Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 366: Will the master of mathematics and physics review your manuscript?

Zhao Yi completed the technical paper on the neutron generator, submitted it, and then ignored it. He began to do his own research--

Particle mathematical analysis of supersymmetry.

I have already completed the discussion of the energy of Fermatons and bosons before. The main content has actually been completed. What is still missing is the supplementary content, which is the initial stage of the formation of Fermatons and bosons, and the energy principle obtained. describe.

Regarding this part, Zhao Yi is considering further thinking about the reasons for the formation of particles. To put it bluntly, it is why photons, bosons, or other particles are formed during particle collisions or other reactions, rather than all of them. What is the fundamental reason for the formation of different particles from the same particle?

It is difficult to know a definite answer to this question in a short time. We can only make inferences based on particle energy data models and realistic experimental data. In other words, we rely on 'reasonable imagination'.

The imagination must be reasonable.

The first step is to compare with the completed mathematical model of particle energy. Because what we are doing is supersymmetry research, the main particles analyzed are Fermats and bosons. The particle formation principle constructed must not conflict with the established particle mathematical system.

The other is to refer to experimental data.

Zhao Yi carefully looked at the copied experimental data. The Electron Positron Collider Laboratory was indeed very interesting. As long as the research results were not confidential, a copy was given to him because the specific data was very huge and ordinary computers It was impossible to pretend, so he was given a temporary internal account and asked to log in to the internal network to check.

These data and analysis results are important references for research. The analysis results can be compared with the established particle energy framework to see where there are major deviations.

In addition, some data analysis results are also very meaningful, because the mathematical structure of particle energy is very complex, and a threshold range needs to be established in some places.

For example, fix a coordinate point and analyze its basic energy range, which is between 130 and 2500 units.

This number is uncertain.

As long as it is between 130 and 2500 units, the overall mathematical structure can be established, and the reference experimental data can sometimes help narrow the scope.

However, Zhao Yi does not fine-tune the model data many times. Unless he finds that the threshold range is too large, he will appropriately narrow it down. This is mainly because of the particle energy theory, which he completed alone. Others can also use a large number of experimental results to , to revise and improve it.

This is impossible to accomplish in one step, and the data from the Electron Positron Collider Laboratory alone cannot support the theory being accomplished in one step.

It's good to make the frame now.

When Zhao Yizheng was concentrating on particle mathematics research, the superior department had noticed the report email he sent, and the research marked on it was 'a new type of neutron generator principle'.

In fact, there are many similar reports. For example, a certain organization has developed a new navigation theory. I don’t know whether it will be helpful to military-industrial technology, so I quickly make a report to ask. It usually means asking to make sure it is okay. .

High-tech technologies in the fields of national defense and military industry are generally developed internally, such as in relevant large-scale national military-industrial enterprises or relevant national-level laboratories.


It is difficult for ordinary scholars to say that if something is researched, it will really be helpful to national defense and military industry.

Of course, the possibility still exists.

The superiors have relevant responsible departments. After receiving reports from scholars, they will report them in categories.

When the staff saw the title 'A new type of neutron generator technology', they immediately felt a little funny. The names of reported technologies they usually received were 'navigation theory', 'information interception technology', ' "New discovery of pathogenic bacteria" and the like, suddenly there is a "neutron generator", which is really eye-catching, but, "neutron generator"?

Is it now the Star Wars era?

The staff found it very interesting, but still very complicated. He clicked on the email and looked at it, and his expression became more serious because the signature of the reported news was Zhao Yi.

"Zhao Yi?"

"That young super mathematician? It is said that he is doing AIDS research, how come he reported a high-tech weapons technology?" He really couldn't figure it out, so he forwarded the news to the person in charge of high-tech military technology.


There was a discussion one level up, "Neutron generator? What is that?"

"I don't know. Is it similar to an electromagnetic gun?"

"A gun that shoots neutrons? Should I ask the nuclear agency? Or the High Energy Institute?"

There is no direct relationship between the high-tech military industry and high-energy physics, but it is still almost possible to find the right department. Soon the problem was posed in front of Ding Shouxian, the leader of the Institute of High Energy.

"Neutron generator?"

Of course Ding Shouxian knew about neutron generators. He had personally approved relevant research projects, "Are we doing this research? It's confidential and the level is not high. Neutron generators can theoretically detect explosive devices, or nuclear- bomb, but the possibility is still too low. The first step is to make a generator. It is best to make the neutrons propagate farther, preferably to more than tens of kilometers, but now it can only reach a few centimeters... "

He was a little embarrassed when he said it, but the fact is that the unconstrained neutron beam is like the internal power of martial arts people in martial arts novels. It will dissipate after being released outside the body. It is far from being used in military industry.

Ding Shouxian continued, "So, in recent decades, it has been mainly for civilian use. For example, in the field of medical device manufacturing, domestic and foreign medical companies have focused on new cancer treatments..."

