Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 408 Why is Academician Zhao Da here?

Zhang Gangchuan's word "good" took a lot of effort to say, and he took a long breath after saying it, as if he had made a major decision.

The main issue involved is confidentiality.

The Kunlun engine is the only turbofan engine independently developed and built in China. It is also an engine for military use. It is impossible for ordinary people to take a look at it. The relevant research and development information of the engine is absolutely confidential. It would have been anyone else. , including academicians in the expert group, let alone want to view all the information, even a certain part of the information, must apply to their superiors.

Zhao Yi is different.

Zhang Gangchuan also made some calculations. Zhao Yi is the top scholar and the top scientific research genius. His personal achievements are so high that others can only look up to him. His influence on the world is also very large. At the same time, his research The influence and value created completely surpass the existence of Kunlun engine.

If there is a political leak problem on Zhao Yi, the leak of Kunlun engine information will not matter at all. The superiors may be more concerned about Zhao Yi's personal problems.

Zhang Gangchuan thought about it carefully and felt that confidentiality was not a problem, so he gritted his teeth and agreed.

The reason why it was so difficult to agree was because of the research on the Kunlun engine. It took more than 20 years to research the Kunlun engine, and several years of repair and improvement work. In total, it has exceeded 30 years. Thirty years You can imagine how much content there will be in the research process and how difficult it will be.

Now every line on the engine can be said to be the hard work of the research team.

When the Kunlun engine project was first established, Zhang Gangchuan was just an ordinary researcher involved in the work. Later, the engine project was put on hold twice, and the project design director left three times. Zhang Gangchuan was promoted to project designer and person in charge. He also went from being in his twenties to The best years of my life have now passed, and it can be said that I have devoted my whole life to the design and construction of the Kunlun engine.

In the eyes of the outside world, the construction of the Kunlun engine can be regarded as a success. Not to mention the problems such as the engine's performance not keeping up and the number of temporary failures, it has at least filled the gap in domestic independent research and development of turbofan engines. With the research and development experience of the Kunlun engine, If we use the data to develop other aerospace engines, we can also find a group of experienced researchers, and the research and development efficiency will definitely improve a lot.

However, Zhang Gangchuan didn't think so.

Decades of efforts have been put into the Kunlun engine, hoping to develop an aerospace engine that can catch up with the international high-end level. However, after the development results, the performance cannot keep up. His only goal is to improve the Kunlun engine so that it can be loaded on a large area. onto a fighter jet in service.

Only in this way can I feel that my lifelong pursuit and hard work have not been in vain.

"Academician Zhao is a top mathematician. It is said that he knows a little bit about everything and can also give good opinions." Zhang Gangchuan heard a lot of news and thought expectantly, "I hope Academician Zhao can really help and speed up the improvement of the engine. Speed ​​it up!”

Zhang Gangchuan thought with some anticipation.

After Zhao Yi and Zhang Gangchuan negotiated the terms, the atmosphere became much more relaxed. He asked some questions about engine parameters and indicators, and also learned about the situation of domestic fighter aircraft in service.

The domestic research and development direction is towards advanced fourth-generation and fifth-generation fighters, but the majority of the fighters in service are third-generation fighters, with the largest number of second- and half- to third-and-a-half-generation fighters.

"Within five years, the Kunlun engine will be perfected and it will be usable. It can be used on third-and-a-half-generation fighters. It may be planned to load hundreds or thousands of them."

Zhang Gangchuan said seriously, "If the delay is longer, we may consider developing the next generation engine."

If the delay is longer and cannot keep up with the speed of domestic replacement of fighter aircraft in service, the engine will definitely not be used, and we will have to start the next research and development project. We cannot say that it will take another twenty or thirty years, but ten years Within, it will definitely not be completed.

The younger ones in the R\u0026D team can still work in the new R\u0026D team. Zhang Gangchuan is at best a consultant and can almost consider retirement.

Zhang Gangchuan looked a little depressed as he spoke. The project he had invested his whole life in would not be used after it was completed. It was indeed a failure for him personally.

Zhao Yi sympathized with Zhang Gangchuan, but he agreed to serve as a 'special expert' not because of any sympathy, but because he was very interested. The research and development of engines is indeed very attractive, especially aero engines. The results of the development may be installed on many fighter planes. Above, the aero engine is the core of a fighter jet.

If the main fighter aircraft in domestic service, or the most high-tech top fighter aircraft, are equipped with engines designed and completed by themselves, it will feel very fulfilling just thinking about it.

Zhao Yi couldn't wait.

