Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 423: The most important thing is to hold your thighs well!

In the next two days, Zhao Yi was in the power engineering laboratory, working with Yuan Haitao and Zhou Qing to demonstrate the problem of the partitioned structure of the combustion chamber.

Yuan Haitao and Zhou Qing were both very excited. The design of the engine combustion chamber did not consider the structure of the partition plate. In other words, the original design believed that the structure of the partition plate would have little impact on the overall engine design. Even the combustion chamber was not taken seriously. Not to mention the components, partition slices.

Now they seem to have discovered a new world. Changing the structure of the partition plate can directly improve the efficiency of the combustion chamber.

This must be taken seriously.

In addition, Yuan Haitao and Zhou Qing are also very involved, especially Yuan Haitao. He does not know much about the structure of the combustion chamber. If he were at a scientific research base, he would not be considered for similar research and would not even have the opportunity to participate.

It's different now.

He also participated in the discussion of the structural design of the partition piece, and occasionally put forward his own opinions. He was always confused during the process, but he just had the feeling that "the final design has something to do with me."

In fact, Zhao Yi just took care of their emotions.

In the process of improving the partition structure, he was able to quickly rely on system capabilities to draw conclusions. However, he could not do everything by himself. It did not mean that he had to share the results with others. Yuan Haitao and Zhou Qing still played a big role. , they helped explain a lot of basics, and also helped improve the conditions required to use abilities, and they also played a role.

Therefore, Zhao Yi still took care of the emotions of the two people, and only expressed his thoughts and designs in the form of dialogue and discussion.

Then comes verification.

At first, Zhou Qing would do rough calculation verification, but later he stopped doing it altogether, because he found that doing any calculation in front of Zhao Yi was like playing tricks on Guan Gong——


Zhao Yi often comes to a conclusion after working hard for a long time to calculate it casually and get a more accurate result.

"This is so genius!"

"He is indeed a top mathematician. In terms of calculation ability, he is probably the best in the world..."

Zhou Qing sighed secretly.

Zhao Yi spent about two days demonstrating the partitions of the combustion chamber, and even made simple design modifications to the most inconspicuous partitions.

Zhou Qing carefully recorded all the conclusions, and then began the detailed settlement.

He is calculating how much performance improvement the overall performance will bring.

Changes to each partition will improve performance, but the overall improvement still needs to be calculated in detail, and it is a very complicated calculation, because it involves the influence of each other and the effect of the final discharge. Different A strong working environment will also bring different results.

This time Zhao Yi also made calculations very carefully. He had to consider all factors.

In the end the two came to different results.

Zhou Qing said with some excitement, "The data I finally calculated is that the maximum intensity working state can increase the explosive performance by 15%." The highest intensity working state refers to the full state of the oil pipeline, while achieving the theoretical Provided there is sufficient air above.

"Is it that high?"

Yuan Haitao is still incredible.

"This value is on the high side." Zhao Yi shook his head and said, "My calculation result is about eleven points."

"Eleven percent is not low!" Yuan Haitao commented.

Zhou Qing did not study why there was a numerical difference, but said excitedly, "Ten percent is very high. The most important thing is that the efficiency of the combustion chamber has been significantly improved, which can bring higher power."


Yuan Haitao also nodded fiercely.

Don’t underestimate the 10% increase in maximum efficiency. It’s just a simple calculation of the impact of maximum efficiency. A 10% increase in efficiency does not mean increasing the maximum speed of the aircraft by 10%, but 20%. , thirty, or even higher, because the driving force and top speed increase exponentially.

Of course.

In fact, there are many factors that affect the speed of an aircraft, and the efficiency of the combustion chamber is only one aspect. If other components do not cooperate, it will be meaningless no matter how high the efficiency of the combustion chamber is.

This is also the reason why Kunlun Engine Group does not pay much attention to combustion chamber efficiency. Of course, they know that the higher the efficiency, the better, but high efficiency does not necessarily mean high power, and may also cause other problems.

For example, the strength pressure of turbine blades.

After Zhou Qing and Yuan Haitao calmed down, they immediately discussed this issue with Zhao Yi. High combustion chamber efficiency is not necessarily a good thing. High efficiency means an increase in temperature, and turbine blades that withstand high temperatures and high pressures may not necessarily be able to withstand live.

Yuan Haitao brought up the issue of turbines, and Zhao Yi was not surprised at all. Even if they didn't mention turbines, he was ready to improve the structure of the turbines in the next step.

The structure of the turbine is actually a trivial matter. It is not difficult for Zhao Yi. How to design the most reasonable construction of several blades? "Contact Rate" can give a very complete plan. Even if there is no need for a complete plan, "Supervision" "Law" can also be used to revise the original plan.