The clearest use of current research on neutron generators is to treat cancer, which is a technology called boron neutron capture therapy, or 'BNCT' in English.

In the 1930s, Gordon-Locher first proposed the concept of boron neutron capture therapy, envisioning the elimination of cancer cells by triggering nuclear reactions within tumor cells.

The principle of boron neutron capture therapy is also very simple, which is to inject a boron-containing carrier into the patient.

After boron-containing carriers enter the human body, they are quickly accumulated into cancer cells after metabolism, and are rarely distributed in normal cells. Boron-containing carriers are non-toxic and harmless to the human body, but they themselves have no therapeutic effect on cancer.

Then, it is irradiated with neutron rays.

Neutron rays do little damage to the human body, but can have a strong nuclear reaction with boron that enters cancer cells, releasing extremely lethal rays.

The range of this ray is very short, with a range of 5-10 μm within cells, about the size of a cancer cell, so it only kills cancer cells and does not damage surrounding normal cells.

After many years of basic and clinical research, boron neutron capture therapy has gradually matured. Neutron sources and boron medicines have been produced one after another. The only unstable thing is the neutron generator, which controls the direction of neutrons. Some The laboratory's method of expanding the scale of the neutron source is like creating a blast on the spot when it is clear that a single shot can hit the target. This is definitely a wasteful approach. It will also increase the cost of treatment and reduce the effectiveness of killing cancer cells. accuracy and produce greater side effects.

"If we can develop a method to control neutrons, that is, a neutron generator, we can make boron neutron capture therapy truly mature..."

Ding Shouxian knew about boron neutron capture therapy because a large pharmaceutical group specifically inquired about the research on neutron generators at the High Energy Research Institute.

The Institute of High Energy also needs to cooperate with outside companies to obtain more R\u0026D funds.

As the leader of the Institute of High Energy, you will naturally understand it. Unfortunately, the research on neutron generators has always stayed at the initial stage of establishing a neutron source. It can be said that there has been no progress in the research on neutron control.

Ding Shouxian was also surprised that his superiors specifically asked about the neutron generator project, thinking it might be related to the project, but unexpectedly he got unexpected news.

"A well-known scholar at home and abroad has reported that he has developed a new type of neutron generator principle."


Ding Shouxian immediately shook his head, "Our institute's electron-positron collider laboratory has been researching for more than two years, but it has not found a way to control neutrons. And it's just an ordinary scholar. How can we do research?"

He didn't believe it at all.

The superior's explanation was, "It's just a theory of making a neutron generator. If you can't figure it out in a short time, you can try it. It involves potential military uses, so it must be kept secret."


"Don't deny it in a hurry. If you know the name of the scholar who reported the news, you will change your mind."


"Zhao Yi."


On the last day of the National Day, Zhao Yi received a reply from his superiors, asking him to pass on research materials related to neutron generators.

Here's what happened midway through the study.

Zhao Yi was comparing the mathematical analysis results copied from the Electron Positron Collider Laboratory. He glanced at the contents of the mailbox and found that there were no problems, so he sent the technical paper.

Then, he even forgot about it and continued his research on particle mathematics.

Comparing experimental data results and correcting the particle energy model is a very tedious task.

Zhao Yi was very patient and worked on it bit by bit. He had plenty of time during the National Day holiday. He stayed bored in the room in the faculty building for a few days. After the holiday, he still had classes as normal and continued to correct mathematical models in his free time.

It was finally completed after ten days.

He sorted out all the content and wrote a research paper on supersymmetry theory based on particle boundary theory, which also included a partial theory of the principles of particle formation.


"More than half a month!"

Zhao Yi looked at the dozens of pages of research papers on the computer, and a sense of accomplishment emerged from deep in his heart. He did not rush to write the English version of the paper, but carefully considered it and simply submitted the paper to a domestic journal - —

Journal of Mathematical Physics.

The Journal of Mathematical Physics was founded in 1981. It is a comprehensive academic journal run by the Academy of Sciences and sponsored by the Institute of Physics and Mathematics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It has also become an international mathematics journal and has received academic recognition for the high quality of its papers.

Ten years ago, the "Journal of Mathematical Physics" was rated as one of the three outstanding journals in mathematics among the 100 outstanding academic journals in China, and ranked first among domestic mathematics journals in terms of journal impact factor.

Although it is not as good as the top international journals, the impact factor is also very high.

"Journal of Mathematical Physics" is divided into a monthly Chinese version and a bimonthly English version.

Zhao Yi simply submitted two manuscripts.

According to the submission requirements of the "Journal of Mathematical Physics", he needed to recommend five to eight reviewers. He simply filled in a few names and included the contact email addresses, including Zhang Hongzhi and Ruan Wenye from the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. , Nobel Prize winner Yang Zhenning, Fields winner Qiu Chengwen, and Huang Zhong of Nancheng University.