Distinguished experts are experts hired externally by the R\u0026D team, and can also be understood as 'consultants'. Because major confidentiality issues are involved, not every expert can be a 'consultant'. The political background must not be flawed, and approval from superiors is required. OK.

Because all those involved are well-known scholars, and their employment requires approval from their superiors, so agreements and the like are not that important.

Zhao Yi still signed a confidentiality agreement. The work agreement for the 'specially hired experts' only had a few clauses. It seemed very simple, because it was all funded by superiors. After the work results were reported, there was no need to go through the R\u0026D team. 'Salary' was called directly.

On the last day, Zhao Yi stayed with the expert group and visited the surrounding attractions. After a relaxing day, he was sent back to Yanhua University by the commissioner the next day.

Zhao Yi was absent for more than a week and accumulated a lot of work. He went to the School of Science, the Institute of Biomedicine, and visited He Mingcheng's home. Then he decided to open an open class on particle boundary theory. A little more relaxed.

at the same time.

Aviation R\u0026D Center, Kunlun Engine R\u0026D Group.

Zhang Gangchuan was sitting at his desk. There were two thick piles of documents piled on the desk. He looked at each one carefully, and kept making notes with a pen, thinking carefully about the selection.

Zhao Yi asked for all the information on the empty engine. Sorting out the information was a complicated matter, because many important information involved confidentiality issues, so Zhang Gangchuan could only sort it out by himself.

In addition, he also considered the organization of sending information.

It was impossible to send all this information in one go. Only part of it could be sent at the beginning. He knew that Zhao Yi knew little about engine research and development, so he needed to send the framework content first so that Zhao Yi could have a general understanding of the Kunlun engine.

The power and output fan blades are the most important components of the engine.

Next is the design architecture.

The design structure is centered around the power and output fan blades, including the internal rotating shaft, external circuits, and control systems, etc. It is an extended design based on the two central parts, and the design information of each part , can have a thick stack of documents.

Because the original design was in the 1970s, many file contents were not uploaded to the computer, so the organization work became very complicated.

While Zhang Gangchuan looked at the contents of the document, he couldn't help but recall the scene at that time, and he also recorded the key contents. Some of the designs had been adjusted, but he still recorded the original design plan.

At this time, there was a sudden knock on the office door.

Ying Shaowen was standing at the door, looked over with a smile on his face, and said hello, "Old Zhang, you're busy!"

"Compile the information!"

Zhang Gangchuan explained with a smile, put down the work at hand, and made tea for Ying Shaowen.

Ying Shaowen sat on the chair and asked funny, "Are you working so hard today? The expert team has just left. You are not usually like this, and what's more, there is nothing to do. It is impossible for you to have a breakthrough in the past few days. Bar?"

Zhang Gangchuan is definitely not a lazy person. He is still very diligent in his work, but hard work is not enough for research. The Kunlun engine needs to be improved and repaired, and only if he has good suggestions can he continue. Otherwise, if he wants to change the plan, he will not know where to start. .

This is not a programming software. The background debugging will remind you of errors, and there will not be a large number of user feedback bugs. If you want to find problems, you have to research them yourself.

Ying Shaowen looked at Zhang Gangchuan with a strange look. He thought that Zhang Gangchuan must have become diligent because he was 'stimulated'.

What's the thrill?

For example, he kept asking about Zhao Yi and wanted to invite Zhao Yi to join the Kunlun R\u0026D team, but then... failed?

"It will definitely fail!"

"Looking at Zhao Yi's attitude, he doesn't want to join any R\u0026D team at all. No matter how he invites him, it's impossible!"

"The invitation failed and he was denied face. Lao Zhang felt depressed and decided to complete it by himself..."

"But this is just a three-minute heat. It's useless to worry and work hard to study this thing. You still have to find the problem before you can find a way to solve it."

Ying Shaowen thought amusingly, and simply persuaded him, "Old Zhang, don't take it too seriously."

"Academician Zhao, what kind of person is that? The world's number one mathematician, who also conducts research on physics and medicine. It's impossible for someone like that to join our R\u0026D team. The level is different."

"Don't say it's your group. Our group and Ma Mingwei's group are all the same. Academician Zhao was invited by Ma Mingwei. He still blamed me. What does this have to do with me?"

"I really want to invite Zhao Yi, he really..." Ying Shaowen thought for a long time and said one word, "Genius, super genius! He is a humanoid self-propelled supercomputing machine. We are a team of more than a dozen people. , the combined computing power cannot keep up with half of his."

