Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 41 The programmer really has no vision!

"Fourth place, Lin Xiaoqing, 130 points."

"You made wrong choices and filled in the blanks. You must have been careless! Also, the result of such a simple sequence question was wrong!"

"Fifth place, Zhou Xin..."

"Sixth place..."

Niu Lianhua handed out test papers according to their rankings. What she said was that "the students who failed were not named one by one", but they were handed out test papers according to their grades.

The last three who received the test papers must be students who failed.

No one cares about them now.

Everyone in the class was discussing Zhao Yi's performance. Zhao Yi's improvement was so fast, from below 100% to 130%. The gap can be described as a "natural chasm", which cannot be explained by good performance.

Lin Xiaoqing returned to her seat and immediately turned around to take Zhao Yi's test paper.

look carefully!

"Multiple choice questions, all correct!"

"Fill in the blanks, one is blank!"

"In the last two questions of the big question, the third question was not answered. Everything else was correct, but some steps were missing and points were deducted."

"131 points..."

Lin Xiaoqing gritted her teeth while watching. She really couldn't accept it. Her math scores were not as good as those of Zhao Yi.

In English, if you can’t compare, you can’t compare.


Just kidding!

Lin Xiaoqing read it several times in a row, carefully compared her own test papers, and finally found a balance.

She got the penultimate question right, and the last question was just a little bit off. The reason why her scores couldn't be compared was just because she made a mistake in the big sequence question.


This is the same as what Niulianhua said.

Lin Xiaoqing returned the test paper to Zhao Yi, clenched her fists and thought seriously, "I must be more serious next time, and I can't make any mistakes again!"

"Unexpectedly, Zhao Yi..."

"This guy!"

The more she thought about it, the more depressed she became.

Zhao Yi had a faint smile on his lips, and when he took the test paper, he casually uttered one word, "Come on!".

Lin Xiaoqing heard the ridicule, and she turned her head bitterly, "What are you proud of? It's just an exam. If I take it seriously, I will definitely score higher than you!"

"come on!"

Zhao Yi repeated, smiling and giving a thumbs up.

Lin Xiaoqing's anger rushed straight to her forehead, but she finally held it in and turned her head away.

Zhao Yi made a Nike mouth gesture.


In terms of actual level, Lin Xiaoqing is definitely better than him. Lin Xiaoqing can solve some difficult questions.


Exams are different!

His advantage is not limited to multiple-choice questions. "The Law of Cause and Effect" can help him know whether the calculation results are correct. Whether it is a fill-in-the-blank question or a big question, as long as it involves calculation, he can know whether he is doing it right or not.

This advantage is too great.

When he makes a mistake on a question, he will know immediately. If he goes back and checks, he will be able to find out what he did wrong. Therefore, as long as it is a question that he knows, he can get it 100% correct.

In the entire test paper, except for the questions that were not solved, points were deducted for the steps of the big questions. It was not that he didn't think of it, but a matter of experience.

He subconsciously felt that some very simple steps in some big questions could be omitted, or if the steps were complicated, he had to simplify them.

Points will be deducted for lack of experience.

As long as you do more questions and take more exams, the deduction points for the steps will naturally be greatly reduced. Only the questions you cannot do will be deducted.


After being surpassed by his performance, it is almost impossible for anyone to catch up.

What he is best at is taking exams!

Niu Lianhua's lecture did not take long. She only explained a few difficult questions, and other questions were just focused on the key points.

This is the benefit of the elite class.

For simple questions on the paper, if students make mistakes only because they are careless, rather than because they cannot do it, there is no need to explain.

Before get out of class.

Niu Lianhua called Zhao Yi up and publicly praised him again. Her tone was so gentle that it made people tremble. "Everyone must learn from Zhao Yi. From 90 points to 130 points, this is called improvement!"

"If Zhao Yi can do it, you can do it too, he is your role model!"

Zhao Yi thought he was thick-skinned enough, but he was still shy after being praised. He waved his hands and said, "It's nothing, it's all taught well by Teacher Niu!"



"I want to vomit..."

Everyone in the class burst out laughing.

Niu Lianhua was listening happily, but when she heard other people's words, her face suddenly dropped, "Quiet! Quiet!"

"Don't be jealous of others, study hard and you can do it too!"

"Zhao Yi, tell us how you improved? Just tell us about your learning and insights. Why can you improve so quickly?"