Submit and send!


Zhao Yi stretched for a long time and felt relaxed all over his body.


The editorial board of the Journal of Mathematical Physics is not at ease.

Zhong Lin from the second editorial team is a senior review editor. He has a certain understanding of various fields of mathematics and physics. Because he has been engaged in review work in mathematics and physics for a long time, his understanding of professional fields is definitely not as good as that of professionals. researcher, but in terms of comprehensive knowledge, he considers himself to be the best.

In the evening of this day, Zhong Lin finished part of the typesetting work and was about to leave work after checking the time. However, he still habitually opened his mailbox to see if there were any interesting manuscripts. He was immediately attracted by a complicated title.

"Particle boundary theory constructs supersymmetry analysis? What is it?" Zhong Lin read the title for a long time, but he only knew what supersymmetry was. The particle boundary theory seemed a bit familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

His first reaction was, "Is this math or physics?"

After clicking to enter the details of the email, he found that it was marked "Mathematical Classification". He suddenly felt a little strange. He had the impression that supersymmetry was a matter of physics, and then he discovered something even stranger.

The recommended reviewers say Yang Zhenning and Qiu Chengwen?

"Is this a joke? The master of mathematics and physics is reviewing your manuscript?" Zhong Lin almost deleted the email. When he clicked on the contributor's information, he realized that something big had happened.

"Zhao Yi is a professor of mathematics at Yanhua University and a researcher at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences. His scientific research direction is biological sciences?"

"22 years old……"

"The e-mail address is..."

"It can't be that Zhao Yi!"

Zhong Lin's eyes widened suddenly, and he couldn't help shouting at the first moment, "Come and take a look? Is this Zhao Yi the same Zhao Yi?"

Hula la...

A large crowd gathered around.

They began to analyze the information carefully. Later, the superior simply called the number left in the mailbox, and heard a female voice from the other side, "Who is it?"

"Zhao Yi? No, you dialed it wrong, right? I'm Qian... You said Zhao Yi submitted my article to you and left my phone number?"

"If you have my phone number, it should be right?"


"It should be no problem."

Qian Hong on the ground replied with a dark face, put down the phone and immediately called Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi was running on the playground. He had been bored for more than ten days in a row, and his body felt almost rusty. He quickly exercised to relax his muscles.

He received a call from Qian Hong and said matter-of-factly, "Aren't you my assistant? If I keep my phone number, I'm afraid something will go wrong."

This is something to consider.

Zhao Yi found that he couldn't easily leave his phone number, otherwise the phone card would be replaced soon. After the phone number was sent out, there would always be inexplicable people calling. When submitting the article, he thought about it and simply left Qian Hong's.

Of course.

In his heart, he already regarded Qian Hong as his first assistant.

Qian Hong was a little stunned when she heard what Zhao Yi said. She had not yet positioned herself as a so-called 'assistant', and her only assistant job was only for elective courses.


It seems good to think about it.

After listening to Zhao Yi's explanation, Qian Hong's depressed mood eased a lot, and she even felt a little secretly happy when she thought about it carefully.

Zhao Yi left her phone number, maybe because he thought she was closer? Definitely is!

the other side.

The editorial board of the Journal of Mathematical Physics is having a heated discussion.

"Journal of Mathematical Physics" is indeed the top academic journal in China, but it is also difficult to receive manuscripts from internationally renowned scholars, let alone the top academic research, because top research is often submitted to top international magazines.

This is also a question of influence.

Although the influence of the "Journal of Mathematical Physics" can be considered to have gone abroad, there is still a gap between it and the top journals. Top-level research in China will generally choose foreign magazines for submission.

It is really unexpected to receive Zhao Yi's submission now, not to mention that the content of Zhao Yi's submission is very profound just by looking at the title.

"The problem of supersymmetry! It must be a top-notch research!"

"Is supersymmetry confirmed?"

"The title is an analysis based on particle boundary theory, which should be about theoretical physics."

"But it must be very powerful..."

"That's Zhao Yi!"

The editorial department of "Journal of Mathematical Physics" is still very principled. The paper attached to the email was not opened in public. Before it was confirmed that the review was completed and released to the public, due to the confidentiality principle of academic papers, only the responsible editor and higher-level Only personnel are qualified to open detailed papers for viewing.

Zhong Lin quickly sent the paper to the e-mail address of the reviewer left in the email.

The next step is to wait.

According to the normal process rules, after several reviewers have made comments respectively, the specially invited review team from the editorial department will finalize the content again, which is the second review, and make formatting corrections. Ready for publication.

Because the paper was submitted by Zhao Yi and the recommended reviewers are top domestic and even international scholars, the subsequent steps can be omitted.

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