Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 401 Perfect, will be jealous!

Zhao Yi gossiped about Liu Chengjie's confession, and then thought about it carefully, thinking that failure is normal. According to normal rules, 'licking' will generally not succeed, and there is a certain logic to it.

It's not because of the 'licking' behavior, but because of the angle of stance.

For example, a rich second generation with super good looks will definitely not lick an ordinary partner. The former will have the upper hand mentally and subconsciously feel that the other person is not good enough for him.

Only the weaker party will engage in the behavior of ‘licking’ in order to get the partner of their dreams.

From the perspective of being 'licked', I also hope to pursue a better object that I like, rather than going back and accepting a worse or disliked object.

There is nothing wrong with the act of "licking". When used on the right person, it is not "licking" but becomes sweet love.

Zhao Yi also sympathizes with Liu Chengjie.

Liu Chengjie is indeed weaker than Yan Yi. His weakness is mainly reflected in his appearance and personality. He is very ordinary in appearance. It is difficult to say what his advantages are. Of course, it is not easy to find faults. In terms of personality, he is probably only liked by the boss. He is honest. I work hard, but honesty is by no means an emotional advantage.

In addition, there is a certain gap in work and academic qualifications between the two parties. They are both associate researchers in the laboratory. However, Yan Yi has a resume of studying abroad in a famous university. He also worked in a famous biological institution in country D. After returning to China, he directly served as a lecturer at Yanhua University. , even in the laboratory, her research level and future development potential are not inferior to Liu Chengjie.

Compared with Yan Yi, Liu Chengjie is indeed in a weak position.

Zhao Yi could only sympathize with Liu Chengjie. After thinking about it carefully, he felt that it would be good if the two of them were not together. It was not suitable for a laboratory to have lovers or couples.

There are only a few people in the laboratory, and if a couple has relationship problems, conflicts and atmosphere will affect the work.

Office romances are frowned upon.

If the two develop a relationship, it is estimated that other people will be dissatisfied before long, and one of them will definitely leave by then.

Now, it's okay.

Zhao Yi felt that since he was the person in charge of the laboratory and Liu Chengjie was considered a subordinate, he should comfort Liu Chengjie. He found Liu Chengjie and made an appointment to have dinner together, and also called Li Renzhe and Huang Wenqian.

Li Renzhe was confused when he received the call, "Have a big dinner? Why? And you called Wen Qian?"



Zhao Yi explained, "Brother Liu in my laboratory today encountered some setbacks in his relationship. I invited him to dinner to comfort him, and then I thought of you and Huang Wenqian, so let's get together."

"By the way, it's been a long time since we had dinner together."

"……All right."

Li Renzhe felt strange. Thinking of getting a free meal, he immediately nodded in agreement.

That day, Zhao Yi found a very good restaurant and explained that he needed to comfort Liu Chengjie alone, so he and Li Renzhe ate separately. Li Renzhe felt quite good. He and Huang Wenqian treated it as a good date together, and it was really nice to have someone treat him. Very good.

Here Li Renzhe was happily eating and chatting.


Zhao Yi comforted Liu Chengjie, "If you fail, you will fail. It doesn't matter. There is no grass anywhere in the world. If you ask me, Brother Liu, you just can't think about it."

"I really like Yan Yi..." Liu Chengjie said depressedly.

"I know."

Zhao Yi nodded in approval, "I like it too."


"Really, I like all beautiful women. For example, if I see a very beautiful girl on the street, do you dare to say that you don't even look at her because you like Yan Yi?"

Zhao Yi asked back.

Liu Chengjie thought about it carefully, nodded and said, "That's true."

"So, it's not a big deal at all, it's just a rejection... Look over there, the couple who greeted me just now are my roommates, you know, right?" Zhao Yi pointed secretly in the direction of Li Renzhe, who happened to look over, He also smiled towards this side.

Zhao Yi immediately smiled back.

Liu Chengjie looked over and said, "I know, Li Renzhe, is that his girlfriend next to him?"


"what do you think?"

"I don't have any thoughts... It's just that that girl is quite fat, and your roommate has really strange eyesight." Liu Chengjie struggled for a long time, and finally said it bluntly.

Zhao Yi smiled and said, "Do you see how happy he is smiling? He is very happy just by looking at it. Why don't you change it?"

"no no."

Liu Chengjie quickly waved his hand and shook his head, "I'd rather be alone, just stay alone."

"People need contrast. So, I say, you have nothing to be sad about. No matter how miserable you are, what else can you do? It's just rejection."

Zhao Yidao said, "Well, your project is almost done anyway. I'll give you three days off, plus the weekend, a total of five days. You can go wherever you like and relax. I hope you can adjust your mentality next week."

Liu Chengjie said movedly, "Thank you!"

Zhao Yi became an emotional master once and felt quite relaxed. He thought it would be good to have similar activities once in a while.

After returning to the dormitory, he continued to work.

He made a video call with Edward Witten, and before that he was sorting out the drafts of his particle mathematics work.

A phone call suddenly came in.

