his desk, simply packed his things and left.

Can't stay here any longer.

Everyone in the university knew about the Medical Science Center, and they also knew that he must be able to speak out, and even have the right to speak. As long as he could help say a few words, it would definitely be very effective.

This is indeed the case.

Zhao Yi didn't want to care about this matter at all, and he didn't even want to speak on the matter of the Medical Science Center. The interests and resources were all there. Helping either party would cause losses to the other party, so it would be best to just ignore it.

He simply returned to the staff dormitory.

In the next few days, Zhao Yi found that troubles were coming one after another. Not only Wei Shiqing and Bai Jianwu, but also other professors came to their door. Probably because of some quarrel, even Yan Xuelin made a special trip and came over with a sad face. Say to Zhao Yi 'Don't help other people'.

"This can't go on like this!"

Zhao Yi found that his life was affected. He listened to a lot of old professors complaining every day, and he felt very depressed.

"move place!"

He decided.

Zhao Yi simply moved into the house assigned by the college. He had never lived in the house since it was renovated. It would be a pity to leave it hanging, so he might as well stay there for a few days.

He went to buy some daily necessities, and after moving necessities such as computers, he wrote a few big words on the door without worry——

researching! Don't disturb!

It was quiet now.

Someone from the college found the house and had no choice but to go back after seeing the words on the door.

Who would bother Zhao Yi doing research?

That's Zhao Yi!

If you are doing some heavy-weight research, it will be a big sin to disturb your train of thought.


The National Day holiday is coming.

Zhao Yi stayed quietly in his new home for two days, and also asked Lin Xiaoqing if she had time, so they could go out together during the holidays. It turned out that Lin Xiaoqing wanted to participate in legal practice.

Zhao Linlin and Sun Liang are immersed in 'entrepreneurship'.

Among the four, they are the two who work the hardest, probably because the future is uncertain and they hope to truly succeed in starting a business instead of wasting the opportunity by failing midway.

Fan Lei was busy with laboratory work, but he also made an appointment with Meng Jing from last time to go out for two days.

Meng Zheng went home.

Li Renzhe...

"never mind!"

Zhao Yi quickly shook his head. He found that it was the holidays and he had become the most leisurely person?

"Let's continue doing research!" He organized the information related to particle mathematics and decided to use his free vacation time to focus on the research of theoretical physics.

The first day of the National Day holiday.

Zhao Yimen spent the whole morning doing research in the room, and decided to go out for lunch at noon and take a walk to exercise. When he walked downstairs of the School of Information, he met Qian Hong.

He asked in surprise, "You didn't take a vacation?"

Qian Hong looked a little tired. She held a pile of information in her hand and said depressedly, "What a holiday! I have a lot of things to do and I'm almost exhausted." She said showing the information in her hand to Zhao Yi. "Look, there are so many. Pay attention to each one. There is a student who has only been in class for two weeks and already stays in the Internet cafe every day. She is a female classmate..."

Zhao Yi took it and glanced at it and found that it was all students' information. He asked doubtfully, "Why do you still care about this?"

"You don't know yet, I am working as a counselor this semester and leading two classes. I want to do a better job."

"Counselor? Freshman?"


"Then you are still a teacher? Your computer class..."

"It's C language." Qian Hong corrected her and said, "If I were just a counselor, I wouldn't be so busy. And I also take extra classes, four classes, eight classes a week."

Zhao Yi gave a thumbs up sarcastically.

Qian Hong pouted and asked, "What about you? Why are you here? I heard that you have become a celebrity..."

She said and suddenly laughed.

This time it was Zhao Yi's turn to be depressed. He nodded and said, "So I hid in the teacher's building." He pointed in the direction of the teacher's building. "If I hide quietly, no one will look for me."


Zhao Yi suddenly smiled and said, "It seems that you have to stay at school during the holidays. It doesn't matter. The same goes for me. Let's just go together."

"Together? Are you at school too?"


Zhao Yi nodded affirmatively, his words full of tenderness, "I really look forward to being with you every day, but... it should be okay, at least during this holiday."

Qian Hong's face turned red when he heard it, and he raised his head carefully, glanced at Zhao Yi and then quickly lowered his head, muttering in a low voice, "What are you talking about! Am I that kind of person..."

"You don't want to?"


Qian Hong couldn't help shouting and walked away quickly.

Two days later, in the living room.

Qian Hong sat on the sofa with his legs crossed, pressing the lunch box on the coffee table with both hands, gritting his teeth and staring in the direction of the study.

She held her breath and asked softly, "The dishes are cold, do you want to eat them?"

"Wait a minute!"

A somewhat impatient tone came from the study.

Qian Hong's hand suddenly scratched the lunch box underneath, and she almost couldn't help but curse.

"Is this what you mean by being together every day?"

"Every day, he turns into a trick and asks me to deliver food. When he delivers it, he doesn't want to be disturbed..."


"No more serving!"

Qian Hong slammed the table hard and walked out in a hurry. He only heard a shout from the study, "Close the door!"

"……go to hell!"


Zhao Yi raised his head and glanced at the door, showing a somewhat helpless look. He could actually be more gentle, but sometimes the time for 'causal thinking' ran out, and the answers were all subconscious reactions in his mind.

"I'm sorry!"

He said apologetically, and then continued to focus on his thinking.

I gained a lot from these two days.

He has been thinking about the problem of particles gaining mass, but the premise is to complete the construction of particle energy mathematics. The biggest problem before him is the analysis of Fermats and bosons.

This is a very difficult study.

Fermats and bosons are considered to be paired particles, but the detected properties are very different. He must make the mathematical construction of particle energy reflect the detected properties, and at the same time demonstrate their 'pairing'.

There has been no inspiration in this regard.

In the past two days of research, he got inspiration to think from the perspective of energy density to explain the reasons for pairing, and then combine it with other theories, such as the space construction in string theory and the big bang theory. Arguments for ductility, etc., are constructed from particle energy distributions.

Now that the mathematical construction is complete, the only thing missing is to use theoretical thinking to explain the energy combination process, which is the reason why particles can be formed.

To put it bluntly, this depends on imagination.

Therefore, imagination is very critical in research work in theoretical physics.

He spent the whole morning thinking about the reasons for the formation of particles, and even re-studied the mathematical structure of the Big Bang theory, but still found nothing.

"How about letting it go for now?"

"Let's eat first!"

Zhao Yi shook his head depressedly. Thinking of Qian Hong's angry look just now, he suddenly thought of a word——



His footsteps suddenly stopped, and he thought carefully, "Maybe it's because at the moment of explosion, different base amounts of energy were obtained!"

"You can add infinite numbers after the decimal point, but there may be a base number for the energy of particles, just like string theory. Strings are the most basic component of all matter. There will be one string or two strings instead of one or five strings. …”

"So, the energy base can determine the specific particles to be synthesized, and it can also be related to the overall energy composition of the particles..."

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