Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 383 I have great confidence in you all

The 2CV-Binghydrogen molecule research team of the Institute of Biomedical Sciences was divided into three groups to conduct research in different directions for the early development of 2CV-Binghydrogen molecule drugs.

Among them, the research direction of the team composed of Han Hui and Ai Lixin is the most stable and will definitely make progress. Their research content is to replace the human immune environment and complete the replacement of the human immune environment. It is definitely a very complex project, but it only targets the generation of 2CV. -Bing hydrogen molecules can replace the immune environment that is not functioning. It is more targeted and progress is almost inevitable.

This is like an extremely complex program. If you just want to implement a single function, you can definitely delete some unnecessary code.

Dai Tianqing's group is studying the immune response of vertebrate mammals to bacterial invasion. They hope to find clues to the mass production of 2CV-Binghydrogen molecules, or to find small protein substances similar to 2CV-Binghydrogen molecules. Similar discoveries will definitely be very important. .

At the same time, their research is likely to be fruitless.

This is a kind of "lucky" type of research, and it is difficult to say whether there will be progress. Even Dai Tianqing, the leader of the group, knows that the possibility of producing results is not high, but he only has expectations for the development of the research.

Zhao Yi's group includes Li Ming, Zhang Wei, and himself. They are studying bacilli antibodies produced by human immunity. Bacteria antibodies and 2CV-bihydrogen molecules are produced together, and there may be some connection with each other. .

This research direction is also a bit hit and miss.

It is very clear if we use a simple chemical reaction as an analogy. For example, electrolysis of water will produce hydrogen and oxygen. The relationship between the two that can be found before is that under certain conditions (combustion), hydrogen will react with oxygen to form water, but hydrogen The molecular structure of hydrogen has nothing to do with oxygen. It can be said that it is completely unfeasible to study hydrogen to find out how to make oxygen.

Of course.

The reaction in living organisms is much more complicated. The 2CV-bihydrogen molecule is a small protein structure, while the bacterium antibody is a large protein molecule. There may be some complementary relationship between the two.

In the laboratory.

Li Ming stood in front of the experimental table in a white coat, recording the experiment very seriously. He recorded carefully for a while, put down the notebook in his hand, walked out of the dust-free glass compartment, and faced Zhang who was wiping the experimental equipment. Wei let out a long sigh and said complainingly, "Recently, Zhao Yi has been busy with particle academic matters. Has he forgotten all our research?"

"Probably too busy."

Zhang Wei answered without caring, "Isn't the research just beginning?"

"We have just started and it can't go on anymore." Li Mingdao, "You all know the experiment we designed, but I don't know what to do next or what direction it is going to take." It's not that he really doesn't know, but he has some thoughts in his heart. Not sure, he expressed his opinion after saying, "If you ask me, just switch to the study of plasma cells, maybe we can find something."

"Is the cost too high?" Zhang Wei was a little worried.

Li Ming said nonchalantly, "It's not us who pay for it anyway. Whichever direction is the most promising will be studied."


Zhang Wei said with a smile, "I don't know which direction is better. Now that we have the conditions, it is really good to study plasma cells. Even if we can't study how to make drugs, this opportunity is still rare."


Li Ming also laughed.

The biggest limitation in biomedical research is experimental funding. Many top-level research requires a lot of funding, and research on plasma cells is one of them. A simple experiment may require materials that cost more than 10,000 yuan. The cost is simply too high.

Now that there are research sponsors, there is no need to consider funding costs. It is indeed very tempting to take advantage of the opportunity to do high-end research.

"Boom, boom."

There was a sudden knock on the laboratory door.

"Please come in."

Li Ming turned his head and shouted, and saw Zhao Yi walking in. He was surprised and complained, "Academician Zhao, I thought you were such a busy person that you had forgotten all about your research."

Zhao Yi felt a little embarrassed and explained, "I've been too busy recently."

He did come too little.

Since the last small meeting at the institute, he was assigned to a group with Li Ming and Zhang Wei, and as a result, he has never cared about the progress of the research. Although he has indeed been busy and can't spare time at all, but for In terms of the group's research, it is indeed a bit unsatisfactory.

Zhang Wei went over to get a glass of water from Zhao Yi, and after sitting down, she talked about the experimental design issue.