Zhao Yi found out that the caller was 'Ni Hongyu'. He was stunned for a long time before he remembered who it was. He pressed the answer button and heard the other person say, "Is it Academician Zhao?"

"Am I, Director Ni?"

"Yes, Brother Zhao, you still remember me. It's an honor, an honor!" Ni Hongyu was polite, and then said with some excitement, "The neutron generator technology you provided has been repeatedly verified by our designed experiments, and it is indeed feasible. And the effect is very good!”

"This time you have helped us solve a huge technical problem. I just watched the experiment with my own eyes. The neutron beam spread for several meters. The effect is visible..."

Ni Hongyu talked excitedly and continuously.

Zhao Yicai realized what was going on. He had almost forgotten about the technical problems of the neutron generator. At that time, he just came back to write a technical paper and reported it.

The result... is feasible?

Of course it works!

Zhao Yi was not surprised at all. He could be said to be calm, but he was concerned about the technology transformation issue. "In your experiment, how many meters is the neutron beam?"

"It's amazing. The neutron beam was completely uncontrollable before." Ni Hongyu said, "We have been designing it for a long time, specially customized several parts, and debugged and installed it. We finally succeeded just now."

Zhao Yidao said, "A few meters is just the beginning. According to my theory, it is possible to normally propagate hundreds of meters, thousands of meters, or even further. Of course, that is for military purposes."

Ni Hongyu said, "We don't care about military matters, nor are we qualified to care about them. Besides, we don't have enough technology, and it's useless to have enough theory."


Zhao Yi agrees with this statement.

Theory provides technology with technology, but in terms of research, the difference is quite big. Even if the theory is established, there are many technical difficulties to overcome. It is still very difficult to make the neutron beam propagate farther, and research is hindered. It would be great if we can achieve it in a few years or decades.

Ni Hongyu did not talk much about the technology, but said, "With this technology, we can cooperate with medical device manufacturers to develop boron therapy devices, but don't worry, you will definitely have a share of the patent rights. In this regard, the above We have taken care of it, we will report the technology, and you are also the core technical support staff."

"Well, thank you."

Zhao Yi exchanged a few words with Ni Hongyu and put down the phone in a good mood.

technology patent?

"Perhaps there may be more patent fees in the future?" Zhao Yi shrugged in thought. Seeing that the time was almost up, he turned his mind and started talking to Edward Witten.

Edward Witten has been a little depressed recently, probably because of Zhao Yi's "quick results" influence. He always hopes to get results faster, but the more anxious he is, the more problems he encounters. He worked on mathematical demonstrations for a month. Only to discover that there was an error in the process, and then go back to the derivation, and found that my research had entered a dead end.

So it was Zhao Yi who started the topic. He talked about the inspiration he got from Qiu Chengwen, "There are no perfect things in the world, and is there no perfect mathematical structure?"

He thought deeply and said, "For example, my analysis of the energy arrangement of particles also has deficiencies. It is precisely because of the deficiencies that I pursue perfection and close and constant motion."

"The same is true for the universe..."

Zhao Yi talked continuously.

Edward Witten immediately became energetic, and he retorted forcefully, "Absurd! How ridiculous! I don't agree with this statement. The more perfect it is, the more it should exist, especially mathematics!"

“Is there complete perfection in mathematics?”

Edward Witten thought for a moment, but couldn't figure it out, so he retorted, "But perfection is the goal to pursue. The mathematics of string theory is perfect, and it should exist."

"But there are still flaws." Zhao Yi emphasized.

"Of course there is." Edward Witten said, "It must not be done well yet. What we are doing now is to pursue perfection. I believe that perfection in mathematics exists, it must exist."


Zhao Yi did not continue to argue with Edward, but put forward an idea, "If perfect mathematics existed, and I said 'if', would it be envied?"

"Jealous? What do you mean?"

"They are jealous and rejected. Venus's broken arm, the absence is the beauty. If it is too perfect, it loses its meaning. Maybe it is some kind of jealousy that causes the lack of perfection..."

"Absence is beauty? I still don't agree..."

The conversation turned to philosophy.

Zhao Yi found that his research on philosophy was indeed inferior to that of Edward Witten, who had a doctorate in philosophy. He said a few words and was dismissed as useless.


The video call ended with both parties expressing disapproval of each other.

Anyway, it was very unpleasant.

Zhao Yi didn't take it to heart. It was normal to have different opinions on a theory or opinion. He believed that Edward Witten was the same. After turning off the video call, he suddenly had an idea.

"The absence of perfection."

"Because of the lack caused by jealousy...perfection will be envied...what about quality?"

"Mass is repelled by space because its mathematical logic is perfect? ​​So space will be 'jealous' of it and exclude it?"

"The development of the universe takes the zero state as the ultimate direction, allowing all energy to dissipate and all matter to disappear. The mass with a 'perfect structure' can be fixed and exist forever, so space must repel and squeeze it, so that It is also moving towards 'zero state'..."

"It makes sense!"

Zhao Yi thought carefully and his eyes lit up. He found a good idea.

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