Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 403 I really don’t know much about application technology!

Huan'an City Scientific Research Base?

Expert group?

Zhao Yi also found it quite interesting. In the past, I could only read about domestic aircraft carriers in the news, and my understanding of its technology was only through media reports. It was really good to be able to go directly to the aircraft carrier logistics research base. University practice.

“College practical class!”

"This word is really used very delicately..."

Zhao Yi laughed just thinking about it.

There has been no special research in recent times. I can slowly think about the problems of particle mathematics. It would also be good to participate in a 'university practice'.

A week later.

There was a phone call above to say hello, and a man in military uniform drove over, contacted Zhao Yi and then took him there. He was responsible for bringing Zhao Yi to the scientific research base.

The men in military uniforms just waited outside the school, and Zhao Yi went back to pack his luggage and went to the student dormitory to get his computer.

Li Renzhe saw Zhao Yi's computer and asked strangely, "What's wrong? Are you leaving?"


"What are you going to do? Receive an award? Or attend an academic conference, or something else. I guess... you want to give a speech?"


Zhao Yi said calmly, "I'm going to participate in university practice, won't you go?"

"What kind of practice? Why don't I have any?" Li Renzhe asked blankly, muttering in a low voice, "I haven't heard that there are practical classes?"

Zhao Yi shook his head and said, "I don't know, but I was notified anyway." He said and left with the computer.

Li Renzhe arrived at the door, immediately went over to check the class schedule, and then entered the school's intranet to check for 'practical activities'.

Meng Zheng opened the door and walked in.

Li Renzhe turned around and asked, "You also want to pack your things and go to the practical class?"

"What practical class?"

"Practice class? Zhao Yi went there! I thought only good students could go." He meant top students.

Meng Zheng shook his head, "There are classes in the afternoon, some practical classes, you must have been deceived."


Li Renzhe opened his mouth for a long time before suddenly yelling angrily, "Damn it, Zhao Yi, you are really not a toy!"

"Am I such an easy person to fool?"

Meng Zheng stood nearby and looked at him with strange eyes, and almost nodded in approval.

All the way, more than eight hours.

Zhao Yi took a military vehicle to the scientific research base in Huan'an City. He felt that he was in a trance. He got out of the vehicle and walked for a while to feel better.

Someone took him to the dormitory to put his luggage, and then he went to the cafeteria for a meal.

It was already evening.

Zhao Yi was the first one to come. No one else had come yet, so there was no chance of any entertainment in the evening. He met a few scientific researchers from the base, said a few words and then went to bed.

After waking up and having breakfast the next day, the scientific research base became lively. This time he found the R\u0026D center with signs, and there was someone waiting at the door. "Academician Zhao, it is better to meet him than to be famous!"

"You are so young!"

There was a middle-aged man in a white military uniform. He shook hands enthusiastically and introduced himself, "I am Ma Mingwei. How many years older are you? Academician Zhao. Isn't it too much to call me Brother Ma?"

"Wei...Brother Ma, just call me by my name." Zhao Yi said a little embarrassed and laughed naturally.

Ma Mingwei is about fifty years old. Calling him "Brother" is really a young man, but no wonder he talks about the issue of address when he comes up. The suffix of "Wei" is called "Viagra", which doesn't sound good.

The two of them exchanged greetings, leaving aside the topic.

Ma Mingwei came specially to wait for Zhao Yi. He welcomed Zhao Yi into the building and talked about the matter directly, "This time, I will tell the superiors that I hope you are in the expert team. I want to ask for your help!" "

Zhao Yi nodded and asked, "Any questions?" He explained in advance, "I am a theoretical person and don't know much about technical and application issues."

"Don't say that. You are recognized as a top algorithm master and computer expert! Moreover, I know that you have designed mathematical structures for domestic satellite navigation systems, right?"

"That's true."

Zhao Yi nodded and said.

Ma Mingwei said, "This time, we are in a similar situation. My team is engaged in power engineering, and is responsible for the catapult on the aircraft carrier."

"Electromagnetic catapult?"

"Yes, you know that too!"

Zhao Yi asked with interest, "How is the progress now? Can it be installed on the aircraft carrier?"

Ma Mingwei shook his head and said, "The current ship is definitely hopeless. Maybe it will be possible in the future. Our current mature technology is only steam-powered ejection. There are many problems to overcome in electromagnetic power!"

He introduced the electromagnetic ejection technology with emotion.