However, the key issue mentioned by Yuan Haitao and Zhou Qing is the high temperature resistance and strength of turbine blades.

The principle of an aeroengine turbine is very similar to that of a car's turbocharged engine, which uses exhaust gas and fluid to impact the rotation of the impeller to generate power.

Whether it is the air flow caused by high-speed flight or the high temperature and high pressure generated by the combustion chamber, the purpose is to increase the exhaust speed and allow the turbine to achieve high-intensity operation.

The most critical technology for aeroengine turbines is blade materials. Turbine blades are also one of the three major high-pressure components of aeroengines.

Turbine blades will provide huge power, but at the cost of withstanding high temperatures that far exceed the melting temperature of their metal and centrifugal tensile stress of over 10,000 Newtons. That is, if turbine blades can withstand high temperatures and high pressures, they must be as resistant to high temperatures as possible. high strength.

"Under the premise that the design level of the engine turbine and fan is the same, every time the temperature in front of the turbine increases by 100 degrees, the thrust increases by 15%."

"This is where we are limited!"

Yuan Haitao explained seriously, "High temperature is the first hurdle for turbine blades. The temperature can easily be one or two thousand degrees, or even higher. High-efficiency blades cannot be designed to be solid. Hundreds or thousands of insulators need to be stamped on one blade." An air-conditioning passage hole."

"This will increase the strength of the material."

"The engines currently developed have material limitations not only in terms of power, but also in terms of longevity. If this prototype is installed on a fighter plane, it can only work for a maximum of 500 hours. Actual use may be even lower!"

The core of Yuan Haitao's explanation is that "the material of turbine blades is a major issue that restricts engine efficiency and life, and at the same time, it has not been solved until now."

Zhao Yi had learned about some related content before, and after hearing the detailed explanation, he understood better. He asked, "Does your R\u0026D team have a team dedicated to designing turbine blades?"

"There is a design, but no materials!"

Yuan Haitao smiled bitterly and said, "The designs are very good. The composite blades used now were designed by them, but the alloy materials department has no results. We have cooperated with the Aeronautical Materials Research Institute and the Metal Research Institute of the Academy of Sciences, but there has been no result. They have Two nickel-based high-temperature alloys have been designed, but they are not yet ready for practical applications."

Zhao Yi frowned and thought.

If you want to improve the Kunlun engine, modifying the combustion chamber or improving the design is one way. However, due to the limitations of component materials, the performance and efficacy of the engine will still be limited. Some improvements in design may not bring much improvement. role.

Materials are indeed very important.

Some people say that the development of modern military technology is a competition in the use of the periodic table of elements. Materials science is crucial, but some designs and technologies are not important because the existing theoretical basic content is enough to support higher-end technology. .

"Material, material..."

Zhao Yi was muttering in his mouth, and suddenly thought of someone.

Zhang Hongtao!

Zhang Hongtao is an excellent metal alloy material expert. Together they copied the satellite skin alloy and also studied aircraft carrier deck steel at the aircraft carrier scientific research base.

"It would be fine if it was a copycat, but we definitely won't be able to find a sample that can withstand high temperatures and high pressures." Zhao Yi frowned and thought.

The most advanced turbine blades in the world that can withstand high temperature and high pressure must be in the military factories of M country, or they have been used in aero engines and equipped on the top fighters. If you want to get such materials , unless it is to rob country M's military factory, or simply to go to the battlefield and shoot down a most advanced fighter jet.

"If you don't even have material samples, it will be a bit troublesome! However, you must pass this level..."

Even seemingly "impossible" difficulties are directly related to the performance of the engine. If it is not overcome, it will be meaningless no matter how perfect the engine is.

Zhao Yi did not continue to stay in the power engineering laboratory, but went back to think about it carefully, then called Zhang Hongtao and asked him to come around and ask about the situation carefully.

Zhang Hongtao is a nominal material expert in China and has also participated in major national alloy materials projects. He is a specially appointed expert in the materials department of the aircraft carrier scientific research base. He has recently been trying to imitate deck steel. It can also be said that he is an 'alloy material imitation expert'.

Zhang Hongtao's recent research has indeed produced results.

While at the aircraft carrier scientific research base, he and Zhao Yi analyzed sample steel materials together. Zhao Yi made several small suggestions, which were all carefully recorded by Zhang Hongtao.

When he returned to the alloy materials laboratory, he tried to develop new high-strength steel based on Zhao Yi's opinions and his own ideas.

He has achieved certain results.

Although he did not create a material with the same strength as the sample steel, he developed a material with worse performance, which was not as good as the sample just now and was barely usable.