Their group's research and experiments were designed together by Li Ming and Zhang Wei. Because Zhang Wei was still very young and had no similar experience, it was Li Ming who really took the lead. Li Ming formulated several experimental design plans to determine which We have conducted research in this direction and have conducted several experiments so far, with corresponding experimental data, but there is still no progress to be made.

Zhang Wei knew Zhao Yi very well and knew what to say in great detail. She also took out the records of all experiments, including the observation records during the experiment.

In fact, to put it bluntly, there are several conventional methods, including the study of the production process of bacilli antibodies, including the study of the biological reaction properties of bacilli antibodies.


Zhao Yi listened carefully.

Li Ming felt a little depressed watching from the side, mainly because he found that Zhang Wei explained in detail, obviously hoping that Zhao Yi could give some advice, but they were all doing routine experiments, what extraordinary discoveries could they make?

And... counting on Zhao Yi?

Zhao Yi didn't even participate in the experimental design stage. Needless to say, there was no need to talk about the experimental process. What's the point of knowing the experimental process and results directly?

Li Ming was a little confused.

Although when the group was first formed, he felt that Zhao Yi should be the core, but Zhao Yi did not participate in the whole process. Since he is the oldest and most experienced, he should be the center of the group. The key issue is that Zhang Wei should be more Trust him, not Zhao Yi who has never participated.

"Is it because Zhang Wei is in Zhao Yi's laboratory?"


"The people in my laboratory will definitely respect me, even if there are experiments and research in which I have not participated at all..."

Li Ming interpreted Zhang Wei's attitude as a kind of 'respect'.

Zhao Yi listened carefully to Zhang Wei's explanation, nodding along from time to time. He listened very seriously and read his computer and notes carefully.

Li Ming and Zhang Wei designed four initial experiments together, hoping to find the research lines most likely to help drug development.

Zhao Yi looked at them one by one.

His frown seemed to indicate that he was thinking seriously, and then he simply stood up, put on his white light and went to the internal laboratory to observe the progress of the four experiments.

"What did he do?" Li Ming was a little confused.

Zhang Wei said matter-of-factly, "Go and see the experiment? Maybe you can find something out by looking at the experiment?" It's impossible for other people, but it seems to make sense for Zhao Yi. She has a certain feeling for Zhao Yi. Incomprehensible trust.

Li Ming looked through the glass window and said nothing.


Zhao Yi walked out of the laboratory inside. He took off his white coat and put it on the back of the chair. Then he picked up a pen and drew an 'X' on the first three plans. He raised his head and said, "Next, we will follow this method. ", he pointed to the last item on the note, which was to study bacteria that produce bacillus antibodies.

"Studying E. coli and Proteus?"

Li Ming said with some confusion, "This was added by Zhang Wei. I don't think it has much significance. Haven't you already done research on the 2CV-Bing hydrogen molecules produced by human immunity against bacilli?"

Zhao Yi said, "It's Escherichia coli, and we only do research on Escherichia coli. Your design is to observe the process of the role of Escherichia coli antibodies. My idea is that if we continue to do this research in depth, it is best to find out how Escherichia coli has antibodies against Escherichia coli." Reaction issues.”

"Being marked?" Li Ming's tone was full of questions.

"What happens after being marked?"

Zhao Yi asked back.

Most of the antibodies produced by the human body's immunity respond to pathogens by 'marking' or 'clearing' them. They are mainly marked. Antibodies are like aimers, helping the body's immunity to mark pathogens, and then phagocytes of the immune system. , or other cells with similar functions, will come over to eliminate the pathogen.

But what about being separated from the human immune environment?

Bacillus antibodies can only mark E. coli and cannot directly eliminate it. What will happen to the labeled E. coli?

Li Ming frowned as soon as he said this question. He thought about it carefully for a long time, and then he seemed to have figured it out and asked, "Zhao Yi, you mean, let's study the dissimilation reaction of E. coli? "

"Alienation reaction..."

Zhao Yi thought about it and said, "It can be understood this way."

Dissimilatory reaction, which can be understood as catabolism, refers to the body's degradation of molecules of organic nutrients (such as sugars, lipids, proteins, etc.) from the environment or stored by the cells themselves into smaller, simpler ones through step-by-step reactions. The process of producing final products (such as carbon dioxide, lactic acid, ethanol, etc.).