The catapult on the aircraft carrier is used to take off the carrier-based aircraft. To put it bluntly, it is like a spring, which directly launches the carrier-based aircraft into the air, thus directly completing the take-off process.

When planes are being bounced one after another, there is no need to queue up on the runway, and the takeoff speed will definitely be greatly accelerated.

Steam catapult technology is relatively low-end and not very practical, while electromagnetic catapult is the most cutting-edge technology in the world. Only M has passed the upcoming USS Ford aircraft carrier, which is preparing to load the electromagnetic catapult. Compared with steam catapults, electromagnetic catapults have many advantages, such as small volume, low requirements on shipboard auxiliary systems, high efficiency, light weight, low operation and maintenance costs, etc.

Electromagnetic catapult technology is considered to be one of the core technologies for future aircraft carriers.

The electromagnetic catapult is composed of four major parts, namely power supply, energy storage device, ejection motor and overall control system.

The power supply naturally needs no explanation.

An energy storage device, also called a 'forced energy storage device', is like a lithium battery that stores energy in a car so that the electronic equipment can operate normally when the car is not started.

The ejection motor is the core part, just like the engine of a car, the main driving core responsible for ejecting the carrier-based aircraft.

"We hope you will take a look at the control system." Ma Mingwei explained, "The control system is the central nervous system, the brain of the entire EMALS system. It is responsible for receiving data from all sensors, issuing control instructions according to different situations, and coordinating The functioning of the whole system, etc.”

"The control system is the core, integrating all the components."

"But in this regard, to be honest, our team lacks confidence. We are afraid that if we build a control system, problems will often occur."

Ma Mingwei frowned and explained.

Zhao Yi understood.

No matter what kind of equipment or equipment, no matter how well the components are made, the soft core must keep up. Otherwise, no matter how high-end the hardware facilities are, they will not be effective. The soft core can make the equipment and equipment more efficient.

It's just like a computer operating system.

No matter how high-end the computer is, installing an operating system before WIN2002 will not be effective at all, which is a waste of hardware configuration. However, the more high-end the soft core, the better. The most suitable is the best.

Ma Mingwei discussed with Zhao Yi, then took him to the operation room and found a large stack of design drawings.

The various designs on the drawings are densely packed and dazzling, because I hope Zhao Yi can help take a look at the control system and put forward some suggestions for improvement. Ma Mingwei explained very carefully, starting from the power system, and continued to explain, mainly Let Zhao Yi understand the overall structure and what role the control system plays.

The control system is not only about controlling the hardware, but also needs to make adjustments and issue instructions according to the situation.

For example, aircraft type, environmental climate, aircraft-carrier operating status, etc., control instructions are issued based on known parameters, and the coordination of power generation, energy storage, and power electronics subsystems must be adjusted at the same time, so that the system can work at a high speed , high precision and high reliability.

The loading time and size control of force are very critical.

The loading methods of different aircraft are also different, so they need to constantly make changes on their own, because in a combat situation, it is impossible for the person in charge to input instructions temporarily when the aircraft needs to take off quickly.

The control system must self-regulate and issue instructions based on sensor data, while minimizing the impact on power electronic systems, power supplies, and energy storage systems.


There are also many problems with management and communication.

During Ma Mingwei's continuous explanation, Zhao Yi occasionally raised questions. There was something he didn't understand at the beginning.

"Why is the confirmed power supply solution AC? That drawing just now is a DC power supply, right? If according to what you said, wouldn't DC be better? The problem will be simplified."

Ma Mingwei shook his head and said, "The original design was for alternating current, and the technology in country M is also for alternating current. I have also thought about the DC solution and designed it. You saw the drawing, but the power cannot keep up. When the electromagnetic catapult is working, the load The impact is very large, so the power supply capacity needs to be very high, and AC power can meet the demand.”

Zhao Yi listened and nodded, "But I think we can still try the DC solution." He took the drawing just now, pointed at a few positions and said, "I think these places can be corrected."

"How to fix it?"

Zhao Yi said seriously, "For example, here is a normal power supply. But you can use a brushless steady-flow engine. If you lower the output voltage, you can reduce the demand for power supply capacity."

"Also, here, you can increase the number of fan blades and cut them thinner, so you can output higher power..."

"Also, here. If the stator of the rotating motor is made longer, the power output will indeed be more stable. However, I think we can consider making two solutions together, so that the rotor of the rotating motor and the rotor of the rotating motor can be continuously switched between long and short. You can change the power mode to adjust..."

"Also, here..."