This achievement makes Zhang Hongtao feel proud.

From the time he visited the aircraft-carrier scientific research base to the present, not much time has passed. He was able to develop deck steel that was 'barely usable'. Even if it was not the 'optimal choice', it was still quite remarkable. Aircraft-carrier scientific research The material department of the base almost regarded Zhang Hongtao as a bodhisattva. They directly said that they could meet all his research and development requirements and help him apply for the highest contribution award. At the same time, they also hoped that he could continue to work hard to carry out research and strive to make a deck with the same strength as the sample material as soon as possible. steel.

When he received a call from Zhao Yi, Zhang Hongtao was talking to Professor Wang Zhifang about the 'research and development ideas for imitation alloy materials'. Several colleagues were listening attentively, "The most important thing about metal alloy materials is the element composition ratio. It is most basic to understand the properties of each element and the changes that may occur after adding them. Of course, it goes without saying much about some normal elements, but there are some, especially rare metal elements, that we still know very little about."

"Technetium is one of them. This element is very strong, but if used too much, it will increase the cost and may make the material brittle..."

"If you find that your research is not going anywhere, you can think in other directions, such as manufacturing methods. Last time I..."

Zhang Hongtao kept talking. When he was thirsty, someone immediately offered him water. He found that he enjoyed this feeling.

The old professor in front of him was Wang Zhifang. He had been elected as an academician of the Academy of Engineering ten years ago and was the backbone of materials science at the University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. There were also several colleagues who were older and more qualified than him. They all gathered around to listen. He 'passes on' R\u0026D experience.

What is success?

This means success!

Now he is only thirty-three years old. At the age when many people have just graduated with Ph.D.s, he is already a preparatory professor and is considered the top expert on metal alloy materials in the country.

Life seems to have reached a climax!

Zhang Hongtao has been "low-key" for more than 30 years, and worked hard to get the name of "Yangtze River Scholar". In the eyes of others, he has always been a "nerd" and has a very "dull" image, but in fact, no one is "dumb" , does not like to contact and communicate with others, but is pursuing something different. He hopes to do something big and truly achieve results worth being proud of.

"Now, my life goal seems to have been achieved?" Zhang Hongtao couldn't help but feel this way.


The cell phone rang.

Zhang Hongtao took out his mobile phone and took a look at it. He found the number on the screen, made an apology gesture to the others, walked to the door and connected the phone.

"Brother Zhang, it's like this..."

Zhao Yi briefly talked to him and asked him to visit the power engineering laboratory of Yanhua University.

Zhang Hongtao nodded immediately and said, "I'll be there in the afternoon."

When he returned to the office, others asked about the phone call. Zhang Hongtao said, "It's Zhao Yi, Academician Zhao."

"Academician Zhao? What do you want from me?"


Zhang Hongtao looked around and did not continue.

Others also knew that a certain degree of confidentiality might be involved, so they did not pursue the matter any further and went about their own business.

Zhang Hongtao and Wang Zhifang were the only ones left in the office.

Wang Zhifang asked, "What's the specific matter?" He is an academician of the Academy of Engineering and is almost 70 years old. He also specializes in alloy materials and participates in national projects. He is not worried about confidentiality issues.

Zhang Hongtao whispered, "Turbine blades."

"Turbine blades?"

"Yes." Zhang Hongtao nodded, "Academician Zhao wants to find me to work together to develop materials for turbine blades."

Wang Zhifang shook his head and said, "It's okay to go take a look, but don't agree to it. I know this. The research and development of turbine blades is too difficult, and it is not on the same level as the deck steel you are making now. The Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Alloy Engineering are so Many experts currently only produce single crystal nickel of DD5 and DD6, which can only withstand high temperatures but does not have enough strength. If you want to develop blades for high-end turbine engines... it is difficult!"

The word "difficult" says it all.

Zhang Hongtao shook his head and said, "Professor Wang, I can listen to you on other matters. In this matter, if Academician Zhao wants to develop it, I will definitely cooperate. It doesn't matter whether it can be developed in the end."

"Why?" Wang Zhifang was a little confused.

If you put in a lot of effort but can't research anything in the end, wouldn't it be a waste of time and energy?

Zhang Hongtao said, "Because that's Academician Zhao!"

"Because it's Academician Zhao?"

Wang Zhifang thought about it carefully and couldn't understand. Even if Zhao Yi is a "national treasure" talent, what is the point of sacrificing time and energy in the face of "impossible research and development"?

In fact, what Zhang Hongtao thinks is, ‘It doesn’t matter whether the research and development has any results, the most important thing is...

Have a good relationship (hug your thighs)! ’

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