Li Ming said that the dissimilation reaction of E. coli is the entire process of E. coli being cleared by the human immune system and being 'digested'.

He was partly right.

The reason why I only say 'part of' is because Zhao Yi himself doesn't know what direction he wants to go in for research. He is very good at grasping the direction of research, but it is not the overall general direction, but drawing conclusions from experiments. Know which experiment is helpful in research.

Of the four conventional research plans designed by Li Ming and Zhang Wei, only the E. coli research plan is helpful for the development of 2CV-Binghydrogen molecular drugs. Therefore, studying the reaction of E. coli and bacillus antibodies is the most likely to make helpful discoveries. or results.

Li Ming didn't say anything more, but he didn't understand.

Study E. coli?

What could this mean?

If it is a dissimilation reaction of E. coli, or if we hope to make new discoveries, such as research on how E. coli can react with certain proteins or chemical substances, the one thing that can be thought of as related is artificially synthesized proteins.

Escherichia coli is an extraordinary bacterium. Humans have successfully used biotechnology to transform Escherichia coli to produce valuable drugs such as insulin and interferon.

This is how proteins are artificially synthesized.

However, when the institute held a meeting, it directly rejected the direction of artificially synthesizing 2CV-Bing hydrogen molecules. What is the point of further research in this direction?

Li Ming finally said nothing because he found that he had no right to speak.

Even though he has the most experience and is a serious old researcher, the team still centers on Zhao Yi, and Zhang Wei shows absolute trust in Zhao Yi.

So what else could he say?

"Now that Zhao Yi has made a decision, we are just doing research in the direction he said." Li Ming sighed and thought, he still wanted to study plasma cells. Although there were no results in high-level research, he could also accumulate a lot of experience. If you miss the opportunity, there will be no next time.


Zhao Yi is not optimistic about this direction at all and seems to have no interest.


After Zhao Yi walked out of the laboratory, Li Ming couldn't help but sigh with regret.

Zhao Yi didn't know Li Ming was depressed. He just did what he should do, determined the direction of research, and continued to let Li Ming and Zhang Wei design experiments.

He has very little experience and is not good at designing experiments.

Zhao Yi walked out of the laboratory but did not leave the institute. Instead, he went to learn about the experimental progress of Han Hui's team, and by the way, he learned about the problems of several small projects in the laboratory with Ai Lixin.

Ai Lixin and Han Hui participated in the research on the development of 2CV-Binghydrogen molecule drugs, but the research was only a part-time job for him in private. His main work was still in the laboratory. He was responsible for many small projects, including Liu Chengjie, Yan Yi needs Ai Lixin’s help and guidance on her personal projects.

Small projects in the laboratory are also very important, allowing young researchers to accumulate more experience and making the laboratory results and data more beautiful.

In addition, there is the progress of Han Hui's team.

Zhao Yi chatted with Han Hui for a while, and then asked Ai Lixin. He almost learned about the progress of "replacing the human immune environment" and also knew that this research had huge bottlenecks.

Although research can reduce the cost of producing 2CV-bihydrogen molecules in the laboratory, the reduction is very limited. Just like a computer running a program, even if it is just a small program, the computer must be started instead of becoming a small computer. .

Therefore, no matter how good the research is, the cost reduction will be very limited.

"It can effectively reduce the cost of making 2CV-Bing hydrogen molecules...can it be regarded as an achievement? It will save money in subsequent research."

Zhao Yi said comfortingly.

Ai Lixin was a little depressed and complained, "When we were divided into groups, I wanted to be in a group with you, but the old woman Han Hui insisted on pulling me, and I didn't want to be with her. There was no way, I had to divide into three Group, should..." He sighed and suddenly stopped.

Han Hui was walking out of the laboratory, his round eyes full of anger, "You..."

She just said one word.

Ai Lixin quickly changed his tone and said, "You should be allowed to join our group, don't you think so, Zhao Yi? We have an excellent Sister Han, and you and me, if we do this research together, maybe we can reduce the cost." Ten times, twenty times, or even hundreds of times."

"I don't have much confidence in myself, but I have great confidence in Sister Han and you!"

He turned his head with a righteous face as he spoke, as if he had just seen Han Hui, and said in surprise, "Sister Han, when did you come out? I thought you were still in the laboratory."

"Just in time!"

"I'm thinking of asking Zhao Yi to join our group, and you can help me persuade..."

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