Zhao Yi said six points in one breath, then stopped to take a sip of water, then turned to look at Ma Mingwei, and added, "I don't know much about technology, I just said what I thought, and it was not good. Don’t be surprised.”

Ma Mingwei didn't answer. He was completely stunned with his mouth half open. It took him a long time to come back to his senses. He quickly found paper and pen and recorded what Zhao Yi said just now. Then he pulled up a chair and sat down, starting to write a draft. Write and draw on it.

This writing took more than half an hour.

Zhao Yi did not disturb Ma Mingwei, but walked around the operation room. Later, he simply went to the corridor outside and looked at the scenery through the glass. The person who had just entered the operation room saw Zhao Yi and came over with interest and asked, "Zhao Yi." Academician, why are you standing here? Where is Academician Ma?"

"Inside, but don't disturb him."


Later, several people stood at the door, looking inside to watch Ma Mingwei writing and drawing, and discussing with each other what exactly he was doing.


Ma Mingwei exhaled in surprise and called Zhao Yi, "Academician Zhao! Brother Zhao! Where is he?"


Zhao Yi walked in, and others followed.

Ma Mingwei took a deep breath and said, "The DC solution you just mentioned is indeed feasible after calculation. Although the power is definitely not as good as AC, DC can guarantee stability, and there will definitely be many fewer problems."

"It works, it really works!"

He said to the others, "Starting from today, we will also add a DC solution to the power supply."

Others were also very puzzled, "Why? Mr. Ma, hasn't the DC plan been abandoned?"

"What country M also uses is communication."

"Not enough DC power."

Ma Mingwei pointed to the drawings just now and explained, "Academician Zhao just put forward some opinions. I was also surprised, but the opinions are indeed very good. After modification, the DC solution can fully meet the needs."

After he finished speaking, he said to Zhao Yi in surprise, "Academician Zhao, Brother Zhao, I didn't expect you to know about electricity issues!"

"Haha, I don't quite understand. I just thought of it and said a few words." Zhao Yi quickly raised his hand and said.

"You are so humble, so humble!" Ma Weiming praised, "If you only understand a little bit, we really don't understand anything. These ideas of yours are really very good. If you can really make a DC solution, many AC power supplies All the problems encountered can be avoided.”

"Then, let's continue..."

Ma Weiming continued to introduce Zhao Yi with admiration.

Others also gathered around.

The next one is the forced energy storage device, which can relieve the pressure on the generator and absorb the energy of the generator when the catapult is not working, making the generator almost unaffected by shock loads.

The principle of the forced energy storage device is not complicated, but it is very troublesome to implement. The biggest technical problem it needs to solve is that when the electromagnetic catapult is running and the ejection aircraft takes off, a strong braking force will be generated to prevent the generator from continuing to run, and the motor will be incapable. To drag, there must be a powerful energy storage device in the free rotor to force the DC generator to run, thereby completing the impact load process.

The design of this process is not as simple as an energy storage lithium battery. All aspects need to be considered, and the energy storage device will also be made like a complex machine.

Zhao Yi listened carefully to Ma Mingwei's explanation. He didn't know whether he understood or not, so he kept nodding. Because the principle of the forced energy storage device is relatively simple, Ma Mingwei introduced some of it and planned to skip it.

At this time, Zhao Yi suddenly said, "I think there are still some shortcomings in your design!"


Ma Mingwei asked with doubts, "Brother Zhao, tell me."

Others were also confused.

Everyone has the impression that Zhao Yi is a 'mathematician' and a 'computer expert'. AIDS research has caused a lot of fuss some time ago, so adding a 'medical research expert' is not an exaggeration.


power supply? Energy storage? dynamics? Electrical engineering?

These are all applied technologies and have nothing to do with mathematics, computer theory, or medical research!

Zhao Yi thought about it carefully and then said, "I think your design is still somewhat inadequate when it comes to forcing the engine to run." He pointed to a position on the drawing and said, "Right here, let the energy storage device Work itself is a waste, just like charging a mobile phone. Once it is fully charged, there is no need to plug it in."

"Also, the most important thing here is to deal with the impact when the plane takes off. This is a technical difficulty, but have you considered such a solution, which is to add an energy storage power supply group, that is, two groups, one group is specially designed to deal with the impact It can be operated at all times, which can increase the power and have a spare for replacement, which can also reduce the pressure on the output power of the energy storage device."

"Also, why not compress the outermost layer here? Where it is not necessary, it can be compressed appropriately and the space occupied can be reduced. If you follow what I just said and use two sets of energy storage devices, you can design the device Like this..."


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