The class fell silent.

Everyone wants to know the reason for Zhao Yi's improved performance.

This is more than thirty points!

For most students in the elite class, adding thirty points to their scores is enough to guarantee that they will be admitted to a top university.

Zhao Yi thought about it and asked hesitantly, "Teacher Niu, am I telling the truth or a lie?"

Niu Lianhua was stunned for a moment, "What is the lie?"

"Rely on studying the questions and being serious!" Zhao Yi said matter-of-factly. "Study more questions, and you will be able to solve more types of questions, which will definitely improve your scores. In addition, you must be serious in the exam to avoid carelessness and mistakes, and get all the points you can." , the score will not be low!”

Niu Lianhua kept nodding her head as she listened, and then asked doubtfully, "Where's the truth?"

"What a talent!"

Zhao Yi sighed and pointed at Sun Liang, who was sleeping soundly in the back seat, "If you think about it carefully, you will know that he can actually score more than 140 points."


Everyone looked at Sun Liang.

Niu Lianhua glanced at Sun Liang in a funny way and shook her head indifferently. Just as the bell rang for the end of get out of class, she walked out of the classroom.

Sun Liang woke up.

He glanced around, feeling something was wrong, and asked doubtfully, "Why are you looking at me?"

No one answered.

"I just fell asleep in class, and Teacher Niu didn't care. Why can't you guys stand it?" Sun Liang said with some annoyance. He was really not in a good temper just after waking up.

Suddenly someone shouted, "I want to beat him!"

"Add me!"

"Hold him, don't let him escape!"

Sun Liang reacted quickly and rushed to the classroom door, shouting, "Zhao Yi, go to the toilet!"

"Don't go!"

In the evening, half past nine.

Zhao Yi entered the house on time and found his parents sitting on the sofa, watching TV programs seriously.

Liu Jing pulled Zhao Yi to the sofa, "Come and take a look, your show is coming soon."

"My show?"

Zhao Yi was a little confused.

"It's that competition! 'Youth Cup', there will be a preview today. I also heard what Zhang Guilin said."


Zhao Yi became interested.

The TV was broadcasting the satellite channel of Nanjiang TV Station.

There is a program on Monday night called "Brain Explosion". From the name, you can tell that it is a variety show that competes with brainpower, but it is mostly for show.

The program will invite geniuses from prestigious schools to compete in intelligence, and famous professors and celebrities will serve as guest judges.

This issue is about calculations on complex topics, and the other one is about memory testing. A bunch of complex color patterns are given, and you can remember them all after just looking at them for a few seconds.

"real or fake……"

Zhao Yi really doubts geniuses.

There are thirty-six colored balls on the screen, showing a '66' square distribution. You only need to look at them for ten seconds to remember them all?

He can also restore them all.

They just use the "Law of Cause and Effect" to try out positions one by one. The contestants on the show are not systematic.

Although it is just a variety show, the process is indeed interesting.

Zhao Yi watched until the end.

After the show ended, the commercials continued for several minutes before finally arriving at 'his show' - the final preview of the 'Youth Cup' competition.

The trailer lasted for two minutes, giving a brief introduction to the competition, and also introduced several schools that entered the finals.

Experimental Middle School Affiliated to Jiangzhou University.

Yongyang Middle School.

Zheng Yang No. 1 middle school.

Zhengyang No. 13 Middle School.

Yongyang Middle School is a private middle school, and the others are public middle schools.

Regardless of whether they are public or private, one thing is certain. The other three schools are the top middle schools in Nanjiang Province. They can be said to be famous in the province. In comparison, Zhengyang No. 13 Middle School is so ordinary that I can’t remember its name. .

The status gap is also shown in the competition trailer.

There is only one sentence to introduce Zhengyang No. 13 Middle School, "This is a middle school in Zhengyang. Their team got full marks in the preliminaries."

Then, no more.

Liu Jing was very angry when she saw it, "I thought there would be Xiaoyi, these show producers really have no vision!"

"Xiaoyi scored perfect marks in the preliminaries without even mentioning it!"

"It's boring!"

"Xiaoyi, wait until the finals to compete and let them have a good look!"

Zhao Yi pursed his lips hard.

He had never cared about the competition. He just thought it would be interesting to participate in the finals and be on TV. But after watching the trailer, he suddenly looked forward to the finals.

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