Zhang Gangchuan listened silently and suddenly said, "What did you just say? Why do people walk on their own?"

"Humanoid self-propelled supercomputing machine?" Ying Shaowen said, "Really, I told you last time, Zhao Yi's computing power, really, I can't imagine that he is very responsible for power calculations. The results come out directly, you say it’s magical or not. That’s why I wanted to invite him..."


Zhang Gangchuan interrupted and stretched out his tone, and said suddenly, "I'm just telling you, how could Zhao Yi say that he doesn't do simple calculations? It turns out it's you..."

"What's wrong with me?" Ying Shaowen asked confused.

"You just want Zhao Yi to do the calculations for you."

"Isn't he a mathematician?"

"Do mathematicians do calculations?" Zhang Gangchuan opened his mouth exaggeratedly, "This is the reason why your invitation failed. In fact, I can see that Zhao Yi is still very interested in engine research and development."

"Really? what?"

"He agreed to serve as our specially appointed expert." Zhang Gangchuan finally smiled, "Because I really treat him as an expert and consultant. I hope that he will give us advice on engine design and architecture, rather than just doing calculations. Understand ?"

"Are you invited?"

"Yes." Zhang Gangchuan replied with a smile.

After hearing this, Ying Shaowen felt very unhappy. He said depressedly, "If you don't do calculations, what's the use? He doesn't understand engines, so what advice can he give? Do you expect a mathematician to be an engineer? To make engines?" He said funny shook his head.

Zhang Gangchuan pursed his lips hard and said, "I believe him."

Ying Shaowen shrugged nonchalantly and said, "Maybe you are right. Even if he cannot provide help, he participated in the Kunlun project and may be your successor."

Zhang Gangchuan's work efficiency was very high. It took him only three days to sort out some of the information and asked specialized personnel to make a trip and deliver it to Zhao Yi in person.

This part of the information includes the initial design plan, as well as some basic architectural issues. The confidentiality is relatively poor, but there is no fear of leakage.

After Zhao Yi got the information and studied it carefully, he discovered a somewhat embarrassing question--

He couldn't understand it.

The engine seems to be just a machine and does not involve complex principle support. However, machinery, automation, and dynamics all have their own specialties, and there is still a lot of knowledge involved.

Zhao Yi simply went to the library to check out some basic books and learn some relevant professional knowledge. Compared with the difficult mathematics and physics, engineering knowledge is relatively simple. He also has very advanced mathematics. , computer basics, just read some professional books.

He went to the library and found a large pile of books related to machinery, automation, and power engineering. He then piled them on the table in the office of the School of Science, and sat on a chair leisurely to read.

Hu Zhibin came to Zhao Yi to talk about the open class on particle boundary theory, and found that Zhao Yi was watching...

""Gas Turbine and Gas"?"

""1200 Questions and Answers on Boiler Technology"?"

""Thermal Engineering and Advanced Energy Technology Simulation and Design"?"

"Zhao Yi, what are you doing?" Hu Zhibin flipped through a book in confusion, "They are all about machinery and energy, right? Why are you reading these?"

"Suddenly interested."

Zhao Yi explained simply, "I used to study theory and found that studying applied technology is also good, but I didn't know how to learn it, so I borrowed a lot of books to read."

"Reading is the right thing to do."

Hu Zhibin made a comment and said, "However, to study, you don't have to study by yourself, you can also attend lectures. Our (university) engineering is not bad, and majors such as machinery and automation, electrical engineering, etc. are also ranked very high in the country. of."


Hu Zhibin nodded vigorously, "It's really good. Wang Gang from the Department of Mechanical Engineering has a good relationship with me. We even had dinner together two days ago. He is an expert in mechanical automation. He led a student to design a robot, and he went to the competition and won a Here’s the second prize.”

As he spoke, he suddenly slapped his thigh, "By the way, there will be Wang Gang's class in a while. You can go and listen to it. It's in the third teaching building. Just ask what class it is."

"All right."

Zhao Yi simply put down the book, thinking that it would be good to go to the lectures. Even if he was bored, he could still use his rest coins. After all, he would definitely gain something.

Half an hour later.

The third teaching building, classroom 402.

Professor Wang Gang, who has a standard Mediterranean hairstyle, is standing on the podium of the large classroom, his mouth half-opened and unable to close. He stares at the figure in the middle of the front row with confusion.

"Zhao Yi? Is it Zhao Yi?"

"Can any kind person tell me why Zhao Yi, a mathematician from Zhao University, and an academician from Zhao University, appear in the "Mechanical Principles" class?"

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